Dinner - Cover


Copyright© 2021 by robertl

Chapter 8

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 8 - A very normal dinner out with my wife and her mom leads to a very abnormal situation.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Sharing   Wife Watching   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism  

I went to my wife, still laying on the bed in the same position. She turned her head toward me and smiled. I kissed the tip of her nose, told her I loved her, then pulled her tight. Her arm went around my back and I felt fingers digging into my side, tugging me to her.

Little did I expect, at that moment, that our night was far from over.

Karen and I lay together for ... a long time, just holding each other. “We still have guests,” she finally said and climbed off the bed, disappearing into our bathroom.

I got up, too and went in the living room. The four were dressed in the clothes they’d come in; Nate and Alyssa on the loveseat, Pauli and Connor on the couch, heads on each other’s shoulders just softly talking. Suddenly, I was self-conscious, the only one naked in the room. I found my clothes, slipped them on and sat down next to Connor on the couch.

“Think we need a drink,” Connor announced. So, he and I retreated to the kitchen where the drink-making materials were still on the counter. As we worked, Connor looked over at me and asked, “You want the night to be over?”

I shrugged, not knowing what he was getting at, “Why, what?” I asked him.

He went about pouring the rum, handing me the glasses to add the crushed ice and ginger ale, “I made a phone call a little bit ago,” he said, looking up at me, “that place we talked about earlier ... in Umatilla ... they don’t close until two.” We both looked at our watches simultaneously, eleven-thirty.

“I asked,” he went on, “he said they could make an exception ... to amateur night ... if we wanted to bring our girls...” looking back over at me.

I stared, was he kidding? “You know ... there’ll never be a better time ... after the brownies, inhibitions down,” Connor explained.

“I don’t know, if Karen can’t make a conscious decision that she wants to...”

Connor hesitated, “No, it’s not like that. The brownies won’t make her do something she doesn’t want. It’s not so much that it wouldn’t be a conscious decision as inhibitions kind of slipping away, letting her do what she really wants. She doesn’t want, she still wouldn’t.”

I didn’t know, somehow it didn’t seem fair when she’s been drinking so much more than she’s used to and eaten those brownies.

“Never be another chance like tonight. And like I said, she won’t do anything she doesn’t want to,” Connor insisted.

I hesitated, thought about it. It seemed like things had already spiraled completely out of control that night, going so fast. “Nah,” I told him, “As far as tonight, think some things should just stay a fantasy ... besides, what about Nate and Alyssa, she was even more adamant than Karen.”

Connor looked disappointed, “Think I’ll ask Pauli, though, she seemed like she wanted to pretty bad. Maybe just her and I might go.” He got up and carried a tray of four drinks to the living room, giving one to Alyssa and Nate, then Pauli, whispering in her ear.

I watched all this from the kitchen, bemused at Pauli’s reaction to his whispering, the smile on her face when she got up and came in the kitchen, picking up the drink I hadn’t yet taken to Karen.

“Watch this,” was all she said, taking Karen’s drink to the other room, taking Alyssa’s hand and the two of them retreating into the bedroom.

I went in the living room and sat down in my recliner. “What’s going on?” I asked Connor.

Nate, too, looked bemused, “Yeah, what?” he asked as well.

“Have to wait and see, but I think Pauli’s trying to talk the girls into something,” he answered.

I sat, wondering. What should have been the obvious never occurred to me. Also, wondering what do you say to the guys who had just double-teamed your wife? Admittedly, my brain was kind of muddled after the alcohol and brownies. And, I guess, I wasn’t exactly an ‘innocent’ in regards to their wives, either. After all, I’d been the first guy to fuck Nate’s wife since they were married and just a week ago, Pauli, not to even mention the incredible blowjob just minutes earlier.

I continued to wonder in my haze until Pauli and Alyssa came back out of the bedroom, Pauli doing a little dance with her hands high in the air and twisting her hips back and forth, “Yes! We’re having some fun tonight!”

Actually, I thought we had already been having some fun. Pretty damned incredible fun, too.

A couple minutes later, Pauli was still dancing when Karen came out of our room wearing one of her sexy little robes. Somehow, all the rest of us dressed and Karen in that sheer robe, nothing else - except the red stockings she’d never taken off, was just sexy as hell! She picked up her clothes from earlier, then, smiling that seductive smile that’d become pretty common the last week, she came over to me, kissed me on the lips and whispered, “Guess you better call an Uber ... half an hour...” then disappeared back to the bedroom, carrying her clothes.

I looked around, no doubt the befuddled look showing on my face, “What? Where?” I asked to no one in particular, to anyone who’d answer me, the obvious still escaping me.

Pauli answered, “To Umatilla, dummy, that little club you guys talked about earlier,” and did another little dance move, toying with the bottom of her short skirt, pulling it up and running her fingernails across the smooth, sexy skin of her thigh. God!

And then it dawned on me what she’d said, where we were going ... that strip club! I couldn’t fuckin’ believe it! Karen? My Karen! My big-time fantasy come true? Okay, I’ll admit it, when I’d written about Michelle and Adriana and Tanya on that stage, I’d been thinking about Karen. I’d never ever voiced it, not even to myself, but still ... it had been her, my wife, I’d been secretly thinking about. And now? Holy fuck!

My fingers were shaking when I got out my phone, then realized I hadn’t the foggiest idea who to call. “Anyone know the number?” I asked, looking around at my companions. Everyone shrugged and shook their heads. So everyone followed me in the spare bedroom where my desktop computer was set up and I googled it, discovering we could request the ride right online, $85.11 each way. For an ‘XL’ that we could all ride in. The website said it’d be a minivan. Nick and Connor said they’d split the cost but I said I’d use my credit card. Figured if they wanted to slip me twenty bucks, I’d take it, not that it was particularly important.

My billfold was in the bedroom, so I retrieved it. Apparently, Karen was in the bathroom since I didn’t see her and the door was closed. The other girls had gone in the main bathroom.

Anyway, I gave Uber my credit card info and asked for the ride in half an hour, 11:45, then turned on our porch light.

Then, we three guys sat and waited. Nate was the first to voice what I was thinking, “Damn,” he said, “I can’t believe we’re doing this, that they’re doing this!”

“Pauli can be pretty persuasive when she wants something,” Connor said, with a chuckle.

“Me either, I thought Karen’s ‘no’ was pretty definite,” I said. What the hell had Pauli said, I wondered.

The girls were occupying both bathrooms so we waited. Occasionally, I glanced at my watch, five minutes, then ten minutes and so on. Damn, time can go by slowly.

“What’s with these stories I’ve heard about? You write?” Nate asked me.

So I explained to him about SOL and that I had written several erotic stories and got my tablet to show him, let him read the Reunion, Chapter three story that had pretty much started this whole chain of events. I guess what had actually started it was me reading Simplicity’s story in the restaurant and Pauli asking me about it. But it was my strip poker story that got Karen and me to their house last Saturday. At least talking about SOL and Nate’s reading was a way to occupy the time while we waited for our women and the Uber.

Nate got into the story a little way and seemed impressed or maybe he was just being polite. I told both guys that they should try and write their own versions of tonight, maybe with their girl’s help and submit it to SOL. Would be interesting to read the different perspectives of the same story, especially the girl’s point of view. Both just laughed the idea off. I tried to explain that the writers on SOL were just normal people who had a story to tell - and none had a better story than tonight. “Try it, you might find out you’re good at it,” I tried to convince them both. I started to explain how Karen had started helping me with my latest ‘After the Reunion’ chapter.

Then Karen, Pauli, and Alyssa rejoined us. Hot damn! I couldn’t believe my Karen was going to go out like that! When the evening started, I described what she was wearing, the sheer top that showed her red bra through it. Well, now, it was the same top but minus the bra, like both Pauli and Alyssa. Except that her top, you could see through, her pink, pointed nipples burning a hole through it.

The ‘mood’ brownie effect? I’ve never seen Karen in front of other people wearing something like that! Even at home, unless we’re going to bed and anticipating something extracurricular.

The guys sure seemed to notice, too. Eyes were glued to her boobs.

“Where we going to sit ... in the van?” Connor asked.

We all looked at each other, I hadn’t thought that far ahead. Hell, I hadn’t thought beyond staring at Karen’s half-obscured tits! Then Pauli spoke up, asking Karen, “You got a deck of cards? We can draw, low three get the back seat.”

It was time for the Uber to get here any minute, so Karen rushed over to the drawer in the entertainment center, under the TV, and brought back a deck of Sportsman’s Warehouse wildlife playing cards. Reminiscing of that card game last week made my cock start to stiffen, not to even mention what Karen was doing to me with that top!

We went in the dining room and sat down at the dining table. Since it was Pauli’s idea, we let her cut first - seven. We went around the table, Karen - another seven; Nate - king; Alyssa - ten; Connor - eight.

So the last draw was up to me. Seven or less and I’d be in the back seat with Karen and Pauli; eight and Connor and I would redraw; nine or bigger and I’d be in front with Nate and Alyssa (her in the middle I assumed). At least, no matter what, we wouldn’t have three men and three women sitting together. Not exactly a losing proposition either way. I cut a pile off the remaining cards - queen. I was in the front with Nate and Alyssa. Connor, Pauli, and Karen were in the back seat.

Everybody seemed satisfied with the seating arrangement, especially Connor, with his Cheshire Cat grin.

And then Karen threw a wet blanket on the whole trip, telling me and Nate, “I hope you know that Alyssa and I are NOT doing anything over there. We’re just going over for moral support for Pauli ... to cheer her on.” Yeah, ‘take it off! Take it off!’

Of course, what Karen said was a little (i.e. a LOT) disappointing. I’d hoped to see her, as I was sure Nate wanted to see Alyssa, taking off her clothes. Ah well, just seeing her out in public with that blouse was going to be pretty damned exciting.

“Anyone want another brownie?” Pauli cheerfully asked, slicing another six good-sized pieces of brownie and handing them out.

We watched out the living room window for the Uber headlights. About the time we had all finished our brownie, a pair of headlights pulled up onto our driveway.

Right before we left, I needed to use the bathroom, so went trudging off to our room. On the way past, I couldn’t help but notice, laying on top of Karen’s dresser, the panties she’d been wearing earlier. What the... ? When I came back out, my eyes went straight to that short leather skirt Karen was wearing. Was she... ?

We were all in a good, fun mood when we marched out of the house. It was a relatively warm night so we didn’t need jackets, which I appreciated our girls not covering themselves. We all introduced ourselves to our driver, a forty-something woman, I guessed. Not bad looking in a wife-next-door type of way. I guess the important thing was that she could drive the van. She had a pleasant smile and introduced herself as Kelly, “With an ‘i’,” she added.

Her eyes also opened pretty wide, scanning Karen up and down. Not that she ignored Pauli and Alyssa, but her eyes were mostly for Karen and that sheer blouse. She was polite enough to not say anything, though.

Karen, Connor, and Pauli climbed in the back seat. It was humorous watching the tall Connor scrunching up in the middle of the back seat. Pretty sure he wasn’t minding, though, considering that Karen was on one side and Pauli on the other. Skirts weren’t pulled down, either.

I let Alyssa get in in front of me on the passenger side of the center row, watching her sexy ass in those tight, short shorts, then sat down beside her, Nate on the other side. “Nice car,” I told Kelli, “love the comfy leather seats.” I loved the view of Alyssa’s long, sexy legs better.

Kelli looked up in her mirror, gave us a smile and said, “Thank you, everybody belted in?”

We all told her we were and she backed out of the driveway. Our bank is on highway 395 half a dozen blocks from the house and I asked her to stop so we could get a little cash from the ATM. Connor, in the back seat, handed Nate his debit card and gave him his PIN, asking him to get a couple hundred dollars. “Have to kill you all afterward,” he said with a laugh, “you know my PIN now.”

We hoped he was kidding. “Could just change your PIN, you know,” I suggested.

He laughed, “Not as much fun, though.”

There was virtually no traffic at nearly midnight, and when we hit the freeway a few minutes later, Kelli asked where we were going. Pauli was only too happy to answer loud enough that the car going the opposite direction on the freeway likely heard her, “We’re going to the strip joint. I’m going to be a stripper and I’m horny as hell!”

Kelli looked in her mirror and we all broke out laughing.

Then, when the laughter died down, Alyssa looked toward me and I did something I couldn’t even have imagined doing a week ago. Hell, an hour ago! I kissed her. And she kissed me back, really, really nice, mouth open. Kissing her like this, with my hand on her inner thigh, seemed almost more intimate than the fuck we’d shared earlier. What, an hour, hour-and-a-half ago? It seemed like ancient history.

But Alyssa was really into this kiss, moaning into my mouth when my fingers inched their way inside her tight shorts.

I remember writing about Michelle in the back seat with her boyfriend, I think it was Shaun; Robert being able to get an occasional look because of headlights coming up behind them. I discovered the reality is completely different. It was nearly midnight, there were no headlights. I couldn’t see a damned thing in the back seat. It was pitch black out and all I could do was hear - kissing sounds.

There was a tiny bit of light coming from the car’s gauges, barely enough that we could make each other out in our seat, so that I knew Nate’s hand was under Alyssa’s top. I was trying to get fingers up her leg, but her shorts were just too tight. About all I could do was get two fingers up as far as the joint of my hand, not quite enough to reach her panties ... if she was wearing any. It was enough to make her squirm, though, and those sexy little moans. Of course, that could have been partly from her husband’s hand on her tit, too.

Those soft, sexy lips were going back and forth from mine to Nate’s and back again. I’d never shared a girl quite like this before, well duhh! And I’m not quite sure how to describe it - scintillating, breathtaking, electrifyingly sexy? I’ll just say that it was a MAJOR turn-on!

I actually thought about Kelli, too. She would have been able to hear the moans and kisses coming from her back seats. What was it doing to her, I wondered? Were the noises turning her on a little bit, too?

And then we were crossing the bridge over the Columbia into Oregon. Damn, that thirty minutes went by fast! As many times as I’d been on I-82 between Kennewick and Oregon, it had never been that short a trip. I can’t even remember the last time I’ve taken the exit into Umatilla, either. It’s not exactly a ‘destination city’.

I had to laugh at myself a little as we drove down the only street in town. In the word-picture I’d painted of Umatilla in both my Michelle and After the Reunion series, I wrote about staying in a hotel a short distance from the ‘Honey Bunzz’ and eating at the In’N’Out Burger Shack. There is no hotel in Umatilla. There’s no In’n’Out Burger Shack, either. It’s actually a tiny, little place called ‘Home Town Burgers’ that we drove past. I have usually tried to be accurate in my description of places. Guess I pretty much blew it in Umatilla. Of course, it was on purpose, needed them for the story. I think it’s the only place I’ve ever exaggerated like that.

There’s no ‘Honey Bunzz’, either, the name I’ve used. It’s the ‘Riverview Exotic Dance’, a little brick building with peeling, pink paint, a street light on the corner, and a tiny neon sign with a blinking, shapely girl on the sign, half the neon not working. I’m sure you’ve seen the image, a girl sitting down, leaning back on her hands, exaggerated boobs.

Somehow, I’m guessing that it wasn’t the ‘river’s view’ that brought in their patrons. There were a half dozen or so cars in the gravel parking lot when Kelli pulled in. I was right about one thing in my description of it in the stories - it didn’t look like much from the outside. Turned out it didn’t look like much from the inside, either.

But we weren’t inside yet. The girls turned their overhead lights on and worked on their lipstick and makeup, repairing the damage us guys had done on the trip over. While they were working, I asked Kelli if she was going to wait. She said she would, that she’d brought her Kindle, just in case.

I thought a minute, then asked her, “Why don’t you come in with us? I’ll pay for it if there’s a cover charge.”

She laughed at that, “No, I don’t think so. Besides, I can’t drink ... I’m driving, remember?”

“You sure? No need to drink. Would be better than sitting here by yourself.”

This time it was Alyssa who added, “Come on, Kelli, it’ll be fun.” Then she giggled, “Keep us sane girls company.”

The lights were on in the van so I could see Kelli’s reaction. She was looking in the rear-view mirror, “I’ve never been anyplace like this, not sure my husband would approve.”

“Come on, Kelli, go with us, we won’t tell your husband,” Karen added, “he’d prob’ly just be jealous, anyway.”

“Yeah, you’ll get to see my naked tits. He’d be sooo jealous!” Pauli threw in.

Kelli laughed, “How can I resist an offer like that?”

“Yes! Kelleeee!” Pauli whooped from the back seat, throwing her arms in the air.

We all climbed out of the van and paraded through the old metal door. We guys were very gentlemanly, letting the ladies go first. Not that there wasn’t an ulterior motive - enjoying the view, even Kelli. She had on a pair of slacks, not overly sexy, but she looked nice. The sweatshirt didn’t do much for her figure, though.

And Karen. That short leather skirt, showing off her thigh almost all the way up to her panties. Speaking of which, last I saw them, they were on her dresser. I felt myself getting hard all over again, thinking about the possibility of ... And that blouse, no bra! God, I never even dreamed I would see my wife wearing what she was into a public place. Think I mentioned that before.

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