The Quest - Cover

The Quest

Copyright© 2021 by Farleven

Chapter 6

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Elshana is a member of the Ashari, an order of warrior sorceresses that have stood guard over Hosul for generations. At least until the evil wizard Telain descended upon the kingdom and placed it under his wicked spell. Now, Elshana has just finished her training and she will embark on a journey to free the kingdom from the dark wizards spell. If she can avoid his enchantments and wicked desires, that is.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Magic   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   High Fantasy   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Exhibitionism   First   Public Sex  

It was some time before Elshana awoke again, having needed a long rest to recover from her ordeal. When she awoke, she found herself still at the feet of Telain’s throne, and she melted inside as she looked up to see her wonderful Master resting comfortably in his seat of power. Elshana roused slowly, still recovering from her earlier torment. She felt strange as she looked upon her Master with wonder and adoration. She knew it was natural to be so devoted to her Master, and she quickly stifled the strange feeling within her so she could bask in his presence.

“Ah, you’re awake. Good, I have something to show you.” Telain waved his arm as an order to his guards and two of them pulled open the main doors to the hall.

“What is it?” Elshana reveled in the attention she was being given by her Master. That he would have something for her so soon after taking her was a wonderful kindness she would never expect.

“It will be a few minutes, my dear. I am patient with my prey.” Telain replied.

Elshana simply cooed with joy, more overwhelmed by her Master’s thoughtfulness than with whatever he intended to show her. It didn’t matter if he wanted to show her a pile of horse manure, all that mattered was that her Master thought enough to show her. As she waited, she could only wonder how she had not seen this before, that being a slave to Telain was a wonderful thing to be cherished and grateful, not something to resist.

Orin was furiously fighting the guards as they pulled him into the throne room. He had spent the days since Elshana’s abduction making his way carefully to Telain’s castle and formulating a plan to save her. His hopes had been crushed when he made it to the castle and was unable to find a way in, that was until Telain’s guards found him and dragged him into the castle.

“Ah, here is our new guest now, I do believe you know him, Elshana.” Telain remarked as Orin was pulled before the throne.

Elshana stole one last adoring look upon her master before turning over on her pillows to see who Telain was referring to. She felt the familiar warmth of Orin’s presence almost before setting her eyes upon him. She realized how much she had missed his company, but she also noticed her feelings towards him were strange. Still, she was happy that Telain had brought him before her. “Yes, master, it’s Orin, I was helping him to find his sister and take her home.”

Orin looked up at Elshana with dismay. Not only was she completely naked at Telain’s feet, her clear deference to the man told him that she had lost her battle already. “What have you done to Elshana? Release her, now!”

“Quite impetuous of you, making demands like that. Still, you have shown some strength in venturing into my kingdom so I will grant you half of what you asked for. Elshana is now my servant, as are all Ashari who enter my realm. She will be part of my court until the end of my days, won’t you, dear?” Telain rubbed his hand over Elshana’s upper arm.

“Oh, yes, Master, I’ll never leave you.” Elshana cooed, warmed by her Master’s touch.

Telain smiled wickedly down to his captive as he began to wave his palm in a circle through the air. The air shimmered for a moment and then darkened in the area around Telain’s circling motion. “As for your sister, I think it’s only fair you should know her fate. She wandered onto the farm of one of my subjects and was brought to my court. As she was not Ashari, I had no personal use for her, but one of my lords wished to have her as a bride. Normally they ask for one of my Ashari, so I was more than pleased to use the Bell upon her and bond her with that lord.” The darkened air gave way to an image as Telain spoke.

Orin could only watch with horror as he was shown his sister naked and fully engaged in coupling with a man. Orin saw the mix of pleasure and torment in her expression as her image rocked in concert with her partner’s thrusts.

“They do make a lovely couple, don’t they?” Telain grinned again as he let the image of the pair fade away. Orin was incensed, and he pulled at the grip of Telain’s guards with all his strength, hoping that he could get free and have the chance to strangle this evil man with his bare hands. The guards’ grip didn’t slacken however, and Orin felt and odd immobilizing force spread through his body as he watched Telain wave his hand.

“Well, that was rather impolite, but I do suppose I can excuse it for now. I do need to decide what to do with you. “ With that Telain turned to Elshana. “What do you think, Elshana, would you like Orin to become a servant of the court and help take care of you and the other Ashari?”

“Yes, Master, he would make a great servant.” Elshana beamed, happy that her master would consult her and that Orin would be with her.

“I’m glad you approve, however, I can’t have a rebellious young man as a servant to my Ashari. He will have to be made a gelding, I think. Would you like to do the job, my dear?” Telain asked. His control over men was weak, nearly nonexistent if they were not already loyal to him. Telain had found that geldings were not so immune to his powers, and many of his court servants were mindless geldings that had once been strong willed opposition.

“I would love to, thank you, Master.” Elshana chimed, her very essence ringing with joy at being given such attention by her master. She barely even considered what she was being called upon to do, instead she basked in being asked to do something for him.

“Good, we shall do it now.” Telain remarked and with a wave of his hand, the court went into motion. A table was pulled up before the throne, and a special knife handed to Elshana. Orin tried to struggle as the guards pulled him onto the table and tied him down, spread eagle.

Elshana approached Orin with determination to fulfill her Master’s request. Orin looked into her eyes as she stepped closer, seeing in them a thoughtless, blissful look that disturbed him greatly. He shivered as Elshana pulled up along side him and looked down, smiling warmly as she reached to remove his shirt. Orin was unable to do anything but watch as she cut down the center of his chest and then pulled the cloth back to each side. This was the moment of final chances and he knew if his last plan failed, he would spend the rest of his existence as a sexless gelding, mindlessly serving Telain.

A wave of energy flowed through Elshana as she pulled apart Orin’s shirt and her hand grazed a small medallion lying on his chest. Her entire body shuddered as she looked down to see her Ashari pendant and she grabbed it and a small pouch beside it without thinking.

Orin held his breath as he watched Elshana take hold of her Ashari talismans, fully attentive of her puzzled expression as she considered the items now resting in her open palm. Thoughtlessly, she pulled open the pouch and dropped a single finger inside, touching not only the dried earth within, but a familiar sense.

At that moment, Elshana released a blood-curdling scream that echoed throughout the chamber, tones of pain, horror, and distress flowed from her lips. The soil of her home reconnected Elshana with the root of her powers, a magic that existed at odds with that of Telain which now flowed through her. The true Elshana awoke again as her strength was revived, but Telain’s power still coursed through her mind.

Orin watched in awe as Elshana began to glow as her scream subsided. Her face still held an expression of agony and struggle, but Orin was reassured by the look of fear on Telain’s face. Whatever could cause him to worry was something Orin was glad for. He was worried for Elshana though, even more so as the aura surrounding her grew brighter and a whirlwind began to whip up around her.

Telain was not about to let his latest prize go without a fight, and quickly entered into the battle of wills in Elshana’s mind. The turbulence and sheer power within her staggered even him, but he pressed forward, determined to squelch any resistance she offered.

Elshana quickly realized what was happening, and that this was her last chance to save herself, and her sisters. Telain had entered her mind, a move of desperation and overconfidence on his part. Elshana had the upper hand for that singular moment that he was unaware of the extent of her reawakening. She focused all of her strength as she felt him survey her mind and struck with all the power she had. Telain fell back for a moment, stunned, then push forth again, determined not to surrender yet. They were on equal footing now, and while their physical forms stood across the room, Elshana and Telain held each other in a death grip in their minds.

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