The Atonement - Revised and Edited - Cover

The Atonement - Revised and Edited

Copyright© 2021 by Mr. Niceguy

Chapter 3: The Bitching

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 3: The Bitching - This is a revised edition of The Atonement which is already posted here. I am the original author of "The Atonement" under the pen name "Racecar." There are two additional chapters added by other authors that are not edited, in addition to another new chapter written in the 1990s that I never posted.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Blackmail   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   DomSub   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Orgy   White Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Enema   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Water Sports  

Almost a month had passed since the accident, and a little over a week had gone by since Barbara’s visit to Cheryl’s “party.” The flashbacks to the night of the accident had disappeared from her day-to-day life, and she found it easier to accomplish all the chores expected of a modern housewife and mother. She had even stopped cringing whenever the phone rang. She could never forget what happened at Cheryl’s, but she hadn’t heard from her since that night.

Barbara thought, or rather hoped, that Cheryl had enough fun with her and moved on to another phase of her life. She couldn’t help but recall the feelings she experienced on those occasions when she was forced to submit to Cheryl’s whims. She was raised with high moral standards by deeply religious parents, and their teachings were still deep within her. Barbara felt utterly repulsed and disgusted with what went on during those meetings. She felt even more guilty

about the way her body seemed to take control over her mind at times. She couldn’t understand the moments when she experienced those deep, lustful cravings even though she was consciously aware of her situation and humiliation. She found it difficult to sleep at night thinking about it.

John, too, had changed. Prior to all this taking place, they would have sex 4 to 5 times a week. It had always been in their bedroom, lights out and underneath the sheets -- the way sex was meant to be. Since the party, they had sex on only one occasion -- in the bedroom, lights out, under the covers, but it was extremely intense. Barbara couldn’t really call it sex. Lust

would be a better term.

Her mind had switched back to washing the breakfast dishes when the phone rang. Without hesitation, Barbara picked up the receiver and said, “Hello.”

“Hi, Barbara. How are you doing?”

Barbara’s heart quickened, and her stomach did flip-flops when she recognized the voice of Cheryl on the other end. Her face reddened with embarrassment, even though no one was in the room to see her.

“I’m fine. How about yourself?” Barbara answered quickly and politely, even surprising herself with the calm, cool manner she had assumed.

“Well... , to tell you the truth, I’m a bit disappointed right now. I thought your punishment last week was enough to teach you how to show proper respect to your mistress.” Cheryl replied.

“Come off it, Cheryl!” Barbara defiantly spat back. “You can’t expect this charade to go on any longer. How would it look if you were to go to the police as a witness a full month after the incident occurred? John fixed the car, so it’s your word against mine, and I just may tell them you attempted to extort money from me, and this was your way of getting even for my refusal. So stop playing games with me.”

“Who said anything about the police? Besides, what makes you think I don’t have anyone else to back up my story? Ask your husband.” Cheryl paused a moment to let the last sentence sink in. “But I’m sure you wouldn’t like to see those pictures and that videotape of you floating around your neighborhood and John’s place of work. Maybe a nice 8 x 10 of you licking Pam’s ass would look good on your father’s nightstand. No, make it a nice big hanging collage of you licking other cunts and asses while pumping dildos and cukes up yours. That would be perfect for your parent’s living room. You better get your head on straight and realize who’s in the driver’s seat here. I’m not playing games with you. Trust me on that.”

Barbara’s mind went blank. She had no answer for Cheryl’s newest threats. The one thing she could never let happen was allowing her parents to see any of those pictures. She loved them dearly, and that would hurt them terribly. They’d probably disown her. It would be almost as bad as having them spread around town and John’s office. Her defiance left as quickly as it came. “What did she mean when she said ‘ask your husband’?” she thought. Indeed John wouldn’t corroborate Cheryl’s story. “Why would she say such a thing?” Her mind was spinning around with no escape path in sight. Barbara knew Cheryl had her over the proverbial barrel again.

“Okay, Cheryl. What do you want from me this time?” Defeated, Barbara responded in a murmur.

“Well, for starters, you had better start showing me the proper respect. Now I want you to tell me how sorry you are for treating me so poorly and what you are going to do to prove your sincerity. I want you to plead for forgiveness and beg me to allow you to show your respect.” Once again, Cheryl was basking in victory. She could almost hear poor Barbara blubbering into the phone.

“I’m sorry, Mistress Cheryl.” Barbara began. Her voice was but a low whisper now, in her moment of despair. “I promise I’ll show you the proper respect from now on. Please, Mistress Cheryl, let me prove my respect for you. I’ll do anything you wish, Mistress Cheryl. Please forgive me, Mistress Cheryl.” Barbara couldn’t help but think how much she sounded like a little girl trying to get out of a spanking. She had to swallow her dignity and go through with Cheryl’s demands or face dire consequences. Barbara also feared the punishment this time. She had witnessed Cheryl’s temper and dreaded the thought of being its target. The paddling she took last week, along with the clothespins on her nipples, was bad enough. She shuddered at the thought of a more severe form of discipline.

“Tell me, Barbara, exactly just what you’re going to do to prove your respect for me. Tell me how you plan to please me. Tell me in detail, and use the right words, or you’ll loathe the day you were born!” Cheryl was beginning to get annoyed with Barbara’s “Miss Goody Two-shoes” attitude.

Barbara’s eyes started to fill with tears. It was bad enough to have to do those things. At least she could think about something else while doing them. Now she would have to think about them while she talked about doing them, out loud, to someone else.

“I’m going to kiss and lick your ... your ... ass and ... your ... vagina. I’ll suck your breasts. I’ll do anything you ask me to do, Mistress Cheryl.”

“I don’t believe you, girl.” Cheryl was pissed off big time. “Vagina? Breasts? You need a lesson on how sluts like you should talk. We’ll take care of that on Thursday, my place again, at 6 p.m. sharp. Got it?”

“Yes, Mistress Cheryl”

“Good. Remember to get cleaned up nice. It’s supposed to rain, so wear a Raincoat—nothing else, except a pair of slippers to keep your feet clean. I’ll take care of your manners and vocabulary then.” click.

Barbara held the phone loosely to her ear in stunned silence. There was no doubt in her mind that Cheryl was furious, and she wondered what her tormentor had in mind for her on Thursday. She thought back to the indignities she suffered at their last meeting and immediately became ill. She gently hung up the phone, burst into tears, and ran to her bedroom. She laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling, crying, until she fell asleep.

Later that evening, after putting the kids to bed, Barbara told John about Cheryl’s phone call and the appointment Cheryl had made for Thursday evening. He seemed to act casually and only briefly looked up from the TV program he was watching. His attitude and Cheryl’s earlier remark about asking John raised suspicions in the back of her mind, and she decided to confront him about it once and for all.

“John?” She paused in order to give her mind a chance to find the words for her inquisition. “You don’t seem at all concerned. I mean, you haven’t shown one emotion or another. It’s almost as if you knew all about it before I told you. Did you?

“Well, yeah.” John seemed unable to look directly at his wife as he spoke. “Cheryl called me earlier today at the office to make sure that Thursday would be okay before she called you to set it up.”

“Oh? And I suppose you just said ‘fine.’ In fact, I’ll bet you even tried to move it up a day so you wouldn’t have to wait so long to see your wife treated like some paid whore. How could you, John? Don’t you love me anymore? Do you have any feeling for me at all?” Barbara couldn’t decide whether she felt more hurt or anger towards him.

“Of course I love you. Why do I have to tell you? If I didn’t love you, I wouldn’t have stayed with you all these years. God knows I’ve had many opportunities to leave you, but I haven’t yet, and I don’t plan to now. For God’s sake, Barbara, It’s just that this whole business has put me in a bad position. I mean, there’s nothing I can do to help you at this point. I’d like to put an end to it right now, but I don’t know how I can. Cheryl’s got her hooks in you, and she’s not about to let go yet. I’m only keeping quiet to keep you from being hurt any more than necessary.”

John had measured his words. Outwardly they were the words to say to his beloved wife, but inwardly he knew he lacked the strength to say anything to Cheryl. He had always been putty in a woman’s hands. Not that he’d subject himself to any of their bullshit, but he just couldn’t be forceful with them. He envied Cheryl and the control she had over Barbara. Besides, even though he was aware of how much it hurt his wife, he found this new scenario exciting. Barbara was right in suggesting that he couldn’t wait for the next session. He wished he could tell her just how much he enjoyed seeing her being a slave to another woman. He glanced up at her eyes and saw that Barbara seemed to be a little more relaxed.

Barbara thought how ironic it was that John was attempting to prevent her from getting hurt while going through all this to stop him and the kids from being hurt. She loved John and the kids dearly. They were all that mattered in her life now. If she lost either of them, she couldn’t bear to go on.

“And what else did the ‘mistress’ have to say?” The word mistress rolled off Barbara’s tongue in a sarcastic fashion. “Did she say what she planned for the evening?”

John felt uneasy talking about the conversation he had with Cheryl. He did indeed know what Cheryl had planned but had promised not to tell Barbara anything about it. Even if he had not promised, he didn’t think he could say to her what was in store for her.

“Yeah. She sorta went over a few things to get my approval, I guess.”

“WHAT? TO GET YOUR APPROVAL?” Barbara was infuriated. To think that bitch was conspiring with her husband to put her through hell, and he approved every stage of her plan caused Barbara’s face to turn red with rage. In her current state of mind, she could have hit

him with anything handy.

“Well, not really my approval...” John had slipped up and had to cover his blunder. “It was more like she was telling me what she was going to do whether I liked it or not.”

“What does she have planned for me, John. Tell me!”

“I can’t, Barb. I promised Cheryl I wouldn’t tell you anything. I think I’ve already said too much.”

“YOU BASTARD! For chrissakes, John, I’m your wife. It’s me, Barbara. Not some fucking slut you’re planning to degrade. TELL ME!”

“I said I couldn’t. Believe me. You don’t want to know anyway. If Cheryl found out you knew anything, she’d make it harder on you.”

“YOU SON OF A BITCH! You’re afraid she’d go hard on you, aren’t you? You’re afraid she wouldn’t let you watch anymore, aren’t you? What’s the matter? Worried that maybe she won’t sit on your lap and fuck you anymore? YOU ROT IN HELL, YOU SON OF A BITCH!”

John sat and listened to his wife’s tirade, then watched her stomp out of the room and slam the bedroom door. He sat and stared at the wall. Deep inside, he knew that she was right. He was afraid that Cheryl would punish him by not confiding in him about, or letting him be in attendance at, the rituals any longer. For a moment, he wished none of this had ever happened, but then again, in a way, it was the best thing that had happened to him in his seven years of marriage.

The worst thing about late spring, Barbara thought, was the long days. As usual, the weatherman had been wrong, and here she was dressed only in a rain coat and pair of household slippers on a beautiful sunny day, temperatures in the low 80’s, on a porch in the middle of an apartment complex, in broad daylight for all the world to see. She imagined the residents peering out of

their windows, staring at her. She couldn’t wait for Cheryl to open the door and let her in. “What was taking so long?” she wondered. Almost before she finished the thought, the door began to creak open.

“Hello, Barbara. Hello John. Right on time. C’mon in.” Cheryl greeted the couple as though they were there for an afternoon tea. She stepped aside to allow them to pass and couldn’t resist a little pinch on John’s ass.

As Barbara entered the apartment, she noticed the door leading to the kitchen was closed. In all the time she had known Cheryl, and as many times she had visited, she could never remember an occasion when that door was closed. She became aware of another presence in the room and looked to her left, where she saw a lone gentleman sitting in a chair in the corner. She had never seen this stranger before and didn’t recall Cheryl describing anyone like him. He was older than them, in his late forties, early fifties, and rather tall and slender. He wore a very expensive suit and tie. Barbara stereotyped him as the perfect example of today’s business executive. He sat there with his hands clasped on his stomach, staring at Barbara. His stare made Barbara feel uneasy, and she shifted her eyes to the floor as she began to blush. She heard Cheryl shut the door and felt her hand on the small of her back.

“Why don’t you sit on the sofa, next to me, John. Barbara, get rid of that coat and those slippers and assume the position.”

Barbara removed the coat then realized she had made a mistake by not taking off the slippers first because when she bent over to remove them, she was exposing her naked ass directly at the stranger in the corner. She tossed the articles into the corner and assumed her familiar position, directly in front of the sofa, facing John. She wanted to reach out and hold his hand now. She

wanted to tell him she was sorry for her outbreak the other night and that she believed him and loved him. She wanted to, but the threat of additional punishment made it impossible to do at this time. She made a mental note to tell him those things on the way home. Her thoughts were interrupted by Cheryl’s grabbing her arm and spinning her around to face the man seated in the

corner chair.

“Mr. Bryant, this is Barbara.” Cheryl smiled and spoke those words as though she was displaying a trophy she had won.

“Yes, I recognized her immediately from the pictures you were showing me earlier.” Mr. Bryant made no attempt to stand or greet Barbara, just a casual acknowledgment of the fact that he recognized her.

Barbara’s face reddened again. She now knew that Cheryl had shown him the pictures taken at the last session. This new revelation further increased her humiliation at the hands of the younger woman. She wished she could sink into the carpet and hide amongst the fibers. Instead, she just stood there, nude, hands clasped behind her head, legs spread wide open, displaying every part of her body to some perfect stranger.

“Mr. Bryant, I know that I promised you a good show tonight, but...” Cheryl was addressing the guest again. “I found out this week that Barbara needed some further training. If you don’t mind, could we get that out of the way first? You might find it very enlightening, if not entertaining.”

“By all means, go ahead. I won’t mind the delay at all. I’ll just consider it part of the show and sit back and enjoy.” Mr. Bryant spoke without any emotion or hand gestures whatsoever, almost as though he were a mechanical man. In his eyes, the look of lust painted a different picture of him in Barbara’s mind, however.

“Thank you.” Having thanked Mr. Bryant, Cheryl directed her attention to Barbara standing next to her. “Mr. Bryant owns the company that Don works for, Barbara. He’s the one that has made it possible for us all to be together tonight by seeing to it that Don is out of town on business. Aren’t you glad? I think that you should thank Mr. Bryant for his thoughtfulness.”

Barbara now realized how involved Cheryl had become in her plan to gain control and humiliate her. To know she was plotting with Don’s boss and John about the events about to unfold here tonight made Barbara think that this was no passing whim on Cheryl’s part. She wanted to say, “Thank him? I should strangle him!” but other words came out when she opened her mouth.

“Thank you, Mr. Bryant.”

“No trouble, really. Actually, from what I hear, it’s I who should thank you for what you agreed to do for me.” Mr. Bryant’s leer made Barbara shiver and sent goose bumps up her arms.

Cheryl pulled Barbara’s arm and positioned her in the center of the room, facing the television. She then turned on the set and inserted a tape into the VCR.

“Okay, Barbara.” Cheryl began. “I’m going to play this video tape, I’m sure you’ll recognize it, and what I want you to do is tell everyone what part of your body is on display and what is being done to it. Be careful to use the right words because if I hear a word that isn’t proper coming from a slut like you, I’ll gently remind you with this.” At that point, Cheryl held up a long leather strap of about 2 inches in width for Barbara to see. “And one more thing. With each word, I want you to put your finger on that part of your body that you’re describing. For instance. If you’re describing your cunt, put your finger into your cunt. If you say ‘clitoris’, spread your lips and place a finger on your clitoris. Now, if you’re licking or sucking, then lick or suck your finger. You needn’t bother to describe the action in detail. We all can see that. Just say the words and point. Got it?”

“Yes, Mistress Cheryl”

“I hope so, for your sake.” Cheryl grabbed the remote control and started the tape in motion. After a few seconds of static, followed by Cheryl’s fast-forwarding past the beginning, the picture settled down, and the scene of Beth shaving Barbara began to play on the screen.

“She’s shaving my ... my ... pubic mound.” Barbara’s right hand went down to her pubic mound and began to rub the area that had been shaven gently. A sudden loud crack and an immediate burning sensation on her rump startled her and brought tears to her eyes.

“That’s a box. Say it!” Cheryl held the belt menacingly above her head, ready to bring it down once again.

“She’s shaving my box.” Barbara hurriedly spit the words out before the belt had a chance to land again.

For the next hour, Barbara found herself using the vilest words ever to spill from her lips. “Cunt.” “Asshole.” “Clit.” “Tits.” During that period, her finger had explored every inch of her body. Her ass had felt the sting of the strap several times. She learned that her mouth was a

“cocksucker” and her tongue a “pussy licker” or “ass licker” She occasionally glanced over at Mr. Bryant and saw the same leering gaze on his face each time. She was dying of embarrassment and shame but continued on after each stroke of the belt. In the end, when she was licking her finger, which was by now dripping juices from her pussy, she felt the most shame. Her ass cheeks were almost as red as her face and felt like they had been stung by a thousand bees. She had been able to hold back the avalanche of tears, which generally would be flowing by this time, by not having the time to feel her emotions. Each time her mind began to think of her predicament, the belt quickly brought her back to the task at hand.

John sat quietly watching his wife’s training. Cheryl had called him at work earlier today to tell him about her conversation with Barbara and that she would have a “training” session tonight. He went along with her thinking it would be another sexually charged display. He was not prepared for this whipping his poor wife was taking and did not care for it at all. At one point,

he was tempted to stop Cheryl but thought it might be better if he waited and talked to her alone. He was going to insist that this kind of punishment was not to occur again. He knew Cheryl would resist, but in the end, would concede.

Finally, mercifully, Cheryl had turned off the tape, and the TV screen went black. Barbara was still licking her finger when Cheryl walked over to her and ordered her to assume the position, which she did. Barbara was then made to stand directly in front of Mr. Bryant while Cheryl explained the next stage.

“Mr. Bryant and I were talking last week, and he confided in me that there were two things he had never been privileged to witness in person but would like to before he left this good earth. One of those things is to see a woman perform oral sex on another woman.” Cheryl shifted her eyes from Mr. Bryant to Barbara. “I thought, Barbara, that you would only be too happy to demonstrate your talented tongue for his benefit. And then I thought it would be nice to give him a show for his money and have you give me a complete tongue bath. You, Barbara, are going to lick every inch of my body -- head to toe, front and back -- and pay particular attention to certain parts. You do know what certain parts I’m talking about, don’t you?” Cheryl paused to wait for Barbara’s reply.

“Yes, Mistress Cheryl.” The words were spoken, but Barbara’s mind was far away from this place. This was horrible. She hated the thought of licking another woman, especially in front of others and especially against her will. She had, of course, done it before and found it wasn’t that bad, but the guilt that enveloped her afterward was overbearing.

“Well, I’m waiting. What are the parts?” Cheryl stood with hands on her hips and her foot tapping, waiting for further evidence of Barbara’s complete submission to her desires.

“Your ... cunt ... and your ... tits ... and your ... your ... ass, Mistress Cheryl,” Barbara stammered. Her chin fell on her chest in complete shame. As she looked down, she noticed that her nipples were hard and sticking out. It shamed her more, knowing that everyone in the room was aware of the state of her nipples and that they all knew by now that her body was betraying her once again. Yes, every corner of her mind felt shame and disgust at what she was about to do, but her body was obviously excited about it.

“That’s right! You learn very well.” Cheryl mocked. “Let’s get started then, shall we?”

Cheryl moved the coffee table in line with Mr. Bryant’s line of sight, then stood up and untied the sash holding her wrap dress closed. Just as Barbara had expected, Cheryl wore nothing underneath. She slipped the dress off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. Cheryl stood with her hands on her hips and legs spread in front of Mr. Bryant, her pride in her body evident. She began to recline on the table, then, as if she remembered something, arose again and looked at Mr. Bryant.

“Please feel free to position yourself for a better view if you’d like. Also, you’ll find a couple of Barbara’s toys there on the lamp table. If at any time you feel the urge to get actively involved, don’t be afraid to use them.” Cheryl then repositioned herself on the table with her legs hanging off the end nearest Mr. Bryant. She beckoned Barbara to her with a wiggle of her index finger.

Barbara dropped her arms and knelt beside the table at Cheryl’s side. Curious, she glanced at the lamp table alongside Mr. Bryant in hopes of catching a glimpse of what “toys” might be there. Unfortunately, they must have been behind the lamp and not in view, but Barbara guessed they were the same dildos and vibrators Cheryl had brought to her house the night the debasement began. She turned her head and directed her attention to Cheryl’s nude body in front of her. She dreaded having to do this dirty act but conceded that it would be better than another whipping. Her poor backside just couldn’t bear to be touched again.

“Where should I begin, Mistress Cheryl?” Barbara had never even seen or heard of a tongue bath before and was totally bewildered about where to start. She thought it would be better to ask than to do it wrong and risk further humiliation or pain.

“Start at my head and work down, of course.” Cheryl spat out, annoyed at Barbara’s naivete. “I certainly don’t want that tongue on my face after being in all the other places it’ll be.”

Barbara positioned herself at Cheryl’s head and began licking her face at the hairline. Her tongue slowly worked its way over Cheryl’s eyelid and over to the ear, where it began darting in and out of the passage in a sensual manner. She continued back across the face to the nose and began the same darting motion on each nostril. Barbara’s mind began drifting. She wasn’t sure whether it was the perfume Cheryl wore, the scent of her feminine sexual fluids, or a combination of the two, but she began to get aroused. Occasionally she would pop back into reality for a brief period, only to lose her shame to an overwhelming lustful desire once again. She worked her tongue into and around the other ear and across the face once more. As her tongue began to trace the outline of Cheryl’s lips, Barbara noticed them parting slightly. With each pass of her tongue, the lips would part further until Barbara discovered she was deep inside of Cheryl’s mouth, entwining her tongue with Cheryl’s. She felt a hand on the back of her head holding her tightly against Cheryl’s lips. She briefly opened her eyes and saw that it was Cheryl’s hand. She shut her eyes and continued with the kiss. She thought it was the most intense, warm, and meaningful kiss she had in years. A split second later, she realized that she was french kissing another woman while her husband and another man were watching. Once again, she was overcome with shame and began to blush.

Barbara eased her head back against the hand and slowly withdrew her tongue from the mouth of her one-time friend turned tormentor. Her tongue restarted its journey across Cheryl’s face to her shoulder, down the outside of one arm to the hand where she inserted each of Cheryl’s fingers into her mouth and gently sucked them clean as she moved them in and out between her wet lips.

Barbara was unaware of how sensual her actions seemed to everyone in the room. When the last finger had been sucked, the tongue reappeared and began licking up the inside of the arm to the armpit, where it began slow, circular motions as it darted in and out of her mouth to renew its moisture. Barbara repeated the ritual with the other arm and hand. The necessity of leaning across the naked body before her caused Barbara’s nipples to brush across those of Cheryl’s. With each slight brush of nipples, a light electrical shock surged through Barbara’s entire body. She started swaying her raised hips as an urgent need for satisfaction began building inside of her. As she began working her tongue back up the inside of the arm, Barbara felt a pair of hands between her spread legs.

Watching his wife locked in a steamy, wet kiss with another woman caused John’s dick to swell. He was mesmerized by the scene before him, utterly oblivious to any other presence in the room until Mr. Bryant moved from his chair and kneeled behind Barbara’s exposed buttocks. John watched as this stranger began spreading his wife’s ass and pussy and gently inserted a finger in first one opening, then the other. He fought back an urge to masturbate there and then and just threw his head back and closed his eyes. Within a few moments, he felt his jeans unbuttoned and looked down to find Cheryl’s freshly tongued hand grappling for his throbbing dick. He looked back at Mr. Bryant and saw that he was reaching for the vibrator. As the stranger inserted the humming object into his wife’s dripping vagina, John felt Cheryl’s hand gently stroking his manhood. He glanced again at Barbara, now gently licking and sucking on Cheryl’s breast, and back to Mr. Bryant, who had the vibrator inside Barbara. His attention was drawn to Cheryl’s face, who was looking at him with glassy eyes and a wide, slightly open smile as she continued rubbing her hand over his dick and balls. John again threw his head back and closed his eyes.

Barbara continued licking and sucking Cheryl’s breast, and the aroma of sex filled her nostrils and had transported her into a make-believe place far away. Whenever Mr. Bryant touched her tender behind, she would wince in pain and recoil uncontrollably away from the source. The vibrator was working slowly in and out of her pussy and had her sailing on a cloud. She started to abandon her shame and inhibitions and now sought gratification from the instrument invading her body. As she rocked her hips back and forth in rhythm with Mr. Bryant’s strokes, she seemed to suck and lick with more vigor than when she had first started. She finished one breast and traced a path with her tongue across Cheryl’s cleavage to the other one, which eagerly awaited for Barbara’s tongue with its nipple erect.

John’s moaning confirmed the effectiveness of Cheryl’s gentle stroking. His mind wandered to thoughts of what was in store for his wife next. Visions of the scene Cheryl had described to him over the phone flashed before his eyes as if they were already taking place. Cheryl, noticing John’s impending orgasm, began stroking faster while he lifted his hips off the sofa and stiffened his entire body. John felt the orgasm growing within him. The small spasms occurring deep inside were a prelude to the explosion about to come. He felt himself letting go and jerked wildly as his sperm raced to their imminent freedom. He relaxed and opened his eyes to survey the mess he had made and was shocked to find that Cheryl held Barbara’s head by her hair and had directed his stream of cum onto his wife’s face.

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