Detoxing - Cover


Copyright© 2021 by Gordon Johnson

Chapter 8

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 8 - I had my future planned out: degree, good job in business, attractive wife and later children. My boss changed everything by asking me to do a job for him.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Coercion   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   Sharing   Polygamy/Polyamory   Pregnancy   Nudism   Slow  

“No ceremony in church? Not even a civil ceremony? No marriage certificate?”

“Nothing. We just set up home and live as a married family.”

“Oh, God. What would Daddy say?”

“Daddy?” I asked. “What about him?”

Cherry came in here to assert, “Daddy would not be happy about about us setting up home without a marriage in place.”

I pondered this presumed barrier.

“Surely getting three pleasant women back would be enough for him, instead of what you were before?”

“Jimmy, we know Daddy. He has his heart set on us being married and having his grandchildren round for him to be proud of.”

“Oh. I have to think this through for a time, ladies. Give me some space before I answer.”

I did, too. I observed my women – I was already starting to think of them that way - for the next few hours, to see how they were behaving without my supervision. I found that they had started keeping each other in check regarding swear words, bad-mouthing anyone, being slovenly or failing to keep things tidy. There was a myriad of minor aspects of life that depend on simple observation and attention to correction of behaviour before it became obvious.They were doing well, so we could perhaps move on to the next part of the curriculum.

That would probably be speaking in public, either giving a short speech or merely talking to elected or paid officials, trying to get what you want from them by not antagonising them. One of the other targets was behaviour at a wedding reception or a funeral. Simple things like not laughing, or even talking loudly at a funeral, or not telling revealing tales at a wedding reception and thus embarrassing the bride or groom, or even the best man or bridesmaids. It is very easy to upset people in such circumstances.

With the two younger ones in the kitchen, kicking about their ideas for meals in the next day or two, and checking if our stocks held all the ingredients they needed; I sat down in the lounge to check with Sharl about fucking in the near future, i.e. the next week or so.

“Sharl, are you okay with me making love to you, and Cherry, and Charlie; all of you? Does it bother you much?”

She admitted, “Jimmy, in the past I didn’t give a damn who they were fucking, as long as it was not the man I was fucking at the time. Here, everything is upside down and twisted in every direction, so that I don’t know whether I am coming or going. I now realise and accept that you have fucked all three of us, and the girls would only do that if they wanted to, as you don’t act like a rapist; so any concern about my younger sisters fucking or not is a bit silly to object to, therefore I will not be offended if you want to keep fucking them, as long as you remember to keep fucking me, preferably every day that we can.

We only have another week before the contraceptive chemicals start to wear off, so take every opportunity you can to avail yourself of our services. See, I learned a new word – avail. I found a dictionary in the shelving unit in the lounge, and I have been browsing through it, picking up some new words that I didn’t understand before. I wondered why it was there.”

I suggested, “Good idea, that. The dictionary was there probably to help with crosswords, or even acceptable scrabble words, or possibly for settling arguments about words like discrete and discreet, which folk often get wrong in their writing.”

“Oh, I see. They sound the same when spoken, don’t they?”

“Yes. It is much the same with words like your and you’re, and they’re, there, and their. All sound identical when speaking, but completely different meanings when written correctly. That is important when you are writing a letter, particularly to a formal body like a government department or a society. Many local organisations probably wouldn’t notice you got it wrong, as they don’t demand a high level of literacy among their staff, except possibly their librarians and lawyers. Lawyers are sticklers for accuracy, as an unclear sentence could cost an organisation a bomb in restitution if they got a legal point wrong.”

Sharl suggested,”Sounds like a lawyer could use the law for himself.”

“Not really my bag, for I know little law, just what I picked up over the years. A friend of mine knows a lot of law and he passed on some of his expertise to me. I use it for fun and to astonish people at parties...” I laughed at the word picture I was painting. “No, it is just odd snippets that stuck with me, that’s all.

So, I get to make love to you and Cherry, and Charlie? Not all at the same time, of course; unless you want that.”

“Funny man. Do you act like this often?”

“Not at all; just when I am nervous, such as asking to be permitted to make love to three gorgeous women in the one day.”

“Yes, I can see how shocking it might look to a reclusive weirdo.”

“A reclusive weirdo? What makes you say that?”

“Your preference for the more unusual positions for fucking. I was quite taken with your fucking me over the back of a lounge chair.”

“Yes, you were quite taken, I agree; very much taken.”

“Language, Jimmy! I prefer you when you are a serious and masterful teacher.”

“I did notice that, and so did your sisters. Charlie has asked for the same lounge chair thing, though whether the same chair, I am not so sure. I have a slight problem with acting masterful, I confess: I can’t order you to strip!”

I eyed her naked figure on the chair where she was sitting. She had unconsciously exposed her pussy by draping a leg nonchalantly over the side arm. Then I realised it was not unconscious, but quite deliberate, offering me her bare pussy again.

I eyed her up and down, and concentrated my gaze on her open crotch.

“I take it that an offer is being made?”

“Only if you insist on it.”

“Just lie back and lift your legs, woman; you are fine where you are.”

She did as I asked, and almost at once I slid my now hard shaft into her waiting channel. She murmured, “That’s nice.”

“It is not meant to be nice, just pushy! Lie still while I have my way with you, woman.”

At my words, she went deliberately rigid and I began strong strokes in and out of her. Her pussy grasped at my pounding pecker and we both gasped at the feelings as our sex meshed together so effectively. This persuaded me to charge in and out even faster, until I was ready to demonstrate my fire hose again, but she beat me to it by a couple of seconds and her vagina went even harder as she came. I was held steady until she relaxed slightly, then I jetted into her at last.

“Damn, Sharl, that was good!”

“You did it again, Jimmy: you got me off so quickly, I was not ready for it.”

“Neither was I. I shot you full of babymakers before I was ready.”

I stiffened as I held that thought, and Sharl believed I had come again.

“How do you do that, Jimmy?”

“Do what, my dear girl?”

“Come twice, so rapidly.”

“Oh. No, it wasn’t that. It was a flashing thought that shot through my brain.”

“What thought?”

“Babymakers! I was saying I shot you full of babymakers. That’s the answer to daddy.”

“You have lost me, Jimmy. You keep doing that.”

“The question of how to persuade Daddy that you three become my wives.”

“Okay, I’ll go for it: what is the answer?”

“Babies! Why didn’t I think of it before?”

“Jimmy my dear, where do babies come into the equation?”

“You know where babies come from, my lovely. It is simple. I knock you up.”

“You knock me up?”

“No. Yes. No, not just you, singular: you, plural. I knock up all three of you, then Daddy will have to allow you to live with me and have our babies as a family. It will be all my fault for doing the nasty, you see, not a failure on his part or yours. If I admit to being the father of all, he blames me for everything.”

“You think you can get away with knocking me up simply to defeat my father? That is sick!”

“No, it is not defeating him. If we want to be a family, that means a family with children; yes?”

“Eventually, yes.”

“Not eventually; now. We start our family before you leave here; that makes it a fait accompli.”

“A fate what?”

“Fait accompli; it is French. It means, a done deal, something that is already accomplished, that can’t be easily undone.”

“Abortions are still possible, Jimmy.”

“But you wouldn’t want to kill our growing baby, Sharl, will you?”

“I suppose not ... Uh, I quite like the idea of having your baby.”

“Then you all arrive, pregnant with our children, and we tell Daddy that we are a family now. Done deal!”

Sharlene still looked shocked at the proposal, so I told her, “Think about it for a while, Sharl. I’ll talk it over with Cherry and Charlie as soon as they are free.”

They were free half an hour later, and I guided them back to the dining room.

“Just so you know, girls, I fucked Sharl in the lounge a while ago, but what we are here for, this time, is the subject of pregnancy.”

“But you said we are safe for a week or so, Jimmy!” Cherry said in alarm.

“No change in that, Cherry. We are talking of the near future. Allow me to go back over the problem.

The question is how we get over your father wanting one of you to be married. The other two are likely to be exceedingly annoyed at being left out, probably fucking livid. Correct?”

Charlie quickly assented.

“Yes. Sharl will want to grab that spot. She usually does insist on her eldest sister privileges.”

“Oh?” I responded. “She gets to decide who I can marry? Don’t I have a say in this plan?”

“Ah, I meant that she will want your choice to go her way; no other option. That is the way she thinks.”

“Remember? Let me go over it again: I asked her, what if I chose Cherry or Charlie to marry? And she angrily proclaimed that I couldn’t do that! As if it was an unwritten rule; eldest sister first.

It left me thinking about the Biblical story of Jacob who wants to marry a younger daughter. He finds by experience that the father, Laban, insists on Jacob marrying the elder daughter first, then the younger one later, according to tradition.

Sharl wanted to take a similar route but in this country you only get to legally marry one woman, and we have gone over this. The other option open to me is to have three wives, but none of them with a marriage certificate. Sharl doesn’t seem to favour that idea, for it means forcing your father to accept a non-legal marriage to the three of you, and she thinks he will object.

That in turn means he must be forced to face a fact that he can’t ignore. If all three of you are pregnant, he will have little option but to approve us all living together, almost as a punishment for our sins. But we are doing that now, are we not?”

Charlie had brightened up, but Cherry was frowning again.

“You say we have to get pregnant before leaving this apartment?”

“That is the logical conclusion, Cherry. It is a bit late to start getting pregnant after you are home. Daddy would try to prevent it happening, by stopping us being together. No more of me fucking you, Cherry, you realise?”

“Um. I know. It was just that I was not thinking of getting pregnant just yet, Jimmy.”

“What plans did you have for yourself instead, Cherry? Go back to your slut life, or just lounge around doing nothing but drinking and fucking, and bad-mouthing your friends? I thought you had given up that non-productive lifestyle?”

“I have, more or less ... I was simply expecting to have a life without encumbrances for a while.”

“You think of a baby, the fruit of your loins, just as an encumbrance? Something to prevent you enjoying yourself? Most women think a baby is a blessing. Look, I will be glad to pay for a nursemaid to look after the babies for a while, Cherry.”

“Babies? You mean more than one?”

“Of course. You and Sharlene and Charlie, one each, is more than one. Oh, you were thinking of you having more than one by yourself? That is a choice you can make much later, unless you have twins, which is statistically unlikely. No-one is forcing you to be a mother more than you want to, Cherry. The first one is more to secure your place in our family. You do want to be part of our proposed little family, Cherry?”

“God, yes, but I was thinking more about getting to enjoy the fucking for longer. Getting pregnant doesn’t offer more than a very long gap between fuckings.”

Charlie jumped in, “Cherry, from what I have read about pregnancy, it makes you hornier than ever for months before the birth.”

“It does? Really and truly?”

Charlie insisted, “It does. You will probably get fucked far more by Jimmy while you are pregnant than you were before.”

“That is different. You will remain happy to fuck me if I get bloated with your baby, Jimmy?”

“Cherry, a pregnant woman, to me, is more beautiful than her virginal self. Pregnancy on a woman gives a sort of glow to her body that makes her even more sexually attractive.”

“Sounds good to me. I am in, now. What is the plan, then?”

“The plan is that I simply keep on making love to you three after your medication chemical wears off, and with a bit of luck, you will soon catch. Some women become fertile faster than others, but we don’t know why.”

“You don’t know exactly when the meds stop working?” Cherry asked again.

I told them both, “Keep to the facts, girl: The med pills stop working immediately, but there is a level of the chemical you have built up in your body that slowly dissipates. It is this slow drop in efficacy that is the determining factor in when you can get pregnant.”

Charlie observed, “I see. For some women, the level drops faster than others?”

“That is it, Charlie love. We know that the first week maintains a high level, ensuring full efficacy, but after that, the drop starts, at varying rates depending on the woman. There is also a variation between different brands of the same medication, though not very much of a variation, as they all have to adhere to F.D.A. standards, unless you got them online from somewhere else in the world.

It is your own body that makes the decision on when you can get pregnant, not me.”

Charlie intruded, “I am happy to leave it to my body, but I would be glad to have a baby in nine months or so if it is possible.”

“You sure of this, Charlie?” Cherry asked her.

“Dead sure. Sharl can decide for herself, and so can you, but I am for getting pregnant. If neither of you two are interested, Jimmy will probably have to marry me,” she claimed, then had a bad thought. “Damn, I don’t even know what my married surname might be. Jimmy can we change our surname to yours, even without marrying?”

“I don’t see why not,” I replied confidently. “I think it is simply a legal declaration of your desire to be known by a different surname.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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