The Atonement - Revised and Edited - Cover

The Atonement - Revised and Edited

Copyright© 2021 by Mr. Niceguy

Chapter 5: The Final Descent

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 5: The Final Descent - This is a revised edition of The Atonement which is already posted here. I am the original author of "The Atonement" under the pen name "Racecar." There are two additional chapters added by other authors that are not edited, in addition to another new chapter written in the 1990s that I never posted.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Blackmail   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   DomSub   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Orgy   White Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Enema   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Water Sports  

“Hi, Barbara. Cheryl here.”

Barbara’s heart starting pounding when she recognized the voice on the other end of the phone. She had been expecting this call ever since John told her of Cheryl’s future plans. She would panic whenever the phone rang. She spent endless hours each day thinking of things she could say that would change this bitch’s mind. She vowed to herself that she would be strong and forceful when the moment came, but now that it was here, her knees began to buckle, and

she groped for a chair to sit down. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. Her carefully rehearsed speech was lost somewhere in the deep recesses of her mind, and she could only recall images of her degradation and humiliation at the hands of this woman who was speaking to her.

“Hello? Are you there? Barbara, speak to me!”

“Yes, Mistress Cheryl, I’m here.” Barbara began weeping. She had no idea why she became so weak when confronted by this younger woman who was once one of her best friends. This girl, who wasn’t satisfied with forcing her to perform the vilest and humiliating sexual acts she had heard of, was now demanding more than Barbara could give.

“Has John told you about my move?”

“Yes, Mistress Cheryl. He told me what you planned to do, but he didn’t give me any details or elaborate any further.”

“Oh.” Cheryl sounded disappointed. She wanted to tell Barbara herself so that she could see the expression on her face. “Well, in that case, I’ll be there for lunch today at around 12:30. Don’t make anything to eat. I’ll bring it with me. You just get yourself ready, a robe will be fine, and we’ll discuss just exactly what is expected of you and what your options are.”

“Yes, Mistress Cheryl.” Barbara had hardly gotten the words out of her mouth when she heard Cheryl hang up the receiver. She placed the phone on the cradle and propped her head against her hand while she recalled what John had told her.

John did not mince words when he informed her of Cheryl’s plans. It was, after all, a very simple, straightforward move. Cheryl was divorcing Don. Don had agreed to the divorce and to provide her with ample support money while Cheryl was going to move into Barbara’s quest room. That was all he said, and that was all that had to be said. Barbara couldn’t help but think that Cheryl was positioning herself to steal John away from her. She refused to accept that

scenario and would do whatever she had to do to keep John. She became determined to lay her cards on the table when Cheryl came to lunch and to, at the very least, voice her opposition to the move. Her mind was made up. She got up from the table and began to get herself prepared for Cheryl.

Cheryl didn’t bother to knock when she arrived at Barbara’s house for lunch. She figured that it was unnecessary since she was about to call it her home as well. She saw Barbara sitting at the table wearing only a robe and startled by the sudden intrusion. She laid the bags of Chinese take-out she purchased for their lunch on the table and walked over to the cabinets to get

the plates and utensils they would need.

“Gee, I thought you’d at least have the table set for lunch, Barb. You knew I was bringing something for us to eat.” Cheryl said calmly. Her disappointment was evident, but she did not seem to be extremely annoyed.

“I’m sorry, Mistress Cheryl. I’ve had a lot on my mind lately, and I guess the time just slipped by me.” Barbara got up and went over to help Cheryl ready the meal. She poured them each a large glass of iced tea and carried them to the table.

“I guess you have had a lot to think about lately. Let’s eat first, and then we’ll discuss the situation like rational adults. Okay?” Cheryl smiled as she spoke.

“Okay, Mistress Cheryl.” Barbara agreed.

The two women sat and ate their lunch without muttering a single word to each other. Cheryl couldn’t help but notice how nervous Barbara was as she picked through her meal. She wondered if Barbara’s uneasiness was due to worry about what humiliation she would have to endure today or whether it was brought on by the planned move. When she had finished eating, Cheryl pushed her plate away and sat watching the trembling Barbara nibble at the plate of Mandarin Beef and Rice. Finally, the tension between the two women became too much for Cheryl to bear.

“What’s the matter, Barbara? Don’t like Chinese?” Cheryl asked while reaching in her purse for a cigarette.

“No, I mean yes, I like Chinese, Mistress Cheryl. I’m just not used to eating it for lunch, and I guess I’m a little nervous today.” Barbara replied.

Barbara’s nervousness had been evident to Cheryl from the moment she sat down at the table to eat. She lit the cigarette and drew in deeply, exhaling the smoke through her nostrils. She guessed it was time to get on with explaining the conditions of her move to Barbara. She wasn’t quite sure how to go about it and had hoped for a little push from her “slave” to sort of get her

fired up.

“Well, let’s go into the living room and talk about it. I guess it’s best if we clear the air about this move right off.” Cheryl got up from the table and walked into the living room, where she sat down on the sofa and crossed her feet on the coffee table.

Barbara picked up the dishes from the table and placed them on the counter before biting her lip and joining Cheryl. When she entered the living room, Barbara was not sure what she was supposed to do. Thinking it best to do the safest thing, she took off her robe and assumed her position in the center of the room.

“No need to assume the position just yet, Barbara. Sit down, and let’s get whatever it is that’s making you nervous off your mind.” Cheryl motioned for Barbara to sit in the chair placed nearest the sofa and watched as the naked woman sat. For some reason, Cheryl thought, Barbara looked better now than when she first saw her nude only about a couple of months ago. She seemed to look more sensuous than ever before. She studied the nude woman with just a dog

collar around her neck for a few moments before beginning.

“Okay, Barbara. Tell me what it is that’s bothering you. I assume it’s about my new living arrangements. If it is, I want to know what you find so troubling about it.” Cheryl took another drag on the cigarette before crushing it out in the ashtray.

“Well, Mistress Cheryl, I...”

“Let’s cut out the formalities for the moment, Barbara. Call me Cheryl.” Cheryl was hoping to get Barbara to open up and drop her guard.

Well, Cheryl, I really don’t know what to expect -- or what you expect from me. I mean, I’ve done everything you’ve asked me to do so far, even though I found most of them disgusting. The only thing that got me through most of those acts was knowing that it would be over soon and I’d be back home and away from it all. Now, if you’re living here, will there ever be an end? I don’t

think I could live every moment like that.” Barbara began to cry and covered her eyes to avoid having to face Cheryl directly. “One more thing, I can’t help but think that you’re trying to take John away from me. I can’t. I won’t let that happen. I’ll do whatever I have to do to prevent that from happening. I mean, I’ll resort to any means within me to stop it.”

Having said her piece, Barbara wiped the tears from her cheeks and sat back in her chair to await Cheryl’s reply. She couldn’t stop her hands from trembling and attempted to hide the quivering by rubbing them together. She watched Cheryl lean back on the sofa, uncrossing her legs and spread them slightly apart. She didn’t know why, but her eyes were drawn immediately to the spot under Cheryl’s dress where her legs came together. She noticed that Cheryl wasn’t wearing any underclothing and that caused Barbara to become aroused. Embarrassed, Barbara blushed and quickly shifted her eyes to Cheryl’s face.

Cheryl saw Barbara staring under her dress and noticed her face turning beet red. She had hoped Barbara would provide her with an opening where she could announce her full plans to her. What she got was more than she had hoped for. She took her legs off the table and sat upright.

“Barbara, I want you to move the coffee table aside and come sit on the floor between my feet while I answer you.”

Still trembling, Barbara got up and did as Cheryl requested. She sat down between Cheryl’s feet and looked up at her face, waiting for an answer.

“First of all, Barbara.” Cheryl began, “Since you feel that way about John, you’ve already narrowed your options down to one. That option is you remain married to John and do all the nice little things that married couples are supposed to do, with the exception that you will also do whatever I tell you to do. Every night, after putting the kids to bed, you are to get yourself

ready and report to me here in the living room -- nude, of course. On those nights when I have a date or other plans, you are to wait up for me, again nude and ready. When John is present, you will also do whatever he desires, but you must remember that I am your mistress and have absolute control over you. You will be required to do whatever may amuse me, and to accept whatever punishment I decide is fitting. From time to time, I may have a visitor of my own over for the evening. They may be male or female, but their presence will not be an excuse for your not reporting here as scheduled. On occasion, I may make arrangements for you to appear elsewhere without John or me. You will go wherever I say and do whatever it is that I instruct you to do. Occasionally, I may forbid you to sleep in your bed with John. I may have you sleep with me, or in my bed while I sleep in yours with John, or even on the floor on the floor alongside your bed while I’m sleeping with him. You will do so without question or hesitation. These rules also apply during the day while the kids are in school. If you accept these conditions, you can remain here as John’s wife and mother of his children. If you do not accept them, John and I have decided that he would leave you and file for divorce. With the photos and ‘witnesses’ we have, we should have no problem convincing the courts that you are not a fit parent.”

Cheryl paused to light another cigarette and to allow her words to sink in. She watched Barbara’s head drop to her chin and heard the sobs escaping from her lips.

“On the other hand,” she continued, “it won’t be all that bad. I’ll pay a fair price for my room and board and, if I have the time, help out with the housework. There may be times when you and John need to get out by yourselves, and I’ll be available to watch the kids for you. That is if I haven’t made plans of my own. Just remember, when you return, you must present yourself to me

no matter what the time.” Another pause and drag from the cigarette. “So, Barbara, do you agree to the conditions?”

Barbara couldn’t stop her sobbing. What possible choice did she have? She thought about how this had all begun and how she just kept getting deeper and deeper into it, as though she had been caught in a whirlpool and she was being dragged further and further down into the depths. She was shocked to learn that John had actually agreed to leave her and take her kids with him if she did not agree to these despicable terms. She wished he were here now so that she might confront him and see for herself if Cheryl were telling the truth. She couldn’t afford to take the chance of refusing the conditions set forth by Cheryl. Life would be hell under the stated terms, but it would be utterly unbearable under alternate circumstances.

“Yes, I accept, Mistress Cheryl.” Barbara had forgotten that she had been excused from addressing Cheryl as “mistress.” It came out of her mouth instinctively.

“I thought you would.” Cheryl was beaming. In the beginning, she had no idea that her little plot would eventually lead to the total domination of Barbara. She had gotten rid of her husband, finally succeeded in snaring John for sex whenever she wanted and had a slave to satisfy whatever whim or curiosity she craved at the moment. These outcomes, coupled with the fact that the alimony that Don had agreed to pay her would allow her to live comfortably without having to work, caused her to love her life more than ever before.

“Now, about all those ‘disgusting’ acts you had to perform. Maybe you should look at the pictures and videotapes again. As I recall, those ‘disgusting’ acts seemed to arouse you quite a bit at the time. In fact, if I’m not mistaken, those ‘disgusting’ acts seemed to provide you with some very

heavy-duty orgasms.” Cheryl paused and looked at the red-faced Barbara sitting at her feet.

“And don’t for a moment think that I didn’t notice you staring up my dress a moment ago.” Cheryl spread her legs wide apart and continued. “Look now, Barbara. Look up my dress and tell me what you see.”

Barbara raised her head and peered up Cheryl’s dress. She stared at Cheryl’s vagina and watched it become moist. She could just faintly pick up the scent of the juices beginning to ooze from within. Cheryl was right. Barbara was getting aroused again.

“I see your pussy, Mistress Cheryl.”

“Describe it to me, Barbara. Tell me, in detail, what you see.” Cheryl was smiling.

“I see your pussy. It’s snuggled between your legs and hidden by wisps of curly hair. It’s getting damp, and I can smell its juices.” Barbara continued to stare between Cheryl’s legs, unable to turn her eyes away.

“Do you like the way my pussy looks?”

“Yes, Mistress Cheryl.” Barbara began blushing again.

“Tell me, Barbara. Is the smell beginning to excite you?”

“Yes, Mistress Cheryl.”

“Would you like to kiss it?”

“Yes, Mistress Cheryl.”

“Then ask me to allow you to, Barbara. Beg me to let you kiss and lick my pussy. Tell me what you’ll do to repay me for allowing you such pleasure.”

“Please, Mistress Cheryl. Please let me lick and kiss your pussy. I want to so much, Mistress Cheryl. Please let me lick you until you come. I promise I’ll do anything you ask me to do. I’ll lick you all over, even your ass, Mistress Cheryl. I’ll suck your titties real nice. Please, please let me lick you, Mistress Cheryl.”

Barbara couldn’t believe the words she heard were coming from her lips. She couldn’t believe that she actually wanted to lick Cheryl’s vagina – she would do anything to place her mouth on that spot. Three months ago, she would have vomited at the thought of being forced to do such a thing. Now, she craved it, was drawn to its sensual aroma, desperately wanted to feel its warm moistness against her lips. She looked up at Cheryl’s face and pleaded with her eyes.

“I’d like that very much, Barbara.” Cheryl moved her hand down and pulled up the hem of her dress, exposing herself completely to Barbara. She began to rub her hand up and down on her vagina while Barbara watched. “Yes, I’d love to feel your tongue on my pussy and my asshole again, but I don’t think you deserve it right now. For now, you’ll have to be content with masturbating yourself and licking your own juices off your fingers. Maybe later, I’ll let you

kiss my pussy, but not now. Lay down at my feet and start fingering yourself. When I tell you to, take your hand out of your pussy and put it in your mouth and suck all the juices off.”

“No, Please, Mistress Cheryl. Please let me lick you. I like that so much better.” Barbara pleaded as she clutched onto Cheryl’s leg.

Cheryl leaned forward and grabbed Barbara’s hair.

“Shut up and do as you are told!”

Visibly shaken and disappointed, Barbara slid down and laid on her back with legs spread wide. Her hand began playing with her own vagina. Within moments she felt Cheryl’s foot on her lips. She opened her mouth and began playing her tongue across her mistress’s toes before sucking them into her mouth. She had three fingers inside herself and was beginning to pump them

furiously as her hips bucked upwards, trying to drive them in deeper. Her head bobbed back and forth as she sucked Cheryl’s toes as though they were a cock. She felt the orgasm coming and began moaning as it began its crescendo. As the orgasm was reaching its peak, Barbara felt Cheryl’s hand pulling hers away from its task.

“That’s enough for now, Barbara. Now clean that hand off.” Cheryl said.

Barbara quickly put her hand into her mouth and greedily licked and sucked the juices from them. She wanted to clean them quickly, hoping she would be allowed to continue her masturbation.

“My, my, Barbara. That’s disgusting. I thought you didn’t like to do disgusting things. Do you want to stop now, or do you want to continue doing disgusting things?” Cheryl smugly asked.

“Yes, Please, Mistress Cheryl. I’ll do more disgusting things. Please. I’ve got to cum.” Barbara begged with desperation. Her mind was focused on her orgasm and her orgasm only.

“Fine. Start licking your nipples. If I like the way you do it, I’ll let you do something else disgusting.”

Barbara’s hands cupped her breasts and pushed them upwards. She bent her neck as far forward as she could and stretched her tongue to its limit as she began licking her own nipples. She frantically licked each nipple as she worked her finger over the one not being tongued at the time. As she licked and massaged her tits, her hips continued to push forward, searching for


“Okay, Barbara. You do such disgustingly good work with your tongue. Now let’s see you work your fingers in your ass. You like playing with your ass, don’t you?”

“Yes, Mistress Cheryl. I like it very much.” Barbara quickly moved her hands down to her ass and began working two fingers into the tight opening.

“What do you think now, Barbara? Do you think this is so disgusting?”

“No, Mistress Cheryl. I mean, yes. It’s disgusting, but I like it.” Barbara answered. She knew it was disgusting but, at this moment, she wanted to do it.

Cheryl watched Barbara work her fingers in and out of her ass as fast and as hard as the poor girl could. When it became obvious that she was once again nearing climax, Cheryl decided to end it.

“That’s enough! I think I’ve made you do enough disgusting things today. Put your hands behind your head.”

Barbara’s eyes slammed shut as she shook her head from side to side. She couldn’t believe Cheryl had ordered her to stop now. She was so close. Reluctantly she removed her fingers from deep inside her ass and clasped both hands behind her head. When she opened her eyes, she saw Cheryl light another cigarette and stare at her. Guilt was coming over her again. It seemed the

guilty feelings were occurring with greater frequency lately. She hated it. She hated being forced to endure these degradations that made the guilt come back. She laid there quietly, assessing herself, while Cheryl smoked her cigarette and watched. Cheryl’s glare made her even more uncomfortable and caused the guilt to increase. Despite all the guilt and humiliation, Barbara still felt her body craving an orgasm. She had come too close to stop now. She blushed bright red as she looked at Cheryl staring at her crotch, but she was also getting off on being watched. She had only one wish at the moment. She wished Cheryl would let her continue masturbating.

Cheryl crushed out the cigarette and stood up while she smoothed her dress. She looked at the prone Barbara and placed the toe of her shoe against the slave’s vagina. This gesture drew an immediate response from Barbara as her hips moved against the pointed shoe in a futile attempt to drive it into her.

“I shall be moving in this Saturday.” Cheryl finally broke her silence and spoke in a very business-like tone. “John will be helping me move my things, so it shouldn’t take all that long. Just be ready for me Saturday night. Until then, you are not to have sex with anyone -- including John. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress Cheryl,” Barbara replied. She was genuinely frustrated and, at the same time, embarrassed.

“See you then.” Cheryl grabbed her purse and walked out the door, leaving Barbara lying on the floor, nude, with hands clasped behind her head.

Barbara remained on the floor until she heard Cheryl’s car start and pull out of the driveway. She got herself up and looked out the window to confirm that Cheryl had indeed left before she walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. She grabbed the Kielbasa she had bought to replace the one put to other uses by June. She set the sausage on the cutting board and made one,

clean, cut. She picked up the two pieces of meat and carried them into her bedroom.

The rest of the week went by without incident. John would come home from work, eat supper, and retreat to the basement, where he would continue with his remodeling project until bedtime. Barbara tended to her duties around the house as usual. Usual meaning that her physical aspects of day to day were routine. Mentally, she was anything but normal. She thought about her last visit from Cheryl often. She couldn’t believe that she had let her body take control of her mind to the extent that she was begging to lick Cheryl’s pussy and ass. Each time the memory came to mind, she would visibly shake and start to sob. Her current state of mind caused her to worry almost every waking minute. She worried about what she had become and about her marriage to John. The two of them had hardly spoken to each other since he told her about Cheryl moving in. Since that time, she had strong doubts about his love and concern for her. She dreaded to think of what would become of the marriage once Cheryl was living with them.

On Saturday morning, over the morning coffee, John had announced that he was finished with the basement. He told Barbara that everything looked nice and that he would give her the “grand tour” when he had finished moving Cheryl’s belongings in. The announcement seemed to cheer Barbara up and add a special glow to what was the beginning of a very dark day to her. She couldn’t wait to see the kid’s playroom and her laundry room. It would be so great not to

have the kid’s toys lying all over the living quarters. She wanted to start moving the toys and laundry supplies down immediately, but John told her no and ordered her to clean the spare room one more time before the furniture arrived. Her disappointment was evident, and she didn’t have to tell him, but she did anyway. She saw no reason to clean the room again. After all, she had

just spent an entire day cleaning and hanging brand new drapes in the room when he had finished repainting it less than a month ago. His reply shocked her. In so many words, he had said that he didn’t give a damn about what she thought. He wanted the room spotless and smelling like it had been freshly cleaned when Cheryl arrived. Barbara didn’t argue. She did not want to start the day off on a bad foot as far as John was concerned.

In between getting the kids breakfast and breaking up their spats, Barbara was able to get Cheryl’s room finished just as she heard John pull the U-haul truck into the drive. She walked into the kitchen and looked out the window. John was swinging the truck doors open as Cheryl pulled her car into the drive. She saw Cheryl stop and talk to John briefly before walking to the

back door. Barbara quickly turned on the coffee pot and pretended she was busy straightening the kitchen as Cheryl entered the room.

“Whew! I’m glad that’s over.” Cheryl exclaimed as she plopped down at the kitchen table. “I sure am glad to get the hell out of that place and out of Don’s life. How are you doing, Barbara? Didja’ miss me?”

“Yes, Mistress Cheryl,” Barbara answered as she carried the sugar and creamer, along with three cups, over to the table.

“Good! I’m glad to hear that because I’ve got a big night planned for us all tonight.” Cheryl ran her hand up Barbara’s dress as she set the tray on the table. “But, like I said, as long as the kid’s are up and around, it’s just plain ‘Cheryl.’” She put one finger into the leg of Barbara’s panties and

snapped the elastic. “This, though, is a no-no at any time! From now on, you will wear absolutely NO underclothing unless you have my express permission to do so. I suggest you remove them right this minute. Are you wearing a bra, too?”

“No, I’m not wearing a bra. I rarely wear one when I’m just cleaning around the house.” Barbara said as she slid the panties off her legs and placed them in Cheryl’s open hand.

“Good. I never did either. Bend down and open your mouth.” Cheryl said as she balled Barbara’s panties in her hand. When Barbara bent down with her mouth open, Cheryl inserted the panties into her mouth. “Keep them there until the kids come in, or I tell you to remove them.”

Barbara’s eyes started to tear, and she went to the coffee pot and filled three cups with the dark brew. She was carrying them to the table when John entered.

“Oh! Thank God! Barb, you read my mind. I’m dying for a cup of coffee. How have the kids been?” John sat at the table and waited for Barbara to bring the coffee and answer him. When she set the coffee in front of him, he looked up and saw the tears in her eyes. Barbara opened her mouth, and he saw why she had not answered. He stood up and pried the panties out of her mouth and, threw them down on the table in front of Cheryl.

“Look, Cheryl, we agreed that this stuff would not take place while the kids were around and could see.” John was annoyed. “Let’s not start this new relationship off on a bad foot. Okay? I agreed to whatever you wanted, but I’ll not take even the remotest chance that my kids will notice something out of place.”

Cheryl was surprised by John’s outburst. She gathered Barbara’s panties into her hand and looked at Barbara.

“You’re right, John. I apologize. I must not have been thinking clearly when I put them in her mouth where the kids might notice them.” A smile came over Cheryl’s face. “Come here, Barbara, and spread your legs.”

Barbara walked over to Cheryl and spread her legs as Cheryl reached under her dress and pushed the wadded material into her vagina. She looked over at John and began to sob again.

“That will do for now. Later, we’ll put them back in your mouth.” Cheryl smugly looked Barbara in the eye and began to sip her coffee.

The trio finished their coffees without much else being said. John was the first to get up from the table and exclaimed, “there was work to do” as he left for the truck. Barbara and Cheryl walked out behind him and began giving him a hand in loading the furniture onto the hand cart. When the last load had been taken into the house and put in its place, John closed the truck doors and climbed into the driver’s seat, advising Cheryl to follow him to the truck rental agency and drive him home. He then told Barbara to start supper and get the kids cleaned up. Barbara nodded in the affirmative and walked back into the house to begin dinner as John and Cheryl left. While preparing the meal, Barbara thought about taking the panties out of pussy, but feared that,

somehow, Cheryl might notice that she had done so and would inflict further punishment. She left them in place and put up with the discomfort while she went about her duties.

Later that afternoon, after the dishes had been washed and put away and the kids bathed and put to bed, Barbara informed Cheryl that she was going in to take her shower and asked what she should wear.

“I don’t think clothing will be necessary tonight,” Cheryl replied with a sly grin.

“I’m going to have to take these out to douche, you know.” Barbara spat out while pointing to her pussy.

“Now, let’s get something straight right away.” Cheryl angrily shot back. “The kids are in bed, and I am now ‘Mistress Cheryl.’ Got it?”

“Yes, Mistress Cheryl.” Barbara meekly answered. “What about my panties, Mistress Cheryl?”

“When you’re all finished with everything else, call me. I’ll come in and take care of the panties. Until then, leave them right where they are!”

“Yes, Mistress Cheryl,” Barbara said with her head bowed. “Mistress Cheryl, may I ask a favor of you?”

“What is it?”

“Mistress Cheryl, John just got done remodeling the basement, and I’ve been dying to see it. Would you please let him show it to me?”

“Oh, yes. I’ve heard about it. Of course, Barbara. When you’re through getting ready, we’ll all go downstairs and have a look. I’m rather anxious to see it myself.” Cheryl turned to John and winked.

Barbara went to the bathroom and began her shower. She carefully washed her body and shampooed her hair, then shaved her legs and pubic area. When through, she dried herself off, brushed her teeth before blow-drying her hair, applied a basic amount of make-up, and replaced the dog collar around her neck. Satisfied that she could no longer put off the inevitable, she walked to the living room and told Cheryl that she was ready to douche.

“Let’s all go see the basement first,” Cheryl exclaimed.

Barbara followed John down the stairs as Cheryl brought up the rear. John’s face was shining with pride as he displayed the playroom, pointing out the built-in toy boxes and color television with a VCR. He described how he had insulated the room to prevent the sound from spreading through the house and how he chose the paint for the walls so that the kids could use their

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