Dinner - Cover


Copyright© 2021 by robertl

Chapter 2

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A very normal dinner out with my wife and her mom leads to a very abnormal situation.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Sharing   Wife Watching   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism  

“Okay,” Karen had said.

I was confused, “Okay? Okay what?”

She had looked straight at me, “Okay, we’ll go.”

“Go? What? Where? Out that night?”

“To your girlfriend’s, to your little game.”

That was Karen, the night before, right after I’d told her about SOL, my stories, Pauli, and the planned strip poker game, shocking the shit out of me. I remembered wondering what the hell had just happened!

Now, here we were, standing in front of Pauli’s door and I was still wondering the same thing, what the hell was going on? This was NOT my Karen, not the Karen I’d been married to the past thirteen years! She rang the doorbell a second time and we waited. This time we heard noises inside, the door opened, Connor on the other side of the threshold. “Pauli’s in her room getting ready, be a few minutes,” then he stood aside to let us in. I saw his head cock a little when he took in my wife.

“You brought your wife, good,” he said. At least he was polite, didn’t make any snarky comment. Like I was trying so hard not to do.

I took that as time for introductions, “Connor, this is Karen,” the bag lady. God, I hope that didn’t come out out-loud. I have been known to do that, accidentally. “Hon, Connor,” I said.

“Nice to meet you,” she smiled at him and reached out to take his hand briefly, “you have a bathroom I could use?” she asked. That didn’t take long, thought she’d gone potty right before we left. She always does.

“Sure,” he pointed to the hall, “second door on the left,” and we both watched my wife disappear down the hall.

Connor pointed to the couch, “Sit?” he asked.

Good, I was so damned nervous that standing there was driving me crazy. Of course, sitting would, too. But you know the old saying, ‘least of two evils.’ If you didn’t know it, you do now.

Connor and I chatted for the next several minutes. He did seem like a decent guy. He asked again, “You’ve never done anything like this?”

I shook my head, “No, not ever, never even thought about it.”

“How’d you get your wife to come? She do it before?”

I shrugged, “Hell, I don’t know. I got up the courage last night to tell her, half expecting her to throw me out of the house and all she said was, ‘I’m going’.”

He looked around, to make sure no one, namely Karen, had snuck in on us, “That, umm, thing she’s wearing. Is that ... normal?”

I laughed, “I have never in my life seen her in anything like that. I have no clue what’s going through that brain.”

Connor laughed a little at that, too, “Women!” he said, understanding the situation at least as well as I was. Pretty sure he was hoping she’d look better without it than with it. Yeah, she does.

I heard a door open down the hall. A few seconds later, Pauli made her appearance. My breath caught when I saw her; silk, pullover blouse, bra? No way, her nipples trying to poke through, tight, tight, bluejeans, high heels, and a huge smile when she saw me. I stood and my heart rate spiked as soon as I saw her. Something else spiked, too. “Didn’t I hear a female voice out here?” she asked.

“My wife, Karen,” I said. Speaking of Karen, where the hell was she? Delay in the ladies’ room is what had gotten me into this situation in the first place. “She’s in the bathroom.”

“Good,” she came over and gave me a kiss on the lips. “Hope she’s good with that, I expect some attention tonight.” My heart was doing its best to beat out of my chest. Pauli’s kiss ended and about a minute later, another door opened in the hall. Bag lady was coming back. I didn’t understand why Karen had gone to such effort to make herself so unattractive. Hopefully, it wasn’t because she didn’t want to get Pauli’s blood on her good clothes. I wondered if she might have had a dagger in that little bag. Maybe that was what she’d spent all day looking for.

But when she came around the corner, she didn’t look like a bag lady at all, no dagger, either, more like a glamorous movie star at her movie opening. God, I didn’t know what to say, she was absolutely beautiful! A lavender wrap-dress, one like she’s never worn before. A big ‘V’ up her thigh where the wrap came together and another down between her breast; A wide strap over one shoulder, the other bare.

Then it came to me what she’d done. She’d just read the story of Adriana’s college reunion and she found a dress replicating the one I tried to describe Adriana wearing that night. Her ‘bag lady’ look had just been a cover, from one extreme to the other, I guess to hide her dress until she got here.

Connor’s eyes popped wide looking my wife up and down and Pauli’s only word was, “Wow.” Then she looked down at herself and said, “I think I feel a little underdressed.”

“Babe, you’re perfect, gorgeous,” Connor said. My eyes diverted back to Pauli. She was, no doubt about that. I could think of a few other adjectives, too.

Those tight jeans, how the hell did she get into them? “Yeah,” I politely agreed, “perfect,” not wanting to say what I actually was thinking. Then looked over at Karen, hoping that I hadn’t overstepped my allowable, whatever in hell my ‘allowable’ might be. And what about Karen, what the hell was her allowable?

Then my brain took ahold, at least a little bit, “This is my wife, Karen,” I told Pauli.

“Pauli, nice to meet you,” introducing herself. Then she smiled and said, “this should be a lot of fun tonight.”

“Anyone want a drink?” Connor interrupted my ogling at his girlfriend.

“Yeah, sure, what do you have?” Karen asked.

He hesitated a bit, like he was trying to think, “Vodka, rum, whiskey, beer, orange juice, coke, seven-up, ginger ale,” looking at Pauli, “forget anything?”

She shook her head, “Nope, don’t think so, how about some rum and ginger ale with lots of crushed ice.”

“Wine?” Karen asked. I cocked my head a little, I’d half expected her to just ask for coke or orange juice.

“Sorry, no wine,” Connor said. I looked over at Karen. We both just realized we should have brought something. I think we were both too nervous to think straight.

“How about what Pauli’s having, then,” she said, surprising me again.

Karen and I don’t drink. Even that wine the other night was an aberration for us. We know somewhere between nothing and nothing about alcohol. We both knew it wouldn’t take much. But with the way Karen’s acting so weird, even without it ... And maybe I wasn’t totally blameless. That brought a little laugh, blameless? Hell, the whole damn thing was totally my fault!

Like, I can hardly wait to see Pauli without those jeans. Even if it does mean Connor will see a lot more of my wife. Actually, the more I thought about it, that seemed kind of exciting, too. Maybe the alcohol would be a good idea.

I asked for the same thing, no idea what else to ask for.

A few minutes later, Connor brought in a tray with the four drinks, set it down on the coffee table and then he and I pulled the loveseat around the other side of the coffee table from the couch. They already had a deck of cards on the table. We sat down, Karen and I on the loveseat, her on my left, Connor on the couch just opposite her and Goddess, I mean Pauli, beside him, opposite me.

God, when I wrote that fictional story of Matt and Adriana, I tried to imagine the angst Matt would feel sitting there with his wife, having just found out about his wife and Tanner’s love affair and about to watch his wife strip naked in front of another couple for the first time in his life. I thought I had done a pretty good job, but damn, it weren’t nothin’ like real life! I was scared shitless out of my mind and every second getting worse. I still didn’t understand Karen letting us come to this, this ... whatever in the hell it was going to be. Were we seriously going to get naked? Was Karen? And then???

And how the hell did I feel about that? The idea of watching Karen take off her clothes in front of these people was kind of exciting to me, but what then? I know what happened in the story with Matt and Adriana, but I couldn’t even imagine seeing another guy kissing Karen, much less...

And Pauli, up to now this had seemed kind of abstract, how damned exciting to see her naked, but now ... right across the table and it was actually going to happen? And I knew damn good and well that Karen wouldn’t let things go like Matt and Tanya had. At least I didn’t think so, but just the fact she was here ... Shit!

I took a drink of the rum. Crap! “How much of that stuff did you put in this?” I blurted out to Connor.

“Let’s just say, you’ll probably notice it,” he laughed.

I took another sip. Yeah, ‘notice it’, pretty much an understatement. “You try yours, hon?” I asked Karen.

She took a sip and puckered her face, “Whew, you use the whole bottle?” she managed after a moment of trying to catch her breath. Like I said, neither of us are used to alcohol.

“It’ll get better after you drink some,” Pauli said. I sure as hell hoped so.

“Ready to start?” Connor asked, “same rules as in the story? Dares, questions thrown in along with the clothes for bets?

I looked at Karen for her guidance. It seemed fun in the story, but for real? “Sounds good to me, I like it,” she said. I guess I was still waiting for her to jump up, grab my hand and say it was all a joke. Seemed like she was pushing this a bit far.

“Cut for first deal?” Connor asked. He put the cards in front of Pauli and she cut a four, I cut a three, Karen an eight, and Connor a two.

“Guess it’s my deal first,” Karen said.

I looked at her, I’d just realized something. We’d never played poker together. I used to a little when I was a kid, but Karen and I usually played pinochle or some other game, never poker. “You know how to play?” I asked her.

“Used to, long time ago, still remember the hands, though,” she answered. She shuffled the cards and before dealing, asked, “this a practice hand or the real thing?”

I shrugged, “Real?” everyone else nodded their agreement.

Karen started dealing out the cards to the four of us. I almost wanted to scream, ‘you’re not serious. No way, you’re not actually doing this!’ But I didn’t, I just watched her deal, in awe that my wife, my Karen was dealing a strip poker hand. I hadn’t ever thought about what it might be like for the world to be turned upside down, but I guess I was about to find out.

She dealt out the five cards to each of us; I had a pair of eights. It was Connor’s first bet; “Pair of shoes,” he said.

Pauli frowned, “Call.”

I had a pair, not bad for first hand, “Raise socks.”

“So, both shoes and socks to me?” Karen looked at her hand, smiled and said, I’ll call and I raise a dare.

She. Actually. Was. Doing. This!

Connor called and Pauli said she was dropping out “Can’t drop out on the first hand, already,” Karen said. This was my wife?

“Okay then, call,” Pauli shrugged.

“Me, too,” I agreed.

“One,” Connor said, throwing away one card. He looked at his new card and a big smile spread across his face. He had to be bluffing, maybe.

“Four” Pauli said. She made absolutely no reaction when she looked at her new cards.

“Three.” I got nothin’. Still just a pair of eights.

“Your bet,” Karen told Connor.

He looked at his cards, the smile didn’t seem quite so broad. “Pass.”

Pauli giggled, “I’m gonna bet one more piece of clothes, whatever.”

I called and Karen threw her cards down, face-down. “Nuh-uh, girl! You wouldn’t let me drop out, you either,” Pauli said.

She picked her cards back up and frowned “Fine, I’m in.”

Connor called as well, then looked at his girlfriend, “Whatcha got, girl?”

She got a big smile on her face and a giggle, “Lucky draw. Pair of jacks.”

Crap! I threw mine down, pair of eights was shit!

“Threw away one of my damn sevens and drew another!” Karen moaned.

“Nothin,” Connor said.

“Okay, then, start disrobing, people. Robert, you’re first.” Pauli gloated.

This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. It was supposed to be Pauli taking her clothes off. I took off my shoes, then socks and pulled my shirt over my head. “There!”

Now it was Karen’s turn. Shoes and socks were fine. She had stockings, but same thing. A little more fun to watch her take off, though. But then what? She only had that dress. Bet she was wishing she’d worn a blouse and skirt, or pants like Pauli had.

She pushed the loveseat back a little, leaned down and unsnapped her heels from around her ankles. Too bad, I like her in those, don’t often see Karen in high heels and it’s sexy as hell. She pushed them off and had to stand, turning around, facing away from us, to take off her stockings. “No way,” Connor complained, “the rules say you can’t turn away.”

“What rules?” Karen protested.

“Just ... the rules. You can’t,” he insisted.

She grumbled out a ‘fine’ and turned back facing us, but trying hard to reach up under her dress without raising it too high to reach the top of her stockings. Sheeit! That made me instantly hard. If this is what it’s like to watch your wife undress in front of other people, I decided right then I liked it!

She struggled with those stockings, trying to not show too much, but she wasn’t succeeding. There just wasn’t any way she could get to the top of those stockings without showing off those sexy legs. After a minute of sexy struggling, she had them off. I averted my eyes to Connor; he was making a little tent, too.

Karen started to sit back down until Pauli reminded her, “One more, dearie.”

Now there was a look of panic on Karen’s face, “I ... I ... can’t...” maybe reality had finally caught up with her. Her courage had definitely left her.

“Take another drink, that’ll help. We’ll wait.” Pauli helpfully said.

Karen’s face had turned mostly white. She picked up her glass of rum. I don’t think there was much ginger ale in it. This time it was a much longer drink and when she took the glass away from her lips, her mouth was puckered big time.

“What’s it going to be?” Connor asked. He was obviously as eager as I was. I had no idea what she’d do. This was just so far outside our realm of possibilities that I still couldn’t believe it was happening. Shoes and stockings were one thing, but ... what now?

Karen stood, like she’d made a decision. I had no clue what to expect? Was she actually going to take off her dress?

Her face went from white to red, like a chameleon does so quickly. She stood in front of us, red-faced and shaking. Her hands toyed with the hem of her dress and she suddenly pulled it up on the outside of her legs and pushed her panties down on the floor.

Her face was still red and she held her knees tight together on the loveseat beside me. The hem of her dress was short, probably four or five inches above her knees and that ‘V’ in front showed a lot more than that. Especially, sitting, a LOT more. And now, no panties! That, in itself, was a first in our thirteen years.

“Hand me the panties,” Pauli said. I think she had no mercy.


“Please, the panties,” she repeated.

Karen’s face turned red all over again. It had almost recovered before Pauli wanted the panties. Connor leaned over and picked them up, balling them in his hand before handing them to his girlfriend.

Pauli took them in her hand, spread them out, feeling the thin gusset, “Damp, wet, even,” she looked over at Karen, smiling, “what does that mean?” then held them up for the Connor and me to see. They were so tiny, so thin, we could see clear through them. I’d never seen Karen wear anything like that, didn’t know she owned any panties so tiny and thin, so damn sexy! And yeah, you could even see the dampness stain.

Poor Karen was sitting there, I think about as embarrassed as she’d ever been, not saying a thing.

Pauli tossed them over with Karen’s shoes and stockings, then said, “Now I think the three of you owe me a dare.” She looked at Connor, then Karen, “I want ... you two to kiss. Just to set the mood for the night, and I don’t mean a peck-kiss, either; I want to see a long-lost lover’s kiss, at least a couple minute’s worth.”

Connor’s face grew into a big smile, but Karen ... she looked scared to death. Here she was, sitting in a short dress, no panties, obviously horny, a good-looking guy she’d just met. And to kiss him like a lover? How the hell did I feel about that? I wasn’t so sure, but my cock seemed to know. It was hard as a steel rod.

Connor got up, Karen scooted the loveseat back a little again and I stood up, stepping out of the way, partly horrified and partly (mostly) more turned on than I ever had been in my life. That, I hadn’t expected! Well, I kind of did, but from Pauli, not Karen.

Connor sat down in the loveseat where I’d been and scooted over toward my wife. “You have no idea how much I’ve been looking forward to this,” he said, right before his lips touched Karen’s. He put a hand on Karen’s shoulder, pulling her in tighter. Karen looked stiff, like she was still scared, but as I watched, she gradually loosened up and a hand went behind Connor’s head.

After a few more seconds, Karen had scooted down and leaned back against the arm of the loveseat and Connor was on top of her, both fully embracing Pauli’s instructions. This was something I’d never expected to see, my Karen passionately kissing another man. And me liking it! Clearly, Karen was just as into it as Connor was, her hands all over Connor’s shirtless back, fingernails making scratch marks, and when Pauli said it was enough, it took another half-minute for them to break apart.

Karen was twenty-two when we first met, a beautiful, raven-haired young lady. Undoubtedly, she’d had a sex life before we met, but we’ve never discussed it, either of us with other sex-partners. It was something I just couldn’t even imagine thinking about, Karen with another man. Now, I’d just witnessed the unthinkable, and shit, I was loving it!

When Connor finally did pull away, Karen was still leaning against the arm of the love-seat, breathing hard, eyes closed, her lips half-open, lipstick smeared. “I think that was a pretty good mood-setter,” Pauli said, giggling, then patted the couch beside her, “why don’t we just go ahead and switch the seating,” she suggested, inviting me to sit on the couch with her.

“But first,” she went on, “you still owe me that dare. I watched her as her eyes scrolled up and down my body, then seemed to center right on my ... midsection. At the very obvious tent that had formed in the last few minutes.

“I want ... you to stand up,” she pointed to the spot right at the end of the table, beside Karen’s pile of clothes, “and masturbate that thing,” pointing to my midsection, “over your pants is okay.”

My mouth gaped open and now it was my turn for a red face, “You’re ... you’re kidding, right,” I begged.

I don’t think she was, “Just don’t let it make a mess. You need to stop before anything happens.”

My understanding wife finally spoke in my behalf, “Yes, sweetheart, please stop before then,” she looked over at Pauli with a conspiratorial grin, “Pauli and I have better plans we don’t want you to spoil, don’t we, Pauli.”

I sat down beside Pauli, not knowing what to do, and took a big swallow of my rum, until Karen spoke up again, “We’re waiting, dearest” she said.

I stood back up where Pauli had said, this all because of a damned lucky pair of jacks? I sure as hell hadn’t imposed this on Matt in the story.

I stood there, looking down at myself. The ‘tent’ was obvious. That kiss between Karen and Connor had been just about the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. But I couldn’t bring myself to wrap my hand around myself in front of these people. I didn’t even do that in front of Karen - ever.

Pauli stood up and stepped around behind me, snuggling up to my behind. The smell of her sexy perfume was overwhelming when she nibbled on my neck. “Maybe it’d help,” she said, “if I helped,” and wrapped her tiny hand around mine and guided it to my cock, sliding it up and down...

Oh God, Oh God! I felt her cheek against mine, her lips nibbling my ear, her perfume, “Stop!” I screeched, I couldn’t take it. I was so close. Another second would have taken me over the edge.

I sat back down, my heart beating out of my chest. I took another drink of that rum. It seemed to go down a lot easier, tasted a lot better.

It hit me, this had been ONE hand of cards!

“I think I need to use the restroom again,” Karen said. Yeah, I needed a break, too.

Connor and Pauli both said they were fine, so it was just Karen and me to the bathroom. Under the circumstances, I figured I’d better wait for her. What circumstances? She and I have used the bathroom at the same time about a thousand times, probably a lot more than that. Was it the alcohol making me see things so different? Hell, I didn’t know, just did.

Then when it was my turn, I wobbled a little going down the hall. Not used to the alcohol. Damn, it was tempting to relieve myself before going pee, but I didn’t. Would sure have made the peeing easier, though. Kinda hard to open the spout when the faucet’s that hard.

Just peeing helped, though, and the break I’m sure. I did manage to get my zipper done back up, which I don’t think I could have a minute earlier. At least, not without some pain.

When I sat back down on the couch next to Pauli, someone said it was my turn to deal, since I’d switched positions with Connor and it would have been his turn.

At least I could still shuffle, always have been good at shuffling. Another drink first tasted really good, though.

I dealt out our five cards and looked at my hand, 3-4-6-9-10, suits all mixed up. Wonderful! Karen looked at her cards and giggled, “You all are going to be so sorry!” Apparently, she didn’t understand the concept of trying to trick your opponents. Or maybe she did.

In any case, it was Pauli’s turn to bet first. She bet her shoes and socks against one thing of clothes. Seemed fair, the rest of us were down to showing something with our one thing. She was still fully dressed. Connor called and Karen raised it with a dare. I had nothing and not much likelihood of getting anything. At least my horny, fuddled brain recognized that. But it wasn’t smart enough to just quit. “Call,” I said.

Pauli and Connor called Karen’s dare, too.

Four cards to Pauli, three to Connor, one to Karen. Maybe she did have something, probably trying to fill a straight or flush. From the smirk on her face, she probably got it. I dealt myself a king, six, nine and nine - a pair!

Pauli’s bet - she bet one more piece of clothing; Connor frowned but called and Karen, my sweet wife, raised the stakes with a truth. At least I had a pair now, so called. So did Pauli and Connor.

Karen was almost euphoric. No, not ‘almost’. She showed her cards; two pairs, sevens and queens. Shit! Beat my pair of nines. Pauli and Connor threw their cards in, too.

Then it hit me. I had on ... slacks and underpants, two things. The bet was two things, besides another dare and truth. Naked was coming up really, really soon. At least, according to how we did it last time, I’d go last.

Pauli was first, she took off her shoes and socks, then asked what next. “Blouse or pants?” she asked, seemingly directing her question to me.

I was caught staring, drooling, blouse or pants? It still looked like bare nipples trying to poke through. Can’t count both as one? “Blouse,” I blurted out. I wanted to see those tits!

She stood up and started to slowly pull it up. My eyes couldn’t have gotten any bigger and my heart rate doubled again, along with my hardness factor. Her bare tummy, flat, curved from her hips; the bulge of her tits, yeah, no bra, then over her nipples and I wanted to touch them so fuckin’ bad! Then it was gone. She was sitting totally topless a few inches away from me, something I’d never have dreamed in my wildest imagination. A little birthmark on her left boob. God, I wanted to feel it.

I’ll have to go rewrite that other strip scene, I’d missed the excitement by a mile! I don’t think my heart could possibly beat any faster than it was. Hell, I have no idea how to write what I was feeling then.

Then it was Connor’s turn. He was the same as me, pants and underwear; at least I assumed underwear. He stood up. I watched Karen watching him. Her mouth was slightly open with her tongue rubbing her upper lips. To say that she was turned on is to say that an elephant is big. I was long past being surprised at her. She scooted over to his side of the loveseat.

Connor pushed his pants down and stepped out of them, then his silk underwear. He said, “You do it,” to Karen.

I just said that she wasn’t surprising me anymore. Guess that was a bit premature. Watching my wife scoot off the loveseat and onto her knees reaching for another guy’s underwear was sure as hell something I never expected to see.

But that was nothing compared to when she’d pulled them down enough for his fat cock to pop out right in front of her and she opened her mouth sliding the head in. Karen’s hands abandoned his underwear and wrapped around his cock and I heard a male moan.

I couldn’t even remember the last time that Karen was turned on enough to pull my cock in her mouth like that. It just wasn’t something in our sexual repertoire.

Just when Connor wrapped his hands around the back of Karen’s head, and Pauli spoke up, “Enough, guys!” I had been sitting there beside her, just dumbfounded at what I was seeing.

Karen let him go, but she sure didn’t act like she wanted to. She sat back down on the loveseat, said she needed another drink and took a long swallow of her rum, emptying her glass. So did I. Damn, I never expected this!

“New drink, guys?” Connor asked. I think we all needed our glasses filled again.

We all got up and stretched, Connor going in the kitchen, his shaft bobbing up and down as he walked. I got up and walked over to Karen, asking her, “You okay, hon?” knowing damn good and well that she was a hell of a lot better than ‘okay’. But I wanted her to know that I was, too.

Before she answered, I reached underneath her dress and pulled it up, my hand along the outside of her leg, all the way up to her now bare hips. “Mmm, I like that, have to go out like that more often.”

She slapped my hand away, “Hon, quit, they’ll see.”

I laughed, “And that’s going to bother someone? You’re so hot tonight!”

She looked at me, a mildly concerned look on her face, “You okay? Guess I got a little carried away.”

I kissed her and told her, “You go, babe! Enjoy yourself. Remember, it’s my fault we’re here.”

She smiled, a sexy, evil smile, “Yes, it is, isn’t it?”

I’d completely forgotten that it was going to be my turn when we started again.

Connor brought our four new drinks, Karen watching him, every bounce. She wasn’t being even a little bashful about watching his bobbing dick.

We all sat back down and I took another long drink, remembering what was coming.

We sat for just a few seconds before Pauli spoke to me, “I think it was going to be your turn,” then the words that cut through me, sweetly adding, “want me to help?”

I looked at her, sitting there with her bare boobs, want her to help? Yeah, who in their right mind wouldn’t?

I stood, waiting. She walked around the table and loveseat, knelt down in front of me and unsnapped my slacks. God, my cock was swollen and hard! She pulled down my slacks to my knees, then my undershorts and looked up, “I think turnabout’s fair, don’t you?” and wrapped her hands around me, opening her mouth, and I felt her hot lips wrapping around me. I let out a loud groan and almost instantly felt myself stiffening and the cum erupting in Pauli’s mouth.

I thrust my hips forward and felt myself pushing deeper, orgasming spasm after spasm into her mouth. Pauli’s hands were squeezing and her lips were sucking, and I heard a loud, uncontrollable squeal coming from my mouth. I’d never in my life felt anything like what I was feeling then. Karen has, on rare occasion, had my cock in her mouth, but never, ever had I come in her mouth. The feeling was more incredible than I’d ever imagined.

When it was over, I could barely stand. It felt like a hundred percent of the strength had been sucked out of my body. I stumbled and almost fell down on the couch, my pants still wrapped around my ankles. Pauli giggled at me, then tugged them off for me. I was barely able to lift my legs for her.

When my lucidity did return, at least somewhat, I looked over at Karen, my wife. I wanted to be sure that she was okay with what had just happened. She smiled back and blew me an air-kiss, so it seemed she was.

Pauli returned to her side of the couch next to me, putting her hand on my bare thigh. I couldn’t believe that I was now sitting next to her, stark naked. Even after what had just happened, her hand on my thigh was burning a hole through my skin. My cock had shrunk a little after coming in Pauli’s mouth, but her hand on my thigh a few inches from it was making it swell all over again.

“I think,” my sweet wife said, “you all still owe me my dare. Remember, that was part of the bet?” She looked around the table, me sitting there, rather nervous, since I was naked and at this point, didn’t trust her at all.

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