Her First Time - Cover

Her First Time

Copyright© 2021 by robertl

Chapter 10

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 10 - A very strange night gives a vivid picture into what my wife's first time was like.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female  

Feb 23

“You want to talk about it?” I asked Dani. We’d just dropped Jenny off at home and were on our way to Pasco to pick up Dani’s Lexus.

She looked out the window, “I ... it was a little more than I thought...”

“But? I hope you’re not unhappy with Jenny.” She wasn’t acting angry, but sometimes...

She turned toward me, “No.”


“No, I’m fine, better than okay. Last night was ... I can’t even describe. And I know Jen is, too. Have to wait and hear how Richard reacts.”

I wondered if he’d be disappointed that he wasn’t there. I remembered, watching Alan and Dani that first time in Tampa, his big, dark brown dick slowly disappearing inside her pussy lips, how I felt that night; excited, jealous, turned-on, a little afraid (quite a little, actually). I didn’t think Dani still quite understood. It was different between me and Jenny. As exciting as it was, the intensity of the past becoming the present wasn’t there with Jenny.

“Hon ... I’ve been thinking about something,” Dani started to say, “I want to go see Alan again, you know that, right?”

I nodded, “Uhuh, we talked about it.”

“Well ... I want you there,” looking straight at me.

“You ... you ... what?”

“You heard, I want you to go to Tampa with me. I want you there, for everything.”

Holy crap! The vision of Dani and her black lover kissing that first time flashed through my mind. Could I? A whole weekend? I was just taking the exit off Hwy 395 when she said that. Thankfully, there wasn’t much traffic on Sunday morning, I likely would have crashed.

My thickening cock sure as hell told me I could. And would. I gripped the steering wheel and stared straight ahead, my breath catching in my throat. “I ... You sure? Thought you’d want privacy.”

“I do, but after last night, I like the idea of your being there even more.”

I remembered feeling like I’d be a ‘third wheel’ when we were in Tampa. Maybe so, but I sure as hell wasn’t going to turn down her offer.

That evening, Dani showered and started putting on her makeup. With the excitement from the night before, I’d completely forgotten that she had a date with Rebekka from The Castle.

Have you ever watched your wife sitting at her makeup table in nothing except a skimpy, matching pink bra and panty set, getting ready for a date – with another woman? Neither have I, not until tonight. I looked at her sheer bra, her prominent nipples. The way she concentrated on the mirror, putting on her lipstick. I imagined those red lips kissing Rebekka’s God!

“You know I’m still really horny tonight, don’t you, as she pulled a dress out from her closet; a short, silky, flowery wrap-dress. “Think she’ll like this one?” she asked me, holding it in front of her. God!

Half an hour later, my Dani was walking out the door, “I’m picking her up, going to dinner ... not sure about ‘after’.”

She kissed me goodbye, her erotic ‘Tampa’ perfume fragrance lingering in my nostrils. I couldn’t stop marveling at the change in our lives in just the last couple weeks. A week ago ― Tampa; Last night ― Jenny; Tonight ― Dani having a date with another woman. Damn, the thought was hot!

I needed something to occupy my time. I’ve always wanted to make carnival-style corn dogs. I know, weird, huh, but that was my mind recently. I found the recipe I’d been looking at online: Flour, corn starch, eggs ... twenty-four hot dogs. I was thinking more in the line of two. Figured I could cut down everything to one-twelfth but wasn’t exactly sure how to get one-twelfth of two eggs.

But I managed to cut it down at least somewhat. Had a little batter left over (about ninety-percent) but the corn dogs were good, really good. And that took the first half-hour of what I knew was going to be a long, long evening.

And it was. Luckily, there were some NBA games, I watched the Thunder blow away the Spurs. Not a very exciting game, but I’m a Thunder fan so it was fun watching OKC destroy San Antonio.

Dani’s Lexus pulled in our driveway at ten-forty-five. Her clothes all looked fine, but her lipstick had definitely not been touched up since...

“I hope you’re recovered from last night, because I really need you to fuck me,” was all she said when she came inside.

She got her wish. And that was pretty much all the explanation I got as to how her evening had gone. All I’ll say is that we didn’t exactly ‘make love’ that evening.

The next several days were actually pretty normal. That is, if you consider getting up every morning and watching your wife getting dressed in skimpy panties for the sole intention of teasing a co-worker, as ‘normal’.

“Do you trust me?” Dani asked, Friday evening after a very good salmon patty dinner.

I looked at her, what kind of question was that? As if... “That’s a silly question, of course,” I told her, not understanding why she’d even ask such a question.

“ ... because I want to do something ... and I’m not sure how you’ll like it ... but I think you will.” Her face looked nervous.

“Something? You going to tell me ... or is that where the ‘trust’ comes in?” Now she had me nervous, too.

She stood, taking my hand, “Come with me,” she said, leading the way into the kitchen. “Bring a chair,” she said.

Okayyy – I followed her into our bedroom, bringing the dining chair along with me. She was still wearing the knee-length skirt and cashmere sweater she’d worn to school that day. As usual, pretty but not sexy. Still, though, on her, everything looked good.

Once in our bedroom, she told me where to put the chair, then suggested that I’d probably better go pee... “Just in case,” she said. I did, got a little dribble out, had gone not long before. Then she asked me to take my clothes off. So I did, down to my undies. “All of them,” she said. After I took my boxers off, standing completely stark-naked, she directed me to sit. I seriously had no fuckin’ clue.

“Close your eyes,” she told me, and I squeezed them shut as she’d asked. I heard what sounded like a drawer opening, then a moment later felt the blindfold going over my head, covering my eyes. “See anything?” she asked from behind me.

I managed to open my eyes, total black, shook my head, “No, nothing,” I told her.

“Good, wait there just a minute.” I heard another drawer opening and closing, then Dani back by my side. “I know this is going to feel pretty strange, but you’ll get used to it ... lift your legs a little.”

She pulled something over my feet and up my legs, “Now stand,” she said.

I did, feeling almost like I was putting on one of Dani’s swimsuits. Weird! “You probably have an idea what this is, but it’s made for men.” She pulled it up, trapping my hardening cock against my tummy. She said it’d feel funny – kind of an understatement! On the sexy side, too, I have to admit. I’m forty-nine and never worn spandex anything.

I hoped to hell this thing wasn’t pink. Of course, she said it was a man’s version, and it wasn’t high on the hips like Dani’s, it felt about like I’d imagine a speedo swimsuit. Never worn one of those, either.

Dani helped me get my arms into the sleeves, and they were weird, not having a hole for hands, the stretchy material, and especially knowing what was coming.

But knowing and feeling are two completely different things, when Dani started pulling the sleeves behind my back, trapping my arms around my waist, it was almost a feeling of panic engulfing my senses, “Don’t like this,” I tried to tell her.

She chuckled, “Okay for me but not for thee? Kinda sexist, doncha think?” cinching them tighter. “Besides, you’ll like it, guaranteed―I think.”

Well, my dick was liking it already. I had no idea what was coming, but the anticipation was driving my libido sky high, I was steel-rod hard, almost abnormally hard. Dani appeared to finish, locking the sleeves behind my back, “How’s it feel?” she asked me.

I tried pulling at my arms. I was over the panicky feeling from earlier and the elastic-like feeling just plain felt fuckin’ weird. “Weird,” I told her, experimenting with pulling at my arms, just getting pulled back around my waist.

She moved the chair behind me, telling me to sit, then wrapped a strap around my knees holding them tight, then my upper legs and the chair, “Don’t want you accidentally slipping off later, not sure what all might happen,” with a little follow-up giggle.

What the hell was she going to do?

“Couple more little things,” she said, and I could hear her walking around the room, opening and closing drawers. Having this blindfold on and being trapped on the chair like I was, was the oddest feeling I could remember. I was beginning to doubt the wisdom of telling her that I trusted her.

I felt the fuzzy cuffs around my ankles, Dani telling me, “These are different ones, had to get a bigger set, made for ankles.”

She got up and walked around behind me, “Hope this fits okay, your neck’s a bit shorter than mine,” and I felt her wrapping something around my neck, her leather collar? It was, and she started lacing it. “Head straight ahead,” Dani admonished me when I tried to turn.

She’d told me to lace it tight when I put it on her. She was doing the same, pulling every lace as tight as she could get it, clamping my neck in what felt like a vise. By the time she was done, I couldn’t move so much as a millimeter any direction, staring into the blackness straight ahead, feeling like those African women must feel who put rings around their necks stretching it.

“Feel okay?” she asked, “breathe okay?”

Funny thing was, it wasn’t interfering with breathing at all. “Fine,” I told her after not being able to nod.

A moment later, I felt a little tug on the collar, first one side, then the other, then a steady pull down getting harder and harder, “That hurt?” Dani asked me.

It wasn’t particularly pleasant when she pulled down hard, but didn’t hurt. The way the collar spread out over my collarbone, it distributed the pressure pretty evenly, not on my neck at all. But WTF was she doing?

A few seconds later, I felt my legs being pulled underneath the chair. She’d hooked something to the cuffs on my ankles and was pulling them back. And I realized what was happening, she’d hooked a strap from the neck collar to the cuffs and was in the process of pulling it tight so that my legs were pulled back under the chair and up, trapping me so that I couldn’t move anything.

When she finished pulling, I was totally immobile; blindfolded, legs pulled back and held in place, knees strapped together, my body strapped to the chair and arms trapped. I couldn’t lean forward at all because of the strap from my neck down the back of the chair to my legs, couldn’t move a damn thing!

Dani started giggling, “My own idea, pretty clever, huh? Now I need you to channel your inner Houdini and see if you can escape.”

Get out? Hell, I couldn’t move a damned thing, couldn’t see a damn thing except blackness. Not even Houdini could get out of this trap! “I can’t even move,” I told her.

“Good ... only one more thing...” and I felt her hands between my legs. I hadn’t even realized this thing I was wearing was open, but her hand wrapped around my cock, and she pulled it out from its hiding place, “I want my friend out where I can play with him.”

It was weird how being helpless like I was had turned me on like it had, but I was already so damned hard. Then her hand wrapped around me and started rubbing up and down. Maybe I couldn’t move, but I could sure as hell feel! And being tied and blindfolded like I was was intensifying every nerve ending in my body, especially the ones in my dick. I let out a loud groan when I felt her begin to spread the precum.

But when I felt her warm lips wrapped around the head, licking like she was sucking a lollipop, everything changed. Her hand was still squeezing and working up and down, slickened with the precum. But it gradually gave way as her lips moved lower.

My breath was quickening, my heart pounding. If this was what all this had been about, she was right – it was damn well worth it! God, I was on fire. Not being able to see or move any part of my body only added to the intensity.

I felt the head against the back of her throat, Dani gagging a little bit with about half my dick in her mouth, her hand still wrapped around the rest of the shaft. Then she swallowed all at once her lips were pressed against my groin. Sonofabitch! The cum started to rise inside me, any second I was going to explode in her mouth, past the point of no return ... and she was gone, squeezing the head ... hard, to stop the inevitable, that volcanic eruption she’d ignited, leaving me a frustrated, panting mess.

“Oh God, Dani ... that was cruel! I thought ... Oh God...” My dick was so fuckin’ hard!

She kissed me, her tongue down my throat, those lips making love with my mouth, still squeezing my cock to prevent an orgasm. She pulled away and I felt her tongue tickling my ear right before, “Little blue pill ground up in your drink earlier―should keep you nice and hard for me. Remember Wednesday night, dearly beloved?” and she was gone, leaving me a quivering mass of sexed-up flesh with a hard-as-stone dick pointing straight up, poking a big hole in the air. And then it dawned on me what she’d said, ‘little blue pill.’ She hadn’t, had she? God, the evidence was right there, my dick almost painfully hard, begging for release.

A moment later I heard Dani, on her phone, I presumed, “Hi, you ready to come over? We’re ready ... okay, a few minutes.”

What? Someone’s coming? Now! I can’t ... no, not like this!

Dani sat on my knees, “You know I’m wearing what I wore to work today, don’t you ... everything I wore to work,” as she scooted up my legs pressing her pussy against my cock ― her naked pussy. “Tom ... you should have seen his face...”

OhGod, OhGod! Dani was pressing her pussy against me and almost forcing me to visualize ― her spreading her legs, just an instant? Longer?

“I am so horny right now,” she said, “wish your hands were free, my tits need squeezed so bad, maybe...” She squirmed around and a moment later I felt her sweater and bra pushed aside, with a nipple pressed in my mouth. “I was so turned on, wanted Tom to suck my tit so bad!” as she pressed against me, forcing her wet pussy lips around the base of my shaft and her tit into my mouth.

I heard how heavy Dani’s breathing was when she pulled herself off of me, leaving me panting once again, “Got your cock all wet ... I’d lick it off, but you might come and that’d ruin everything,” she said.

I was throbbing, every nerve in my body and mind, still trying to visualize Dani and Tom ― or if she even had, concocting a story. I didn’t even know what was reality and fiction anymore.

“Oh, one more thing, I’ve been talking to Alan ― he invited me back, we were thinking about spring vacation in three weeks, think you could get free for a week?”

God, a week? I was thinking a weekend, but a week? It would kill me, but the thought of Dani with him ... and me being there, that long only made my already steel shaft only harder, if that was possible.

I was still processing what she’d just said when she went on, “We’ll talk about that later, but now I need to fix my makeup, maybe add a little perfume,” And then the room was quiet, leaving me in my solitary, tied-down darkness. It was then that I discovered how minutes turn into hours when blindfolded and unable to move, especially having no idea what Dani was planning next. Someone was coming, that was all I knew. A man? Was she going to fuck some guy right in front of me? Tom? She’d been pretty adamant about him, but still ... Whoever, I wasn’t ready for that, not like this.

Then her words went through my mind, ‘Remember Wednesday.’ That was the night I’d fucked her with the big glass dildo, teasing her almost unmercifully, until she was crying in frustration. I shivered at what I’d done ― what Dani was going to do? But I also remembered the huge orgasm we both had at the end.

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