Castigating Alexis - Cover

Castigating Alexis

by Nightkoschei

Copyright© 2021 by Nightkoschei

BDSM Sex Story: Alexis is abducted by a young wealthy criminal. Heavy on breast torture and non-consent.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Rough   Sadistic   Spanking   Torture   Fisting   Lactation   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Needles   Caution   Violence   .

Marcus was a college freshman. Like many his age, he couldn’t wait to finish his studies and get on with his life. Unlike many his age, Marcus was the son of a wealthy criminal family. Growing rich on drug sales and money laundering, his family mainly operated in America and, to a lesser degree, in Russia.

Once he finished college, Marcus would likely spend a few years going his own way, before ultimately joining the family business. That was the plan anyway. More recently, Marcus has been anxious to start his real ascent into manhood sooner rather than later, and thought about leaving college prematurely, though he would miss playing in the college’s orchestra.

As the weeks went by, our dear Marcus was preparing for his final concert. He had hatched a plan he was going to put into effect tonight. For years, his friend Henry’s beautiful girlfriend, Alexis, had caught his eye, teasing everyone with her hot body, and drawing in everyone with her captivating, pretty face. He had befriended Henry just to get closer to Alexis ... and today the cock-teasing slut was going to reap the results.

Alexis was a brunette, short but not terribly so, with blue eyes and a cute face. She was not overweight and not too skinny, but curvy in all the right places. But her real assets were her tits. Perfectly shaped, they were D cups, not too big and definitely not too small, and they flaunted their youth with their firmness and suppleness. They were made to be hurt.

With the concert in 30 minutes, Marcus, Henry, and Alexis were all in the practice room with the other student performers, warming up for the concert. Occasionally glancing at Alexis, Marcus could feel his cock threaten to swell watching her chest rise and fall, her full, cock-sucking lips wrapped around her clarinet. Soon.

Setting his cello down, Marcus made his way over to Henry, piping away on his flute. What a beta.

“Hey man,” Marcus began, “they need our help setting up on the stage. Let’s go.” Smiling dumbly, Henry rose from his seat and accompanied Marcus. Spending 1 minute setting up chairs, Marcus suddenly dropped one of them, faking pulling a muscle in his shoulder. Leaving Henry behind with the other students setting up and telling everyone he couldn’t perform, he loaded his cello into his van but then returned to the practice room.

After entering the practice room again, Marcus walked straight to Alexis and said “Hey your boyfriend asked me to come get you, he’s warming up in the choir room down the hall. Says he needs your help with something.”

“Oh, ok” she said, smiling and blinking once, then taking her clarinet with her walked with Marcus down the hall to the choir room.

You’re mine now, you stupid bitch. Marcus led the way to the choir room, mentally grinning and psyching himself up for what he was about to do. His cousin Leo really helped him out this time, and he couldn’t wait to set it all in motion. Opening the door, he ushered her in ahead of him like a gentleman, locking the door with a flick of his wrist as the door shut.

“Henry?” she called out nervously. “Are you here? Hey, he’s not he- ahhhh!” Alexis cried out suddenly, dropping her clarinet and clutching at her chest. Marcus had suddenly reached around from behind her and grabbed two fistfuls of her generous knockers in a crushing grip, leaning back and lifting her feet from the floor in the process. As her brain processed the pounding pain of her weight being supported by her girl globes, a half second later Marcus threw her with all his might into the rough brick wall to their left. Bashing her head, Alexis half crumpled over in a daze.

Wasting no time, Marcus quickly pulled the syringe out of his pocket and stabbed it into her arm, emptying the contents. As she started to fight him, weariness was rapidly sapping her strength.

“Wha, what are you doing? Why?” She started to slur as she turned around.

Marcus’ first tit-slap made contact with her right boob with full force, nearly knocking the wind out of her. Moaning, she was totally unprepared for the second, then the third, then the fourth full-palmed alternating slaps...

“Haven’t” SLAP “You” SLAP “Figured” SLAP “This” Slap “Out Yet?” SLAP SLAP SLAP.

Her bawling was music to his ears. Beneath her bra, her proud-nippled globes were taking on a rosy hue, as he pummeled her oh-so-beatable mammaries, her unstable hands flimsily trying to stop his assault.

Smiling evilly, he reached out and wrestled her weakened arms behind her back.


Holding her tightly, he rammed her tits-first into the wall, flattening her udders painfully as she moaned. Pulling her back 2 feet and ramming her full force again and again, her beautiful, shapely breasts were soon two throbbing fatsacks of ache. Taking his left hand he reached around down the front of her jeans, and grabbed the band of her panties. Pulling up with all his might, her panties pulled up tightly into a cleft-splitting frontal wedgie.

“Ugh! sto ... stop...”

As he pushed her against the wall, his palm between her shoulder blades rolling her in small circles, Alexis felt her consciousness finally fading away. The last sensation her brain registered was the cruel grinding of her flattened tits.

Feeling her go limp, Marcus sets her on the floor. Ripping the front of her white blouse open, buttons flying everywhere, her gorgeous mammaries, cradled by a lacey bra, came into view. Flicking the front clasp open, he whistled as he saw her glorious melons bounce free, just begging for attention, a slight red blush on them from their earlier mistreatment. Her panties could still be seen pulled up high over her hips.

This is a much better look for her, he thought.

Flipping her over on her front, he grabs her ankles and starts dragging her towards a large, wheeled steel crate in the corner. Her breasts rolled up underneath her towards her chin as she slid, the tender undersides squeaking under the friction as they dragged on the floor, her own body weight crushing her bosom.

Opening the crate, he quickly takes out 3 sets of handcuffs, binding her wrists behind her back, and her ankles. Smiling, he fastens the third pair around her elbows, cinching them together tightly, pushing her chest out. He definitely has plans for these. *SLAP! He gives the left boob a hefty smack for the hell of it.

Making a few phone calls over the last week, Marcus had gotten his family’s blessing to leave college behind and start his criminal career in earnest. Making a request, Marcus’ cousin Leo had set him up with this crate, which came with some special cargo his victim would soon be intimately familiar with.

The first thing to be done was to make sure the bitch stayed quiet. Grabbing the front of her panties again, Marcus yanked and tugged hard, until they finally game free with a rip, a small, satisfying hitching of her breath coming from the unconscious girl as the fabric abraded her womanly petals. Stuffing them into her mouth, he wrapped the duct tape in the crate around her mouth 3 times, securing her makeshift gag.

Reaching into the crate, he pulls out the most important of its contents; a specially made breast harness. Really it looked more like a sadistic joke of a bra. Made of soft brown leather, the harness had two circular rings for cups, which would lay around the circumference of the breasts. Four small holes were made in these rings, each 90 degrees apart, framing the top, bottom, and sides of each breast. A single horizontal strap crossed the center of each cup, with another small hole centered right over where the nipple would be.

“You have a long trip ahead of you bitch. I thought it would only be fair to provide you with some entertainment for the journey.” He quickly cut away the remains of her upper clothing with a knife, tossing them into the crate, leaving her without blouse, bra, or dignity. All she wore now were her light tan concert pants and black pumps. Quickly harnessing her into her new travel bra, he tightly pulled all the strap adjustments to make sure she had a snug fit.

Throwing her into the padded crate, face up, Alexis barely fits in its small confines. Using the straps laying in the crate, he secures her feet, thighs, and torso above and below her harnessed breasts. The lid of the crate has a small compartment, which when opened reveals 10 gleaming stainless steel needles. Eight of them are 2 inches in length, the other two are 3 inches. All of them have wires leading from them, plugged into the crate itself.

“Let’s see, four positive leads around the perimeter here...” Marcus mumbles, lining up a 2 inch needle with each of the four holes in each cup strap. As he inserts them slowly, one at a time, Alexis’ face twitches slightly as her mammaries are skewered, especially at the needles entering straight up through her tender underboobs.

“And the best part, the negative lead...” Smiling sadistically, Marcus pushes a needle straight through the center of her right nipple, down into the breast meat. One, then two, and finally three inches of cold unyielding steel sinks sharply into sensitive mammal flesh, Alexis’ mouth opens slightly as she voices a quiet, delectable “ohh”

He smiles as he stands and evaluates his work. The breast harness is brilliantly designed, the negative current would enter straight down through her nipples into the center of her boobs, then branch out in all directions towards the four positive lead needles circling her tits. The crate was programmed to begin randomly timed light to severe electric shocks in 1 hour, and he had only given her enough sedative to knock her out an hour and a half at most. When she awoke in the darkness of the crate, he imagined her boobs would already be in the throes of her ‘entertaining diversion.’

Walking back towards the door he picks up her clarinet and tosses it in the crate. No reason to leave any evidence she was here.

Latching the lid closed, Marcus rolls his new property out the door and towards the back parking lot, where he has a van parked. It was time to get out of the country.


“uh, what? Ow ow, why does my chest hu- ahhHH!”

When Alexis woke up, she was in a world of hurt. The crate was currently sending high voltage directly into her sore nipples, and from the deep ache she felt in her breasts, this had been going on for some time already. Her boobs shuddered and jiggled, both from her exertions, and from the electricity. After 30 seconds, it finally subsided.

With her mouth crammed full of something and breathing heavily through her nose, she tried to get a sense of where she was.

It felt like five hot white spikes were driven straight into each of her girl globes. She couldn’t see or touch them, but she wasn’t far from the truth. The total darkness confused her, and her panic and fear only continued to mount when she discovered she couldn’t move an inch.

She could feel a light bouncing. Was she being driven down a road? Her memories came rushing back, how Marcus had attacked her and injected her with something. Where was he taking her?

She didn’t have much time to think about it, as after 5 minutes she heard a loud click and her world lit up in fiery breast pain once again...

Marcus drove his van in silence, amused at how easy it was to get into Canada. Well, it is the world’s longest undefended border. It’s not hard to slip by and avoid a checkpoint.

He was now heading west towards the coast, to Alaska. His cousin Leo had a boat waiting to take him across to Siberia, where he and his new bitch would be spending time at Leo’s home. Marcus was eager to start his new life in the family business with his cousin, whom he always got along well with.

He wondered how Alexis was faring back there. He would check on her in a few hours, make sure she had something to drink. They had a long way to go.

Well, he intended to enjoy the drive, he hadn’t seen the Canadian landscape before.

One week later, Alexis was in a sorry state.

Tied face-up to a forward tilting bench, she was only allowed her pumps for clothing. Well, and steel bands restraining her wrists and elbows behind her back, if you consider that clothing.

Her legs were spread thigh-achingly wide, the inner tendons visible, a path leading to the holy grail at her private juncture. Her prim little pussy opened up slightly under the strain, the cool air of the dark room sending shivers to her very core. Her manacled ankles had two chains running to eyebolts in the stone walls, preventing her from hiding her treasures.

The worst pain by far, though, was her breasts. The full, heavy knockers still throbbed from her introduction to Marcus’ sadism the past week, and now two heavy-set alligator clamps bit fiercely into her nipples.

Her mind was foggy from lack of sleep. The trip here, wherever she was, had been hell. It had taken 3 days for Marcus to get to the boat, and another 2 to cross into Siberia. Add another day to get to Leo’s manor, and here we are.

6 days. 6 days of horrible breast pain and electrocution. 6 days of pissing and shitting herself, of hunger. The only time she wasn’t suffering in darkness was when Marcus would open her crate, and force her to drink water before closing her in again. It felt to her she had been locked away for a month, the throbbing, incessant pain in her poor mammaries the only thing real to her. She had truly started to doubt her sanity.

Then, the lid opened once again. Expecting more water, she was instead treated to a syringe pushed straight into her left breast, knocking her unconscious.

And now here she was. Spread eagled and fettered in a strange, dark room. It felt like a dungeon. At least she was clean and wasn’t hungry, she wondered if they fed her through a tube.

Suddenly the heavy-set wooden door crashed open, and a small-faced pale man with a widows peak scurried into the room, grinning.

“I’ll be damned. He wasn’t kidding, you are one fine piece of ass.” He looked at her as if appraising a piece of meat. He seemed to visibly feast on the fear in her eyes. “Sorry about those,” he gestured towards her clamped nipples, “just tenderizing you a bit for later. Here, allow me.” He quickly opened the alligator clamps, removing them, and she started breathing noisily through her nose, coping with the sudden waves of pain.

“Oh stop the drama, these are the light clamps. I’m Leo, Marcus’ cousin. Welcome to my home; you will be staying here for quite a while.” At that her eyes opened wider, and then Marcus strode into the room.

“I see the princess is awake. Morning sugar tits, you were out for a while. I thought about waking you up with a fist up your cunt but I decided we’d have plenty of time for that later!” Marcus grinned.

How could this have happened to her? Nothing made any sense! “What the hell Marcus, why are you doing this to me?! You fucking crazy asshole, let me go right -”

THUD! “ooooh! Ahhh ahhhhhh...”

Marcus slammed a fist deeply into each of her boobs at the same time, grinding his knuckles all the way to her chest wall, her nipples flattening into the meat of her globes. Slowly, sadistically, he ground his knuckles in a twisting motion, over her gasping cries of pain.

He loved this. He loved the look of anguish on her face. He loved the way her breast meat bubbled up around his knuckles, seemingly as if to swallow up his fist. She was a D cup, and while large and firm, they weren’t enormous breasts, but they had that bubbling effect simply by the force he applied. She was feeling this, her perfect globes were hurting. And he loved it.

“I don’t allow my property to speak unless spoken to. But, as this is your introduction to your new station in life, I will answer your question.” He never stopped his grinding. Hopefully she was paying attention through her red haze.

“I come from an important family. What we do doesn’t concern you, just know we are powerful and above the law. I’m tired of that mundane life I was living, and am getting started in the family business effectively immediately. But I just couldn’t bring myself to leave these behind.” He stopped grinding his fists into her tits, and gave each a quick, hard slap. Pinching her nipples, he pulled them out into cones, and continued talking.

“So I decided to bring you here, to Russia, to my cousin Leo. We will both be staying here for a while, and are indebted to him. You will learn your purpose in life here, while I will be the man I was destined to be.”

“You will never see your family again, indeed anyone from your previous life. Today we begin your lessons, and we begin simply. You will begin to learn your purpose as a woman today; to provide pleasure and sport to men, in whatever form they desire.”

“You’re fucking crazy! I’ll get out of here eventually, and you’ll be put away forever you piece of shit!”

“We shall see. And do you watch your language sweetheart, you’re only making your punishment that much worse.”

“I’ll leave you two alone then” said Leo. “Try to leave her in one piece.” Marcus winked, and waited for Leo to close the door on his way out.

“Well then, cunt” drawled Marcus “shall we?”

In the dimly lit room, Alexis, with wide eyes, could make out Marcus walking towards a cabinet along the wall. Next to the cabinet was a small round table with a large bowl. Opening the top drawer of the cabinet, he returned with two heavy-springed alligator clamps, joined together by a thin chain.

“I believe you are already familiar with the light clamps. These, unfortunately for you, are of a different caliber.” Approaching Alexis, he deftly clipped each clamp to her nipples, his cock getting hard at her moaning. To make sure they would stay put, he took a small screwdriver out of his pocket and tightened the small set screw on each, the teeth threatening to bite through the nearly translucent nipple flesh.

“Stop stop stop! oh, you bastard” she groans.

Standing between her still spread thighs, Marcus reaches up and lowers a chain hook from a block and tackle anchored to the ceiling. Hooking it to the chain running between her new nipple adornments, he grins evilly as she shakes her head no, pleading with her eyes.

Click Click Click Click the ratcheting of the chain from the ceiling begins to raise her tits by the nipples, the heavy undersides jiggling enticingly as her teats begin to stretch. “We need proper access, you see” Marcus states nonchalantly, as her nipples rise, one, two, three inches up.

When the slack is finally taken out, the real fun begins. Click “Ohhh” Click “Unghh!!!” *Click “UHHH!!!!”

He nipples are now pulled nearly an inch away from her taught breast meat. As if checking the tautness of a clothesline, Marcus flicks each titty, looking thoughtful. *Click “Ahh ahhh! You’re KILLING ME!!”



Her eyes are bulging, her mouth slightly agape, unable to voice the pain in her nipples, wheezing piteously. Her back arched off the bench as much as her restraint allowed, arcing prettily. Another notch and he’s sure her nipples might tear. That will do.

Walking to the small round table by the cabinet, Marcus reaches into the bowl. Returning clutching something in his hand, water is dripping down his arm and onto the floor.

They were thin cords of wet leather, no more than an eighth of an inch in width each. Marvelously supple and soft, their texture belied their sinister purpose. Also in his hand was a third equally wet thick leather strap, this one two inches wide and heavy in his hand.

Having found her voice and setting it to the task of groaning her displeasure, Alexis’ head was thrown back and she didn’t see Marcus reapproach. Standing to her side, he took the thick 2 inch strap and laid into her sensitive undertits with such a strong sidearm swing the water from the strap sprayed in every direction.


Settling into a rhythm, the cadence of her breast strapping was like the invigorating beat of a war drum. Except no war drum could compete with the superior instrument that is a woman’s stretched taut breasts, her nipples threatening to rip at any moment with each strike.

WHOP! WHOP! WHOP! WHOP! Her crying and bawling did nothing to deter him, his aim was true and his strikes hard. “Don’t ever” WHOP! “back talk” WHOP! “me” WHOP! “AGAIN!” WHOP!!! Alexis’ voice cracked, and her mouth remained open in a silent breathless scream, eyes tightly shut.

WHOP! WHOP! *WHOP! ‘Sigh, if only a woman’s education didn’t have to be so hands on’ thought Marcus. ‘Well, I guess it’s not so bad.’

After five minutes of beating only her sensitive underboobs, Marcus stopped to roll his neck and shoulders. Alexis was a mess, her head thrown backwards over the edge of the bench, her long brunette hair disheveled, glistening with the tears that had run down her forehead. Her reddened and welted mammal flesh burned to the touch, two fiery cones of liquid ache and pain. Even now her nipples continued to shoot lightening bolts of agony through her tit-tips to her mind.

*SPLAT Walking around in front of her again, he laid a single strike of the strap wetly across her exposed pussy, marveling at how she twitched and writhed. Setting the thick strap down, he stood between her thighs and leaned up towards her breasts again.

Taking the first of the thinner eighth inch cords, he looped it around the base of her right boob, loosely tying it. Then, looking into her petrified eyes, he suddenly jerked it tight, drawing the thin leather around her globe in a tight knot as hard as he could. Her head jerked up and down, the tears flowing again. Still pulling tight, never relenting, he looped the same cord again around her breast, and once again, jerked it with all his might in a second loop around the base of her globe. The veins in his arms showing with exertion, he finally tied it off, leaving her strangled, reddening tit in the wet leather’s loving embrace.

Once again, moving to her left breast, he garroted her man-pleasing painglobe, repeating the process and pulling a piteous wail from her throat. The leather cords were so tight, you could see the blueish veins in her tits, almost visibly throbbing under the pressure. They would throb even more, as when the wet leather began to dry out, it would shrink, tightening the cords past the degree possible with human hands.

“Well then” said Marcus “ these seem to be set up nicely. Oh, allow me to free you from those clamps my dear.” Taking his wet fingers and lubricating the nipples around the teeth of the alligator clamps, Marcus once again put his hand on the ratcheting lever. Worried her breasts would tear, Alexis could do nothing to stop him, as CLICK – a moment of suspense, then the nipples began slowly sliding agonizingly down, the clamps losing their purchase. As soon as first one, then the other miserable nipple popped free with a moan, restoring her wobbling udders to their natural shape, Marcus quickly reached over and SPLAT* brought the leather strap down flat across both nipples, charitably pounding the blood back into her abused lust nuggets. Two or three more blows for good measure, and he declared her titties were in order.

“I’ll be back in half an hour or so, don’t worry, I won’t let your tits die. Take this time to contemplate the best way you could minimize your pain in the future.”

Shutting off the light, Marcus ascended the stairs to join his cousin, pleased that his new acquisition was so much fun to play with. He silently congratulated himself on deciding to take her along.

Alexis couldn’t believe the hell she was in. What kind of psycho was this guy. She couldn’t believe she knew him, went to college with him, for so long and had no idea. Would she really never get to go home again? And her breasts! Oh my God how they hurt! The leather cords that bastard had tied her with were drying and constricting her tighter and tighter, she wouldn’t be surprised if her breasts just fell right off. Why did he have to hurt her so much?! What did she do to him?! He keeps saying this is part of her education and punishment ... she had to find a way out of here. But she could barely wiggle in her bondage, and her inner thigh muscles hurt from being spread so long, she wasn’t even sure her legs could run anyway.

When she heard footsteps descending the stairs, she nearly had a panic attack. She was suddenly blinded as the overhead lights kicked on, and Marcus stood in the doorway.

“Your tits are looking a bit off-color sweetness. Do they hurt?”

“Fuck you!” screamed Alexis, her voice hoarse and not as strong as it should have been.

“Don’t worry, you will be soon. You know, I think it’s these knockers of yours that drew me first towards you. Don’t get me wrong, you are a pretty girl, but these...” he said, tracing a nipple, “are exquisite.” Taking both hands, he suddenly plunged his thumbs straight into the centers of her nipples, driving them straight for the core of the strangled, mushroomed flesh below. His other fingers wrapped around the roundness of her breasts, squeezing around the leathers cords, as his thumbs bored their way into the depths of her compressed bosom.

For Alexis, whose chest was already the incarnation of fiery misery, this was too much. Crying piteously, she shuddered and moaned, unable to do anything except feel.

Satisfied with this response, Marcus was ready to fuck his little fox. He tied the loose ends of her strangling breast cords to one another, joining them together between her breasts. Her cock-teasing body was his now. Dropping the overhead hook once again, he latched it to her joined tit cords, and began to pull. Pulling her entire bosom straight up, the breasts nearly 5 inches away from her chest wall, he locked it in place, the viciously tight grip not letting slip an inch of suffering breastflesh.

He released the chains that bound her cuffed wrists and elbows to the bench, and her torso shot up desperately, relieving some of the strain on her aching boobs. She glared at him with hateful, defiant eyes, arms and wrists still manacled together. He then released the chains from her ankles, and began to raise her, once again, by her breasts.

Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Click

As more and more of her body weight was transferred to her breasts, Alexis’ feet began to rise from the floor. Unable to move her legs much from the over-strain of being splayed out so long, first her heels began to rise up, then the arch of her foot.

*Click - the ball of her foot

*Click – tiptoe

... It’s the finer things in life one lives for mused Marcus.

*Click. Alexis gasps as her toes leave the floor, her entire weight hanging tortuously from her wretched, castigated painglobes. Raising her to the appropriate level, Marcus walks towards her, freeing his cock from the tight confines of his pants, eager to finally partake in this treat.

Without preamble, still standing, he shoves his entire 7 inch cock to the hilt in her pussy, suddenly stretching her sex open. Grasping her hips and ass with his hands, he starts bouncing her on his cock, pleasurably grinding in a circle in her hot confines every few bounces. For Alexis, there is no pleasure, the fucking causing her to bounce and pull on her strangled boobs, the ultra-tight leather cords never loosening their grip.

Looking straight into her face, watching her tears fall, Marcus laughs. “This could have been easier on you, you know” he lied “if you hadn’t been such a bitch when you opened your mouth.”

She starts to answer, but he merely slaps her, her face snapping to the left, and laughs again. “Best you don’t talk right now.” Cowed and humiliated, tortured and despairing, she silently took his cock. Reveling in her tightness, he couldn’t believe her old faggot boyfriend had been the one to enjoy this hot cunt. Oh well, it was his now.

Gag cough*

“Ugh, fuck yeah”

Alexis is on her back, choking as Leo, Marcus’ cousin, is ramming his thick meat down her gullet. Her head is thrown backwards over the edge of the bench, and you can see the bulge of his cock in her throat.

It had been some time since Marcus’ abducted Alexis. 9 months, to be more specific. After those first early lessons, Marcus had released her tits and left her suspended upside down by her ankles, in order that none of his seed would go to waste. He wanted that slutty womb bathed in his cum as long as possible. He wanted her milk to flow.

Pulling out for a brief moment to let her gasp in a breath, Leo slaps her across the face then plunges back into her hot fuck mouth. The bitch liked to talk too much anyway.

This sub-level had been her home the entire time. A shower and toilet in the corner saw to her basic needs, and a nearby cage served as her dormitory. She had spent the last 9 months in agony, undergoing daily fuckings, tortures, and, when her pregnancy started to mature and she began to lactate, daily milkings.

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