The Quest - Cover

The Quest

Copyright© 2021 by Farleven

Chapter 5

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Elshana is a member of the Ashari, an order of warrior sorceresses that have stood guard over Hosul for generations. At least until the evil wizard Telain descended upon the kingdom and placed it under his wicked spell. Now, Elshana has just finished her training and she will embark on a journey to free the kingdom from the dark wizards spell. If she can avoid his enchantments and wicked desires, that is.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Magic   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   High Fantasy   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Exhibitionism   First   Public Sex  

The feeling of hands coursing over her body roused Elshana from a strange slumber. As her senses slowly came back to her, all she could do was rest and enjoy the sensations that were being stirred within her. Her body was already beginning to ache with arousal. Even as Elshana remembered where she must be, she had to struggle against her own desire to open her eyes and look around.

The hands caressing her body stopped as she surveyed her surroundings. Elshana was flanked by four lovely teenaged girls each as naked as she was and each caressing her sensitive flesh. Each of the girls had a strangely vacuous and aroused look on their faces. Elshana opened her mouth to ask a question and the girl to her right descended upon her parted lips. A moment later, Elshana was being kissed passionately, and she couldn’t resist returning the gesture. As their lips pressed together, the other girls descended upon Elshana’s exposed flesh. Elshana moaned against the girls’ lips as she felt both her nipples suckled on and her nether lips licked. The girls continued their work on Elshana’s body with practiced skill, playing her like a fiddle.

Elshana was quickly lost in sensation, her entire body alight with pleasure and her thoughts drowned out by arousal. She existed in a sea of hands and mouths, being caressed and licked and suckled. Elshana could only writhe and moan against the onslaught of wonderful pleasure. Time seemed to stand still, and she felt as if she was suspended in a moment of pure ecstasy.

Even as she was swept away by the wondrous feelings being sparked within her, Elshana held on with a small part of her rational mind. She could feel the sexual energy being channeled into her from the girls around her. Elshana realized that it was more than just their touch that was fueling her passions, but it didn’t matter. The sensations were too wonderful to seek escape from, rather she embraced it, dropping her defenses to the pleasure from her companion’s hands and from the energy being sent into her being.

There was no telling how long she existed in that state of ecstasy, engulfed in pleasure. It was in this timeless state that Elshana felt the budding of a new pleasure within her. She had experienced an orgasm before, but nothing like the one brewing inside her. She could feel her body building to this release, and then the dam broke. Elshana cried out, her entire body radiating the same sexual energy that had just been fed into her. The sensation was beyond description, all she could do was lay back and experience the waves of pure pleasure coursing through her.

Elshana enjoyed the afterglow for several minutes as her keepers continued to caress her body, though far more casually now. She could scarcely believe such pleasure was possible. She was also afraid, she hadn’t been able to resist even slightly, and she knew that Telain was even more powerful than these charges around her. With that thought, Elshana took a closer look at the girls still gently exploring her body. She didn’t recognize three of the girls, but the one who had kissed her was familiar. It was Liah, the last Ashari to go on the quest before Elshana.

“Liah, what happened to you?” Elshana asked. They had known each other before Liah had left, they hadn’t been close friends, but they had been sisters as all Ashari were. Elshana still remembered her as a strong and confident girl, and was dismayed to see Liah here like this.

Liah smiled broadly. “The Master freed me. It’s wonderful, Elshana, you’ll see, he asked us to prepare you and then he will free you too.”

“What did he free you from?” Elshana was already concerned just by the fawning tone in Liah’s voice.

“From worry, or work. The Master has freed us all from that. Now we exist just for pleasure. I know you’ll love it, Elshana, just like all our sisters do. I know it’s hard for you to see that now, but you’ll understand when the Master sets you free.” Liah replied, her voice wrapped in a dreamy tone that matched her nearly blank, if blissful, expression.

“But what of the quest, Liah, how could you surrender to Telain?” Elshana asked, trying to reach deeper into Liah’s thoughts. If she could just spark a part of the old Liah, perhaps there was still some hope to escape or defeat Telain.

Liah hung her head solemnly, pitying her charge. “None of that matters, the Master showed all of us how wrong it was to fight him. He’ll help you understand as well, Elshana. Soon, you’ll see how good it is to serve him and be freed from all concern.”

That was all Elshana could get from Liah. She asked a few more questions, but Liah was unmoved in her devotion to her new life and subjugation to Telain. Elshana didn’t know what had been done to Liah or the other girls around her, but she knew it was beyond her power to save them at the moment. She couldn’t even move away from their casually roaming hands. All Elshana could do was lay on the bed, surrounded by fawning girls, and await the fate before her.

She didn’t have to wait long. A ripple coursed though the energy in the room and the girls pulled away.

“He is ready for you now, Elshana, go to him” Liah said with awe echoing in her voice.

Elshana turned to object, but instead found herself rising from the bed she had been on. She could feel the girls controlling her, and sending her towards the door, and presumably on to an existence as Telain’s latest captive.

Elshana wasn’t disappointed or relieved when she walked through the door to find another bedroom with Telain standing at the center, fully clothed and clearly waiting for her. She was self conscious of the fact that she was standing before such an evil man completely naked and defenseless. All Elshana had left was her willpower, and she knew it wouldn’t be enough against his power.

Telain stood there, admiring the well-formed body of his latest Ashari, a smug smile across his lips. “You are remarkable, Elshana, lovely and strong. I should have you know that by now Liah was begging for me to take her, to become my servant, but you still hold fast. I do enjoy that. Still, your fate is inevitable now, dear girl. Please make yourself comfortable on the bed and prepare yourself for me.”

Elshana felt compelled to obey him. She struggled against it, but she couldn’t stop herself. It was as if she was of two minds, instinctively she wanted to obey him, but rationally she fought back. She wasn’t certain what he meant by preparing herself, but as soon as she considered the question, her head seemed to fill with both the knowledge and the desire to do so.

Elshana walked to the bed, and sat on the edge. For some reason she felt the need to smile warmly at her captor as she pulled herself to the middle of the bed and onto her back. As she propped herself up on her elbows and spread her legs, Elshana watched Telain undress. She gasped as he directed a flow of magic into her already prone form. Her body was aflame with passion as she felt his power stoking her desire and arousal, her entire form called out to be used. Even as her body was fully under Telain’s control, her thoughts were still her own, though now embattled by the desire to simply give into to the wonderful sensations being sparked within her. Again she found her haven, the spark within her that had allowed her to resist before. Elshana knew her time was short as she watched her captor remove the last of his garments and felt her loins aching to be filled. She focused all of her mental strength on the shelter within her, wrapping her thoughts, her very consciousness into it. At that moment, Elshana became two beings, one Ashari, pure of thought and purpose, and one slave, existing only for the pleasure of herself and her master.

Telain noticed a change in his new prize as he stood above her, appraising Elshana’s lovely passion wracked form. At that moment, he sensed her resistance ebb, and watched as her eyes took up a sparkle of acceptance similar to that of all his other Ashari. Telain paused for a moment over her trembling, naked form considering her sudden surrender before descending upon her waiting form.

Elshana felt the duality of her perception as she watched Telain’s bared form descend upon her. She could sense her body’s desire for this dark man as he moved atop her, and the fact that her body embraced him willingly. It was a strange feeling for her as she watched her body make love to her enemy. She could sense the waves of passion flowing through her, the wonderful feelings of Telain’s hands cupping her breasts and her mound, but she was also detached, unaffected by the feelings coursing through her body, and controlling her form. With that, Elshana relaxed, and simply watched passively as her physical form passionately embraced the lord of this domain.

Telain took his time exploring the youthful form of his latest catch, enjoying her passionate moans as he cupped her firm orbs or parted her tender nether lips with a teasing finger. Like all Ashari before her, Elshana was lovely and her body well formed. Telain took great pleasure in that fact, knowing that the very magic that gave him his power would forever keep this morsel of female beauty forever as lovely as she was right now.

“You are lovely, Elshana, and you shall forever be as you are now. I will save you from the ravages of age, and worry, as I have for all your sisters.” Telain explained as he positioned himself between her waiting legs, staring intently into the eyes of his newest slave as he positioned his shaft against her opening. “Are you ready to join your sisters, to be free as all Ashari are meant to be?”

Elshana watched as her body was overcome by passion and her nether lips were tickled by the head of Telain’s shaft, aching to have it fill her. She regretted that this was the only way, but did not resist her body’s need or its actions. All Elshana could do was watch as she answered him. “Yes, oh please set me free!”

She moaned loudly as Telain thrust inside her. Her dripping slit harboring no resistance to his plunging shaft, rather her hips pushed back to help him fill her. As his harry sack rested on the sensitive flesh beneath her splayed opening, Elshana reached up and embraced Telain passionately, wrapping her legs around him and kissing him deeply.

While their embrace continued, Elshana felt a growing flood of energy flowing into her form. Cautiously, she reached out, sensing the presence of her Ashari sisters standing around the bed and channeling sexual energy into her inflamed form. With that warning, Elshana pulled her mind tighter around her shelter, holding on with every bit of strength to keep from being washed away and fully becoming one of Telain’s captive Ashari.

Her body was in heaven, awash in pure arousal, absolute passion, and fully joined in the most wondrous way with a man. When he began to pull back, the sensation of his shaft moving within her tender flesh was beyond description, she cried out at the wonder and the pure joy of the feeling as he retreated to her entrance. A moment later all her thoughts were absorbed by the even more intense feeling of being filled again, by having her tender, aroused flesh parted. As the pair began a slow humping motion, it was all Elshana could do to endure the all encompassing pleasure being focused upon her. She was lost in the sensation, little more than an animal in heat as she moaned, grunted, and squealed while her flesh was so wondrously used by this evil lord.

Time lost all meaning to her body and her mind as they coupled passionately on that bed, surrounded by a room full of nude Ashari. Their movements and sensations had all become fluid, her body joined so intimately and fully with Telain. They moved together in perfect form, meeting thrusts perfects, squeezing and thrusting at all the right moments to keeping adding to the fire consuming them. Elshana could feel the energy coursing into her, stoked by her sisters, her captor and her own inflamed flesh. Her body had surrendered to being used, to being fully open to this man and the wonderful feeling he skillfully stoked within her.

With a sudden fury, Elshana felt Telain passions peak as he pounded furiously into her willing folds. She felt his seed spurt into her, and felt his released passions course through her. Her own orgasm came as his seed blasted into her, and she cried out again. Her body was glowing with energy, her flesh engulfed by pleasure and passion beyond her ability to understand. Elshana could only embrace it as it coursed through her. She quaked with passion as her body flowed with sexual energy.

As her orgasm slowly abated and the energy flowed from her, Elshana rested in Telain’s arms. Her mind slowly reasserted itself, though careful not to try taking back control of her body. She could feel the sexual energy still flowing within her. Even though it wasn’t as strong as it had been, Elshana knew that she would succumb fully to Telain’s control if she attempted to regain herself now. Rather, she watched her body embrace her captor in their post coupling rest. Elshana could sense her body’s complete surrender to Telain, and that for the time being she would be his slave in flesh if not in mind.

The couple stayed like that for some time, recovering from the glorious coupling they had both enjoyed. Elshana could not deny the absolute rapture that Telain had generated inside her, and was only glad she had found shelter from the storm so she could save herself from complete surrender. Still, a part of her wished she could have experienced it fully, but that would be too much of a price to pay for even that pleasure.

Finally, Telain roused himself and pulled off of the bed. He watched as Elshana rolled over to watch him as he walked across the room. Within her fawning expression, he thought he could sense something else, but he couldn’t determine what it was. Still, it disturbed him, as did something else about his new Ashari.

“Rise, Elshana, and I welcome you to your new life. It is time for you to be introduced to my castle.” Telain ordered, and was pleased to watch the naked girl comply swiftly and merrily. He took stock of the lovely young woman again as she stood proudly before him, unabashedly displaying her charms for him. She was lovely, as were her sisters, and Telain felt the same attraction to her as he had to the first Ashari he had seen so long ago. That girl was still housed within the his castle, and still as lovely as the day he had taken her for the first time, though he no longer thought much of her except when he took a new charge.

Telain dressed again as Elshana watched, and he stepped over to a small stand, taking a pendant and chain in hand. He walked over to Elshana and handed her the chain.

“Place this pendant around your neck, my dear.” Telain ordered. Elshana followed without comment or even a pause to think. The pendant was little more than a small yellowish crystal in a simple setting that bound it to the chain. The chain was fairly long as well, and as Elshana clasped the chain, the crystal rested at the top of the valley between her breasts.

“This pendant will help you fully bind to me. I could sense a part of you holding back as we embraced Elshana. This pendant will hold all of your passion’s energy within you until you fully embrace your new life. Once you have done that you will be truly one with your sisters and with me, Elshana.” Telain explained.

Elshana was of two minds about this, while she feared her shelter would fall, her body wished for the pendant’s help in quashing the last of her free will.

“Thank you.” She chimed her body fully grateful for his kindness.

Telain simply smiled in response while he reached out to fondle one of Elshana’s bare breasts. The girl moaned openly at the caress, thrusting her chest out to allow him better access to her pert orbs. Telain continued this for a few moments, staring into Elshana’s eyes, as she looked back with adoration and a newly budding arousal. He stopped as the crystal began to glow ever so slightly in response to Elshana’s renewed passions.

Elshana noticed the effect of the crystal as Telain pulled his hand back. Even with his caresses gone, her fires didn’t abate. Her body was ready for more, craving the sensations she had been subjected to. Elshana’s mind was more wary, and again she stole herself against the coming onslaught. She didn’t know the power of the crystal fully, but she feared it would wear her down with a raging flood of passion that even her shelter would fall victim to. When that happened, Elshana knew she would become as mindless and servile as the rest of the Ashari now were. Still, there was nothing she could do for now. She lacked the power to reaffirm control over her body and defeat Telain. With that Elshana knew she had only a passive defense, that she would have to steal herself away, hoping for an opportunity to defeat Telain or escape before her mind joined her body in surrendering to Telain.

“Come, Elshana, it is time for you to meet my court.” He beckoned, striding confidently out of the room. Elshana didn’t hesitate a moment, walking dutifully behind him, proudly displaying her sumptuous, young and entirely naked form.

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