Tommy Gunn - Revenge on the Border (beta version) - Cover

Tommy Gunn - Revenge on the Border (beta version)

Copyright© 2022 by Justin Case

Chapter 5

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Tommy Gunn, special agent of the United States Justice Department. Currently working with a human trafficking and drug interdiction task force along the South Texas border. Working in his hometown, he is driven to right a serious wrong. Along the way he encounters obstacles and problems, and the love of a lifetime. But will he complete his mission? And will it be the one he is paid to do... or the mission he has chosen for himself? Final expanded version available on bookapy.

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Crime   Tear Jerker   War   Western   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Politics   Revenge   Slow   Violence  

Tommy’s phone rang.

He reached to answer it but couldn’t move his arm. Looking over, there was Skye. Head on his shoulder, arm around his chest, right leg thrown over his, dead asleep, and laying on his right arm that was around under her neck, hand on her back, holding her tightly to him.

The phone finally quit ringing. The alarm bells in his head didn’t stop. And he began to panic.

An old joke about gnawing one’s own arm off came into his head for some reason, even though NORMALLY any man who woke up beside this gorgeous woman wouldn’t think they needed to. But this was different. This was his brand-new girlfriend’s aunt. IN HIS BED. He tried to reach over with his left arm to lift her head so he could get up without waking her.

He realized he couldn’t move his left arm either. He looked to his left and saw Nia, sleeping soundly and contented, on that side. She was firmly plastered to his left side. Head on his shoulder, arm around his mid-section, left leg thrown over his. Dead asleep, and laying on his left arm that was around her, also hugging her to him.

Panic set in as he realized he had other problems. First, he had to pee. Second, he needed to check his phone in case it was ‘work’. Third, both of his arms were ‘asleep’ and tingling painfully as he tried to move them.

But the real ‘panic’ was due to the fact that he had a ‘problem’. And it was currently sandwiched between the left leg of his brand-new hours-old girlfriend, and the right leg of her aunt.

Some men, many men actually, would have relished this situation. But Tommy wasn’t at all comfortable. Not with his circulation, his need for urinary relief, OR the two beauties being in such close proximity to his ‘morning glory’.

‘This could be bad.’ he thought. ‘It could really complicate things with Nia, or at least make them incredibly awkward.’ Trying to think, he laid perfectly still. Then Nia sighed and kissed his chest below her face, settling back from him a little and relaxing.

He raised his left leg slowly and she slid her own leg off him to lay on her back. Repeating the same with his right side, he managed to free his legs from under both of them. Slowly he worked his arm from under Skye, then turned slowly and freed his left from Nia.

He gently rose, went into to the bathroom, and relieved his First problem. The third, his circulation, tingled fiercely as he worked his arms and fingers to get things flowing again. The panic subsided as the ‘problem’ did too.

When he returned to the bedroom, Nia had scooted over to Skye, who had rolled to her right, and they were spooned with Nia pressed against Skye’s back. He checked the phone. Nothing but a scumbag telemarketer robo-call. He carefully slipped in behind Nia, and she turned toward him. Wrapping her arm across his chest and snuggling her face in his chest hair. He slipped his arm around her, holding her to him.

Skye wrapped his arm into hers, and sighed.

The room phone rang at 11 am, waking the trio this time. He rolled over and answered it, pretty much knowing what it was about. “Yes mam, one more please. Yes, both. Yes, same card. Thank You too.”

He turned and saw four dark pretty eyes looking at him. Both girls were smiling, and both seemed happy. Neither seemed concerned about the previous nights’ sleeping arrangements.

Skye spoke first, “Morning sexy hunk.” She teased. Nia giggled, “Good morning my love.” “Morning Skye.” He replied. “Morning my heart.” He smiled broadly.

Skye got up, then went into the other room to the bathroom. Nia stayed and pulled him to her, planting a soft kiss on his lips. “Leave it to me to do the weird thing. My very first time sleeping with a man, and I had to share him with my aunt.” She giggled. “Stay right where you are.” She said. Then she hopped up and rushed into his bathroom.

Skye appeared right after she closed the bathroom door, leaned on the door frame, and spoke. “Sorry we intruded on you last night. Are you okay? I mean, it didn’t it bother you that we both slept in your bed did it?” “Not exactly.” He replied. “Just a little weird this morning.” “Don’t worry. No reason to cause any alarms or weird feelings.”

He looked at her and said, “Kinda hard to forget.”

She laughed, and blushed, “It’s a natural thing for a woman to spoon up to a man in her sleep. We do it to pillows too.”

He wasn’t satisfied with her answer, so he tried to explain again, “Still, I’d rather not have at this early stage of our relationship. Later, when things have gotten more serious, maybe it will be okay. But this is too soon for me. When I have to worry about her ring scratching me, I’ll feel different. But for now, I just feel like it’s too soon.”

She just giggled. “You’re what Nia would call an anachronism.” He looked at her seriously, “She already knows. I don’t ‘DO casual’. And I’m NOT that old, or old fashioned. I just know that rushing things makes for muddy thinking, and that can cause a lot of pain and heartache.”

Skye walked over and sat down on the bed, then leaned over and hugged him. “You’re a good man Tommy. Wish I could just clone you. I’d solve my problems, AND, I could make a mint selling them to other women.”

He hugged her back and replied, “And that venture would fail. Because every copy would still be totally smitten with her.”

Nia popped out of the bathroom and stopped. Looking at Skye, she clucked and shook her head, “Every time I turn my back, you’re like all over him like white on rice. I swear. Sitting on his lap nearly naked last night, hugging all over him this morning. Should I be worried here?”

Skye blushed and feigned outrage. “I’m not taking anything he can’t spare. And I owed him a hug this morning. Last night was the best sleep I’ve had in a long long time. I really needed someone to just hold and comfort me, and he did. Even if he didn’t fully know it at the time.” She stuck her tongue out at Nia. “Besides ... Remember Amended Rule One...”

Nia laughed, “I think that is only supposed to apply to the people actually IN a relationship, and when THEY are in bed. I woke up three times and instead of being able to put my arm around him, I found your arm there instead. You’re a horrible horrible role model.”

Skye laughed and countered, “Well, at least I didn’t sleep with a guy on the first date.” Nia gasped, eyes wide, “Oh my god. I did, didn’t I?” Then she giggled and exclaimed, “And it’s all your fault. Bad influence. Horrible role model. Terrible.”

Tommy just sat there, listening, and feeling kinda weirdly ignored. But also feeling pretty good. His nights’ sleep had been very sound as well. He just wished he remembered any of it. He had thought their first night, him holding Nia in his arms as she cuddled to him and slept peacefully, would be a lasting good memory. Guess sleep shuts down the recorders in the brain.

He shook his head at their banter. The stupidly joined the fray. “I can’t believe you two. You’re BOTH terrible. You took advantage of me when I passed out. Used me for my warmth and your own comfort. Like a human weighted blanket.” He fake pouted. “I feel SO cheap and used.” He feigned a shocked look, and pulled a wad of the covers to his chest. “I’ve been MOLESTED. And I’ll never be the same again.” He chuckled and grinned at his own humor.

Nia laughed, her eyes sparkling at him. She spoke with a tone of finality about the subject in her voice, “I sure nuff did. Did you forget last night? You said what you said, and I said what I said? And if that was all fact, if you meant what you said to me, then you belong to me now. Every hair, every breath, and every inch of your body.” And she had a look that DARED him to disagree.

He swallowed hard, answering her seriously, “I meant every syllable I said to you last night.”

“Good.” She replied. She walked over and sat down on the side of the bed.

“Look. We already agreed, clearly, that we want to wait for the right time to share our love physically. Did you mean that?” She asked. He nodded.

“Are you a sex fiend? Prone to uncontrollable lustful urges that would cause you to take me against my will?” He waggled his eyebrows and nodded again. “Yes, with you I am.”

She shot a look at him that brokered no room for sass. “Be serious.” He shook his head. “No dear, I don’t believe I have ever had that problem.”

“Then we will wait until the time is right and proper.” She said. “But meanwhile, I’m not willing to just wrap up in a burka and avoid you. I want to be near you all the time. And I intend to. ‘Morning Wood’ be damned.”

He turned a bright shade of red, and Skye laughed at them. He told Nia, “Can we talk about this later? Just you and me?”

“Why?” She asked him. “You think Skye doesn’t understand or know about morning erections?” I never ever even imagined sleeping all snuggled up to ANY guy I ever met, until you. And I never did.” “Then last night I actually DID want to snuggle up to you and just feel the comfort and security, for my first time ever, so I did. And it was wonderful. Everything I ever wanted or dreamed about.”

“And here we are, with you all freaked out and me feeling bad now about something that was wonderful and beautiful to me.”

“Or is it because you want me to hold my feelings and thoughts inside? Keep them to myself for another six months so I won’t say something outrageous?” “Dammit.”, and she punched the bed. After a minute or two shaking her head and looking at the ceiling, she spoke again.

“Crap on a cracker Tommy. I waited six months to finally meet you. Fell for you before I even met you. TUMBLED into love with you when we did meet, like a rock down a cliff face. And now you want to push me away? After all that? Like I don’t have brains enough to know what I’m doing?”

She began to cry as she vented. Then looked at him fiercely and pointed her finger at him accusingly.

“Well, I have news for you mister. After last night, you’re just gonna have to deal with me being here beside you. Or you can physically throw me off the bed, cause I’m never ever sleeping alone without you again.” She fixed him in her stare. “MINE. Forever. Remember?”

He nodded. And he knew she was right. “Okay. I get it. I’m just being silly I guess.” He told her honestly. “I’m sorry I freaked out. I just love you so very much, and I don’t want to hurt you in any way. And I don’t want to lose you.” “You are correct when you say I’m going overboard. And I will admit it. I wanted to hold you all night and wake up with you too. I even almost asked you in the hall before you went into your room.”

Nia looked at him and sniffled, then laid beside him and they wrapped each other up into a tangle of arms, legs, and bodies. He hissed her softly, ignoring her tear wet cheeks and snotty nose.

“And I’ll never ever kick you out of my bed. I promise. But no eating crackers, okay?” Skye cracked up.

She leaned into him and hugged him tightly. Then kissed him on his cheek. “See? That wasn’t so hard. Was it? You’re gonna get the hang of what makes our Nia tick really fast I think.”

He said softly, “I’m sorry if I made you feel bad as well.” Skye laughed, “We did nothing wrong. And ‘I’ know the difference.”

Nia looked at him seriously. “Tommy, my love, you know that I love you, and you know I’m gonna love ON you. And I know there will be physical reactions when I do.” “It is actually EXPECTED of you ... just so you know that ahead of time too.” “I’m not 12, I’m 22. A grown woman. Okay?” He just looked at her and listened, trying to avoid meeting Skye’s eyes.

“Okay.” He said. Then added, “And I promise to stop being so uptight, and to stop trying to script our relationship. I was just surprised this morning I guess.”

“Look. I’m sorry we stayed last night. It was my idea.” Nia said. “But I’m not harmed. Skye’s not harmed. And I don’t truly think you were harmed.”

She shrugged and looked at Skye, “Does he look harmed or adversely affected in any way to you? Other than embarrassed that now we know he’s a normal healthy male.” Skye giggled and shook her head.

Then she asked Tommy mockingly, “Well? Are you harmed? Are you injured physically or emotionally? Are you ruined?”

He shook his head and blew out a deep breath, then laughed. “No. Not harmed. But definitely physically affected. Possibly ruined mentally.” He winked at Skye and added, “And maybe even emotionally scarred by the molestation I endured at the pawing hands of you and your niece all night.” Skye laughed.

Nia just harrumphed. “You better get used to it buddy. The day will SOON come when you are going to get molested for real, every single night.”

And she laid a toe-curling kiss on him, and said, “I love you more than you’ll ever know.” Then she got up and walked into the other room.

She shouted back over her shoulder, “Skye, no time to molest my man right now. I’m going to get my shower and we need to get dressed now. Tommy is taking me to the Alamo today. And I want you to come along too.” And she walked into their bathroom, slamming the door shut behind her.

He looked at Skye, eyes wide, “Who was that girl? And what happened to my sweet shy little Nia?”

Skye laughed, “Oh my dear sweet man, you have no idea what you have done gone and unleashed, do you?” And she gave him a little kiss on the cheek, hopped off the bed, and walked into the other room. Shutting their door behind her.

Tommy just stared at the closed door for several minutes. He wasn’t put off by Nia’s actions and words. Quite the opposite. She had been totally right, but he was a little more than surprised at the potential fury that was hinted at. His sweet little love was an undercover fireball. And he loved the idea of that.

As he did his morning ritual, shaving and showering, he thought a little about his life. And his job. How would this affect his and Nia’s relationship? Would she be able to handle his work schedule, or lack thereof. What he did ‘while’ working? Would she be repulsed, or think he was a monster, if she ever knew he had taken lives?

He also wondered about Dr. Yates. Should he say or do anything about what that narcissistic sex predator did last night? And if he did confront him, could he restrain himself from making it a violent retribution?

Shaved, showered, and dressed, he sat in one of the comfortable recliners and waited. It was only a few minutes before there was a knock on the connecting door. Nia stepped in and walked over, sitting on his lap. She wrapped him in a warm hug, then pulled his face to hers and kissed him deeply.

She was wearing a white light cotton button-up blouse that was similar to a man’s dress shirt. Sleeves rolled up above her elbows and unbuttoned low enough to almost reveal the slightest hint of her cleavage. She had chosen a pair of tan cotton ‘capri’ pants that hugged her perfect ass in the soft fabric, allowing every jiggle and bounce to mesmerize his eyes. White tennis shoes and little pink socks, complete with the pink fuzzy ‘puff ball’ above her heel. Her hair was pulled back and woven into one long braid that still hung down to below where her bra strap would be.

“Miss me?” She asked.

“I missed you like the desert misses the rains.” She giggled and ran her fingers through his hair. “Good answer. And good song.”

“Skye says that our first fight was the cutest one she ever saw or heard about.” She looked at him sadly. “Can we make that one the last one?”

He shook his head. “I don’t know, we can try, but I doubt it seriously. People disagree, and that’s just a fact.” She was clearly not happy with his response.

“Tell you what we can do.” He said to her. “We CAN make a vow, a pact, that we will never ever go to sleep mad at each other. No matter what. We will always settle our problems and not hold them over until tomorrow. How’s that?”

She brightened. And smiled. “I think that’s Grandma’s rule. ‘Always forgive the one you love’.” He nodded. She hugged him tight. Skye walked in, “Y’all ready to go? I’m hungry.”

She was brushing her wet long black hair. It was longer than he had initially thought. He looked at her longer than he should have he guessed, because she asked him, “What? Do I look okay?”

She wore blue denim jeans, tennis shoes, and a gray t-shirt with a full color dreamcatcher printed on the back. The jeans were very form fitting, accenting her full hips, round buttocks, and legs. “Very nice.” He replied. “You look really nice. And the man-hunting jeans are great too.” Skye blushed and looked flustered. Nia busted out laughing.

“You’re teasing me again.” Skye said. “Yep.” He replied.

Skye popped his arm with the brush. “Then what was that look about?” He carefully explained, “Your hair ... I mean ... after your treatment. I was admiring how long and thick it is.” “Oh. That.” She said, “I didn’t lose much. And it came back in pretty quick. It almost looks as nice as it used to.”

“Well, I think it’s beautiful just as it is now. You look great.” He told her sincerely.

She smiled and thanked him quietly, then looked at Nia. “See? THAT is why he’s gonna need constant watching out for. He’s a silver-tongued devil.”

Nia laughed, “I already know.” Then with a mischievous leer, “And with the way he fills out those jeans of his ... well ... I’m gonna have to get me a big stick to keep the women knocked off him...” She placed one hand on her bosom, fake fanned herself with the other, and fluttered her eyelashes. Then she added, “ ... or to keep them knocked off HIS big stick.” And she giggled.

“Anyone want lunch?” He quickly asked, trying to deflect the conversation away from anything in his pants. “Me.” and “Me.” Was their answer.

“Well let’s get everything together and ready to go. But I need to call the office real quick, and then call Tammy and let her know the plan.” He said.

Nia looked at him questioningly, then at Skye. “He booked the rooms for another night when we woke up earlier. Checkout was an hour ago.” Skye said.

“Oh my gosh,” Nia exclaimed. “Tammy expects ... I can’t stay another night. She needs me in the morning.” “Don’t worry.” He told her. “I’ll call her. It will be alright.”

He fished out his phone and hit a preset, stepping out onto the balcony. The gruff voice on the other end greeted him. “About time you checked in. Did you check the email I sent you?” “Well, good morning to you too, SIR. No, I didn’t. Not yet.”

Barnes sounded serious, so Tommy asked, “Any contacts or clients for me? I’m still in SA until tomorrow afternoon.” Barnes replied, “Just the policy information on the ‘CLIENT’ you requested. It is detailed, and needs your attention. The policy is ‘ACTIVE’, but needs your special attention to detail. Make damned sure nothing happens, and make sure it doesn’t get canceled. Comprende?”

Tommy frowned, then glanced at Skye who wasn’t paying him any attention. “Yes sir, I will check the policy information you sent, and I’ll avoid further contact with him before I leave tomorrow. If possible.”

Barnes added, with hesitation, “Umm, just so you know, before you hear it elsewhere, your largest policyholder is out of town indefinitely. Gone back to his home office. Might be a while before he returns.” “Got it.” Tommy replied tersely. He sighed, “Anything else to make my day?”

Barnes’ tone changed to a more jovial and teasing tone, “Well, maybe. Your expense report is approved.” He chuckled. “Two rooms? Anything you need help with?” Tommy rolled his eyes and smiled. “Not at the moment sir. Just some philanthropy. Call it public relations if anyone on your end squawks. And if all else fails, I will take the hit and it can be deducted from my pay. It’s for a medical patient, and a family member. Perhaps a future rider on my personal policy.”

Barnes just nodded and smiled to himself. He replied genuinely, “That would be great news. I truly hope it works out for you.” “Thanks sir. I will contact you later.” The big man just replied, “Barnes out.” and hung up.

Tommy turned to walk inside, noticing Skye and Nia huddled closely. Talking, smiling, and laughing. Nia’s musical laugh and easy smile was a sound and sight he wished he could just preserve forever under glass. He could look at it all day. He also noted Skye’s happy demeanor. How she could just dismiss Dr. Yates’ actions the night before and already be so ‘over it’ was testament to her strength and inner beauty. Her resilience and good nature.

A flicker of an idea crossed his mind. Barnes was single. And only 50-years-old. Not a bad looking guy, even though Tommy wasn’t a good judge of that aspect. And more importantly, he was as honest and dependable as they come. And Tommy also knew that his ‘boss’ spent most all of his nights at home alone. Not a bar patron, and not a womanizer by a long shot. He would have to consider carefully whether or not to dabble in the affairs of the heart with others, but it wasn’t too far-fetched an idea.

He stepped into the room and hit another preset on his phone, then sat in a chair in front of the two beautiful ladies. He waggled his eyebrows and pasted a mischievous grin on his face as he pressed his index finger to his lips and hit speaker. The phone was ringing. “Thank you for calling Becky’s Diner,” a sexy sultry voice said into his ear, “How may I help you?”

Tommy altered the tone and sound of his voice, “I need to place a ‘to-go’ order please.” “Okay, what-cha-want-sweetie?” She absentmindedly asked the caller. No doubt picking up her pen and an order pad.

“I’d like One gorgeous sexy redhead, with Two large breasts, Two juicy thighs ... and a extra-large order of sexy ass.”

“WHAT?” she shrieked, “I don’t know who this is, but...” “Yes, you do.” He cut her off in his normal voice. “But I’m still interested in hearing what you think you’ll do to me.”

“THOMAS JEFFERSON GUNN!!!” She shouted into the phone angrily. “I’m gonna SPANK your ass when I see you again.” “Promise?” He said. Laughing. She laughed, “Whew-wee! I was about to light into somebody’s ass. Callin’ me up with that kinda shit.” She giggled. He didn’t doubt her words a bit. “And I’ll have you know, my ass is NOT ‘Extra Large’ buster.” He just rolled his eyes at the girls.

“So where are you? You coming in today?” “No sweetie. We’re in San Antonio.” He began. “WE?” she asked. “Yes dear, WE. We’re still in San Antonio.” He confirmed. “And I need a HUGE favor.”

She got serious, real quick, “Okay. Shoot. Anything I got is yours, including my help.” He chuckled, “Nothing bad serious. But I need your cook for another day. We need to come back tomorrow afternoon instead of tonight.” He then spoke cryptically, “I drove them over for Skye’s doctor appointment yesterday, and I just got a call. I need to stay for another day ... for MY work.”

Tammy groaned. “Oh Tommy.” she blew out her breath, “Why do you do these things to me?” He asked, “Who ... ME?” “Yes YOU. Why? Why me?” She fake lamented. Then she laughed. “It’s fine. I’ll just let Mark know, he’s been saying he could use the extra hours.”

“Thanks.” He said. “I’ll see you Friday.” “I hope so. I miss you.” She said. “And Tommy, please remember what I told you? Be careful with Nia. She’s not like me and you.” He looked at Nia, who frowned, and he winked at her. “You’d be surprised. She’s not as helpless as some people might think.” He said. “But I get ya. Everything is okay. WE are just fine.” “Okay then. See you Friday.” She said.

He looked to the ladies sitting across from him. They were shaking their heads and giving him looks of disapproval. Nia spoke up. “You’re mean to do her that way. She adores you, Tommy. But, if she thinks I’m helpless, then I think it’s funny.”

He held up his palms, “I didn’t do anything wrong. And I adore her too. We just tease each other unmercifully because we love each other so much.” He laughed. “Just ask Skye. That’s just how brothers and sisters act toward each other.”

Skye laughed, “Well, not exactly. But close.”

Tommy looked at Nia. “She adores YOU too. She’s just afraid I might take advantage of you, or do something that might hurt you. She doesn’t know yet. We will tell her when we get home.”

Nia smiled, “Oh yeah. She’s gonna find out alright. Just YOU wait. I’m gonna pull out MY bag of pranks and let loose a doozie on her.”

“Oh,” He added. “And she thinks you are Mexican. Possibly an IA, since you took the job for so little pay.” Nia looked shocked, the laughed herself silly. “I am SO gonna use THAT to mess with her too.”

“He stood before any more scolding or questions could ensue. “Come on. Time for FUN.” And with a little squeal, Nia jumped up and grabbed his arm, while Skye rose and picked up her purse. “Leave the purse if you can.” He suggested. “Just bring your ID.” She went and left it on her bedside table.

In the elevator, he asked Skye, “We’re having steak for supper. What’s for lunch?” She looked at him sheepishly, “I’m not sure. I haven’t ever been down around here before.” “Nia has some ideas. Let her tell you, but YOU get to pick.”

The girls talked and bantered as they walked through the lobby, then down toward the river. Tommy didn’t exactly ignore them, but he was busy typing into his phone.

“Tex-Mex.” Skye said. “The same place you guys went last night.” Nia nodded. “Okay.” he said. And off they went.

As they drank sweet tea (Tommy) and MEDIUM strawberry margaritas (Nia/Skye) they decided to go to the Alamo next, then some other local touristy sites. They ate their fill of fresh chips and salsa, tacos, enchiladas, and guacamole salads.

Tommy had eaten rather fast and was on his phone typing quite a bit while the girls finished theirs.

“It’s rude to ignore your companions.” Skye said. “I’m sorry. Just some important business I have to get taken care of. I’ll try to keep it to a minimum, but I might be busy sometimes until 5 pm. After that, my attention will be 110% all yours. I promise.”

She laughed, “I’m just kidding you. I know you have ‘work stuff’ that you set aside for this trip. Don’t sweat it.” Then her demeanor softened, her eyes misting up. “I want to say Thank You for all of this Tommy. This trip. All of this. It means so very much to me, even though I wasn’t the focus of your intentions. It’s been a long time since I got to just go somewhere and relax.” Nia laid her head on Skye’s shoulder and looked at him. “Me too. Thank You very much. For everything.”

Tommy just looked at them, lips tight. He narrowed his eyes. “No thanks is needed. I am having fun too. And we’re gonna have some more today and tomorrow. It is ME who should be thankful for having you two with me. It would not even be doing this if not for you. I’d probably just be hanging around the house moping about. So stop acting like I’m the benefactor of the ball. Let’s just DO this.” They nodded, and agreed. He motioned for the waitress, holding up his card.

As they walked down the sidewalk near the Alamo, Tommy spotted the ghillie suit and the large fake pot. He stopped and feigned pulling up his sock, saying he’d catch up before the next street crossing. He pulled out his phone and began recording video as he followed the two at a short distance.

As they passed by him, ‘Bush Man’ rose up and reached toward them. Skye screamed, “SHIT!”, and jumped back. Nia however, quickly twisted to face him and assumed a perfect defensive fighting stance.

She looked ready to deliver either a punch or a kick when he hollered “NO.” She dropped her stance and just laughed at him, telling him, I already saw you from way back.” And pointed at Tommy, “My fiancee was even stalking up behind us recording. Trying to catch our reaction. He thinks he’s slick or stealthy sometimes. I just think he’s cute.”

Bush Man laughed and shook her hand. They walked on. (need to ask her about that martial arts move)

Nia loved the Alamo. Skye seemed somewhat interested, but Nia read all the little signs, gathered any literature she could find, and just generally sucked up the information and history like a sponge. Skye noticed how Tommy was paying attention to Nia’s actions, and sidled up to him while Nia spoke to a historian.

“Stop it Tommy. I can read your mind. I already told you, she’s not going to go back to school. She’s perfectly happy with YOU, and to just be with you.”

He looked at her, smiled, and wondered. Also promising to himself that Nia would be a well-traveled young woman before he was through exposing her to all the places in the U.S. that he intended to take her to.

After the Alamo, they took in the Briscoe Western Art Museum, the Cowboy Museum, and anything else that caught their attention as they walked along. They also visited several shops and a Mercado.

Tommy insisted on buying them everything that he thought they browsed or ogled too long.

He especially insisted on the ‘traditional’ colorful cotton blouses and skirts at the Mercado. Getting them each several items in different colors.

He bought Nia a fairly nice handmade leather purse. She balked at his offer, but he bought it anyway. Saying he ‘didn’t have a thing to wear with it’, so she better take it and use it. She laughed and kissed him. “Thank You my love.”

Returning to the room at Four-Thirty, he suggested they freshen up before supper. He announced that supper would be steaks, they would leave at 6 pm, and also that tonight would include dancing at the same place Nia and he had gone ... plus a special surprise.

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