The Atonement - Revised and Edited - Cover

The Atonement - Revised and Edited

Copyright© 2021 by Mr. Niceguy

Chapter 6: The Babysitter's Reunion

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 6: The Babysitter's Reunion - This is a revised edition of The Atonement which is already posted here. I am the original author of "The Atonement" under the pen name "Racecar." There are two additional chapters added by other authors that are not edited, in addition to another new chapter written in the 1990s that I never posted.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Blackmail   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   DomSub   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Orgy   White Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Enema   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Water Sports  

The week went by with the new sleeping arrangements taking place. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Barbara slept on the floor at the foot of the bed while John and Cheryl enjoyed having sex on the bed. Cheryl’s moans, and several screams, kept Barbara awake almost the entire night on Friday. She finally drifted off to sleep sometime after 2 a.m. Since she had to get the kids ready for school and serve them their breakfasts, she had to get up at 6:30. She glanced at John and Cheryl and saw that both were sound asleep. Cheryl’s head was on John’s stomach while she held John’s penis against her lips. She held back the tears, went out to the kitchen, made herself a cup of coffee, and sat down at the table.

“Good morning, Barbara,” Cheryl said as she walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. “I’ll have a cup of coffee, as well. Did you have a good sleep?” Cheryl grinned at Barbara and waited for an answer.

“No, Mistress Cheryl,” Barbara replied as she got up and went to make Cheryl a cup of coffee. “I didn’t get to sleep until two this morning.”

“I apologize for John and I making so much noise, but we were having a wild time last night. Just like you’ll be having tonight at the party. You’ll get used to all that as time goes by. I’m sorry that I’ll miss it, but Julie said she would take some pictures for me.”

Barbara remained silent as she sipped her coffee while Cheryl talked. She finally got up and put her cup in the sink. She could only imagine Julie running around with a Polaroid camera taking pictures of her and ordering her to do this or that and “smile for the camera.”

“Well, let me get the kids up and dressed for school. I’ll set out jeans and old shirts for them to wear camping. I hope they have a good time,” Barbara said as she stood up.

“Oh, I’m sure they will. Maybe not as good a time as you’ll have tonight, however. You’ll have to tell me all about it tomorrow evening after the kids are asleep and you take your shower. You can stay naked when you come to the living room after your shower. John and I will be waiting for you. After you tell us all about the party, perhaps we’ll start training Master. Is that alright with you?”

“Yes, Mistress Cheryl. I don’t have a choice, do I?”

“No, you don’t!” Cheryl spits out. “Let’s get something straight. You will do as I say, or we’ll go down to your playroom for some more training. I’m sure that would change your attitude, and you’ll be begging me to start Master’s training. Now clean my cup, get the kids ready, and take a shower. After John goes to get the stuff we need for camping, I’ll give you an enema and douche. I’m sure you’ll thank me afterward. You will also have an enema and a douche by Julie tonight. I told her not to forget to do that. If things go like I think they will, you’ll probably need another enema and douche after everyone leaves. I’ll do that when we get home from the camping trip. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress Cheryl,” Barbara whispered.

“You had better remember that. I’m going to wake John up. When you’re done with your chores this morning, come see me. Now get your ass moving.” Cheryl got up and went back to the bedroom.

Barbara woke up the kids, got them washed up, dressed, and fed them breakfast. She drove them to school, wearing only a robe as ordered by Cheryl. When she returned home, she took off the robe, grabbed a broom, and began sweeping the kitchen floor. Another rule from Cheryl was that she must be naked whenever the kids are not present. Sometimes Cheryl would watch her sweeping the floor and order her to fuck herself with the broom handle. Cheryl even went so far as to have John mark circles around the handle at one-inch intervals up to 12 inches. Depending on her mood, Cheryl would say, “6” if she was in a good mood, but it would be “10” or even “12” if Cheryl were in a nasty mood. Today, however, Cheryl was too busy waking John up by sucking his cock to have her fun with Barbara.

“Good morning,” John greeted Barbara as he walked into the kitchen.

“Good morning,” Barbara replied. “Did you have a good time last night?” she added with a touch of sarcasm.

“You know, Barbara. You have got to accept your position here until we find a way out of this. Making snide remarks is only making it harder on you. And, please, stop begging Cheryl not to make you do all those disgusting things. The more you cry and beg for her not to make you do disgusting things, the more enjoyment she gets out of it. Don’t you see that? Suck it up, say ‘Yes, mistress Cheryl. I’ll be happy to do that”. Once she knows that you don’t give a damn about doing all that shit, she’ll lose interest in you and try to find someone else to do it to.”

“That’s easy for you to say, John. You’re not forced to suck some other guy’s cock or take it up the ass. You’re fucking and getting blow jobs from Cheryl while I’m licking her ass!” Barbara’s eyes were tearing as she spoke. “I’m losing you, John. That’s what her plan really is, not seeing me cry and beg, but to take you away from me.”

“All I’m saying is ‘give it a try.’ I’m not 100% sure it will work, but it’s worth a try. I know it’s going to be hard on you tonight. Especially with that bratty Julie being in charge, but try it. For God’s sake, don’t give her any reason to report bad behavior to Cheryl. If you do, you’ll wind up back in the cellar for another night. Oh, I hear the shower turn off. I’d like to say more, but Cheryl will be coming out soon. Remember what I said.” John got up and went into the bedroom.

Barbara went about cleaning up the kitchen, sneaking John a kiss as he left to pick up the tent and other camping supplies they had rented. She took a deep breath when she heard Cheryl call for her and went into the bedroom to see what Cheryl wanted.

“You wanted to see me, Mistress Cheryl?” Barbara asked with a smile on her face like John suggested. Cheryl was lying naked on the bed with her legs spread.

“Yes, Barbara. I just got out of the shower, and John was so horny he had to have me. Now I’ve got a cunt full of cum. Do me a favor and clean it all out for me.” Cheryl smiled.

“Yes, Mistress Cheryl. I’ll be glad to do that,” Barbara said with a smile despite her disgust over having to suck John’s cum out of Cheryl’s cunt.

Barbara got onto the bed, dropped her head between Cheryl’s legs, and began licking and sucking John’s cum from her pussy.

“While you’re at it, Barabara,” Cheryl said. “I think some cum got on my thighs, and I felt some trickle over my asshole. When you’re finished cleaning my pussy, do them as well.”

“Yes, Ma’am. I’ll get them all cleaned off.”

“Good,” Cheryl said softly. “You’ve been very good today, Barbara. I like you a lot better when you are nice to me. Most women would be angry with another woman if they found him having sex with her husband. Do you enjoy lying at the foot of the bed while John fucks me?”

Barbara wanted to scream “NO!” at the top of her lungs. Instead, she answered, “Other than the noise keeping me awake and the hard floor, I don’t mind listening to you two having sex. I’m sure that makes him happy, so I’m happy for him, Mistress Cheryl.”

“I can’t do anything about the noise, but since it keeps you awake, maybe I’ll let you get on the bed and get me ready for John. You know, suck my titties and lick my cunt to get my juices flowing. When I’m ready, you can get John ready by sucking his cock until it’s hard, then I’ll let you put it in me. If you’re a good girl, I may even let you watch us fuck and clean both of us off afterward.” Cheryl put her hand on the back of Barbara’s head and pulled it tight against her pussy, preventing any comment from Barbara.

Barbara had all she could do to not get angry at Cheryl. She tried hard to do as John had advised her to do. Barbara had hoped that Cheryl would be satisfied with her licking her pussy and ass, but when Cheryl talked about getting her and John ready to fuck each other started, Barbara knew that things would not change. She couldn’t imagine watching them fuck three times a week and having to clean them afterward. Barbara just kept licking the cunt and ass in front of her until Cheryl pushed her head away.

“I hope you are as well-behaved at Julie’s party tonight as you are here today, Barbara,” Cheryl said softly. “I’m sure you’re not looking forward to it, but think about the punishment you’ll receive if I get a bad report from Julie. Tonight will be nothing like Mr. Bryant’s party, so it won’t be nearly as bad. Swallow your pride and do as Julie tells you, and you’ll be fine. It’s only for one night.”

“Yes, I’ll try to behave myself tonight, Mistress Cheryl. It will be hard having to be naked in front of a bunch of teenagers and having to amuse them with doing whatever perversion they want me to do.”

“Like I said,” Cheryl responded, “go with the flow. It’ll be over before you know it, and John and I, and the kids, will be home. I told Julie to wait for us to get home before she leaves to give us a report on your behavior. I also told her that the night ends a seven in the morning. After then, she is no longer allowed to order you to do anything. All the ones still there must be out of the house by eight o’clock. Julie was told to help you clean up as well. You’ll have enough to do with getting the house in order before we get home. Whatever you do, do not let anyone go into the cellar.”

“No, I would never let anyone go down there, Mistress Cheryl,” Barbara replied.

“I’m off to get our tent and supplies,” John announced as he walked into the kitchen and grabbed his car keys.

“Okay,” Cheryl replied, then added, “Make sure it’s big enough for the four of us.”

“I will. See you in a little while. Why don’t you get the kids up and ready? If we can get on the road early enough, we can grab a breakfast at a diner on our way.” John then walked out the door.

Cheryl looked at Barbara, who was rising from her chair and stopped her. “Before you get the kids up, Barbara, why don’t you give me a special kiss. I’ll miss you while I’m away with no hope of having any sex.” Cheryl stood up, opened her robe, and took off her panties. She sat back down with her legs spread wide and a big smile on her face.

“Yes, Mistress Cheryl,” Barbara said before kneeling down and putting her head between Cheryl’s legs. Barbara felt Cheryl’s hand on the back of her head and gently pull it against the pussy in front of her. She licked Cheryl’s pussy, occasionally working a finger in and out of Cheryl’s ass as she licked. It took only a few minutes of Barbara’s licking to bring on Cheryl’s orgasm. She licked up the juices oozing out of the pussy then looked up at Cheryl for her approval.

“God! I’m going to miss that tongue this weekend. I can’t wait until we get home on Sunday,” Cheryl whispered. “Go ahead and get the kids ready. I’ll clean up the cups and get dressed.” Cheryl and Barbara both stood up and went about doing their chores.

The kids were excited when they heard John pull into the driveway. Cheryl and Barbara laughed at their excitement, and both girls followed them out to the car. After John hugged and kissed the kids, everyone came back into the house and sat down at the table. John wanted another cup of coffee, and Barbara got up and made it for him. After he finished the coffee, Cheryl asked him to take the kids outside for a few minutes while she gave Barbara a few more instructions. Once the kids were out of the house, Cheryl turned to face Barbara.

“Stand up and open your robe, Barbara,” Cheryl began. Once Barbara was standing and holding her robe open in front of her, Cheryl continued.

“Julie called me this morning and wanted to know if you would like some help getting the place ready for tonight. I know that you think that she can’t wait until tonight to order you around, but I told her that she could help you but that she could not boss you around. She promised that she wouldn’t order you to do anything but asked if she could take some pictures of you while you’re naked. She bought five rolls of film for the polaroid and wanted to get some pictures of you in different poses before anyone comes tonight. I told her she could do that. She may want you in several different poses and using some of your toys. Under no circumstance will she touch you or order you to have any form of sex with her, except that I would like you to thank her for helping you get things ready. You do know how to thank her, don’t you?” Cheryl paused for Barbara’s reply.

“Yes, Mistress Cheryl,” Barbara said in a shaky voice. “I will lick her pussy.”

“Very good. She may want her ass licked instead, so you might as well do that before she asks you to. She didn’t say if her brother would come with her, but if he does come, you do not have to have sex or let him touch you, either. I reminded her that her main reason for her coming early is to help you get things in order and that she would have to follow your directions.”

“Can I insist on getting the place ready before she takes any pictures, Mistress Cheryl?” Barbara asked dejectedly.

“Yes, you can. I think it would be better if you did that. Julie said that she would be here at around three o’clock, so that should give you ample time to get things ready. I’m sure most kids won’t be here until after seven o’clock, but some may come a bit earlier. I’m not sure if Julie will stay after she’s finished helping you and taking some pictures, but she can if she wants. Just make sure that you are standing naked in the middle of the living room by six. Don’t forget to be in your position while standing. When you’re finished with everything, take a bath. Put your robe back on afterward, nothing else. Don’t forget to shave your cunt, but do not give yourself an enema and a douche. Julie wants to do that to you after the guests arrive. It may help everyone get aroused quicker.”

“Excuse me, Mistress Cheryl. Is anyone bringing refreshments? I’m not sure I can trust these kids. Some of the stuff they bring may be spiked with alcohol or drugs.”

“You’re right. Do not allow any refreshments to come into this house! If you smell alcohol on anyone’s breath or anyone starts to act funny, tell them to leave. Watch for someone bringing out a flask. Tell him or her to leave immediately. You can tell Julie that I told you so. John bought five cases of Coke and several bags of potato chips and pretzels, so I think you’ll have enough refreshments. I’d put a case of Coke in the fridge now and keep refilling it as necessary. You’ll be too busy to keep refilling it, so tell Julie to do it. After all, it’s her party.”

John walked back into the kitchen, grabbed himself a soda, and sat down at the table between Barbara and Cheryl, and watched John take a sip of his soda. John looked at the girls, then the clock which read 1:15.

“What do you say to us leaving a little early and grabbing lunch at some diner on our way,” John said, looking at Cheryl.

“That’s okay with me,” Cheryl said. “Call the kids in so they can say good-bye to Barbara.”

John called the kids inside and told them to say “good-bye” to mommy.

“Why don’t you come?” Bobby, the oldest son, asked. “It’s gonna’ be fun.”

With tears in her eyes, Barbara hugged him and responded. “I’m sure it will be fun. I wish I could go with you, but I have a lot to do today. You two go and have a good time.”

John watched the kids say good-bye to Barbara and noticed the tears in her eyes as she kissed them. He had guilty pangs as he thought it would have been nice to have Barbara go on the trip with them. He knew the kids loved Barbara and were not nearly as close to Cheryl. He kissed Barbara and whispered “I love you” into her ear. As they started for the door, The kids looked at Barbara.

“Aren’t you coming out to wave good-bye?” Bobby asked.

“I’m sorry, honey, but mommy can’t go out in only her robe.”

Barbara watched the car pull out of the driveway and waved back at the kids who were looking at her through the back window. She watched the car until it was out of sight, then broke into tears. It was the first camping trip the kids had ever been on, and she wouldn’t be there to see how happy they would be. She stood up and looked at the clock on the wall. It was nearly twelve o’clock. Julie would be here in a couple of hours, she thought. She went into the bathroom and filled the tub with hot water. She took her bath and shaved her legs and pubic hair, then got out of the tub.

When Barbara finished drying herself, she grabbed her robe, then carried it into the bedroom and hung it into the closet. “No sense in putting it on now,” she thought. “I was told to be naked when she comes, and she’ll be here in a few shortly.” She went back into the kitchen, poured herself a glass of water, and sat at the table drinking it while she waited for the doorbell to ring.

Barbara didn’t have to wait long. The doorbell rang 15 minutes after she had sat down. She emptied her glass of water and went to the door. When she looked through the peephole in the door, Barbara saw Julie standing there with a large shopping bag in her hand. She appeared to be alone, which was confirmed when Barbara opened the door and let her come in. It was Julie who spoke first.

“Hello, Barbara,” Julie said as she walked past Barbara and went into the living room. Julie was surprised to see a nude Barbara open the door but smiled at her never the less. “I see you are all ready for your photo shoot. Should we get started right away?”

“No, Julie. Cheryl wants us to get the place ready for the party first. How many people are coming?”

“I’m not quite sure,” Julie answered. “I invited twenty people, but I doubt that all will show up. I’d say anywhere from a dozen to 15 or 16 will come. That should be enough for you to have a good time with.” Julie giggled at her last comment.

“Are they all boys?”

“Mostly,” Julie said. “I think a few of the boy’s girlfriends are coming, and I invited three more girls, as well. They all are looking forward to having their pussies licked by another female for the first time. I told them that you are very good at licking pussies, so I hope you don’t prove me wrong.”

“I’ll try not to, June,” Barbara replied. “But let’s get this place ready. John and Cheryl got us a dozen folding chairs, so I think that will be enough to seat everyone if we can fit four on the sofa, one in each living room chair and four on the kitchen chairs. That’ll give us room for 20 people.”

“Well, considering that at least two people will not be sitting. You’ll be performing, and I will either be taking pictures or having you servicing me. Sometimes, you’ll be servicing two, or more, people at the same time. So I think we have more than enough chairs.”

“I thought so also. Now let’s get the snacks ready. We’ll have a couple of bowls of potato chips and a couple of bowls of pretzels. I also have two big platters that I plan to have cheese and crackers on one and pepperoni and cheese on the other. Once we get them ready, we’ll cover them with foil. That should be all we have to do. Oh, I forgot, I want to cover the sofa and upholstered chairs with sheets so they won’t get any stains on them.”

“Good idea. Use older sheets so you can throw them in the garbage when this is over. You might want to put a sheet on the carpet in the living room as well,” Julie said. “You’ll probably be getting a lot of action there. Get the bowls out for me, and I’ll fill them up while you get the sheets in place.”

Forty-five minutes later, everything was in place and ready for the party except for the folding chairs. Both girls decided not to put them around the room but to let the guests grab one as needed and put it where they want to sit.

“That’s done. We did good, Barbara,” Julie stated. “Now we have plenty of time for the pictures. Cheryl told me that you have plenty of sex toys stashed away. Go get some dildos, vibrators, butt plugs, nipple clamps, and the paddle. Don’t pick out only the smaller items. I want to see some big dildos as well as some you normally use in your ass. Hurry up.”

Barbara went into her bedroom and grabbed the box of toys from the top shelf in her closet. Instead of selecting a few toys for Julie, she decided to bring out the box and let Julie decide which ones to use. She reached under the bed and retrieved the paddle, and put it on top of the box. When she returned to the living room, Barbara set the box down in front of Julie and waited in front of her.

“Please go to the center of the room and assume your position, Barbara. That’s where you’ll be when the guests arrive,” Julie instructed. Once Barbara was in place, Julie went through the toys in the box and laid out the ones she would use for the shoot. She lined them up on the coffee table for Barbara to see. There were three rubber dildos of various sizes, from six inches long and about an inch in diameter to one of ten inches long and nearly two inches in diameter. There were also two plastic vibrators, one six inches long and the other eight inches long. Both vibrators were ¾ inches in diameter. Next, she laid out the nipple clamps and smiled up at Barbara.

“Okay, Barbara. I’ll take a shot of you in your position at the center of the room, for starters. Then, I’d like to get a shot of you licking your tits,” Julie said. “By the way, you only have tits, an ass, and a cunt. Those are the only words you are to use to describe your body parts. You will always refer to the guest’s parts as cocks and ass’s if they are guys, and breasts, pussies, and rear ends if they are girls.” Julie took a picture of Barbara standing with her hands clasped behind her head and legs spread wide apart before she continued. “Now start licking your tits and sucking your nipples.”

For the next hour-plus, Julie had Barbara pose in every position imaginable. She had Barbara bend over and spread her ass cheeks as she took a close-up. During that pose, Barbara had to drop her head between her legs so that her smiling face would be in the picture. While Barbara was on the coffee table, she spread her labia for another close-up. Barbara posed with two, then three fingers in her cunt, as well as in her ass. One picture showed Barbara with the nipple clamps attached to her nipples while she worked a vibrator in her cunt. Another of her shoving a dildo into her ass. The session seemed to go on forever in Barbara’s mind. When it was over, Barbara used every toy in the box except for the paddle. Of course, Barbara was made to use her tongue to clean all the vibrators and dildos afterward. Julie then used the paddle to get Barbara’s ass cheek’s color a bright pink and took a picture with only Julie’s hand holding the paddle against one of Barbara’s cheeks. After the photo session, Barbara reassumed her position in the middle of the room while Julie packed all the toys into the box and sat down on the coffee table.

“I think Cheryl mentioned that you would thank me for helping you get things ready for tonight,” Julie said. “Did she tell you that?”

“Yes, she did, Mistress June. I was going to ask you if I could thank you when we were finished getting the room ready, but you wanted to take pictures right after we finished. May I thank you now, Mistress Julie?”

“Of course, you can thank me now, Barbara,” Julie started. “I do think that you owe me a little extra thanks for forgetting to ask me earlier. Don’t you? I wouldn’t have to tell Cheryl that you forgot to thank me if you do go a bit further in your efforts. Tell me how you’re going to thank me, Barbara.”

“Yes, Mistress Julie. I’m sorry I forgot to thank you. I’ll lick your pussy, and ass if you’d like me to. If I can thank you in any other way, please tell me how.”

“You’re forgiven, slut. I think my pussy and ass will be enough for now. At the party, I may be too busy taking photos to use your services, but after the party ends, I would like you to give me a full-body bath with your tongue.”

“I will do that as well, Mistress June.” Barbara got down on her knees and crawled over to June, sitting on the coffee table with her legs still spread wide. She smiled up at Julie and began licking her pussy.

“You know, slut,” Julie whispered. “I think tonight you should always call yourself ‘this slut.’ Start each sentence with ‘This slut.” If I catch you not saying that, it will cost you one smack with the paddle each time you forget to say ‘this slut.” I won’t interrupt your efforts with any of the guests, but I will wait until you forgot to say it five or ten times.”

Julie’s hand, pressing Barbara’s head tight against her pussy, prevented Barbara from answering. Shortly, Julie’s hand pushed Barbara’s head down towards her asshole. Before she started to lick the sphincter in front of her face, Barbara softly said, “This slut will remember your instruction, Mistress Julie. This slut will now lick your ass.”

As Barbara licked, she wondered what other “niceties” Julie had in mind for her once the party got going. She would have a hard time calling herself a slut every time she wanted to speak. The flash of the camera interrupted her thoughts as she realized that another picture, one showing her licking June’s ass, was taken. She held back her tears and wondered how many more pictures of her would be taken tonight. She visualized all the guests looking at the pictures and laughing. Certainly, Cheryl would have fun looking at them. Barbara was sure that Cheryl would ask Julie over one evening to show the images to her. Then, Barbara thought, she would wind up giving a repeat performance with Cheryl and June. Finally, Julie pushed Barbara’s hand away from her ass.

“That’s enough, Barbara,” Julie said as she pushed Barbara away from between her legs. “It’s almost 6:30, and some people may come early. Let’s get what I’ll need for the opening of the party. You do have an enema bag and douche kit, don’t you?”

“Yes, Mistress Julie. This slut has both of them. They’re in the linen closet in the bathroom. Should this slut get them for you?” Barbara was careful to call herself “this slut” rather than a simple “I.”

“Please do. And while you’re at it, see if you can find something to get rid of the funky smell in this room.”

“Yes, Mistress Julie. This slut has some air spray that will take the smell out of the room, but it will only come back once the party starts.”

“You’re right,” Julie concurred. “Never mind spraying the room. I suppose it does smell a little sexy. Get the enema bag and douche kit, then pour us a soda. We can have a drink, and then you can go into the living room and assume your position. My brother said that he’d be coming a little early, so maybe you can entertain him while we wait.”

Barbara left the kitchen and returned, holding the enema bag and douche kit. She laid them down on the table in front of Julie and then poured each of them a glass of Coke.

“Excuse me, Mistress Julie,” Barbara said meekly, afraid of what she was about to say would infuriate June. “Mistress Cheryl instructed this slut to tell you that no one would be allowed to touch this slut until the party started at seven. She also said that everyone must be out of the house by six a.m.”

“Yes, she told me that, too,” Julie replied. “I don’t think she meant while I was posing you, however. You can tell all the guests who arrive early that the party does not start until seven and that, until then, they are not allowed to touch you. I will tell everyone that there will be no violent hitting of you or mistreating you in any form. Anyone who does not follow those orders will be told to leave the party. Don’t worry, I plan on having you all to myself once the party is over, and I don’t want you all beat up when we go to bed. I do think that you’ll need another enema and douche before we go to bed, however. I’ll do that when everyone has left or are sound asleep in the living room.”

“Thank you, Mistress Julie. This slut appreciates your seeing that I’m treated fairly at the party.”

“Your, Welcome. It’s almost time for people to start arriving, so get in your position. When people do come in, you can say hello, and talk to them, but do not get out of your position. Do you understand everything?” Julie asked.

“Yes, Mistress Julie,” Barbara replied. Does this slut need to address all the guests as Master or Mistress?”

“No. You can call the guests by their first names if you wish. I will be the only one that you will address as ‘Mistress.”

Barbara went into the living room, checked to make sure the blinds covering the large picture window were closed, and stood in the middle of the sheet thrown on the carpet. She spread her legs three feet apart and clasped her hands behind her head. A few moments later, Julie came into the room and saw Barbara standing facing the sofa.

“Barbara, the guests will be arriving at the front door. I think it would be nicer if you were facing them as they entered. Turn around and face the door,” Julie said.

Barbara complied with Julie’s request. Barbara chose to be facing the sofa when the guests entered because she did not want them to see how red her face was, but now she would have to face each one as they entered. Here she was, a grown woman, standing naked in the middle of the room with her legs spread and hands behind her head and greeting a bunch of kids nearly ten years younger than her, each of whom she would be forced to have some form of sex with at some point during the night. To make things worse, most of these kids she babysat when they were young. Those she didn’t babysit were boyfriends or girlfriends of those she did. Barbara wondered if anyone would notice the collar around her neck and, if so, would they read the engraving on the charm attached. Worse yet, Barbara thought if anyone would see the tattoo between her cunt and ass. She wished she were a mouse and could crawl into her hole in the wall. Her thoughts ended at the sound of the doorbell ringing. She looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was only 6:50. That meant she would be standing there for at least another ten minutes before Julie introduced her to the guests, and the orgy began.

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