Sex Tourism: Africa - Cover

Sex Tourism: Africa

Copyright© 2021 by Puppy

Chapter 4

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4 - A couple travel to a sex resort in Africa, and discover the range of activities the eager sex workers will happily engage in.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Mother   Brother   Sister   Daughter   Group Sex   Interracial   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Prostitution  

Day 4

The next morning at breakfast, Helen found another married couple, from Belgium, and struck up a conversation with the wife, a chubby blonde woman named Lotte. I overheard most of the conversation, about the things they both liked having sex workers do for them, about watching their husbands having sex with lots of African women. Lotte had been down to the resort before, and spent a week figuring out what she liked best, which apparently consisted of having a small group of worker girls follow her around, using their mouths and fingers to suck and caress every part of her body as she lounged around the pool, the gardens, the veranda, etc. Helen like the idea.

“I especially like the younger ones, the teenage girls,” said Lotte. “How about your husband, does he go for them as well?”

“I actually prefer my women fully-developed,” I interjected. “I like womanly women, with curves.”

Lotte chuckled. “They do have some teenage girls here with many curves. But for myself, I don’t really care if they are boys or girls. I just like to see a pretty face, between my legs, or servicing any part of me. I can get a massage, and a girl on my clit, and on my toes, and on my nipples, all at the same time.”

“That sounds wonderful,” said Helen. “Lotte, I’d like to go with you to find girls, and follow along with how you use them.”

“Splendid! We shall!”

“I want to go see more of the island,” I said, “so perhaps go off on my own?”

“Of course, dear,” agreed Helen. “See you later, have fun fucking whomever you find!”

The wives laughed. I kissed Helen and went off to find the concierge desk. I saw Mrs. Kalungu, the resort manager, who asked about our stay; I assured her than my wife and I were enjoying every day. I then learned from the concierge desk that to get to the other parts of the island, they could get a driver to take me.

A few minutes later, I sat on a bench by the hotel entrance waiting, when my ride pulled up. It was one of those tiny things, smaller than a golf cart, which I had seen before carrying guests around, basically a scooter with a back seat and a roof. The driver was a dark, pretty woman who called my name. She wore a bright orange fabric head-wrap, bright white buttoned shirt with collar, and a beige skirt, an outfit I had seen on several of the workers when they were attending hotel jobs, not when they were acting as sex workers. She did, however, have a pouch around her neck.

“Hi, thank you,” I said, getting in behind my driver. “What’s your name?”

“Grace, sir.” She had a pretty voice, with a happy sound as if she was speaking with a smile.

“And where are you from, Grace?”

“Tanzania, sir. I am Sukuma, we are a Bantu people. Where should I drive you, sir?”

“North, I think. I’d like to see what’s up there.”

“Yes, sir. There is some dry forest and some settlements where some of the new workers live.”

“Great! Let’s go.”

The little cab puttered to life, with what must have been a tiny little engine. It didn’t go very fast, but that was fine for sightseeing. It carried us away from the resort buildings, down back the gardens and fields, through the gate, past the school and then turning north onto a dusty open road through scrub.

Along the way, I learned more about Grace, how she had heard from cousin about the existence of this place, how her husband had left her with two small children, how she found her way here, how quickly she learned to speak English because she had already been exposed to it back in Tanzania, how happy she was to be in a safe place where her children were well-fed and getting an education. Although I was sitting behind her, I found myself really attracted to her voice, her personality. I had to ask.

“Grace, are you available for me to have sex with?”

“Yes, of course, sir. Should I take you back to the resort, or find a place... ?”

“No, I’m sure we’ll be fine where we’re going, I love outdoor sex.” I reached forward to caress her neck, which was easy to do given the tiny space between us in the mini-cab. “Could I undress you, while you drive?”

She laughed. “Certainly, sir. I have never had a guest do that with me.”

The cab puttered, the dry landscape went by slowly. I reached up and around, and unbuttoned Grace’s shirt; she was bra-less so I cupped her medium-sized breasts and teased her nipples. She giggled. The air was warm and the wind flowed over her body as I moved down and lifted her skirt. She spread her legs gently, keeping her foot on the pedal while allowing me to reach between her legs. I played with her labia and clit for a minute and then pushed a finger in, finding her wet.

We arrived at the settlement area. There were shacks and huts, and many tracks on the ground from a lot of traffic to and fro.

“Where are the people?” I asked.

“Mostly the women are working at the resort, the children are in school,” explained Grace, eyeing the tent in my shorts as we got out of the mini-cab. “I am sorry there is no good place for us to have sex, here.”

“Do you know the people who live here?”

“Yes, sir. I know a few of them, and I myself stayed here with my boys,” she pointed to a hut, “right here, until a few months ago.”

“Can you show me where?”

“Yes, sir.” We left the cab parked, and went down a footpath. The sun was intense. Grace’s skirt was loose and her shirt hung open, a look which further aroused me. “Here, sir.” She pointed. There was no door on the hut. “We are in a better place now, a real house, close to the resort. Newer arrivals stay here, in these huts.”

“Do you know the people who moved in after you?”

“Yes, sir. I met them when I was moving out.”

“Do you think they would mind if we borrowed their hut for a while?”

Grace smiled. “I think they would understand, sir.”

The shade of the hut was a great relief from the hot sun. Even more of a relief was getting Grace on her back, with my cock inside her. There, on a soft bedroll on a woven mat, in a stranger’s hut, we had a long and excellent fuck. She was totally into it, in a way that is impossible to fake. Everything about Grace felt genuine, the happy way she spoke, the way her hips moved to take my cock deeper. I sucked her tongue and her nipples between deep breaths. Her nipples appeared to be erogenous zones for her, from the way she moaned. The firmness of the bedroll on the ground of the hut meant I could really pin her to the ground, hard and deep on each thrust. Her personality, her eagerness and her smile provoked me to kiss her in a way I would not usually kiss a sex worker.

Even in the shade of the hut, it was hot. Sweat ran down my body and pooled between us. Here I was with my cock in a total stranger, in another stranger’s bed, in a land that was strange to me, and yet it felt right in a curious way. The air smelled of dust, and the scent of the dry wood of the hut baking in the sun. Grace and I moved through phases of hard and soft fucking, sometimes pausing with my cock deep inside for her pussy muscles to rhythmically squeeze me. She appeared to come close to orgasm repeatedly, or perhaps was even coming though she didn’t announce it. I came close several times and had to hold back carefully, deciding whether to spend my first orgasm of the day here.

“You’re special, Grace.” I told her during a moment of rest, her pussy gripping me. “I think I’d like to come inside you.”

“Yes ... sir,” she said with a smile. “You are special too, I am amazed you did not come already.”

I started thrusting hard and fast, grabbed her breasts with both hands, and gently bit one of her nipples. She shrieked and her pussy gripped me, starting my orgasm, which I dragged out to sustain for as long as I could. Eventually the spurting and pulsing slowed down, and I pulled back, sitting up and looking down at Grace’s body, wet with my sweat, her beige skirt still bunched up around her waist, her unbuttoned shirt laying open, her dark belly and breasts rising and falling with her breath, her wet pussy slowly leaking some of my white cum.

“May I clean you with my mouth, sir?” she asked sweetly.

“Sure.” I moved up to feed my half-hard cock, dripping with our mutual fuck-juice, to her eager mouth. She sucked eagerly, getting the last drops of my cum and a lot of her own wetness. She moaned as if happy to taste us.

“You seem to like the flavor of sex,” I said.

“I do, sir.” Like everything about Grace, it felt genuine, not an act for my benefit. “I love the flavor of sex.” I pulled back, and was surprised when Grace rolled her hips up, reached down with one hand to spread her pussy lips, and used the fingers of her other hand to reach inside and bring bits of my cum from her pussy to her mouth. She did this casually, in a relaxed way, cleaning her pussy of our fuck-juice and sucking her fingers clean.

“I’m really hot, is there water out here?”

“Yes, sir. Follow me.” We got up carefully, partly pulling clothes back on. I followed Grace out into the hot sun and down a few huts to where there was a large clay structure with a water tap. She explained that the water was very pure, brought by jeep from the main resort. With cups and buckets, we drank, then kissed, then fondled. One thing led to another, we took our hot clothes off and splashed each other with buckets of the cool, pure water. Standing in the dust, in the hot sun, after our sweaty fuck, the water felt amazing. Watching it run down Grace’s body, and the feeling of her wet body in my hands, was also delightful. She was naked except for her bright head-wrap that protected her from the sun. I started to get hard again and considered fucking her standing up by the water tap.

“There will be lunch soon here,” explained Grace. “Many workers will come back from the resort, to eat here. Do you want to stay for that?”

“Sure,” I said. With the sun and the breeze, we were already drying rapidly. Grace pulled her clothes on, leaving her shirt un-buttoned. I pulled on my loose pants and followed her down past more huts and around to the back, where the was a large hut with a firepit. An older woman was there, tending a large pot of something cooking over the fire. Grace called out a greeting. The woman looked up in surprise as we walked up, and they chattered away in some language.

“Her name is Amanishakhete,” explained Grace, “but for English speakers, she uses the name Amanda. She doesn’t speak much English.”

After more chatting, Amanda looked at me in surprise, then ran into her hut, coming back out with a pouch around her neck.

“She wanted to let you know,” explained Grace smiling, “that she is available. But she is 40 years old and doesn’t earn much here. She is here because she came with her three children. She has two daughters who are old enough and work at the resort.”

“I’m all fucked out for now, but perhaps she could suck my cock,” I pondered, looking at Amanda. Her body looked attractively curved under her bright clothes, she wore a head-wrap similar to Grace’s, and her pretty face was looking at me with smiling encouragement.

“Yes, you would be doing her a favor,” said Grace smiling.

I walked to stand beside Amanda, and loosened my pants. She stopped stirring the pot, dropped to her knees and quickly took my half-hard cock in her mouth. Grace came over and took over the job of stirring the pot, so that Amanda could focus on giving me a proper blow-job. I got harder and longer, and put my hands on Amanda’s head to guide her.

“She’s taking me really deep,” I remarked. “Really deep throat.”

“That’s wonderful,” said Grace. “I am not good at that. I am better at fucking.”

“You are amazing at fucking,” I agreed.

Several minutes went by. I was fully hard and actually slowly fucking Amanda’s throat. She breathed carefully between thrusts. From around the huts, I heard the sound of a vehicle, and a commotion of people. A dozen women of varying ages, and a few men, walked over and all started chatting away. Some looked at Amanda sucking me and pointed and smiled, others ignored us and starting serving the lunch from the pot on the fire. Grace chatted away with several people, then came back over to me with a teenage girl.

“This is my friend Bahati,” explained Grace. “You and I had sex in her hut, which she shares with her brother and sister. Amanda is their mother.”

I nodded and looked back and forth between Bahati, who looked around 19, and the older woman sucking my cock, noting the resemblance.

“Pleased to meet you,” I said. “Thanks for the use of your hut and bedroll.”

Bahati laughed. “You’re welcome, sir. And thank you very much for tipping my mother. I have been tipped by two guests already this morning, but she almost never gets work from the guests.”

“That’s a shame,” I said, “I’ve never known a woman who could suck me this deep, and she doesn’t even look uncomfortable.”

“Yes, my mother is amazing.” agreed Bahati with a proud smile.

“Would you like to suck it together? Then I could tip both of you,” I suggested.

“Yes, of course, sir!” Bahati dropped to her knees beside her mother. I moved my cock from one mouth to the other, then back and forth. There was no danger of me coming, but this mother-daughter team blow-job was pleasant. They took turns, one sucking my balls softly into her mouth as the other sucked the shaft. Around us, the other people either watched or just chatted and ate their lunch. All the females had the pouch around their neck, and several smiled at me to let me know they were available, too. Eventually I grew tired standing, and found a rough wooden chair to sit in. Grace brought me a bowl of the food, which was greens and grain cooked together with spices; it was excellent. Amanda and Bahati moved to kneel beside me, left and right, and continued sucking.

“Have you had sex with your mother?” I asked Bahati.

“Yes, sir. We attended sex classes together, and learned to do it with each other.”

“How about your sister and brother?”

“I have had sex with my sister many times, sometimes we work together for a guest. But never with my brother. I know that some women here will do that, but I do not want to.”

“That’s OK, I’m just curious! Actually, my wife finds the incest very kinky and arousing, more than I do. I think watching women together is always hot, and I’ve been with sisters here, and that’s arousing to me.” I paused and considered. “Could you stand up and strip for me?”

“Yes, sir.” Bahati got up and removed her clothes. She didn’t wear a head-wrap, so she was soon completely naked. She thrust her 19-year-old breasts at me, clearly proud of them, and rightfully so; their size and shape was enticing. At the V of her legs, her pussy was neatly shaved.

“Come and stand by your mother here.”

“Yes, sir?” Bahati moved over.

I pulled Amanda’s head off my cock, and gestured to Bahati. “I want your mother to get you wet. Pull her face into your pussy.”

“Yes, sir.” she smiled, spreading her legs slightly and taking Amanda’s head into her hands. Amanda showed no reluctance at pushing her tongue between her naked daughter’s legs. I looked over at the group, and our activity drew little attention; a couple people pointed and chuckled, but otherwise apparently nothing much of interest. I watched Bahati, who seemed to be enjoying her mother’s tongue, so I let them go for a minute.

“OK, I’m sure you’re wet now, come here and sit on my cock,” I instructed. “Your mother can help.”

After some chatting in their own language, they got the idea. Amanda held my cock up, aiming it, using her other hand to spread her daughter’s pussy lips and guide me inside. I usually prefer doing the thrusting, but I felt lazy now and sitting on my rough chair, there wasn’t much else I could do beside let Bahati sit in my lap facing me and gently fuck me. Amanda went back to tending the food. Grace came over and smiled at watching me fuck her friend. Casually, she moved to stand beside us, running her hands over Bahati’s naked teenaged body as it moved up and down on me.

“I usually like to do the fucking, but this is pretty convenient in hot weather,” I told Grace. “Anyone else over there want a tip? You could bring them over.”

“Certainly, sir.” Grace smiled and went over to the group eating. After some chatting, she came back with three other women, one teen and two adults. They didn’t speak as much English, so Grace helped to explain what I wanted them to do: strip naked, suck on each other tits, finger each other’s pussies to get them wet, then take a turn on my cock for a few minutes of fucking.

They did an excellent job. I didn’t have to do a thing, just watch and enjoy the sight of each body, the different feeling of each pussy as it lowered onto me. Grace, while fully dressed, was very helpful in making it happen smoothly. She handled their clothes, translated and explained, even reached into my pocket and took care of tipping each of them, a coin for each neck pouch.

The last one on my cock was the petite teen. She looked familiar, and I struggled to remember where - had I seen her around the resort? I put my hands on her body and played with her nipples as she smiled and moved up and down me. Then I remembered.

“Two nights ago, the sex show, after dinner?” I asked.

She paused to understand, then smiled and nodded. “Yes, sir. You remember me?”

“The school show, with the teacher and the tall girl, teaching about strap-ons. You were one of the shorter students that got strap-on fucked by the teacher.”

“Yes, sir.”

I held her gently down on my body, to stop the bouncing up and down on my cock. “That was a good act ... what is your name?”

“Narolie, sir.”

“Narolie, you seemed to have a big orgasm from getting fucked. But that is an act, right?”

She smiled. “Yes, sir. It is an act, I learn how to do it.”

“Do you ever have orgasms, when a guest fucks you, in your pussy like this?” I glanced down at our conjoined bodies.

She paused. “No, sir. I have learned to enjoy it, but I do not never ... have orgasm.”

“Do you have orgasms when your pussy is licked?”

“Yes, sir. Sometimes I do.”

“OK. Grace!”

“Yes, sir?” Grace was right beside us, in her resort outfit.

“Are you good at licking pussy?”

“Yes, sir, I am very good at licking pussy.”

“Great, let’s try giving Narolie here an orgasm. Like this...” At my instruction, Narolie got up and turned around, sitting back down in my lap, my cock back in her tight pussy. She then spread her legs and Grace knelt down between them. I felt Grace’s breathing, then her tongue, on my balls and shaft, then she focused on Narolie’s clit. I used my hands to hold Narolie, reaching around to cup her modest tits in my hands as she gradually relaxed into it, her pussy starting to gently quiver around my cock. It happened a lot faster than I thought it would - barely a couple minutes before Narolie had a quiet but unmistakable orgasm while still tightly gripping me.

“Thanks, Narolie,” I said, smacking her rump playfully as Grace and I helped her get up off me, onto wobbly legs.

“Thank YOU, sir!” she said with a giggle. She accepted her tip then got dressed to go back eating lunch with the group.

Grace offered to suck me clean, then I felt like kissing her again, so we shared a long kiss with the taste of Narolie’s pussy on our tongues. I actually felt like fucking Grace again, but the sun was so hot and it was time to go back to the resort. I got up and got my shorts back on.

“Thank you everyone!” I said to the group finishing their lunch.

“Thank you!” replied several of them, and there was laughter all around and a burst of chatter. I considered again that they probably found me fairly ridiculous - a weird pale man wanting to have sex in the hot sun, during lunch. Mad dogs, and Englishmen. Grace and I made our way back to the fountain, splashed some water to cool down, then got back in the mini-cab. With Grace’s shirt open and skirt hiked up, I was able to fondle her nipples and clit on the drive all the way back to the resort.

I asked Grace to eat lunch with me, so after parking the minicab she followed me to the dining room. We found Helen sitting with two dark teenagers, boy and girl, one either side of her. They were smiling and watching Helen.

“Helen dear, this is Grace,” I said, as we sat down across the table from her.

“Oh yes.” Helen looked up and smiled. “We’ve met already, she’s a lovely woman. Hello again Grace!”

“You’ve met?” I looked at Grace, puzzled.

“Yes, sir.” She laughed gently. “I didn’t know it was your wife, but she ... she fucked me yesterday.”

“Remember, in the morning?” explained Helen. “Goma teaching me to use the strap-on? It was here in one of the resort rooms, I fucked a lot of women that were available, and two of them I managed to bring to orgasm.”

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