Medieval Tale - Cover

Medieval Tale

Copyright© 2021 by Tdmaster

Chapter 5: The First Day at the Castle

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 5: The First Day at the Castle - It is the story of three women, three nuns, some forced some other consenting in a particular congregation: "Congregation of Penance". Anny, Theresa and Welda will be publicly humiliated and degraded, punished, tormented, tortured in the most cruel and imaginative ways for the remission of their own sins and, in general, for the sins of the world. The saga is mainly focused on Anny even if the other two supporting actors will often be present.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Slavery   Heterosexual   Fiction   High Fantasy   Historical   Zoophilia   Far Past   BDSM   MaleDom   Humiliation   Sadistic   Torture   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Enema   Squirting   BBW   Big Breasts   Clergy   Public Sex  

Despite the fear of their future and the terror of this new situation, the three new associates sleep deeply from the tiredness and stress accumulated in the last few days.

At 5:30 in the morning, a servant walks through the corridors, ringing a bell and screaming occasionally: “Wake up ... it’s time for Mass”

The three new members assume they have to wake up and sit on the bed waiting.

In fact, after a few minutes the attendants arrive to free them from the collars and lead them to the castle chapel.

In the chapel there are probably already more or less 20 “penitents” kneeling on the benches mixed with various religious, friars while there are very few guards or attendants.

The chapel, as in all churches, has several confessionals on the sides; something that intrigues A22 who immediately asks the closest religious if it is possible for “penitents” in addition to attending mass, to access the sacraments.

The religious replies: “Yes, you will be assigned a father confessor and you will have to confess once a week”.

To access the Eucharist vice versa, you can do so only when your confessor authorizes you.

The penances here are harsh and extreme and the Eucharist is a prize to be conquered with the extreme sufferings and constraints and when your heart begins to be washed away from your terrible sins.

It will take a long time when you will have to endure the most atrocious torments with resignation.

The mass takes place more or less in a classical way except for the common prayer, which the three novices perceive that they will have to learn quickly, in which all the “penitents” kneeling and loudly ask forgiveness from God for their terrible and unforgivable sins, they urge Him to accept the terrible sufferings and pains that they will have to undergo in the days and years to come as atonement and to give them the strength to accept the torments with resignation.

The mass takes place more or less in a classical way except for the common prayer, which the three novices perceive that they will have to learn quickly, in which all the “penitents” kneeling and loudly ask forgiveness from God for their terrible and unforgivable sins, they urge him to accept the terrible sufferings and pains they will have to undergo in the days and years to come as atonement and to give them the strength to accept the torments with resignation.

Once the mass is finished, three guards, one for each, lead them back to their room, order to take off the dress which will soon be replaced with the definitive one “of the house”, to put on and always keep the hands behind the back and to follow them naked and bowed, because the supreme Master is waiting for them for the “welcome” and as his habit it is worth doing a visual check of all the new “pieces of meat” that arrive at the castle, to be used and tormented.

As soon as outside their lodgings, therefore, the small procession of the three naked and bowed women is immediately formed, escorted by the three guards, who pass through corridors, rooms, halls, full of people busy in their business, until they reach the main hall lounge where in a corner, seated in an imposing bench, the supreme Master is already waiting.

As soon as they line up in front of him, a guard orders: “On your knees and don’t you dare look up”.

The Supreme Master is the Head of that kind of mini military structure formed by civilians serving within the congregation.

He is a giant with a killer face, with a sinister and cruel gaze.

Little is known of him, it is known that he is Spanish by the name of Ferdinando Tevez and is said to have a past as chief servant in the dungeons of the Spanish inquisition.

As soon as the three are kneeling, he gets up, makes a slow turn around them, looks at them and inspects them carefully without touching them, and then goes back to sitting.

Then after a short pause he begins to speak: “Welcome, filthy sinful sinners”.

“You already know why you are here so I will tell you some of the main rules of this place which will be a” purgatory on earth “for you.

Meanwhile, a suggestion: here you will be used, humiliated, degraded, treated like the last of the animals and above all you will be punished and tortured often but the suggestion that I give you and that you should put well in your head that everything that happens to you will be done because you have it deserved and that you will always have to thank your trainers and torturers because they are working for your redemption.

Your path of redemption will still be very hard, extreme, but if you accept it, maybe it will be a little easier.

1) The first rule, perhaps the most serious to transgress, is that you are sinners “of the flesh”, you have sexual guilt to cleanse, and therefore from today and forever you will have to try to avoid sexual arousal even if you are continually tempted but above all not you will never have to “cum” i.e. have orgasms.

Having an orgasm is considered a serious relapse into your sin ... and this error will be treated with extreme harshness.

There will be many “tempters” but it is part of your training to learn to control yourself even if it will be very difficult; in fact you will be constantly teased, used, abused in all “your holes” by all the men here who wish to do it and as many times as they want.

Always teased you will have to struggle continuously to avoid falling back into sin while those who use you will do everything to make you fall again.

They can take all the sexual satisfactions they want, even the most perverse, as a reward for their work.

But tempting you to strengthen your spirit is also their job.

In the case of sins, shortcomings, even obvious disobediences and seen by everyone, you must still declare them and politely request the right punishment at the first opportunity that you will see a man, an attendant or a guard.

He will then report to the judge on duty who will have his sentence delivered to you very soon.

So now, if you have something to report, you can do it with me.”

A22 then begins: “Excellency, during the journey while I was” trained “by Father Bernardo’s two servants I sinned and had an orgasm. Please Lord give me a just punishment.”

Then immediately follows T15 who declares: “Sir, last night in the laundry I had the cheek to contest an order. Please punish me as I deserve”

“I see that you are already beginning to understand, although it is so little that you are here.

I appreciate it but still the punishment must be severe.

Tomorrow morning, after the mass, you will be punished on the “throne of fire” for only “5 hourglasses” since it is the first time.

“2 hourglasses” are about an hour so you will be on the “throne” for about two and a half hours.

A second rule is that sex is forbidden for you. You will never have to have sex between you in any way. On the other hand, your three “filthy holes” must always and on any occasion be available to anyone man or animal in service at the castle who wants to have the pleasure of using you and abusing you in any way or who wants to be “served”.

You will have to give full availability and try to serve them always and at best ... because if dissatisfied they will have the right to punish you immediately and in the way they think is most appropriate.

And remember once again that your aim is to give pleasure but your pleasure is prohibited so you will have to make every effort to avoid it.

2) Second rule: Your health is important for the “Congregation” for which food and hygiene are considered important.

There will always be a cerusico who will follow you and visit you from time to time.

You will have a rich breakfast in the morning, a half-day meal and an important dinner every day.

As for hygiene, as soon as I finish talking to you you will be taken to the laundry room where the very short hair will be cut, practically “zero”.

You will also be totally shaved of all hair that you have in other parts of the body.

After that you will be the one to keep a check on the length of the hair and the total lack of hair and, if necessary, you will have to request a shave.

Once again having hair longer than “a finger” and the whole body perfectly shaved is a must.

Being neglected and not asking for intervention when needed is a serious fault.

You will be given the clothes of the house with your identification code or name here embroidered in the corner as well as a cap.

Normally the clothes are changed every two days except for exceptions, or that for some reason they get dirty.

3) Your days will not spend in idleness anyway.

After mass in the morning, after confessing all your shortcomings to the Head Hall, you will be taken to work in the fields which you will carry out completely naked even on the coldest days of spring or late autumn.

In the fields you will be controlled by several whip-armed guards and their large dogs who will be freed in case someone jumps to flee.

It will only be my choice to decide if the day is too cold for work, in which case you can stay in your accommodation.

Upon returning from work, you will be groomed in the laundry room before you can get dressed for dinner and this will also be the time when you will have the opportunity to shit in the laundry room.

Shitting outside the assigned time slot is still considered a fault to be punished.

As an alternative to working in the fields, in turn you will be assigned to the different housework inside the castle.

These too will be performed without any clothes on.

You will be exempt from all work, including sexual services, and punishment will also be postponed during the days of your period.

As you will be exempt from everything for the entire period of a pregnancy in the case of pregnancy, but to avoid this we take some precautions.

For any children there is a kindergarten in a wing of the “castle” and they will be breastfed by the mother and then in the early years they will be able to be in the company of the mother at dinner, during the night and at breakfast, while they will stay in kindergarten during working hours or during the punishment of the mother.

4) Other minor rules will be given to you by the attendants from time to time; just know that all the attendants here have the right to set a rule and since they are told you must respect it.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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