Medieval Tale - Cover

Medieval Tale

Copyright© 2021 by Tdmaster

Chapter 11: The First Day of Redemption (Morning)

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 11: The First Day of Redemption (Morning) - It is the story of three women, three nuns, some forced some other consenting in a particular congregation: "Congregation of Penance". Anny, Theresa and Welda will be publicly humiliated and degraded, punished, tormented, tortured in the most cruel and imaginative ways for the remission of their own sins and, in general, for the sins of the world. The saga is mainly focused on Anny even if the other two supporting actors will often be present.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Slavery   Heterosexual   Fiction   High Fantasy   Historical   Zoophilia   Far Past   BDSM   MaleDom   Humiliation   Sadistic   Torture   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Enema   Squirting   BBW   Big Breasts   Clergy   Public Sex  

After a troubled night in which she slept little and in flashes, full of nightmares and terror, dawn arrives for the A22 and its two companions in misfortune.

The panels in front of the caravan bars are removed very soon.

The square is still almost empty when the panels are opened.

The large stage with all its terrifying equipments and instruments is perfectly visible in the center of the square.

But slowly though steadily people begin to pour in; almost all of them pass by throwing a last mockery, giggling, a further insult before finding a good seat in the square.

At the same time, employees of the Congregation begin to prepare the instruments on the stage, to check them, to light the braziers and so on.

All this contributes to filling the soul of the three unfortunates more and more with terror and anguish.

The square is quickly filled with people who, with the offer made to the Church, have bought the indulgence and forgiveness of sins and also the right to discharge their penances on the “penitents” who will be sacrificed today.

When the bell tolls 9 times, some gendarmes open the wagon, reach the three designated victims and the leader says: “ ... the time has come. Are you ready to pay for your sins and for all the sinners present here? “.

Although almost in a trance with fear and terror A22, after the nightmares of the long wait, she sighs almost in acceptance of an inevitable fate: “ ... yes Lord, thank you Lord...” while the other two choke the words in her throat and they just cry.

While they walk naked, embarrassed by the ties to the ankles, with their heads bowed in the midst of the guards that open a path for them in the crowd towards the stage, a speaker announces to the crowd: “The three” penitents “who are about to go up the” stage of the tortures “are three ex-nuns who are guilty of very serious sins against God and against nature.

Their punishments will last for the whole day and, by the grace released by the Archbishop, their terrible sufferings today will serve to wash away their sins and also of all present in the square who with their offer have the right to verify that the torture are applied without mercy for a correct purification of all sins.”

Then he continues: “ ... today’s tortures, due to the agreements made between the high representatives of this city with the leaders of the” Congregation of Penitents “, also considering the particular requests accepted, will be divided into two main” sessions “.

It was agreed that throughout the morning there are some “creatures of God” i.e. animals to punish and torment the three penitents while for the whole afternoon they will be tortured directly by the executioners of the “congregation” “.

Amid the applause and the shouts of the excited crowd, meanwhile the three naked, in their abundant forms, are positioned in front of each of the three pillories placed on the edge of the circular platform at equivalent distances from each other, so that anyone in the square have a good view on one or two victims.

What A22 is about to undergo will also be applied to the other two in a mirror image and on three different sides.

Without hesitating further, as for W11 and T15, two henchmen brutally drag A22 by the hair and block her, head and hands, in her pillory then also tie her ankles to two rings fixed in the floor of the stage in order to keep her feet well resting on the floor and legs as always well open.

With great horror and shame, A22 manages to recognize among the people in front of her many people from her native country who, not being far from Dachsdorf and having heard of today’s event, did not miss the opportunity to witness the ordeal of their fellow countrywoman ex-nun.

A22, in the most total degradation, recognizes the main public figures of her country as well as many former schoolmates and youth companions, someone contrite who prays for her, someone simply intrigued, but also someone else who mocks and insults her.

But she doesn’t have time to think about it too much, because the tortures begin quickly.

The pillory and stakes to which her ankles are tied are at the right height and position so that she is well bent forward with her big breasts dangling funny.

The base of each nipple is wrapped in a thin rope with a slipknot and pulled brutally so that the nipple remains painfully trapped.

A brick is tied to the rope, a foot below it, which weighs all its weight on every single nipple, pulling the noose more and more and giving extreme torment and which have already managed to get the first two inhuman cries of intense pain from the victim.

In the midst of this agony A22 has not yet fully understood what is happening except that the cord seems greasy with a slimy substance that makes it a bit slippery so that, under the weight of the bricks, the knot tightens more and more and the grip on the nipples is relentless.

Then, after turning around the brick, the string still arrives and collapses to the floor.

Immediately after, she feels the torturers tinkering around her pussy.

She feels that a strange metal object, long but not large, is being introduced deeply, once again covered with that mysterious substance that allows it to be introduced in a way that is not too painful.

What A22 cannot see is that the ferocious object introduced into her pussy for a 20/25 cm. they are 4 iron bars closed together which, by means of a gear at the base, can be widened at will in the 4 opposite directions.

Something that A22 perceives very quickly with concern, feeling that there is something inside her that is slowly dilating her main hole.

When the dilation begins to be 7 or 8 cm. The pain begins to be terrible and the poor girl begins to scream “Enough please. ahhaaaa...”

But an experienced torturer continues to test the tension of his tissues and the walls of the vagina ... and directs the other who turns the gear.

“A little more” and A22 amid the laughter and mockery of the spectators “Ahiiiiii ... Stop ... No moreeeeeee I can’t take anymore ... ahhaaaaa” while similar screams also come from other parts of the stage.

Between desperate screams, shouts, teasing, insults and laughter of a crowd that is getting more and more excited, they dilate it in an impressive way to about 12 cm. so that, due to the tension, the clitoris with its hood protrudes outward like a hazelnut attached at the bottom of the “tunnel”.

At this point they take from the toolbox 10 or 12 wooden sticks about fifteen cm long. thin but very flexible and robust.

Taking one in the center with a long thin forceps, they push it against the opening of the pussy so terribly dilated, make it flex and push it deeply, thus leaving it resting on the inner walls of the vagina about 20 cm. deep.

Then they immediately push another one always at the same depth but crossed at 90 degrees from the first.

Then they place two more with the same system but a little more towards the outside, then two more, then two more then the last two just after the mouth of the hole.

Now to complete the work, they close the four bars that penetrate her with the special gear and then remove the metal mechanism.

Due to the tension of the tissues around the entrance to the pussy hole, even the butt hole pulled horizontally is slightly open.

And it is from there that an attendant begins to spread that strange substance in quantity all around the hole, repeatedly inserting it in and pushing it with one or two fingers, then all over the “nut” of the clitoris and with a small brush in and up all the walls of the inner vagina, taking care not to move the sticks that keep it dilated.

Then for the pleasure of the spectators, without worrying in the least about the cries of the tormented for the intense pain they induce on the nipples by swinging the bricks, they sprinkle the “substance” in abundance on the tits and nipples and also on all the strings and, where the string touches the ground, they even pour a small amount on the floor.

The effect is that obviously the vaginal hole remains well open due to the walls that rest painfully on the 10 sticks placed sideways inside them.

At this point, a little from the smell, a little from the fact of how sticky it is, they understand that the “substance” is banal honey.

Finally, they spread a “trail” of honey on their pussy all the way down to the inner thighs, legs and in quantity on the feet and on the ground all around.

The last operation that the attendants do, clarifies why it will be the “creatures of God” who will initiate the torture of the penitents.

They take three large vessels, uncover them and overturn the contents on the ground under each of the penitents. At first glance it looks like a pile of dirt except, for the total terror of the three females, it is “dirt” that moves.

It is immediately evident that the pots had been filled with destroyed red ant nests and placed in the pots with shovels and all their ants included.

It is obvious that the red ants locked up for days, pissed off by the destruction of the nest, immediately begin to get excited.

They pour out of the mound and now swarm over A22’s feet, her toes and even cords carry us up to the bricks and drooping breasts and nipples stretching them below.

Soon the entire ant colony discovers honey.

A22 starts sobbing and shivering as the ants begin to climb onto his legs and also along the strings towards her nipples.

As she hears the little monsters with their tiny six feet running back and forth and some are already starting to reach her pussy and the other hole or even her nipples, she starts crying and writhing in her bonds.

And anyway with her ankles tied and her head and hands in the pillory she can’t get away from the ants.

Feeling them crawling on her legs drives her crazy.

She keeps her eyes closed but hears the laughter of people as she screams and prays to God as the ants infested her.

It doesn’t take long for the ants to swarm all over her crotch.

In a few her pussy is reached and, thus dilated, it is slowly filling up with hungry ants.

The anguish mainly keeps her attention focused where she probably considers the most vulnerable point.

The insects make her scream as they feast on the honey that covers her lips, clitoris, her vaginal opening and all the internal walls up to the cervix and even some have penetrated the narrow hole in her ass.

The ants swarm and invade all of her sex.

In the excitement and competition to grab food they begin to splash formic acid as a defense and it burns wherever it lands.

It was a disgusting and also very painful feeling.

A22, unable to close the legs and even less the “holes”, screams continuously as he felt them penetrate everywhere.

Many torment and assault her clitoris, irritating and tickling it.

So many others have already explored and invaded both the large and the small opening and this too is really terrible.

The torment of her vagina and anus is frighteningly intense. They passed through the honeycomb glass openings. The itchy sensation was so horrible that she was afraid of going crazy.

Her crotch is alive with a thousand ants.

Some explorers have followed and traced the strings to the nipples and fat udders sprinkled with honey.

But after the first forerunners the procession along the ropes is now continuous.

The growing itch is now horrible, it generates spasms, makes her shake and contort her whole body, move her hips and ass despite the immense pain it causes in the nipples.

A22 stretch her head forward to watch helplessly as they swarmed over her boobs, finding her honey-stained nipples and almost driving her crazy with their onslaught of bites, stings and itching.

Seeing them walk all over her breasts and nipples was maddening.

And she couldn’t do anything but watch, horrified, as they spent their time with her.

Very quickly, each of her large white breasts covered up.

Through tear-blurred vision, A22 watches as sensitive parts of her body are ablaze with itchy red spots left by formic acid.

She screams and begs,” Ahhaaaa Please, ohooooohhhh, please! Let me go and ... Let meeeeeeeeeeee ... Uhuuuhhhh ... Pleeeeeease!”

For A22 the torture is at its peak, not beyond bearable and her sufferings are terrible.

She can’t help but just try to bear it knowing full well that there will be no mercy for her...

She shakes and cries knowing with horror that the swarm is now infesting her, covering her loins from clitoris to anus and both breasts.

She does not lose consciousness even when hundreds of ants entered her vagina.

That feeling is the worst of all.

Time passes and he fears that if this continues for a long time he could go mad.

She watches in horror as the swarm crawled over her, then pulls her head back, closes her eyes and prays aloud to God.

She squirms and flounders as far as his bonds allow but has very little play.

Helpless, she can only sob and cry as they mercilessly infested her.

Agnes’s crotch and boobs are almost completely covered.

From a short distance, it looks like I was wearing black fur on her breasts and femininity.

As feelings of disgusting haunt overwhelm her, A22 loses her clarity and starts mumbling like a madwoman.

This makes the crowd scream and cheer at the height of excitement. They mock her, tease her, insult her, screaming that this is what the filthy sinner deserves.

They laugh and remark the spectacle of the poor tormented female and in her idiot mutter.

The ants remain to devour all the honey for at least an hour.

A22 remained hoarse from the great scream before slipping into semi-consciousness.

After just over an hour with still many ants everywhere, inside and outside her, finishing their meal, A22 is almost destroyed, stammers, says confused words but what terrifies her most, in the moments of lucidity, is that it is only the beginning and she still has a whole day of torments ahead of her.

And it’s not that W11 and T15 are faring much better; for an hour and more they too should have been in similar sufferings since the crowd is now in raptures, excited, screams, applauds and the noises move from one corner of the square to the other evidently depending on the clumsy reactions to the torment of one or of the other victim.

When the ants begin to diminish and disperse almost everywhere, even though many continue to invade the bodies of the three unfortunates and martyrize their flesh, some attendants go up on stage and set up another installation.

Exactly in the center of the circular stage there is a high vertical pole from which what looks like a huge curtain hangs and sticks to the floor.

In fact, when they begin to open it, you can understand that it is a dense, light and transparent net, made of tulle fabric.

They widen it in the direction of the three pillories, pass it over the naked bodies of the three females and precisely in correspondence with the hands and heads, at a previously verified distance, the very light net has three cuts, one for the head and two for the hands.

The result is that the three actually have their bodies inside a large tent of the typical shape of military camp tents with a pointed roof supported by the central pole, but made of transparent voile that descends to the ground all around the stage, from where only heads and hands emerge.

Three buckets of cold water on the face awakens the three martyrs from their torpor.

If A22 and her two companions in misfortune still do not understand what is happening, the growing boiling of the crowd suggests that many already know what is about to happen.

In fact, some large pots with lids are placed under the awning that do not promise anything good for A22 and the others.

With a quick move, the attendants themselves put their hands under the tent, remove all the covers at the same time and immediately withdraw their hands outside.

Immediately from some vases clouds of mosquitoes of all kinds and sizes come out and from other vessels an enormous quantity of huge bloodthirsty gadflies.

The crowd’s excitement was for awareness; in fact, a few days earlier, the organizers of the event had asked all those who wished to participate to capture as many mosquitoes and gadflies as possible with traps and baits made of flesh and blood.

And therefore each one had brought his contribution of mosquitoes and / or gadflies which were then collected together in the large vessels and, moreover, many were trapped and fasting for a few days.

A few seconds pass and the first bite of gadfly arrives for A22.

On the side of a tense and hanging udder it comes like the burning of an ember.

She instinctively shakes her pelvis frantically as if to get rid of the beast that doesn’t let go with the sole effect of producing further excruciating pain in her crushed nipples.

Her scream is piercing, followed by many others due to the swaying of the bricks that tear her breasts apart.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Ohhhh ... Uhhh ... Oh ... God ... Ohoooh ... God ... OH ... God!”

The crowd is in a frenzy, screams, applauds in a whirlwind of noises that goes all around the stage also because from the other sides of the stage, the other two martyrs scream with all their breath in their throats and their cries make a chorus to those of A22.

“Ahaaaaaaaaa arghhhhh go away ugly beast go awayaaaaaaa!!”

“Uhhhhuuuuuu ... Ouch ... God ... Iiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii”

And laughter, applause, mockery, the most degrading insults accompany their immense sufferings.

But for A22 the second red-hot sting immediately arrives inside a thigh; once again instinctively she cannot help shaking her leg in a vain attempt to drive away the sucking insect but with the only result of making the bricks dance.

But for A22 the second red-hot sting immediately arrives inside a thigh; once again instinctively he cannot help shaking his leg in a vain attempt to drive away the sucking insect but with the only result of making the bricks dance.

And it’s heartbreaking screams from A22 and cheers and laughter of pleasure from bystanders

“Ahhaahhhhhhhhh ohi ... God ... Huuuuuuuuuuuu ... Get rid of those damned beasts ... please”

But immediately after another hot embers in the center of the belly, one on the other udder and one again on the side.

“Helpoooooh, let me goeehhhh”

“No, no! No! No! Nothing more ... nothing more! Please. Oh God no! Oh no!”

“Ohhh ... Uhhh ... Oh ... God ... Ooooooh ... God ... Oh ... God”

Her pleas become excruciating also because in the meantime, if before all her attention was taken by the terrible stings of the gadflies that came from here and there, now a burning sensation spread over the whole body and an unbearable itching everywhere due to the hundreds maybe thousands of small mosquito bites that are biting her everywhere in peace.

In fact her mouth is constantly wide open in a continuous animal scream as she shakes her head and hands and fingers frantically but always stuck inside the holes of the pillory in the vain gesture and attempt as if he wanted to scratch.

In total desperation she stops screaming for a moment because her attention is taken by the fact that she feels “something” moving around and inside her asshole so open and stretched.

There are two, perhaps three gadflies who find that place particularly inviting with some traces of honey mixed with her juices.

The spasmodic moment of waiting is immediately interrupted by one, two, three hot bites on the edge and inside its little hole.

The scream that follows is heartbreaking and has nothing human about it.

“AAAAAAhhhhhhhhAAAAAAAAhhhhhUuuuuHHHHuuuu Ahhhhhhaa Ohohhhhhooooooooo, heeeeeeeeelp ... ahhhhaahhhhhhhhhhhhh”

... While the crowd is in total delirium.

She thinks she is going mad; she no longer has a voice in her throat.

To the burning and unbearable itching all over the body are added the constant continuous bites of gadfly on breasts, ass, thighs, hips, belly.

And now there is also the terrible worry and the feeling that there is a great crowd of beasts walking on the edges and inside her pussy still so dilated by the sticks and where, once again, the mix between the remains of honey and her juice is especially appreciated.

Her fears are answered immediately; the first bite immediately arrives at the mouth of her “channel”, then one, two, and three in sequence further inside then the most terrible right on the clitoris.

The screams are once again animalistic.

“Ahaaaaaaaaa arghhhhh. AAAAAAhhhhhhhhAAAAAAAAhhhhhUuuuu

ohi ... God ... Huuuuuuuuuuuu Stooooooop pleaaase ... Pity ... Ahiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii”

Then she collapses exhausted, her head dangling in a pouring, semi-conscious cry, her hands and fingers always moving convulsively in the “scratching” movement.

The satisfaction and consent of the crowd is total and the applause and the comments of approval and complacency are made aloud “Well!!!, Well done!!!, Well done, Come on ... that’s what the sluts deserve”

They are so excited that there is absolutely no feeling of pity in any of those present.

They have to undergo that ordeal for a long time to come, perhaps an interminable hour in which, tired and destroyed, they no longer have a voice in their throats and they let themselves fall to a heavy and inconsolable cry while the pain of the continuous stings and itching is now unbearable.

After that time that seems eternal to the A22 and the other unfortunates, the attendants raise the curtain and then reposition it closed in the center, letting all the flying insects now satiated and satisfied regain their full freedom.

To awaken the three victims a little from their disconsolate tears and torpor, the attendants throw some buckets of cold water on them both on their face and on their whole body, which immediately obtain the desired result on this fresh autumn day.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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