The Atonement - Revised and Edited - Cover

The Atonement - Revised and Edited

Copyright© 2021 by Mr. Niceguy

Chapter 4: The Outing

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 4: The Outing - This is a revised edition of The Atonement which is already posted here. I am the original author of "The Atonement" under the pen name "Racecar." There are two additional chapters added by other authors that are not edited, in addition to another new chapter written in the 1990s that I never posted.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Blackmail   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   DomSub   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Orgy   White Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Enema   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Water Sports  

Barbara stood staring at the outfit she had purchased for today’s shopping trip with Cheryl. The black leather mini-skirt looked like it belonged to a 12-year-old, not a woman her age who was the mother of two. When she tried it on at the store, she had to buy a smaller size just to get the

effect of ‘barely covering your ass’ that Cheryl had directed her to buy. It did barely cover her ass. If she were to bend over or reach for anything, the skirt would ride up and expose everything worth covering. The blouse she chose was a plain, button-front, white cotton. After she had gotten it home, Barbara noticed the fabric was so thin that she could see her hand through it. God only knew what it would be like when she put it on without a bra. She was

going to exchange it for a more conservative one but could not find the time to do so. She rationalized that, with this skirt, who would be looking at the blouse anyway. She exhaled deeply and placed the outfit on hangers to be ready to put on when Cheryl arrived.

As she was under the warm mist of her shower, Barbara thought back to what Cheryl had said about today’s trip. Barbara swore Cheryl kept saying ‘we’ will do this and ‘we’ will pick you up, etc. She wondered who the ‘we’ were. She knew that one person was Cheryl, but who, and how many others? She wondered if they were the same girls that were at Cheryl’s the night she served as a maid and whatever. She hoped not. Barbara doubted she could face, let

alone talk to, them ever again. She kept wondering as she grabbed the razor and began shaving between her legs. When completed, she rinsed one final time and stepped out of the shower to dry off. On the vanity was her douche kit. She readied everything, douched, and cleaned the nozzle and bag before putting it away. As an afterthought, she took the enema bag she had also purchased yesterday and cleaned it thoroughly in preparation for later use. As she cleaned it, she wished she had told Cheryl that she had indeed given herself an enema before arriving for Mr. Bryant’s private show. If she had done so, she would have been spared the embarrassment of having to have another woman administer it to her in front of others. “What’s done is done.” she mused while putting the bag and accessories back into the box. She slipped the dog collar around her neck, studied herself in the mirror for a moment, put on her robe, and clicked off the light as she left the room.

Barbara walked into the kitchen and looked at the clock. “45 minutes to go,” she said to herself. “Nothing to do now but wait.” She poured herself a glass of Coke and sat down at the table to pass the time. She thought about John and the conversations they had over the weekend. He seemed like a new man since they left Cheryl’s. He was still loving and caring, but he sported a more open-air about him. She had never known John to be so open and straightforward with her before. He made it absolutely clear to her that he was satisfied with the status quo and, though he felt sorry for her having to put up with Cheryl’s domination, she was the one ultimately responsible for it. She had to agree. One thing was sure. His appetite for sex had certainly

increased. Every time the opportunity presented itself, he was grabbing her breasts or shoving his hand up her dress. She was happy to see that improvement in their relationship. At least something good has come out of all this. As for herself, there were times when she was willing to risk everything and tell Cheryl to go to hell, but then her fear of the consequences of such action prevented her from doing so.

As she sat thinking about John’s kiss good-bye and his wishing her luck before he left for work, Barbara heard the slamming of car doors. She peered out the back window and noticed Cheryl, Beth, and another girl she didn’t recognize walking to her door. She wasn’t sure whether she should greet them in her robe or remove it and answer the door nude. As the first wave of

shame came over her, she decided she would leave the robe on. She walked slowly to the back door and opened it just as the trio had approached.

“Hi, Barbara. I see you’ve gotten yourself ready.” Cheryl said as she filed past Barbara.

“Yes, Mistress Cheryl” Barbara’s voice seemed to have left her, and the reply came out in a mere whisper.

Cheryl stopped dead in her tracks, turned, and looked at Barbara as the others filed through the open door.

“What’s that you said? Speak up! I can barely hear you.” Cheryl spoke with raised eyebrows.

Barbara cleared her throat and attempted to reply again.

“I’m sorry, Mistress Cheryl. I said, ‘Yes, Mistress Cheryl.’.” Her voice now boomed. Barbara felt embarrassed about both replies. She looked at Beth and the other girl staring at her. The newcomer seemed vaguely familiar to her, but Barbara just could not place the name with the face. She closed the door and led her guests into the kitchen.

“Barbara, I know you remember Beth but do you remember who this is?” Cheryl said as she wrapped her arm around the girl.

Barbara looked the girl up and down. She appeared to be in her late teens, early 20’s. Her skin was perfect. It flawlessly covered her 5’ 4” frame in a tautness one only saw in younger women. Her breasts, while not exceptionally large, were ample for a girl her size and seemed to be about the same size as her hips. Barbara remembered the green eyes but still could not put a name on the girl in front of her.

“I’m sorry, Mistress Cheryl, She looks familiar, but I can’t seem to remember her name.” Barbara was still quizzically looking at the girl as she answered Cheryl.

“Shame on you. She is Julie Webster. I ran into her while shopping one day, and we started talking about old times. Your name came up, and she said you used to baby-sit her when she was younger. Well, she’s 18 now and planning to enter college this fall. When I was planning this outing, I thought it would be a good idea to bring her along. She jumped at the chance.” Cheryl had that knowing look in her eye and smirk on her lips.

As soon as the name was mentioned, Barbara remembered Julie as the most precocious, spoiled, and misbehaved little brat she had ever had to baby-sit. She remembered that Julie had a brother, one year her junior, who was just the opposite. As a matter of fact, Barbara recalled, she thought he had somewhat of a crush on her. That was years ago, Barbara thought. She wondered how Julie reacted when Cheryl told her about her ‘sex slave’ and was sure she jumped at the chance to get even at Barbara. Of all the people Barbara had ever known, none would look forward to torturing and humiliating her more than Julie Webster.

“Yes. Now I remember. How are you, Julie?” Barbara put on her best happy face as she greeted Julie. “And how is Paul, your brother?”

“Paul and I are very well, thank you, Barbara. But haven’t you forgotten something?” The girl looked straight at Barbara and returned the phony smile.

“What’s that?” Barbara tried to remember some detail that June was referring to but couldn’t come up with a thing.

“Well ... from what I hear... , It should be ‘Mistress Julie.’”

Beth broke out in heavy laughter as Barbara reeled backward from the shock. Cheryl, too, had to laugh at the boldness Julie displayed to her former disciplinarian.

“She’s right, you know.” That was all Cheryl could say before breaking up again.

Barbara regained her composure and glared at the kid. “She hasn’t changed one bit.” she thought. Remembering her situation, Barbara knew she would have to be on her best behavior today in order to avoid the wrath of this bitch.

“I’m sorry, Mistress Julie.” The words ‘Mistress Julie’ shot from her mouth like an arrow aimed at a villain’s heart. “It won’t happen again. I was so glad to see you again that I forgot where I was.”

“You didn’t forget where you are. You forgot who you are.” Again Julie returned the arrow. “But I’ll forgive you. I know how happy you are to see me here. I just know this is going to be a perfect day.” The sarcasm in Julie’s utterance was evident to everyone present.

Cheryl was taken aback by Julie’s brashness and began to have second thoughts about inviting her along. It seemed to her that Julie was attempting to control the day, and Cheryl didn’t want that to happen. Barbara was hers – all hers. She might not object to loaning Barbara to someone temporarily, As Mr. Bryant had suggested to her yesterday on the phone, but it had to be understood that Cheryl, and only Cheryl, had absolute control over her. She decided the time had come to assert her authority, and she stepped in front of Julie to address her slave.

“We had better get a move on here. Look at the time. Remember we have to be back by 2:30, at the latest, so you can be here when the kids get home. Let’s get that robe off so I can check to see if you’re ready.” Cheryl grabbed the robe’s sash and, with one tug, pulled it free from the robe.

“Yes, Mistress Cheryl.” Barbara slid the robe off her shoulders and laid it over the back of a chair. She shot a quick glance at Julie and noticed the smirk on the brat’s face.

“C’mon, we don’t have all day! Assume the position!” Cheryl admonished.

“Yes, Mistress Cheryl.” Barbara clasped her hands behind her head and spread her legs.

Barbara noticed that Julie had moved to a position directly in front of her. Embarrassed at her very obvious station within this circle, she looked past the young girl and out the window behind her. She felt Cheryl rubbing her freshly-shaved pubic mound and bend over to examine it.

“Very good. You remembered to shave this time. Did you douche?” Cheryl peered up from her vantage point at Barbara’s thighs to look the young housewife in the eyes.

“Yes, Mistress Cheryl.” Barbara’s face was getting redder and redder.

“Let’s check, shall we? Spread those pussy lips wide open, so I can see how clean you are.” Cheryl’s actions were clearly designed to display her power over, and to humiliate, Barbara in front of the newcomer in the group.

Barbara reached down and spread the lips of her vagina as directed. She kept looking straight ahead as Cheryl’s finger prodded the outer edges of her vagina before forcefully plunging deep inside. She felt the finger withdraw and saw Cheryl stand up, holding it to her nose. The next thing she knew, Cheryl’s finger was poised on her lower lip. Barbara knew what was expected of

her and opened her lips to accept the moistened digit. She saw Cheryl gloating as she moved the finger in and out of her mouth. Cheryl glanced back at Julie, who seemed deeply absorbed in the entire scene as she watched Barbara’s face for any reaction. Barbara’s eyelids closed for an instant, and she felt a tear form in the corner of one eye. She heard Cheryl proclaim ‘very good’ as the finger withdrew.

“Go get your enema bag, and bring out the outfit you bought for today. I’d like to take a look at it before you put it on.” Cheryl barked the order out like a grade school teacher.

Barbara hurried out of the kitchen and returned within minutes carrying two wooden hangers, upon which her outfit hung, and the box with the enema bag inside. She hung the clothes on the trim around the doorway leading to the living room and handed the box to Cheryl before re-assuming her position. She watched Cheryl hand the box to Beth and disappear behind her. She assumed to check her new clothes. Barbara’s eyes followed Beth as the nurse opened the box and spilled the contents onto the table. Besides the bag and hose, the kit contained three nozzles. One nozzle was the adult enema nozzle, another a juvenile enema nozzle, and the third, longer, thicker, ribbed nozzle, which was designed to be used as a douching nozzle. Beth surveyed all three before picking up the douche nozzle and attaching it to one end of the hose. Barbara wanted to tell her that she had the wrong nozzle but kept quiet. She was determined to avoid any

punishment whatsoever today. She’d be damn if she gives June the satisfaction of watching her getting spanked.

Beth attached the other end of the hose to the bag and adjusted the clip on the hose to prevent water from flowing through it. When satisfied that everything was in good working order, she strode over to the sink and began to fill it up with cool water. She noticed the dish detergent on the counter and decided to add a generous amount to the water. When the bag was stretched to its maximum, she turned the water tap off and screwed the stopper into the top then turned

around to look for Cheryl.

“I’m all ready to go. Where are we going to do this?” She asked when she noticed Cheryl standing to the side and slightly to the rear of Barbara.

“Oh, I think the table will do fine,” Cheryl replied. She put her hand in the small of Barbara’s back and gave a little shove. “Go Lean over the table, feet on the floor and spread apart, of course.” She ordered.

Barbara stumbled over to the table and placed herself as directed. At Cheryl’s command, she reached behind and spread her ass cheeks, exposing her opening. A moment later, she felt the nozzle probing it. She was suddenly aware that neither the nozzle nor her anus had been lubricated. Just as she was going to yell, “Wait,” the nozzle broke past the tight barrier and was inside her. She nearly lost her grip on her buttocks as she recoiled from the pain. The sharp pain was followed immediately by the sensation of cool liquid filling her bowels. Within a couple of minutes, Barbara started to feel the discomfort of being filled. She struggled to hold

all the liquid in, and, in the process, her teeth clenched her lower lip. The volume of liquid within her distended her lower abdomen, and the pressure was tremendous -- too much for her to bear.

“Please, Mistress Cheryl. May I speak?” Barbara pleaded with tear-filled eyes.

“What is it?” Cheryl answered, annoyed by the interruption.

“I ... I can’t hold anymore. I’m sorry, Mistress Cheryl, I just can’t!” Her agony clearly showed on Barbara’s face.

Cheryl looked at Beth, who just shrugged her shoulders and pursed her lips. Cheryl nodded her head, and Beth clicked off the flow control and began to remove the nozzle.

“Oh, wait a minute before you take that out.” Julie interrupted while frantically rummaging through her oversized purse. “Can I just get one picture of this? I’m sure Paul would like to see what Barbara looks like after all these years.

“Make it quick, and just one!” Cheryl answered. She found the idea of Julie showing a picture of Barbara, in this position, to Paul amusing.

Barbara watched as Julie positioned herself for a side-view photo of her. Her face was looking directly at the camera when the flash went off and caused instant blindness. She closed her eyes and cried a little more. She had been psyching herself up for this day all weekend. When she kissed John goodbye this morning, she thought that she was mentally prepared for anything that

would happen today and was determined not to show her embarrassment or pain to anyone. She hadn’t planned on Julie, however. Her presence here had completely undermined all of Barbara’s mental conditioning. When she reopened her eyes, she saw Julie and Cheryl huddled around the picture in Julie’s hand, waiting for the development process to complete itself. They looked like two school kids looking at a National Geographic magazine. She turned her head and faced the

other direction while Beth slowly withdrew the enema nozzle from her. Barbara heard someone, and she thought Cheryl, tell her to go relieve herself and get cleaned up again. Barbara didn’t have to be told a second time. She quickly ran from the table to the bathroom amidst the laughter of the other girls.

As Barbara reentered the kitchen, she noticed the girls all looking at the picture and laughing. She saw Julie look up at her and drop her head back while she exclaimed how much her baby brother is going to enjoy the picture she took. This was the first occasion of this sort where John was not present to lend Barbara at least some moral support. Feeling lost and without hope, Barbara re-assumed her position and waited.

“C’mon, girl. Let’s get a move on.” Cheryl clapped her hands together as she spoke. “We don’t have much time to do what we have to and be back before your kids get home. Get your clothes on, and let’s get out of here.”

Barbara scurried to her clothes and began dressing. When she put the blouse on, she saw that it was much worse than she had imagined. Her darker nipples were clearly visible through the white material, and, worse, the brushing of the material against them made her nipples more erect and much more noticeable. She was sorry now that she had not taken the time out to return the blouse to the store and pick out another one. She wiggled into the skirt and noticed that it, too, was worse than she had remembered. If she stood straight up, with hands at her sides, and did not move, she felt the hem of the skirt hit her near, but not quite at, the bottom of her cheeks. She took a deep breath and tried to push the waist down a little further, but it was a futile attempt. As soon as she inhaled again, the skirt was right back in place. The tears started again as Cheryl grabbed her arm and spun her around for the girls to see. As a final insult, Cheryl unbuttoned one more button on the blouse proclaiming that everyone should see her ‘pretty necklace.’ Barbara also noticed that anyone as tall as she, or taller, would also be able to see

her entire breasts without craning their neck. She wondered how in the world she could ever go out in public dressed like this. Surely she would be arrested.

Barbara locked the back door and walked over to the car where Cheryl was holding the door open for her. Cheryl instructed her to sit in the back. She blushed as she bent to enter the back seat of the 2-door car, and Beth whistled, indicating Barbara’s privates were in clear view. She heard Julie giggle a little girl giggle, and she gritted her teeth as she sat down. Beth crawled in

beside her while Julie went around the car and sat in the front next to Cheryl, the driver. As Cheryl looked out the rear window before backing out, Beth grabbed Barbara’s knee and spread her legs apart. Barbara complied in silence.

During the drive, the three girls chatted about everything under the sun, except about Barbara and what they had planned for the day. Barbara would have joined in the conversation but was afraid to speak without asking permission and decided that what she had to say wasn’t worth the additional embarrassment. Her silence was first noticed by Cheryl.

“Why so quiet, Barbara?” Cheryl asked as she viewed Barbara through the rear view mirror. “Doesn’t our conversation interest you? Or do you have other things on your mind?”

Before Barbara had the opportunity to answer, Beth chimed in.

“Oh, I know what Barbara has on her mind.” Beth giggled. “I have what interests her right here.” Beth began searching through her pocketbook and finally pulled out a dildo closely resembling a male penis in looks and feel. She held it up and asked Barbara, “Is this what interests you, Barbara? Is this what you want?”

Barbara appeared to be at a loss for words and did not know how to answer the question. She saw Cheryl looking through the mirror again and noticed that Julie had spun around and was watching with glee. That object certainly was not what Barbara had on her mind, but if she answered negatively, it might be taken badly, or something even viler than the dildo would be brought up. In a panic, she answered the safest way she knew.

“Yes, Mistress Beth.”

“Well then, you shall have it. But first, let me ‘flavor’ it a bit for you.”

Barbara watched as Beth put the dildo under her own dress and sat back with a large grin as her arm moved back and forth a few strokes before reappearing with the dildo dripping with aromatic pussy juices. When Beth began moving towards her, Barbara spread her legs a little wider in anticipation of the insertion. To her surprise, Beth told her to “Open up and say ‘aah.” Barbara was bewildered by Beth’s request. She opened her mouth and began to say, “aah,” but the insertion of the dildo into her mouth cut her words short. She was entirely caught off guard by the sudden thrust of the rubber penis into her mouth. Her eyes flung wide open, and she saw the laughter on Julie’s face. She sat there, in tears, as Beth told her to work it in and out

with her hand and to pretend she was giving some guy a blow job. She complied and began to suck and move the dildo in and out of her mouth. She heard Beth suggest that she use her other hand on her pussy to get herself off. Again she complied. As the car sped along the busy highway, Barbara was too embarrassed to look out the window for fear of seeing a passerby staring at her. She slid down a little further in her seat to avoid such notice but pretended the

maneuver was designed to effect better penetration of her finger into her pussy. She closed her eyes and began drifting off. The car’s swaying soon became the gentle motion of a water bed. The fingers now touching the tender areas on the inside of her thighs were those of her husband, John. The swooning had begun, accompanied by the characteristic low moans. Her hips

instinctively moved in rhythm with the prodding fingers and the petting on the inside of her legs. Her journey to paradise had begun. The swaying ended abruptly with a jolt as the penis was yanked from her mouth. Barbara opened her eyes to the leering faces of three smiling women. She was shocked by the reality of where she was and embarrassed that she had allowed herself to fall victim to her body’s cravings so early in the day. She glanced down at Beth’s hand still stroking her thigh and at her hand with three fingers still inserted deep inside her. She looked at Beth and thought back to her last encounter with her and the heavenly feeling of her tongue on the spot her hand now occupied. Suddenly, she felt disgusted and quickly removed her hand and sat up.

“First stop. Everybody out.” Cheryl exclaimed as she turned the key to shut off the car.

Barbara looked out the window. She had no idea where she was. A sign above the shop in front of her read: “John’s Leather Goods -- Coats, Luggage, Riding Equipment & Specialties.” In the window were various sets of gorgeous leather suitcases as well as many different travel accessories. She wondered what Cheryl could possibly have in mind stopping here. It then occurred to her that Cheryl must be going to buy luggage for her move to Colorado. The thought

of that happening lightened her load and made the day seem a little brighter. The seat in front of her was pulled forward, and the three girls were standing around the door waiting for her to emerge. She struggled to get out with revealing the least amount of flesh to her audience. In one way, she thought, they were doing her a big favor. In their desire to watch her get out of the

car and humiliate herself, they formed a perfect shield against anyone happening to be walking by. She gave one last push and planted her feet firmly on the ground. The car door slammed, and the group of women followed Cheryl into the store.

Once inside the small shop, Cheryl led the group past the stares of browsing customers directly to a doorway located at the very rear of the display area. Barbara wondered at first why they were bypassing all the luggage, but thought that, perhaps, Cheryl had already purchased her bags and was just going to pick them up. As she walked through the second doorway, she gasped and realized the real purpose of their stop here. The small room resembled a dungeon with an abundance of mannequins wearing collars, cuffs, leather hoods, etc. Several mannequins were arranged in bizarre positions and held there by various forms of chains and bars, while others sported devices attached to their nipples, vaginas, or penises. Most of these mannequins also featured different forms of gags and blindfolds around their heads. The walls of the room displayed all sorts of whips and paddles. Barbara shuddered at the sight. Her eyes were agape at the many spectacles on display before them. She vowed she would try her best to prevent any punishment that might entail the use of any of these articles of true torture.

A salesman approached and began talking to Cheryl. Barbara did not pay attention to what was being said. She was busy looking at the displays around her. She noticed that several of the customers from the front of the store had followed them and were milling around the mannequins and staring at her. She blinked and turned her head back towards Cheryl and the salesman.

“To tell you the truth, we have nothing yet.” Cheryl was explaining to the older salesman. “I’m really looking for some items that would be used on occasions when discipline would be in order. You know, nipple clamps that adjust to different amounts of pressure, and from which you can hang different size weights. Also, I’d like something for paddling or whipping that would smart but not raise large welts.” Cheryl grabbed Barbara’s arm and pulled her to her side. “This is Barbara, my slave...” Cheryl continued. “Her husband raised an objection at my use of a leather belt on her backside the other night, and I thought I could find something as effective, but that didn’t leave such large marks. I think you can still see where the belt struck in a couple of

places. Turn around, Barbara, and show the man your poor ass.” Cheryl spun

Barbara around and pushed her head forward so that Barbara was forced to bend

at the waist.

Barbara felt Cheryl lift her skirt hem and tuck it into the waistband while her other hand lightly ran across her exposed rump. She saw Beth in front of her with a slight smile on her lips and Julie to her side with a hand across her mouth as she giggled uncontrollably. Past them, Barbara noticed that the eyes of the other customers in the room were now glued to the group of

girls putting a slave on display. Many of the customers were in awe at the scene and simply stood with mouths opened in amazement. Barbara felt the heat of the blood rushing to her face as she blushed in embarrassment. She had come to realize that no matter how well she had prepared herself to expect the worse, it seemed that the worse she had imagined was not as bad as what was now taking place. She yearned for the salesman to ask the others to leave the room until he was through with this customer, but he appeared to be in as much shock as the gawkers were and was completely taken aback by the situation.

“Well, you really can’t see them any longer, but if you rub your hand over her cheeks, you can feel what I’m talking about. Here, feel this?” Cheryl grabbed the salesman’s hand and placed it on Barbara’s buttocks. “Just be careful. She was playing with herself on the way here, and I’m afraid she’s gotten herself all excited and wet down there.”

Barbara could have died from embarrassment when she heard Cheryl tell the salesman that story, although it was true. She could feel the cool air against her wet vagina evaporating the pussy juices. She felt goosebumps form on her cheeks as the salesman’s hand wiped slowly and softly across them. His touch made even more juices flow from her pussy. She noticed that the rest of the customers in the room were now completely engrossed in her display. She saw two businessmen slowly edge their way to the rear of the room in order to get a better view of her behind. She closed her eyes and hung her head in despair. The salesman’s hand stopped its wandering, and Cheryl tugged her into an upright position once more. She heard the salesman ask Cheryl to wait a moment, and he disappeared into another back room. He returned carrying what looked like a small whip but with many ends. He explained to Cheryl that this cat of nine

tails was her best bet. The thin tails produced a stinging bite on even a gentle slap, while their rounded edges prevented large welts from forming when swung lightly. Cheryl looked at Barbara and then back to the salesman to finalize the sale.

For the next 45 minutes, Barbara was subjected to gross humiliation as she was made to try on several different ball gags, nipple clamps, leather panties with built-in dildos, and so forth. Her humiliation had become a show for the growing crowd of customers in the back room, and they would whistle and applaud their approval after each item was demonstrated. When the session ended, Cheryl had purchased the cat of nine tails, a pair of adjustable nipple clamps with an assortment of dangling weights, a leather gag that sported a 4-inch replica of a very thick penis that would be inserted in her mouth, and panties with a pair of black dildos built-in. The quartet began to leave the shop when Barbara sensed that her skirt had not been taken out of the waist band. In a

panic, she stopped short.

“Please may I speak, Mistress Cheryl?” Barbara asked in obvious distress.

“What is it now, Barbara?” Cheryl appeared agitated at the delay.

“I think you forgot to pull my skirt back down over my ... ass.” Barbara was careful to use the right word. “May I please arrange it, Mistress Cheryl?”

Cheryl looked at Barbara’s backside and laughed. “Yes, go ahead.” She chuckled. “We don’t want the whole world to see your pretty little ass. Do we, Barbara?”

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