The Atonement - Revised and Edited - Cover

The Atonement - Revised and Edited

Copyright© 2021 by Mr. Niceguy

Chapter 2: The Entertainer

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 2: The Entertainer - This is a revised edition of The Atonement which is already posted here. I am the original author of "The Atonement" under the pen name "Racecar." There are two additional chapters added by other authors that are not edited, in addition to another new chapter written in the 1990s that I never posted.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Blackmail   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Wife Watching   DomSub   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Orgy   White Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Enema   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Water Sports  

The ride to Cheryl’s apartment seemed to take much longer than normal. The usual 45-minute trip had seemed, to Barbara, to take days. She and John had not discussed the events of their last evening with Cheryl, and Barbara still felt knots in her stomach when she wondered what thoughts he had about it. She couldn’t blame him for losing respect for her. This strong woman he married was now reduced to crawling on the floor and licking another woman’s feet -- and worse! During the ride, she wondered what was in store for her this evening. She couldn’t imagine being told to do anything she hadn’t already done the other night. What more could there possibly be. No, her concern was not for what she would be asked to do (although she dreaded having to do all that again), but who would be observing and what would they think.

Barbara did not know any of Cheryl’s friends and wondered what they were like. Were they good-looking, fat, skinny, gorgeous, or plain. Were they interesting and fun to be with, or were they complete bores. More importantly, what would be their reaction to seeing her doing all those things Cheryl obviously had in mind for her tonight. Perhaps, they would be just as disgusted with it as she was. She tried not to think about it. She tried telling herself that this was not her doing these things. This was just her body carrying out the orders of a foreign brain. She rationalized that this was a case of her surviving. As she rode alongside John, she could feel her nakedness under the cotton dress and noticed how the dress wrinkled. She also felt a dampness between her thighs and realized that thinking about the upcoming events was beginning to excite her. She hoped the dampness wouldn’t spot the dress and make her condition evident to everyone there.

The car finally came to a stop in an empty parking spot directly in front of Cheryl’s door. Barbara and John got out of the car and walked up to the door. John stepped up and rang the bell. Barbara stood on the next step down, directly behind John, and wished this was not happening. Maybe, she thought, no one will answer the door, and we can get back in the car and go home. Her hopes all crashed when she saw the door open and Cheryl standing there with a big smile.

“Well, John and Barbara. You’re right on time. Come in.” Cheryl moved aside and motioned for the couple to come in. When they walked past her into the living room, Cheryl closed the door and went over and stood beside them.

“Everybody, I’d like to introduce you to John and his wife, Barbara. As I said, Barbara is our special guest tonight. John, have a seat in the recliner over there. I’ll introduce everyone to you two a little later.”

As John walked across the room to his seat, Barbara looked around. The apartment was a typical modern garden apartment. The rather small living room opened on one end to the dining area, which, in turn, was right off the kitchen. Down a short hall were the bath and bedroom. The living room was brightly lit, and the white walls seemed to cast a theatre stage effect into the

center. Large, floor-length drapes covered the picture window, which gave a view of the parking lot. Barbara noticed that Cheryl had rearranged the furniture for this evening. The long, low cocktail table had been moved to the center of the room, away from the sofa. Along the wall opposite the sofa were three snack trays. They were set up, and a towel covered each. Barbara could tell there was something under the towels and wondered why Cheryl would cover them so crudely. Sitting on the sofa were Cheryl’s three friends. The one on the left was in her early twenties, very petite, around 5 foot even, weighing only about 100 pounds, Barbara guessed. She had long, black hair and a well-tanned face and arms. Though small, she was nicely built. On her left sat, what appeared to be, the oldest of the trio. Barbara guessed her age to be

closer to hers -- 28. She was also the biggest of the trio, standing around 5’ 8” and 140 pounds. Her short brown hair framed her rather round face. On her lap was an opened photo album at which all three girls had been looking. Barbara’s face turned bright red when she realized they were looking at the pictures Cheryl had taken of her the other night. The last girl sat on

the other end of the sofa, closest to John. She was also around 23-24 years old and had blonde hair. She stood about 5’ 5”, 120 pounds, and had large breasts. Barbara tried to avoid their eyes but could feel them staring at her standing there.

Cheryl waited for John to sit down and put her arm around Barbara’s shoulders as she addressed her friends again.

“Barbara was my neighbor before I got married and moved here. She has agreed to serve us and to provide the entertainment for the night. Haven’t you, Barbara?”

Barbara felt a frog in her throat as she answered. “Yes, Mistress Cheryl.” Her heart was racing, and she feared she wouldn’t be able to go through with this tonight.

“Very good. Well, then why don’t you see what everyone wants to drink and get it for them. You know where everything is. Before you do that, why don’t you take off your dress and let my guests see what they’re in for tonight.” Cheryl looked at her guests and smiled. They all smiled back, but looked at Barbara, not Cheryl, as they did so.

“Yes, Mistress Cheryl,” Barbara answered. She then slowly unbuttoned her dress, bending over to get the bottom buttons. When she had finished, she removed the dress and held it in front of her with a quizzical look in her eyes. She felt like she was a slave at an auction waiting for the bidding to begin. Her nakedness in front of strangers made her blush deeply.

Cheryl grabbed the dress out of Barbara’s hand and tossed it into the far corner near the door. “You won’t be needing this for a while. Assume your position, Barbara.”

At first, Barbara didn’t understand what Cheryl meant but then remembered and placed her hands behind her head as she spread her legs apart. She felt Cheryl’s hands on her sides twisting her around. She stood there with her back to the crowd while Cheryl told them how nice she thought her ass was as she pinched and mauled her cheeks. Barbara thought she would die. Finally, Cheryl told her to take everyone’s order and get cracking. She walked over to the sofa and asked each what they would like. They giggled and made crude jokes about her, but all

wanted just a Coke. She askedJohn, and he replied, “Beer.” She went into the kitchen and made the drinks, put them on a tray, then carried it back into the living room. As she passed through the dining area, she noticed the table was covered with a pure white sheet over a plastic tablecloth with a pillow in the center. After she served each one their drink, she brought the

tray back into the kitchen and laid it on the counter before returning to the living room. She assumed her previous position in the center of the room and waited.

Cheryl walked to the center of the room and stood next to Barbara with her hand on Barbara’s elbow. “Let me introduce you to my friends, Barbara. They all live here in the complex, and we get together most mornings for coffee. To your left is Lynn. Lynn is in the same boat as I am. Her husband is required to travel quite extensively, leaving her home alone for long periods. In the middle is Beth. Beth is single and is a nurse in the surgical department of All Soul’s Hospital here in town. She works afternoons, Sunday through Thursday. Lastly, Pam on the right shares the same fate as Lynn and I, except she works part-time weekends at the mall. We’ve discussed how to organize this evening and came up with the following rules. Rather than have everyone asking you to do this and that all at once, we agreed that each would have her turn with you. You will address them as Mistress, just as you do I, and will do whatever they tell you to do. Failure to obey or follow any of the procedures we’ve agreed to the other night will result in punishment. I will save any punishments until the end of the evening when we decide how severe they should be. After each of your mistresses is through with you, you are to thank them and show them your respect. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress Cheryl,” Barbara answered affirmatively but didn’t quite understand that last remark about showing them her respect. Surely Cheryl didn’t expect her to kiss all their asses.

“Very well, then. Since Beth is a nurse and knows the ropes, we thought it best if she went first and sort of prepped you.” Cheryl held her free hand out to Beth, who got up, walked over, and stood on Barbara’s opposite side.

“Hi, Barbara.” Beth looked at Barbara and smiled. “Since many of the girls I know ask questions regarding this procedure or that procedure at the hospital, I’m going to use you as my “dummy,” so the speak. We’re gonna get you prepped, cleaned in and out, and demonstrate some medical procedures on you. Don’t be afraid. I’ve done each of these things many, many times, and they are not harmful. You may feel some discomfort, that is all. So let’s move over to the table and get started, shall we? Cheryl, would you get my tray, the one in the middle for me, please?”

Beth guided Barbara over to the kitchen table as Cheryl followed, carrying one of the covered snack trays. When they reached the table, Beth pulled out a chair and indicated to Barbara that she should get up on the table and lie on her back, hands behind her head. Barbara did what she was told. The bright light of the hanging lamp over the center of the table made her squint

her eyes, but she dared not shut them. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Beth removing the towel from the tray and grabbing something. Barbara desperately wanted to turn her head to see what was on the tray but feared that if she did so, she would be punished. She was very frightened about these “procedures” and made up her mind that she would quit if she thought anything might permanently hurt her. Beth’s face appeared in front of Barbara’s and shielded her eyes from the light. Barbara noticed that the rest of the guests had gathered around the table and were looking at her like they would look at one of those salesmen at flea markets who demonstrate a “super-duper Veg-o-Matic.” John stood against the wall opposite Beth. She then noticed the video camera set up on a tripod to his left. While Barbara stared at the camera, Cheryl reached over and pushed the record button.

“To begin with, Barbara, I’m going to show everyone how we prep the pubic area for surgery. In other words, I’m going to shave your cookie squeaky clean.” Beth left her side momentarily and returned carrying a steaming bowl of water. She dipped a washcloth into the water, gingerly wrung it out, and dropped it flat on Barbara’s vulva. Barbara jolted when the hot rag hit her in

her most tender spot. She moved her hips around, attempting to move the rag from the burning area. Beth told her to keep still and roughly moved the rag over Barbara’s pubic area with her fingertips. As her hands went between Barbara’s legs, Beth told her to spread wide and put her feet flat on the table top at each side. Barbara complied. Barbara felt the hot rag with Beth’s fingertips part her vagina slightly and sensed that Beth was concentrating a bit too much

on her clitoris. The rag moved from her vagina to her anus and the pressure increased. Beth’s fingers were stuffing the rag, ever so slightly into Barbara’s ass. Suddenly the rag was removed, and Barbara felt the razor being dragged across her lower belly. It worked its way very quickly across her stomach, then down a little lower, across again, down a little lower, across

again until it was at the vagina. Beth’s free hand held the skin taut as the razor did its job. As she would pull the skin tight, Barbara felt her vagina being opened slightly. From the vagina, the razor worked its way to Barbara’s anus. Barbara tensed and felt Beth again pulling her skin tight and her puckered anus being opened ever so slightly with each tug. When she had finished, Beth dropped the razor into the bowl and grabbed the rag again. It had cooled enough to hold comfortably and didn’t hurt Barbara when Beth began wiping her newly shaved areas clean. Beth withdrew the rag and leaned back to observe her handiwork. She smiled her approval as the others looked, then smiled in return, each saying how different and clean it looked.

John leaned back against the wall. The sight of his pretty wife being shaved in front of strangers, and of her hairless pussy, had made his cock grow with excitement. He crossed his legs at the ankles in hopes of hiding his hard-on from the crowd. His eyes glanced to the side where Cheryl was looking through the view finder of the video camera. He could tell from her smile and

glazed eyes that she was on her way to becoming as aroused as he was. As he looked back at the table where Barbara was lying, he noticed that the other two girls, Lynn and Pam, seemed to be equally excited. He imagined that this evening was going to end in one helluva orgy. He hoped he would play a more active part in it than he was now.

Barbara rolled over on her stomach and hung each foot off the sides of the table like Beth told her to do. She rested her head on its side against her clasped hands. Beth’s face appeared in front of her’s again and held up something for her to see.

“This is an enema nozzle. You are now going to start getting cleaned on the inside. From now on, whenever I show you an instrument, I want you to kiss it and take it into your mouth while I explain the procedure to everyone. Understand?” The slight tremor in Beth’s voice was exposing her state of excitement to all present. Her breathing became shorter, and her words more to

the point. Her face was also becoming flushed.

“Yes, Mistress Beth.” Barbara kissed the end of the nozzle and parted her lips as Beth worked the nozzle gently into her mouth. The nozzle was unlike any Barbara had seen before. It appeared to be much longer, about seven inches, and had a rounded ball, close to an inch in diameter, about an inch from the tip.

As she worked the nozzle in and out of Barbara’s lips, Beth explained to everyone that she would insert the nozzle into Barbara’s ass and open the hose clip, which would then allow the contents of the bag, which held about a quart and a half of warm, soapy water to flow into Barbara’s intestines. She seemed delighted to explain that Barbara would feel the warmer-than-body-temperature water entering her and that it would soon cause her some discomfort and appear

as though she wouldn’t be able to hold anymore. Beth smiled widely and said that the adult body could hold two full quarts of water without any harm, but she kept it down to only a quart and a half because Barbara would have to hold this for a longer time than normal. When she completed the explanation, Beth took the nozzle out of Barbara’s mouth and told her to reach back and spread her ass cheeks w-i- d-e. Barbara did as she was told and spread her cheeks as wide as she could. She soon felt Beth’s finger work some kind of lubricant around her anus and then go directly into her asshole. The sudden sensation of pain caused Barbara to jerk, to which Beth responded by jamming her finger in farther. Barbara felt the finger work back and forth a few times before being replaced by the hard nozzle. This, too, was worked in and out a few times before Beth roughly shoved it in as far as it would go.

As soon as Barbara’s body had gotten used to the ball deep within her, she felt the sensation of the water beginning to enter her. She had expected the water to be a soothing warmth that she remembered from the last enema she had when she was being prepped for childbirth, but this water was HOT!. She began working her abdominal muscles to “grind” her stomach into the table in an attempt to ease the discomfort of the hot water. Each time she would grind her

stomach into the table, she felt her anus pucker around the intruding nozzle and grab it tighter. She heard Beth laugh and comment to the crowd that “the little slut likes it in the ass, look at how she’s working that nozzle in and out by herself.” It wasn’t long before Barbara started to feel herself filling up. She now had an almost uncontrollable urge to expel the water. She tried

to tighten her anal sphincter muscles around the nozzle to form a better seal, and this action, too, was greeted by laughter from the crowd around the table. She began to feel a small amount of water trickle out of her ass and down around her vagina onto the table. She grimaced and gritted her teeth, hoping that she could hold it in.

“Do you know what this is, Barbara?” Beth was saying in a teasing tone.

Barbara heard Beth’s voice and realized she had closed her eyes. When she opened her eyes, Barbara saw Beth holding something which looked like a baby pacifier, only much larger and made of hard rubber.

“No, Mistress Beth,” she answered. She felt the rubber object at her lips, and she kissed it before opening her mouth and allowing it to enter. She was very uncomfortable now. She had to go to the bathroom badly and could still feel the water trickling down onto her pussy. She accepted this damn rubber thing into her mouth and listened in horror when Beth told everyone that it was

a butt plug and would be inserted in her ass so she could hold the enema in longer while another procedure would be done. Barbara felt the tears forming in her eyes again. She couldn’t be expected to hold it in much longer. She surely would rupture something. As she pondered the

thought of quitting, Barbara felt the nozzle being withdrawn from her ass. At the instant it popped out, Beth pulled the butt plug from her mouth and forcefully jammed it into Barbara’s ass.

“Ok, turn over on your back with feet flat on the table.” Beth was getting stern now. Her face had taken a pinkish tint to it from her blood pressure, and her breathing had become even shallower and more rapid. She reached over to the table and grabbed a squeeze-type douche kit. She held the liquid-filled bulb upright while she unscrewed the nozzle. When the nozzle was

free, she put it to Barbara’s lips and then into her mouth, playing out the same scenario as she had with the enema nozzle. “Of course, you know that this is a douche kit, Barbara. I’m now going to clean out your sweet, shaven pussy with a good, old-fashioned vinegar douche. Now arch your back high into the air, keep your shoulders flat on the table so that we don’t spill any on the

table. That’s it, now reach up with your hands and spread those lips open for me.”

Barbara did as she was told. She spread her vagina wide open and was instantly embarrassed when Beth commented to the others how wet Barbara was already and that she wouldn’t need any lubricant this time. Beth withdrew the nozzle from Barbara’s mouth and screwed it back onto the bulb. Barbara felt the tip of the douche nozzle entering her vagina and began to feel the cool liquid entering her. Beth told her to squeeze her lips around the nozzle to provide a good seal for the douche, and Barbara followed her directions. When the bulb was empty, Beth told Barbara to squeeze her pussy shut and hold it when she removed the nozzle. Again, Barbara did as she was told and squeezed her labia so tight, she thought she might bruise them. Beth looked at her for what seemed, to Barbara, to be a long time. Something inside told Barbara that Beth definitely was a lesbian. Barbara’s legs began to waver, and she had all she could do to keep her hips elevated. She felt like one giant water balloon, and she could hear the water sloshing around whenever she moved. She fought desperately to keep the liquids inside her, despite the cramps which were now beginning to grab her abdomen.

“Okay, you sweet thing. Go to the bathroom and relieve yourself. Before you return, be sure

to clean your ass and pussy real good with the wash rag. And don’t forget to clean the butt plug.” Beth sounded casual and aloof, but Barbara sensed that underneath the voice was one nasty bitch.

Cheryl watched Barbara nearly leap off the table and head towards the bathroom down the hall. She chuckled at the sight of her pinching her pussy lips together with one hand while the other hand kept the butt plug in place. She hit the pause button on the camera and watched the other girls joking and giggling about what they had just witnessed. While Cheryl was thoroughly

enjoying the show, she almost wished that she hadn’t invited the girls over that day. She was getting horny now and couldn’t wait for her turn at Barbara and maybe, for the first time, feel John’s cock deep inside her. She thought back to the first night, remembering the size of it and the amount of come that had spewed forth from it onto Barbara’s face and tits. She glanced over at John’s crotch and saw that the monster in his pants had again swollen to that size. She fought back the urge to drop to her knees and suck on it right there and, instead, reached over and grabbed it with her hand.

John was startled by Cheryl’s hand grabbing his crotch. He was busy watching Pam and Lynn chatting and was fantasizing about having them both in bed at the same time when he felt the sudden squeeze. John was so horny he was about to grab Cheryl and plant a big kiss on her as he dragged her to the floor and fuck the living daylights out of her. His eyes looked into hers, and he knew she felt the same way he did. Just as he was about to suggest what was on his mind, Cheryl motioned towards the hall and stepped behind the camera again. John turned and saw Barbara returning to the table. Her eyes looked directly into his and told of her embarrassment and desire to leave this place NOW! As she crawled back up onto the table, he watched her pretty ass cheeks come apart and reveal the rosebud between them. His cock began twitching again, and he had to detract himself from the sight in front of him to prevent having an orgasm

in his pants.

Beth told Barbara to once again lie on her back with feet flat on the table. When Barbara was in position, she held up a small, sealed envelope for everyone to see and then brought it down to Barbara’s eyes. “Now we’ll continue with our cleaning,” she said, smiling at the frightened look on Barbara’s face. “This procedure is used when a patient either refuses or is unable to provide a urine specimen. Inside this pouch is a catheter, which is nothing more than a flexible tube. We insert the tube into the urethra and force it up to the bladder, thereby providing the urine a clear, open path through which to travel. You’ve lucked out this time, Barbara. Since this device is sterilized, I cannot allow you to kiss it. As a matter of fact, I must use sterilized gloves to handle it once the bag is opened.”

Having said that, Beth dropped the envelope onto Barbara’s breasts and grabbed another envelope off the snack table beside her. She opened the package and slipped her hands into the surgical gloves. When she was ready, Beth picked up the envelope from Barbara’s breast and removed the tube inside. She wiggled the end of clear plastic in front of Barbara’s eyes. “Okay, Barbara reach down between your legs and spread that pussy of yours again. I want everyone to be able to see your little pee hole.”

Barbara reached down and spread her vaginal lips open to expose her urethra. She peered between her knees and saw Cheryl zooming the video camera lens in. She also saw John looking directly at her exposed twat. She kept staring at his eyes, hoping he would look at her face and offer some silent support. All at once, she began to feel a slight burning sensation as the tube

began its journey to her bladder. Her eyes teared again, and Pam now blocked her view of John. As Lynn looked on at the other side, Beth kept pushing the tube into Barbara until a thin line of urine began to flow through the tube and into a bottle placed on the snack table beside her. As the last of the urine entered the bottle, Beth looked at Barbara’s face and smiled.

“Well, Barbara, you’re as clean now as you’ve ever been. I’ve just one more thing to show everybody, and I’ll be through with my demonstrations.” Beth then pulled the tube quickly from Barbara’s urethra and threw it aside. After she removed her gloves, she reached up and patted Barbara on her cheek. “But don’t you fret, sweet thing. I’m sure we’ll get together again later tonight for a more pleasurable experience. You can let go of your pussy now and put your hands behind your head again. We’ll all get another good look at that beautiful body of yours, and then we’ll get an even better look at that sweet pie between your legs.”

Barbara placed her hands behind her head and opened her mouth slightly as Beth inserted her finger between her lips. Barbara’s wide eyes looked at Beth’s smiling face as she felt the finger working in and out of her mouth. She noticed the other people were dead quiet and looking at the action taking place. All Barbara could hear was the soft hum of the video camera in the corner. Goose bumps formed on Barbara’s arms when she felt Beth’s other hand begin to massage her breast. The thumb and forefinger grabbed the nipple and gently pinched and pulled on it. Beth abruptly removed her finger from Barbara’s mouth and stopped playing with her breast.

“I seemed to be getting ahead of myself here.” Beth turned aside and grabbed a large metal object from the snack tray. “I’m sure we all know what this is.” Beth held the object up for all to see. “How about you, John. Do you know what this is used for?” She smiled when John just shrugged his shoulders and shook his head from side to side. “This is what the doctor uses to perform a pelvic exam. You just insert this into the lady’s twat, open it up like so, and wah-lah, you can see everything she has.”

John looked in disbelief. “How the hell can they get that thing in a pussy?” he wondered to himself. He stepped forward as Beth poised it at the entrance to Barbara’s vagina and slowly began working it into his wife. He could swear he noticed Barbara’s hips push forward to accept this thing into her, not once but several times. Once the speculum was in place and Beth began

spreading Barbara’s vagina open, John bent forward to look. Noticing his interest, Beth took a flashlight off the snack table and directed the light directly into Barbara. John looked in amazement but was soon pushed aside by Lynn, who wanted to get a good look herself. He let her take his spot and stepped back to the wall next to Cheryl. As he stepped back, he noticed that

Barbara was looking at him. He looked into her clouded eyes and flashed an assuring smile at her. He never saw her reaction as Pam moved right into his field of vision, just as Cheryl grabbed his cock and pulled his mouth to her waiting tongue. He almost lost his load as Cheryl ground her crotch against his and worked her tongue inside his mouth. He finally realized that Barbara might see them and he pulled away. Cheryl just smiled at him and ran her tongue over her lips. He looked back at the table just in time to see Beth removing the thing from Barbara and set it back down on the snack table.

“That’s my show for tonight, girls,” Beth said. She then looked at Cheryl and said, “But I’d like to reserve some time to have Barbara entertain me later. It seems I’ve been doing all the entertaining so far.”

“Oh, for sure, Beth.” Cheryl stepped out from behind the camera and walked over to stand at Barbara’s head. “I’m sure Barbara will show her appreciation AND her respect for you later. Won’t you Barbara?”

“Yes, Mistress Cheryl” Barbara replied. There was that “respect” again.

“Good. Now while we all get ourselves together, clean up this table and get us all another round before assuming your position in the living room.” Cheryl turned away and walked to the living room, grabbing John’s arm and pulling him with her. “Come on, everybody. I think we better get ready for whatever it is Pam has in mind for Barbara.”

As the others went into the living room, Barbara removed the coverings from the table and straightened the chairs around it. Upon completion of her cleaning, she poured each of her tormentors another glass of Coke and got John a fresh beer from the fridge, loaded them onto a tray, and carried it into the living room where everyone sat. She felt self-conscious as she bent over each time she offered the tray to one of the guests. Her tits would swing down, and everyone would look at them, then her face, and smile. When she offered John the beer, his hand went around hers and held it for a brief instant. That made her feel better. She had noticed John’s hard-on through his pants, and the thought that this was exciting him started to arouse her. She remembered the other night and her orgasm, which was the most intense she had ever had. She chuckled to herself as she thought, “At least nobody could tell how wet I am from my pussy hairs.” She returned the tray to the kitchen, then went back into the living room and stood in the center of the room, hands tightly clasped behind her head, feet spread apart, eyes straight ahead.

Cheryl walked to the center of the small room, stood in front of Barbara, and put her hand between Barbara’s legs. “Get yourself ready for Pam, Barbara. Play with your tits and get your nipples nice and hard for her.”

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