Her First Time - Cover

Her First Time

Copyright© 2021 by robertl

Chapter 11

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 11 - A very strange night gives a vivid picture into what my wife's first time was like.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female  

I could not believe what had happened the night before, Dani, with another woman! The thought of it made me hard all over again; tied in that chair, blindfolded, listening to Dani and another woman making love. Then, ‘whoever’, fucking me afterward. ‘Someone you know,’ Dani had said.

I was at the store; every woman who walked in, I wondered. Thankfully, there was a counter between me and the customers, hiding my hard dick. A woman walked in, Elizabeth Farley; she’d shopped at our store for years, probably mid-forties, pretty, a natural flirt. Was that a knowing smirk on her face? Were her tits about the right size? I knew she was single, but had never thought about it before, and we’d never socialized with her.

She asked me what kind of car wash solution I recommended. She’s been in the store dozens of times, never asked about car wash before. When I stepped out from behind the counter, did I see her glance down? She bought the car wash and left. Damn, it was going to be a long day, probably week.

Other women came in during the day, my mind was driving me mad!

“I hate you!” I told my wife that evening.

She giggled, giggled! “What?” she asked, “what did I do?” knowing full well.

“You know how many women came in the store today? How many fit the right description?”

Another giggle, “And what ‘description’ might that be?”

My face turned red, “You know ... size...” I couldn’t bring myself to say it.

“You mean tits, the right size for a mouthful?”

I stared at her, “You’re not going to guess, you know...”, she said, “but she knows, and I know ... maybe you’ll get another chance sometime ... then again, next time might not be the same person.”

Next time? But I didn’t, at least not yet. It sure as hell didn’t stop me from wondering, though, my imagination running wild with practically every female acquaintance we had.

Dani’s panty wardrobe (or lack thereof), incessantly teasing Tom at school was giving him (and me - at least in the morning) blue balls on an almost daily basis. God, I wanted her to bring him home and fuck him, just once! She kept insisting that’d ruin her fun. Poor guy must have been driven stark raving mad. “Besides, I work with him, just ... can’t ... but there is a rumor going around.”

She just sat on that statement, didn’t say anything more, I motioned with my arms, tell me, tell me, “And?” I had to ask her.

“Seems as Tom is moving to Moses Lake after this school year,” she finally added.

My eyes opened, realizing the impact of what she’d just said, “And ... would you?”

She smiled, “Don’t know. Might be kinda fun, young, cute, have to wait and see,” she teased. Yeah, it affected my libido. Moses Lake is about forty miles north of here, plenty close enough. Far enough away, too.

And, in the meantime, Dani’s and my love life was through the roof. Our sex was ... just, fuckin’ indescribable! We used the toys and often didn’t have time for the toys. We went out with the vibrating bullet inside her and fucked in the back seat of her Lexus afterward. Who knew those Italian leather seats could feel that good?

We went to dinner Friday the thirteenth, with Jenny and Richard. Dani said there was nothing planned. Why was it that I didn’t believe her?

We didn’t go to the Black Angus again, but to the Outback, more conventional seating than the Black Angus, just normal booths and tables. Dani wore the tight leather pants she’d bought with Alan, Jenny a short wrap-skirt that I hadn’t seen before. This was the first time we’d been together since that night, and the visions were flying through my mind, one after the other.

After we sat down, Jenny started the conversation, which set the mood for the evening, “Richard said he liked what happened the other night...” a smile crossing her face, “says maybe we should repeat it sometime.”

My eyes opened wide, my jaw dropped, and my dick grew. I looked over at Dani, “Not tonight, sweet, I have other plans. Richard was being quiet, but with a ‘doctorly’ smile on his face.

“I ever tell you,” Dani started, talking to Jenny and Richard, “what happened last time I wore these pants?”

She had, but it had been the night out with just Jenny, Richard wasn’t there. I enjoyed very much the next few minutes, Dani explaining to Richard and Jenny how she’d been introduced to a remote-controlled, vibrating bullet. Besides, my head was having a lot of fun, still processing the possibility of another night with Jenny. And what were those ‘other plans’? My Dani has turned into a woman of many surprises.

I’m not going to get into the whole evening. Suffice it to say that if my wife didn’t intend to follow through with her ‘other plans’, I’d have major blue balls!

Jenny and Richard went home, Dani and I to our house. I would have liked for all four of us to go to the same house, but from the conversation, Richard wasn’t quite ready to do that. I’d gotten the impression, though, that another time.

But Dani wasn’t joking. When we went into our bedroom, she had laid out on our bed both the hoop and leg harness/collar. “Your choice,” she said as she started unbuttoning her blouse.

I watched Dani slip her blouse down her arms, with her red sheer, lacy bra, pink areolae and nipples not quite hidden under it and picked up the leather collar.

“Good choice,” Dani said, with a seductive smile on her face, walking toward me, swiveling her hips after shedding the pants. Her little red thong matched her bra and my dick was rock hard as she turned her back to me to lace the leather collar onto her neck.

Later, with Dani’s legs held apart and up, tethered to the stiff collar around her neck, right before my mouth found her clitoris, I couldn’t help thinking about her black football player lover, and that in a week I’d be there, watching it unfold.

God, I fucked Dani hard with that vision going through my mind over and over again, Alan’s cock plunging in and out of her, stretching her pussy, making her scream.

I was still horny the next morning. I’d dreamed about Jenny, wearing Dani’s strait-jacket leotard, in the harness Dani had been in earlier. Except it was with Alan. His cock was at least a foot long and when he started to push inside her, I woke up, breathing hard, my dick like a steel rod all over again.

I never went back to sleep after that, wondering what that dream might have meant. All I knew for sure was that my erection never went down again that night. Dani was sound asleep, and I didn’t want to wake her. Well, I did, but didn’t think I should.

“Did you know,” I started to ask Dani after I got home from work Saturday, “before tonight, that Jenny and Richard think they want another night?”

She smiled, “Jen and I might have discussed it. Think you might want to do that again?”

I looked at her like she’d grown Martian antennae on her head, “You aren’t really asking me that, are you?” I asked her.

She laughed, “Well, it was kind of a rhetorical question, didn’t think you’d tell me ‘no, don’t want to fuck Jenny again’.”

“Richard?” She knew what I was asking.

“He ‘thinks’ he wants to do that, they’ve talked about it, but he’s a little scared of seeing her with someone else. Thinks it’s hot for her to do it, but...”

“It is kind of scary,” thinking about that first time with Alan and the real reason I came home from Tampa early ... afraid to be in his house. The ‘third wheel’ excuse I’d told Dani was real, but not the whole truth, not by a long way.

And I was a little (i.e., a LOT) nervous about this upcoming week in Tampa, too, in only seven days, but didn’t want to miss the chance.

Which gave me a thought. Yeah, I know, it doesn’t happen often (as Dani often tells me), but one did cross my mind.

“Hon, I think...” I was almost scared to mention it to her, kind of impetuous.

“What? You think what?” Dani asked me, confused.

“I think ... think ... that ... you ... we ... shouldn’t have sex between now and ... next week.”

Dani cocked her head, looking at me quizzically, like I was the one with the Martian antennae. “What? Why?”

The thought was making my dick grow in my pants, “You ... should be ... horny ... that first night, extra horny...”

“What? You serious? What about you?”

I chuckled, shaking my head, “Love, I’ll survive ... but if I’m going to see you with him again, want it to be special, for both of us ... but especially for you.”

So we agreed, no more sex. Dani’s pussy was going to be untouched until Alan, Saturday night.

By Tuesday, the enormity of that was just starting to set in. Dani and I had been having sex at least every other night for the last several months. Tuesday night was only the fourth night, but I was already feeling the strain, Dani, too.

By Tuesday night, my hormones were already raging, the fact we’d vowed to not have sex was only making it feel more extreme. It was pretty obvious that by the end of the week I was going to be in a bad way, then by the end of the following week...!

Wednesday, Dani told me she’d be home late from school, that she had an ‘appointment’. When I asked what, she blushed and told me, “Tell you later.” I couldn’t imagine what she was talking about. She has hair appointments, but those sure aren’t anything to hide or blush about. Women!

That night, after she got home, I figured it out, fingernails polished and perfect ― she’d had a manicure. When I mentioned it, asking her why she’d acted embarrassed about it, she told me, “That’s ... not all,” with no elaboration. I was still confused. Until she came to bed in her flannel nightgown, that is, her toenails had been trimmed and painted too. Still didn’t seem like much to be that embarrassed about, though. I knew she was going to try and look as nice as she could for her lover, but why the secrecy?

After we were in bed, Dani asked me, “You sure?”

I looked at her, confused, “About...?”

“Tampa. Going. You know it’ll be pretty intense.” She looked toward me, propping herself up on an elbow, “He ... likes to dominate me ... and I like it, it’s exciting.”

My heart started to pound, no getting around the fact that I was nervous about it. I’d thought about it a lot the last few days, whether I could watch. I know I did that other time, but somehow this seemed so different, ― a whole friggin’ week! His house ... and what Dani said, was she...?

“You changing your mind about me going?” I asked her. I could understand if she was. Wouldn’t like it, but would get it.

“No, of course not.! I’m sorry, that’s not at all what I was implying. Just wanted you to be sure you want to. I’m just worried it might be ... a bit much,” she said.

Gee, I think she’d been reading my mind. But still, no way could I NOT do it. “No, I definitely want to ... if you’re sure, that is,” I told her.

She leaned over and kissed me. Damn, the way I was and she had to wear that perfume? “I’m sure ... we’ll have fun.”

Dani would for sure, I thought. “Only thing I’m worried about,” I hesitated, embarrassed, “after this week ... an accident...” I didn’t want to come right out and say what I’d been worried about, seeing Dani with him ... and creaming my pants.

Dani frowned, “Understand,” she said, “let’s think about it, there must be something.”

I was relieved, Dani understood my worry and wasn’t going to make fun of it. Seems like I’d have known that after twenty-eight years. But so much has changed in the last few months.

Thursday evening, Dani was late again. Another ‘appointment’ she forgot to mention? She laughed when I asked her, “Went shopping,” she said, “I have to tell you when I’m going shopping?”

Well - under the circumstances, yeah, would be nice. “No, sorry, I just...”

“Went to see Rebekka ... about your little problem,” she explained.

My face turned bright red, I’m sure. That was personal.

Dani giggled, “No, don’t. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about, just a normal male thing. Girls, too - you think girls don’t have that problem when we’re turned on too much?”

“Yeah, but ... you can control it better.” I was thinking about that night with the vibrator the first time.

“Well, maybe ... but, anyway, she gave us a solution,” reaching inside the paper bag she was carrying, holding a little box out for me to see, “Voila - your solution!” she said.

I had no idea, what the hell? “What ... is it?” I asked her, tentatively.

She opened the box, “It’s a chastity cage,” took it out of the box, short black tube plastic thing, “I can take it back if you don’t want it ... goes over your junk...” she’d never used that term before. Heard it, some politician, “prevents an erection,” held up a little key, “locks on so those little temptations don’t get the better of you.

“She said that you could wear it however long you wanted, it’s flexible enough to not be too uncomfortable ... if you’re sure, that is,” looking at me, expectantly.

I looked at it, back up at Dani, down to the thing, “Umm, I ... guess,” I told her, knowing I’d need something. I was almost getting to that point already, without even being in Tampa, seeing Dani and Alan together.

“Should I ... put it on now?”

Dani smiled, “Would be good idea, try it for a day, see how it works ... be sure it’s not going to be too uncomfortable.”

I took it from her, went in the bathroom - privacy, you know. Not every day I put my dick in something like this. It didn’t feel nearly as bad as I thought, it clicked shut behind my balls so it couldn’t come off. That made me nervous, so I tried the little key. It worked, opening it up and easing my concern - a little. I pulled my pants back up and went back into the living room, “Feels, okay, I guess, weird,” I told Dani, “I’ll try it tonight, see how it goes.”

Dani came to bed that night wearing one of her short satin babydolls, snuggling her body up to mine. “Thought we should give it a little test before we leave,” she said as she nibbled on my nipple. I wrapped an arm around her and pulled her tighter, feeling her satin-covered breasts pressing against me. My dick was ... let’s just say it was pressing pretty hard inside that thing, but that was all.

Over the next several minutes, just enough discomfort to prevent anything from happening, not too much to lessen my libido. God, Dani’s little test was going to kill me!

By Friday morning, that little device was deemed to be a rousing success, so I asked Dani for the key to take it off. “Why don’t you leave it on, be sure it’s okay to wear during the day.”

I was a LITTLE apprehensive but agreed I’d try it. Kind of important I guessed. Wouldn’t do to get to Tampa and find it got too uncomfortable. It had a little hole in the end so at least I could go pee.

Saturday morning, the thing was fine, I’d kind of gotten used to it, and we were on our way to the airport, first leg to Seattle, then another intermediate stop in Salt Lake City, where we changed planes. It wasn’t a problem as everything was on time and we had plenty of time to get from our plane, through security again, to the new one.

We’d originally planned to drive to Seattle, but would you believe, the tickets were cheaper from Pasco than they would have been from Seattle.

We were probably about halfway between SLC and Tampa when the nerves started to hit me. What the fuck were we doing! Of course, Dani’s whisper in my ear, “I’m so horny, my pussy is soooo lonely ... can hardly stand it!” didn’t help any, either. I was, too. We hadn’t had sex for a full week, plus one day to be precise, and the closer we got to Tampa, the clearer the picture of Dani and Alan was becoming in my mind. Dani’s fingertips absently grazing the inside of my thigh was compounding my mind’s imagination, too.

My dick was trapped inside that plastic thing, both keys safely tucked away in Dani’s purse. Hell, I was already pressing hard against it. I’d taken it off the night before and put it back on that morning, keeping my dick safely trapped for the trip, but sure as hell wasn’t lessening my libido any. Dani’s fingertips and letting me know how horny she was were sure as hell not helping any, either.

And it was nine freakin’ hours of this from Salt Lake City to Tampa! Dani got a little sleep but every time I tried, the images of her and Alan kept filling my mind, along with the anticipation, worrying about what was going to happen over the next week. Who the hell thought this would be a good idea?

We finally landed at Tampa International and my heart was pounding as we walked into the terminal, up the concourse of gate eleven, and there stood Alan Ryder, waiting; confident, broad shoulders, slim waist, muscular, and staring at my wife, the lust on his face obvious as hell. What the fuckin’ hell was I thinking? I crappin’ can’t do this! My heart was beating a hole in my chest anticipating what I knew would be coming very shortly. I was NOT ready for this, scared out of my fuckin’ mind!

He pulled her to him, kissed her on the lips; hard, and Dani kissed him back just as hard.

They finally broke apart, and Alan extended his hand to me, “Glad you could come,” he said. Why, I wondered? Seemed to me that I would just impede his seduction of my Dani.

“Babygirl, you’re so beautiful!” he told my wife, taking her hand and leading her to the baggage carousel. My head was doing I didn’t even know what, a cross between the worst jealousy I’d ever felt and turned on almost beyond comprehension.

We picked up our two suitcases, and Alan led us to his pickup; a Ford, King Ranch, blue and white, clean and shiny like a mirror, tan leather seats. God, I’d sell my soul for that truck. Well, maybe not, but it was pretty damned impressive. Even the fuckin’ back seat felt like a luxury sofa. Okay, I was thankful that there was a console between the two front seats. When Dani reached her hand over and pressed it between Alan’s legs I could hardly breathe.

That big diesel rumble when he started it reminded me of my time on my uncle’s ranch when I was a kid on his diesel tractor. What a thing to think about, circumstances slightly different. I was looking between the front seats, watching Dani’s hand squeezing Alan Ryder’s inner thigh, knowing exactly what she was thinking. Don’t think I need to put it into words.

It was probably twenty minutes to his house. Dani described much of it earlier, so I won’t repeat. But, it was a beautiful house, looked straight out of ‘Gone With the Wind’.

We went inside and Alan showed me upstairs, the bedroom to put my suitcase, then he put Dani’s in what was the master bedroom. No mystery of his plans for the week, never had been.

The shirt I was wearing was long-sleeved. It was chilly in Kennewick when we left and Tampa was a lot warmer. Besides, I’d spilled pop on it on the plane. Thankfully, I’d anticipated, packed warm-weather, short-sleeved shirts, so changed into one before venturing out into the living room. Dani was sitting on the couch, still in her leather skirt and blouse, Alan in the kitchen. “Fixing drinks, you want one?” he asked me

“Sure, whatever you’re making,” I told him, hoping it had alcohol. I needed something to calm my nerves. I was scared out of my mind. I know I’d told Dani I’d be able to handle this, but now that the time was here, wasn’t nearly so confident. I’m not used to alcohol, but it was bound to help. Either that or make everything even worse.

Dani was sitting on the couch, and I assumed she wanted Alan to sit next to her. There was a well-used recliner, which I presumed was probably Alan’s special chair, so I sat on the loveseat. All of them were leather and damned expensive-looking. Dani and I live pretty comfortably, but this guy lives in a whole different world where everything seems to be extravagant. Guess that’s what an NFL career and owning three restaurants can do for you.

A minute later, he brought in a tray with three drinks and a plate of brownies. “Made them myself,” he proudly told us. Dani looked at the plate, got a big smile on her face, then looked up at Alan with what seemed like a ‘knowing’ look. I had no clue what that was about.

I took one of the drinks and a brownie, Dani did the same and Alan sat down next to her with only a drink. “I was afraid you wouldn’t come back ... so glad you did.”

Dani took a bite of brownie, then leaned her head over and kissed him. And kissed him. And kissed him! My dick was trying to bust through, held back by its plastic prison. This was exactly why I was using it, otherwise, just watching my wife kiss this guy, knowing what was to come, would likely have caused that ‘accident’.

I could barely breathe, took another long drink, and yes, it did have plenty alcohol. I had no idea what and didn’t give a whit, either. Alan’s hand had worked up underneath Dani’s skirt and she let out a loud moan. She’d been horny the whole trip, and it was culminating right in front of me.

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