Detoxing - Cover


Copyright© 2021 by Gordon Johnson

Chapter 9

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 9 - I had my future planned out: degree, good job in business, attractive wife and later children. My boss changed everything by asking me to do a job for him.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Coercion   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   Sharing   Polygamy/Polyamory   Pregnancy   Nudism   Slow  

Cherry commented, “Ain’t the law wonderful?”

I told them, “American law is just as complicated, as some land grants were issued by the Spanish crown for land that later became part of the United States. If you could get hold of such documents, and they referred simply to the unnamed holder, then you could claim these lands on the basis of that deed and you being the holder of the charter.

If the deed refers to a named owner, then you are shafted, because finding a descendant from someone who owned it hundreds of years ago is nigh impossible, could cost a fortune in research, and almost certainly would not be you!”

They all laughed.

“Have you more to tell us today, Jimmy? ‘Cause if not, we have to start cooking. Today’s main meal is to be slow-cooked, so we have to start it early,” Sharl told me. “Which reminds me, when the big freezer starts getting low, how do we fill it? Can we go shopping?”

I looked them over. “You should know me by now, girls. Two points to remember: one, you stay naked for the duration, so do you want to go shopping entirely naked?”

That got me some turned-down mouths and a scowl or two.

“Secondly, with my secure phone I can order online, so there is nothing to stop you making up a shopping list for me to order from. You can use the materials in the study rooms to start writing out your culinary needs, and any extra essentials that you think should be here, EXCEPT contraceptives; these are out, not that a grocery store is likely to have them in stock.”

Sharl said with a smile, “Now what possible use would contraceptives be to your women, Jimmy?”

I gave her a pretended serious stare, replying, “Eventually, I might grant their use to let you stagger the production of children, ladies. I don’t want all three of you to be pregnant ALL of the time.”

This produced a few calculated sighs of relief, along with some giggles, and I knew that I was home and dry, barring stupidity on my part. Later, Sharl told me she would be sleeping the night with me in my bed. She emphasised sleep, and when I asked if the others had been consulted, she nodded.

“I told them that they had slept with you the previous night, so it should be my turn tonight, and they agreed. I didn’t have to argue with them, but I agreed that in future we take turn about to sleep with you. Sex is mostly up to you on those occasions, though you are unlikely to get a refusal.”

That was the point I wanted to hear, and had it stated without me asking.

Next morning after our leisurely breakfast, the girls were talking about what they wanted to do today. I interrupted to command Charlotte, “Charlie! Fucking time; Lounge and the lounge chair.”

She jumped to her feet and hurried through, and by the time I arrived she was draped over the lounge chair, looking back at me, legs spread open and inviting.

I said nothing but simply made use of the welcome sign, plunging into her already wet snatch, softly murmering words of love as I fondled her breasts fopr a moment or two, and making use of her at her master’s will. Within a minute or two, she came loudly, and again I slipped my hands round her torso to grasp her prominent breasts.

“You doing okay, my love?” I enquired solicitously.

She gasped back, “Okay, he asks? That was awesome. You were in charge right from calling my name, you wonderful fucking machine. I was wet as soon as I got to my feet. You can do this to me any time, my man; any time.”

As I kneaded her breasts and her pointed nipples, I continued slowly fucking her.

“Do you want to try for another orgasm, Charlie?”

“May I?” she squealed, and we both speeded up once more. I felt myself coming, but held it back until she gave another little squeal of pleasure, then I released my jism into her.

“Damn, Charlie, I love fucking you, my little wonder.”

She grunted, “Yes, and you love fucking Sharl and Cherry as well. You are insatiable, my man.”

“Okay, I admit it. All three of you have got to me, full time. You think the others are going to stay the course with us? I can tell that you will stay with me, no matter what.”

“You’ve got that right, Jimmy. You are the first man that I have felt this way about; you are my man forever.”

“And the others?”

“Yeah ... I think they are on board. The idea of babies shocked them somewhat, but they can see where it can be to their advantage. They get to keep you, and that is their need, long-term; a man they can depend on, who will stick with them, and give them a settled, secure, and I think happy, home life.

Are you going to give me a happy life, Jimmy?”

“And happy babies too, love. You can be sure of that, my lovely Charlotte. I prefer Charlotte to Charlie, by the way.”

“If that is what you want, I will be Charlotte. It was my sisters who called me Charlie, and I just accepted that as the norm. You can tell them I am now Charlotte. For you, I am Charlotte, your Charlotte.”

“Thanks, Charlotte. You are a great fuck as well as becoming a great love, my dear.”

“Oh, my God! That is soooo romantic, Jimmy. Are you going to remove your pecker from my pussy now?”

“Gawd ... what a way to deflate a guy, Charlotte.”

She laughed delightfully. “You can put it back any time you fancy, Jimmy; as long as it is hard!”

I exclaimed, “I can see life with you is going to be fun, my darling girl.”

“All you have to do is get Cherry and Sharl to feel the same way, Jimmy, if you want all three of us.”

“I’ll work on it,” I promised Charlotte.

And I did. First thing I did was allocate a part of the day for fucking each of them at a different time, to even out the pressure on my sperm production unit. Charlotte was the morning, Sharlene was the afternoon, and Cherry the evening. I didn’t ask them; I told them. Each time they were fucked, I told them that this was going to be normal throughout our lives.

“You are going to be fucked like this, or whatever way you and I fancy, for many years to come, if you are in my family. Live with it; love it, woman. Stay with me, and this will be our regular routine.”

I was trying to establish a habit with them of expecting and looking forward to being fucked daily, at a minimum, for the foreseeable future, so that any thoughts to the contrary were lost in the past.

After a further solid week of being taught, fucking and meshing as a team, as well as regular learning, I made the first call to their Daddy. The girls were beside me, ready to speak; primed with their crib sheets.

“Hello, sir. Jimmy here. Are you free to take a call?”

“Jimmy! I was getting used to being on my own, without snide remarks or being ignored when I get home. It has been delighful. I even took a delightful woman home for a meal, Jimmy. How has it been going with the nasty sisters? At least they are not ugly.”

“Indeed they are not. Things have gone surprisingly well, sir. Taking them away from temptation has been of immeasurable assistance. Lessons have proceeded, and I appear to be a successful teacher in a number of subjects. Would you like a word with one or more of them? I have approved limited communication.”

“Let me speak to the Head Bitch, Jimmy.”

I switched the phone to speaker, and wordlessly passed the unit to Sharl, who was standing beside me, notebook in hand to keep her on message.

“Your father, Sharlene.”

She grasped the phone firmly and air-kissed me.

“Hi, Daddy. How are you coping on your own?”

“Eh? You want to know, Sharl?”

“Of course, Daddy. My father is important to me, and to all of us. I worry about you being properly fed without a woman to provide the meals. Are you being supported at work while your family is absent?”

“Ah, yes. They noticed I was different in some way, so I told them you were all away. They were quite concerned at my daughters being just absent, but when I told them you were off to finishing school in Europe, their attitude changed. They became quite supportive, as if they knew about your past reputation and thought that on your return, things would be better for me.”

“I am sure they are right, Daddy. Our stay here has turned out to be much more interesting and educational than we expected. The teaching is top notch, and we are learning things we never expected. Education can be so stimulating if taught correctly. Now have you been able to get on the golf course?”

“I have indeed. We set up a foursomes, all of us widowers or divorced; two men and two women, and it has worked out well. I invited Jenny, a divorcee, to my house for a meal and I managed to convince her that I prepared it. Unfortunately when we cleared up, she saw the boxes that the caterers used to deliver the food, but she just laughed deliciously and said, “I never thought a man on his own could manage so well; it was too good to be true! Next time, I do the cooking.’

I think there may well be a next time...”

“Wonderful, Daddy! She sounds like she is good for you. I hope we girls do as well.”

I gave her a shake of the head; a sign to cease this line, and she switched.

“Anyway, do you want to speak to Cherry or Charlie?”

“Yes, please, if they are handy.”

Sharl passed the phone to Cherry, and as she moved away, she ran her hand over my crotch, grabbing at my penis with a cheeky grin on her face, which she followed up with a swift kiss to my lips.

Cherry spoke, “Daddy? Are you coping without us there to look after you?”

“I am getting along fine, Cherry. What about you girls? What is the school like?”

“Wonderful, Daddy. The teaching here is much superior to what we got at our old school, which was so stuffy. Here we learn new things every day, especially about how to interact constructively with others.”

“I am so pleased about that. So you like your teachers?”

“We even get one-to-one tutoring, Daddy. That is so much better than normal school. You get to ask questions, and Jimmy explains things so well...”

I was not so happy that she mentioned my name over the phone, but...

“So you are learning, where you failed before?”

“We are, or at least I am, and I think the others are too. Everything we need is supplied, except for drugs and booze. The school policy is no drugs at all, and only a small amount of wine with meals to be sociable in good company.”

“Sounds excellent. Can you pass me back to Jimmy for a moment, Cherry?”

She passed the phone to me, and he said urgently, “I found their usual purses in the vehicle after I left, Jimmy. Their phones and other female stuff were inside. Have they complained?”

“Of course not,” I said loudly, to let him know they would be listening. “They soon got with the program rule of no outside distractions, so no phones, etc. They have quickly adjusted, I am happy to say. Shall I get Charlotte to say hello now?”

“Thanks, Jimmy.”

I passed the phone to Charlotte.

“Hello, Daddy. I am happy with things here, no concerns of missing home, so don’t worry about us being away. One thing I noticed that surprised me: I am not missing the old flighty silliness of flashy cars and boys and shopping and make-up. We are not even allowed any make-up here. The rule is that you should be attractive enough without make-up; that you don’t really need to plaster your face with stuff. I am getting to understand that point, when our tutor tells us we look very good as we are without tittillating extras on top of our skin. Most men don’t bother with make-up, so unless you have some blemish you have to hide, why should women have to bother either? You don’t wear make-up, do you, Daddy?”

Her father chuckled, “No, I never saw the need to hide any part of my face, except with hair above my lip! I must tell Jenny that snippet, Charlie.”

“Charlotte, Daddy. I have decided I want to be called Charlotte; it is much more womanly.”

“How mature of you, Charlotte. I am very pleased at your choice. The school seems to be doing you some good.”

“It is, Daddy, but Jimmy says it will all take time, despite initial improvements. He has high hopes for us.”

“I am sure Jimmy knows what he is talking about, Charlotte. Listen to him.”

“I will. Bye for now, Daddy.”

She handed the phone to me, with a thumbs-up sign.

“Hello, sir. Was there anything else you needed to know?”

“No, Jimmy. It sounds like you are having the right effect on them. Keep it up, so they come back as mentally and emotionally mature women, if you can achieve that wonder.”

“I will do my best, sir. Farewell for now.”

I closed the phone and shut it off to the secure setting.

“Well done, girls. Are you all happy with the way that went?”

All three agreed that it had, and they were pleased at how unfazed their father seemed. I had one subtle warning.

“Charlotte, you referred to ‘without tittillating extras on the skin.’ That was close to saying you had no clothes on, so be extremely careful with your words in the future. You may have meant your face, but it could have revealed more. You didn’t fail me, but you skated close on that point. Congratulations to all three of you on taking that phone call with all the good points incorporated, just as I taught you. You girls did well, so I want to kiss you to say thanks.”

They didn’t need much encouragement in that direction, so I fondled breasts and asses as well as kissed their lips, and none of them rejected my attentions. If anything, it was encouraged. We were on our way, I thought, with the first stage over and done with.

The next week passed with the familiarity of a regular routine: daily education, fucking, eating and conviviality; and often more fucking at night. I almost never had to suggest sex during the day, for each woman came to me to demand her turn on the schedule of fucking. It was quickly lovemaking instead of fucking, and the amount of spoken endearments increased rapidly on both sides to enhance the encounter.

The following week held the unspoken fact of possible fertility, but the sexual olympics continued unabated, and the fertility question was not raised. I was wondering if I was committing myself to more sex than I could expect to continue with, but I had walked into it with my eyes wide open. It is amazing what you can get used to, and falling for three lovelies who are acting responsibly is the best deal of all if they react in the right way.

Another couple of weeks, and the girls are starting to notice that they have not had their periods yet. I did some online checking, and there were many variations on how soon fertility came back to normal after stopping contraceptive pills. I told the girls what I had found, and it was Cherry who ventured, “So we might not get pregnant for ages?”

I admitted that this was a possibility, which prompted her to declare, “You could have us cooped up here for months more!”

“Cherry,” I remonstrated, “the proposal for your re-education allowed for up to a year for completion, if you were slow at changing your ways. You have been here for less than two months, my lovely wench.”

“Oh, dammit. A year? Hey, you called me your lovely wench. I liked it!”

“I did, for you are indeed lovely, and you are a wench in anybody’s books, as you are regularly fucked; but a wench in a nice way, for you are no prostitute or even a slut any more. You are my woman, or at least one of them, and I intend to keep you and fuck you regularly, my girl. Once you have had my baby, we can discuss more of the same, but in any case, I’ll want you again and again, in my bed, over a chair or table, on a table, up against a wall in the shower; whatever takes our fancy.”

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