Her First Time - Cover

Her First Time

Copyright© 2021 by robertl

Chapter 12

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 12 - A very strange night gives a vivid picture into what my wife's first time was like.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female  

Saturday evening, March 21

I was nervous, scared to be honest. Dani was going out as Alan’s woman, not mine. She was with him, not me. People would be jealous of Alan, not me, something I’d never experienced before. And Dani - wearing that gold dress, practically nothing. She knew that what she was wearing was sexy, but I doubt she realized just how fuckin’ sexy. And then she’d be going home with Alan Ryder, to his bed, not mine. God!

I had no idea where we were going, maybe to Alan’s restaurant? But that’s not what was filling my mind. It was Dani, my Dani, in that dress ... in public. How aroused I knew she already was, what it was going to be like, her being Alan’s date, not my wife, watching them together.

He parked in a lot designated for the water taxi, obviously, not going to Alan’s restaurant. Dani and I had seen it when we took that River Walk, what, six weeks ago? God, the changes in our lives in those six weeks!

Alan helped Dani out from the pickup, Dani doing her best to hold her legs together when her dress slid up. Alan held her hand, guiding her to a boat, a big yellow thing, full of people, ‘Pirate Water Taxi’, it was called. Alan held both her hands getting on the boat, telling her, “Steps, careful.”

With her wide open ‘eyes’, it was easy to forget that Dani was totally blind. She couldn’t see all the people staring as we walked between the row of seats, looking for a place for three to sit. It was Saturday evening, nearly April, beautiful, warm weather. The boat was full, probably a couple dozen people, virtually every eye we passed glued to my wife.

The combination of everything that evening; what Dani was wearing (and not wearing), having watched her earlier, the brownie, anticipating what was to come, etc., had me in a state of mind that I’d never been in before. Like Dani had told me about herself earlier, I was so fucking horny!

Dani did her best to hold her legs tight together and crossed, sitting on the boat, but the way her short dress pulled up when she sat left very little doubt as to what she was wearing underneath - above and below, and eyes, especially across the aisle from us were glued to her. Her hard nipples hadn’t abated even a little bit. I couldn’t even imagine what must have been going through her mind, unable to see a thing, just knowing.

It was already dark and if it hadn’t been for the circumstances, I likely would have noticed how pretty everything was with the City lights reflecting off the water. In any other circumstance, I would have had my Fuji, taking dozens of pictures, but that night it didn’t even cross my mind. Gee, wonder why?

We got off the boat at the third stop and began walking down the street. I let Alan and Dani walk ahead of me, Alan holding her hand, because, well - the view; Dani in that dress.

And it was fun watching other people as they passed us going one way or the other, men or women; their heads turning, eyes watching. Dani, of course, not able to see any of it, was oblivious. Or maybe not. She would have known, even if she couldn’t see.

I did hear Alan say to her, “Lots of eyes turning your way, my beautiful lady.”

The walk was crowded, too. Like I said a moment ago, it was early spring, a warm, beautiful evening, and people were out and about.

Alan stopped at a place called ‘Jackson’s Bistro Bar and Sushi’, a beautiful building - semi-circular with floor-to-ceiling windows facing the bay. ‘Elegant’ is the word that comes to mind to describe it. There were several sets of tables and chairs set up outside in addition to the indoor dining. We didn’t even go inside, a hostess met us outside and led us to an outdoor table already set up for three. It seemed as though Alan Ryder was pretty well known, even years after his retirement.

He helped Dani into her chair, then he and I sat around the small, round table, Alan on Dani’s left, me on her right. I was aching to peek under, to see how the view presented itself under the table for people sitting or walking by.

Seeing Dani there with her ‘wide-open eyes’, looking so real, knowing they were fake, not seeing a thing was ... strange, to say the least.

There was soft rock music wafting out from inside, with several couples up dancing to the music.

“I think you’ll enjoy this,” Alan told Dani, “seems to me that I remember you enjoying oysters.”

She does, we’ve had it several times over the years, and it’s always been an aphrodisiac for Dani. Pretty much whenever we’ve been out for oysters, the rest of the night has always been very enjoyable. No wonder Alan wanted to bring her here.

“You remembered,” she told him, leaning toward his voice, inviting his kiss, which he was only too willing to provide. Ahh, watching was an aphrodisiac in itself!

“How could I not, after...” he responded. Apparently, there’s a history with oysters, Dani, and Alan from long ago, that she’d never mentioned.

“But first, what would you like to drink?” He asked, directing the question at both of us.

I picked up the menu, scrolling down the drinks, while Alan began to read them off for Dani.

She interrupted, telling him, “I’d like the Passion Fruit Colada, I think. Sounds yummy, tonight.”

I looked at it on the menu, rum, lots of rum, coconut, pineapple. Just what Dani needed, sitting there in her practically nothing.

Alan’s right hand disappeared under the table, and Dani did a rapid intake of breath, letting out a little moan. God, I wanted to be able to see under the table. My poor dick had been busting at the seams all night.

“Good choice,” he said, “I’ll have the same I think.”

Alan looked toward me, “I’m paying here, no argument, order what you want,” he told me.

I glanced back at the menu, scanning the beverages. I’m not an alcohol expert, probably have had less than ten alcoholic drinks in my life. “Sounds fine to me, too,” I answered, more from a desire to know what my wife was drinking.

Alan raised his hand, the same one that had just been underneath the table, and a waiter was immediately at our table, must have been watching, waiting, the perks of celebrity. He gave our drink order, three Passion Fruit Coladas, and the waiter thanked him and left.

“I’ve always liked it here, even before I opened my first restaurant,” he said, scooting his chair a little closer to Dani and rubbing his hand on her bare back. Dani let out little moans of pleasure, dropping her hand under the table. Watching the intimate interaction between my Dani and Alan was almost unnerving. No, not ‘almost’.

“Been thinking of buying a boat,” he said, changing the conversation, “there’s a couple good harbors for private boats. Maybe while you’re here, we should go boat shopping,” he suggested. “You have a river,” he went on, “have a boat?”

“No,” I answered, “talked about it, never been able to afford what we’d have wanted.”

He laughed, “Understand that,” he said, “maybe we could get a big discount for two.”

I doubted that Alan Ryder needed a discount. “Be kind of hard to get it home,” I told him with a little laugh.

Dani spoke, “I ... kind of like the idea. Maybe ... you could bring it? ... you know, if...”

Alan smiled, leaned toward my wife, kissing her again, “I like it, I know just where to look, too,” pulling his lips from hers just long enough.

Our waiter returned with a tray of three drinks. My mind was whirling once again, the possibility of Dani’s lover coming to Kennewick!

The drink was pretty good, kind of like a frozen fruit smoothie, with LOTS of rum. I took a couple sips, then got up to find the restroom, not that I needed to use it, but it was a good excuse to be able to get a look at what everyone else in the outdoor seating area was seeing underneath our table.

I did find the restroom, though, and used it. On the way back to the table, I still couldn’t see because of the stupid tablecloth overhanging the edge. I needed to be lower, maybe sitting at another table looking in our direction. Dani and Alan were in conversation, Alan ignoring where I was and Dani couldn’t see a thing, so I found an empty table, with a reserved sign on it, waiting for another party. I sat, trying not to stare.

Dani’s knees were pressed together, Alan’s hand pressed between her legs between the slit in her dress, directly over her pussy, rubbing up and down, legs exposed all the way up her thighs. This was the view that anyone sitting in front of her had. I glanced around, noticing lots of people looking her direction, obviously seeing exactly what I was.

Seeing my wife sitting there, another man’s big, dark-skinned hand between her legs where the world could see was once again sending my raging hormones into overdrive and I couldn’t imagine what it must be doing to Dani. I’ve learned from experience how much being blindfolded magnifies senses, especially those connected to one’s libido.

I sat watching when Alan whispered something in Dani’s ear. She shook her head, but then let her knees separate a little. He whispered in her ear again, and she let them move several inches apart.

That was when the waiter stopped at our table, tablet in hand, presumably to take our order. I waited just a moment to see if Alan was going to move his hand, but he didn’t, talking to the waiter, just kept up his slow, methodical massaging of Dani’s inner thigh.

I stood and walked back to the table, “Oh, you’re just in time. Stan was taking our order,” giving me a wink of his eye, like he had known exactly what I had been doing. “We both ordered oysters, what about you?” I didn’t miss the implication of that even a little bit.

“Salmon,” I told him, “love salmon.” That brownie and the drink were more than enough aphrodisiac for me, especially considering I knew who wasn’t going to be sleeping with his wife later.

He brought our food several minutes later, and it was every bit as good as I’d anticipated. Not that I tasted the salmon much, watching Alan feeding raw oysters to my wife’s waiting, eager mouth.

We all three went through our drink, ordering another, talking about various things, anything except what was the only real thing on my mind, and probably Dani’s and Alan’s as well. But Alan was making sure she didn’t forget, his hand underneath the table. More than once, Dani grimaced or let out a little, “Ohh,” at what was happening out of my sight under the table.

Our waiter had just served us our desserts, Dani’s key lime pie, Alan’s Crème Brule, and I’m a chocolate cake and ice cream guy. Alan’s hand was underneath the table again and just as Dani was about to take a bite of her pie, let out a moan the people at adjacent tables must have heard. She put down her fork, her hand shaking, and told Alan, “I can’t, no longer, fuck me, Alan, now!” She was trying to whisper, but it didn’t come out a whisper. The couple next to us both looked over with a smile on their faces.

“All in due time, Babygirl.”

She whimpered, her body trembling, voice shaky, “No, now!” Her dainty hand gripped his big one, “Need you ... inside me,” squeezing his hand hard “Now. Please!”

Alan looked at her, then stood, taking her hand, leading her ... somewhere. I followed along like a little lost puppy dog. Pathetic!

If my poor caged dick had felt trapped before, it was raging then. If it hadn’t been for that little cage, I would likely have come in my pants walking along behind, I was so fuckin’ turned on.

We went inside, down a short hall, to a ‘family’ restroom. Alan didn’t say a word when I followed him and my wife inside. This wasn’t how I’d expected this to happen. My whole body was shaking with ... hell, a combination of jealousy, eagerness, fear, my arousal, and other emotions I never even knew existed. My heart rate must have been at least a couple hundred.

Now that we were in a little privacy, Dani went nearly out of her mind. She turned, grasping at Alan’s shirt, pulling him to her, kissing him like she hadn’t been kissed in months, “Oh God, Oh God, fuck me, Alan!” she whimpered when she pulled her lips away.

He turned her toward the wall, pushed her up against it, “Spread your legs, Babygirl”

She did as he told her, hands leaning against the wall, legs spread wide, panting, anticipating, waiting.

Alan pushed his pants and boxers down, both at the same time. I saw the lust for my wife on his face ... and in his ... God, he was big. Long, fat. I’d almost forgotten just how big. If I hadn’t seen it before, I’d have said there was no way It would fit inside my Dani. I wondered if my lust was as evident. It wasn’t ‘down below’, due to Dani’s creative solution.

Dani was whimpering, her face in agony, even, seemingly, her fake eyes. She’d been pushed beyond the limits of her endurance, like a marathon runner who collapses feet from the finish line.

Alan positioned himself behind my wife, pushing her dress up (not very damned far!) and holding his dick at her pussy lips. He pushed, gripping Dani around her waist.

“Ohhh, God,” Dani moaned, clawing at the wall as Alan Ryder, ex NFL wide receiver, pushed himself inside my wife.

“Ohh, Babygirl, so tight, so good!”

The groans coming from my Dani could probably be heard out where we’d eaten. Her long, gorgeous fingernails she’d so carefully had manicured were trying to scratch a hole through the wall.

I had no idea how long it took for that cock to fully disappear inside Dani’s pussy. This was exactly what I’d come to Tampa to witness. The jealousy felt like a sword cutting my insides out, even as my arousal seemed like it would devour me as that enormous thing sunk into my wife. I’d wondered, could I take it? I had my answer - I had no fucking choice.

I don’t even know if I was breathing. Alan pulled himself nearly out of her, shiny and slick with her wetness, and slammed back into her, lifting my wife, the mother of our children, high school science teacher, completely off the floor. Dani screamed, throwing her head back, her body quivering and wet with sweat, wailing like a lonely wolf on a moonlit night, calling to its pack.

I would have exploded if not for the plastic cage locked onto my groin.

“Ohh, Babe, I’ve been looking forward to this for so long ... hate to do this,” slowly pulling his cock out of her, “don’t want cum running down your legs,” as he started to pull his pants up.

“Nooo! Ohgodogodogod, let me come!” Dani screeched. What the fuck! I couldn’t believe what just happened, not finishing after the evening we’d been having. And Dani ― she crumpled on the floor, a trembling, whimpering mass of beautiful femininity.

It was a stark reminder, the power of strong sex, how it could reduce even a strong-willed, independent woman like my Dani into a quivering mass.

She regained her equilibrium and Alan helped her back to her feet. All she could say was a quiet, “Get me home, please!”

Alan didn’t say anything, we just returned to our table, he helped Dani sit back down and then began eating his dessert. Dani’s body was still trembling, her face white. I was shaking as well, shell-shocked at what had just happened.

He picked up Dani’s fork, sliced off a bite of pie, and told her, “Here, take this, it’ll help calm you down.”

She looked toward him, responding, “What, are you serious?” in a squeaky voice that still wasn’t hers.

But she did open her mouth and let him give her a bite, “Only because I like key lime pie,” she said after swallowing it. “Give me the fork and show me where the pie is,” she growled.

I watched in fascination, the interaction between my wife and her lover, like I wasn’t even there.

She groaned again, “Hand out of there! You blew it.” I hadn’t even noticed Alan’s hand disappearing under the table.

“I should tell you about that first time with the combination of brownie and alcohol...”


“Hush, Babygirl, your husband will enjoy this.”


He let out a little laugh, otherwise ignoring Dani’s complaint, “We were at her parents’, they didn’t know about the brownies she’d eaten earlier or that we had been quite ... intimate for some time. It was before dinner, John made himself a drink, I think it was just rum and coke. Anyway, he asked if Dani and I wanted one. Naturally, we both agreed so he made one for each of us.

“After dinner, we were all watching TV, and I felt Dani’s hand on my leg getting closer to my dick.”

I was watching Dani, trying to find her pie, acting like she was ignoring what Alan was saying. The way she was fidgeting, though, and her face turning redder, were a pretty good indication that she wasn’t.

“I still remember Babygirl leaning over and whispering to me how fuckin’ horny she was getting, sitting right beside her parents.

“We had been planning to spend the evening with them, but to be honest, I was feeling pretty much the same as Dani so I told them we were going to take a little drive, and I’d have her home in a few hours.”

He hesitated before going on. Dani scratched at her pie plate, managing to get a little on her fork in her darkness, Alan and I taking a bite as well. The only thing I was thinking was ‘get on with the damned story!’

He finally did, “You know how many times a horny teenager can fuck a sexy girl in the back of a pickup?” I guessed he was asking a rhetorical question, he didn’t wait for an answer, “Neither did I. By the time we found a secluded spot in Columbia Park, Babygirl was already naked ... God, she rode my dick in the back of that old pickup. That pickup and mattress were still the best investments I ever made.”

He looked toward Dani, “You remember how many times you came that night, Babygirl?”

She squirmed in her chair, her face bright red, “Eight,” she whispered, then even quieter, “not counting the little ones.”

Alan laughed, “Knew you’d remember,” then toward me, “we fucked for three solid hours, I think every position known to man in the back of that pickup. Her pussy was so full of cum...”

“I really need for us to get back to your house,” Dani interrupted, pleading, “can we go now? Please.”

“I think ... yeah, let’s,” he finally agreed. He’d had enough, too. I know I was ... damn! How, for twenty-eight years, I never had any clue of any of this, until that weird night.

When Alan stood it was pretty obvious that he was ready to get back to his house, too. He paid the bill, I insisted on the tip, leaving two twenties on the table.

At least Dani could walk again, but was pretty unsteady. Between the walk, the Pirate Taxi, finding the pickup, and the drive back, it was over an hour later when we finally pulled back into Alan’s driveway.

Dani was trembling again when she got out of the pickup holding Alan’s hand. She realized ‘it’ was close, so close. Once inside, Alan pulled her to him and kissed, tongues down each other’s throats, moans and sucking noises filling the room.

My heart was pounding a hole in my chest, realizing that this was going to be the real thing, what I’d been looking forward to the last month, what Dani had been wanting, too, probably a lot more than she’d admitted.

I’d like to say I wasn’t jealous, but damn, it’s hard watching another man kissing your wife like that, especially knowing that in a few short minutes he was going to be fucking her just as hard.

All my doubts came flooding through me, the stone-cold fear, knowing that there wasn’t a fuckin’ thing I could do about it. It was going to happen - and it was going to be epic.

Alan pulled away from her, leaving Dani breathless, “Come, Babygirl, think it’s bedroom time.”

He led her up the stairs and I followed. Dani had made sure he understood that I was going to be there, at least this first time, and he hadn’t voiced any objection to her.

Once in his bedroom, he motioned for me to sit, “Time for a little show, Babygirl, remember that practice strip earlier? This time, the real thing.”

He backed away, leaning against a wall and Dani began to dance, rubbing her body like I’d imagine a stripper might. Don’t know, never seen a real strip show.

“Wait,” he said, “need music.” He grabbed his TV remote, “what kind of music,” he muttered to himself, finally setting his satellite on a soft rock station.

When the music filled the room, Alan leaned back on the same wall, his dick a BIG tent in his pants, “Okay, Babygirl, we’re ready.”

Dani had been nervously flicking her long hair. She began to dance again, moving her body, rubbing herself sensually. God!

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