Her First Time - Cover

Her First Time

Copyright© 2021 by robertl

Chapter 14

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 14 - A very strange night gives a vivid picture into what my wife's first time was like.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female  

A little later we were pulling into a boat dealer’s lot. I don’t remember the name of it, not too important, I guess. Alan helped Dani out of his pickup, and I followed along behind as we began to wander the lot. God, the view, Dani in those stretchy, tight hot-pants and half-sheer blouse, Alan holding her hand, leading her. The salesman who came out to greet us, his eyes were about bugging out of his head.

“Help you find something?” he asked, then, “Alan ... Alan Ryder?” the grin spreading across his face. I think besides the gorgeous lady his eyes were bugging out for, he envisioned a possible big sale.

Turned out he might be right, “Looking for something around forty-fifty feet,” he said, then motioned to me, “Robert, what you interested in?”

“Not sure,” I answered, “fifteen-twenty feet, outboard, probably couple hundred horsepower, probably used.” No way could we afford something like that new. I’d briefly looked around before, thirty-grand for a boat!

“Should we check out some big boats, first?” he asked. “Oh, by the way, my name’s John,” he said, eyes still bugged out on my wife. I couldn’t blame him – that camel toe.

He led us to what looked more like a yacht than boat, the kind of thing that if you had to ask the price, you couldn’t afford it. “Twin, 1350 horsepower diesels,” John explained, “thirty-eight knots fully loaded.” It didn’t seem to faze Alan. Leather, flying bridge. We went down the stair – not called a stair in a boat, though. I don’t know what it’s called, never been aboard a boat big enough to have one. There was a kitchen, two bedrooms, bathroom, big ‘living’ area; all of it more opulent than anything I’ve seen before

“This would be our room,” Alan told Dani, “wish I’d have had April take off the patches, you really need to see this,” he said, “the boat rolling in the waves, you naked underneath me.”

Dani moaned a little, “Mmm, can hardly wait!” she said.

Not only did John hear this conversation but he also saw what I saw – the little dark, dampness spreading out from Dani’s camel toe. She was most likely oblivious to how visible her arousal was ... or maybe not.

I could see I was gonna need that plastic thing locked on my dick again if I was gonna survive, even despite what April and I had done just a short while ago.

The other ‘bedroom’ was right across the narrow hall. I know, I know, they’re not ‘bedrooms’, ‘halls’, or ‘bathrooms’ on a boat like this, but what the hell, I’m not a mariner, don’t know the right lingo ... mostly, just that I was fuckin’ turned on! Watching your wife of twenty-eight years out in public like this, with another man, is ... God!

“Two-point-three-mil, down from two-five, plus any add-ons,” I heard John telling Alan as my consciousness came out of its reverie.

“I like it, pretty sure Babygirl will, too, when she sees it,” he said, nodding, “like to look at a few others, though.”

We looked at several more, some smaller, some bigger, but none quite had the opulence of that first one. There seemed to be some little thing wrong with every one, except that one.

“Let’s take a look at some smaller ones for my friend,” Alan suggested to John.

“Great ... you interested in fishing, skiing, or what?” he asked me.

“Prob’ly skiing, Dani and I have talked about it several times. Kids’d love it, too,” I told him, “gonna have to be used.”

“Think I have just the thing,” he said, leading us to another part of his lot. Much, much smaller boats, not exactly two-million-dollar boats but still pretty damned nice.

“2015 Bayliner, 275 horsepower, easily pull two skiers ... any towable you put behind it, probably the best used we have on the lot,” he said as we approached a beautiful red and white boat. I fell in love with it at first sight. Dani would, too, I was sure. Except for the price tag, $21,500.

“Love it, but hate to say it, a little more than we can afford ... maybe ten ... fifteen at most.”

I tried to ignore Alan’s hand around Dani’s waist, pulling her blouse up leaving a bare midriff exposed to our view. That damp spot was getting darker.

“Maybe,” Alan started, with just a little pause, “if I’m spending over 2 mil, you could drop that price a little, maybe even something like it but new for Bob’s ten grand ... or we could look somewhere else...”

My breath caught, John’s face turned a little white. From the look on Alan’s face, he meant every word.

“Let’s go check out some new boats, what say,” Alan suggested, reiterating what he’d just said. He looked at me, “You see what you like, just say so, I think John here will be happy to make a deal.”

His hand was firmly planted on Dani’s butt, guiding her ... and doing a whole lot more than ‘guiding’ as we walked across the lot. My dick was at full force.

‘The one’ stood out as soon as I saw it. Sleek, low, black hull, blue stripes, white deck, when we got closer, I saw it was a ‘Malibu’, 300 hp Yamaha, 4-stroke, seating for seven, eighteen feet. Not to be greedy, but damn! And the price tag was only sixty-two thousand dollars! We climbed aboard, son-of-a-bitch, what a boat! “Tops out a little over 60 miles-per, not towing,” John explained. I could tell by the look on his face, ‘why we here, it’s a little out of his price range’. He was right, too, but fun to dream.

“Good choice,” Alan said, “think ten-grand would be a fair price?” he asked John. He was joking ... but his face sure didn’t look like it. It was dead-serious.

John’s mouth opened, starting to say something, from the look on his face, it was intended to be something along the line of ‘you outa your head?’ then maybe thought about his commission on that two-million-dollar yacht, “Have to take it to the sales manager,” John mumbled.

We started toward the office, “Remember to mention that I might be writing you a check for something over two million, maybe it’ll help convince him,” Alan said. Shit he WAS serious!

In the end, Dani and I ended up owning a sixty-two thousand-dollar boat for thirteen-and-a-half thousand, including taxes and licensing, and Alan spent two-million-seven-hundred-fifty (just wrote out a fuckin’ check!) for his yacht. They’d spent a couple hours going over different things that could be added or changed on the yacht, (things like the three-thousand-dollar foam mattress in ‘their’ stateroom, all the leather upholstery upgraded) then another hour signing both sets of papers.

I’d have wondered if Alan’s price might have been upped a little to make up for ours, but I watched and listened as Alan haggled over every little item. I think they just thought they might lose that sale without the deal on ours. I think they might have been right, too.

“Take us about two weeks to get everything done,” the sales manager told Alan, “that work for you?”

Alan frowned, “Actually, no, it doesn’t. My guests are only here this week. Would love to take them out.” He looked at Dani, a smile on his face, “Especially ... you know ... try out that bed...”

Dani’s face turned red at that little reference, but she didn’t object. Pretty obvious she was anxious for the same thing.

“We can ... uhh, get ‘er on the water by Tuesday, spend the day with you, acclimate you ... then pull it back out next week to finish up. That workable?” he asked Alan.

Alan nodded, “Perfect,” he said.

The manager seemed slightly surprised when Dani signed the papers with me. She was getting good with the no-sight thing, able to sign her name perfectly legibly where he put her hand, carefully explaining everything she was signing.

I still wondered how long Alan was going to keep those blinders on Dani, not that I was complaining. As long as she couldn’t actually ‘see’ what she was wearing, she was okay with things she’d not be caught dead in otherwise. And God, it was keeping her turned on, knowing but not seeing.

Alan told him he’d pick up ours to take to Washington the following Wednesday. In the meantime, Dani and I would have to look for something that would tow it. Maybe even a travel trailer down the line as long as we’d be getting a pickup. We’d talked about that, too, off and on, just never taken the plunge. To say I was excited about the whole thing was a gross understatement. Jodi and Jon, our two semi-adult children would be on cloud nine when that boat pulled into our driveway.

Right before we left, Alan gave the manager two coupons, each good for two free dinners at either of his restaurants, “One for you, one for John, love to see you there,” he said.

It was early evening by the time we got back to Alan’s house. Alan suggested dinner at his first restaurant. April came over and helped Dani get dressed again, a slinky little black dress, and the three of us went out to dinner at Alan’s restaurant. I’d hoped that April would join us, too, maybe even ‘after’ dinner, but she said she had a date with her husband and another couple.

Dani was really starting to rock the braless look. Her dress looked more like a negligee than a dress; soft, flowing over her body like liquid, pointed nipples. A little water and I’m sure she’d compete well in a wet t-shirt contest ... or in this case, I guess, a wet dress contest. Topped off with her black heels and sheer stockings, Dani was just ... wow! She has on very rare occasions gone out braless, but never before in dresses like last night or tonight. Or even today’s blouse. I liked it. The fact that she was in the arms of her lover and couldn’t see just how damned sexy she was only added to the allure for me. Explain that? No way – it’s just what it was. That dress was all the sexier because it was a dress, not a negligee intended to be hidden away in the bedroom. And that sexy perfume! If my eyes had been just as blind as Dani’s I’d still be so turned on.

I vowed that I would never, EVER take Dani for granted again, like I had so much over the last many years. Right then, I wanted nothing more right then than to take Dani back upstairs, rip that dress off her and fuck her like we’d never fucked before! Except, I knew...

Dinner in Alan’s restaurant was fabulous. His chef knows how to season and cook a rib steak, that’s for damned sure. Alan has his separate private cubicle that’s always reserved for his dining. And Jess, our waiter, was just fabulous, whenever any of us needed anything, it was like he read our minds.

We talked about our boats, how Alan had always wanted to be able to go out in the Gulf, take trips up and down the coast. He suggested some places he’d love to take Dani, and she mentioned that we could take him out on ours, too, when he brought it. “It’s a big, long river,” she said, “some cool, isolated islands.” She mentioned that she knew someone who just might want to accompany us to make it a foursome. Okay, that was intriguing! Same person who spent that evening with Dani, then me? She wouldn’t say and I still wasn’t any closer to figuring out who it was.

Our little boat became part of the discussion. Somehow, I’d never imagined owning a brand new, eighteen-foot speedboat with a 300-horse engine, much less referring to it as the ‘little’ boat.

The conversation drifted back to his yacht and somehow to making love on the rolling boat. Besides the opportunity to watch Dani and Alan, I hoped that maybe April ... She did suggest that her husband was going to be out of town for a few days. Mmm, I remembered that body, her soft skin, the feel of her pussy engulfing me!

A few seconds into my reverie about the delights of the young April, Alan leaned over, turning Dani’s head toward him with his hand on her chin, he kissed her, very rapidly developing into a lot more than just a ‘kiss’; one hand covering and massaging a breast, his other behind her neck. He pulled his lips away for just a moment, Dani’s spooky, wide-open, unseeing ‘eyes’ and her lips still slightly parted with moans emitting from them. “Oh, Babygirl, don’t think I can wait for that boat,” he whispered, just loud enough for me to hear across the table.

I didn’t think I could, either. Either that plastic thing was going back on my dick when we got back to his house or I was going to need a tissue to catch the mess. At the moment, the tissue seemed like the most likely bet ... if I made it back to his house.

Dinner ended and I tried to insist that I pay for dinner. “Nonsense, it’s already taken care of, plus the tip,” Alan insisted. I left a couple twenties on the table, anyway. I still had no idea what a dinner cost in his restaurant.

We drove back to Alan’s. At least I thought we were, but first, he wanted to give us a little tour of his town. Of course, Dani couldn’t see much but she could feel Alan’s hand working its way up her leg. Tampa is beautiful at night, the lights, reflections, and boats on the water, the big stadium where he’d spent years playing. Dani and I had seen some of it, mostly in the daylight, on that first day before that first dinner in his new restaurant. Before Dani and he ... made love back in our hotel room.

He was drawing out my nervousness. I don’t know why but my stomach was in knots, almost nauseous, knowing what was coming in such a short while. I’d seen her and him before, a couple times, but I guess it’s something a guy never gets used to, seeing his wife with a man like Alan Ryder.

“You describe everything so wonderfully ... listening to you is almost better than seeing it,” Dani told him, as he was describing one of the fabulous views, “but please ... can we go back ... please!”

He chuckled, “You sure, Babygirl? Lots more of Tampa I could show you, tell you about.”

His hand reached a little further underneath Dani’s black dress, “Mmm, naughty, naughty! No panties ... no wonder Jess gave us such rapt attention at dinner, you little minx.”

Dani answered with a moan, then opened her little clutch purse and took out a tiny little scrap of black cloth, pressing it into his hand that had temporarily retreated from under her dress.

Alan put it to his nose and took a sniff, “Ahh, you smell so nice,” then handed the little cloth back to me.

Tiny. Silk. Thong. Damp. Very damp. And yes, it smelled like heaven, itself. I thought of Tom, Dani’s little game at work. Wouldn’t he love to have this in his hands. I put them in my pocket, for later ... might come in handy.

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