Detoxing - Cover


Copyright© 2021 by Gordon Johnson

Chapter 6

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 6 - I had my future planned out: degree, good job in business, attractive wife and later children. My boss changed everything by asking me to do a job for him.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Coercion   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   Sharing   Polygamy/Polyamory   Pregnancy   Nudism   Slow  

The subdued women switched to less cerebral pondering, and then the girls moved into the games room to set up the monopoly board.

They were just about to start, when Charlie pointed out that four players was the norm, and so Jimmy might want to take part. I was asked, and agreed to play, without any intention of beating any of them. As it happened, I kept getting good cards in the Community Chest, and my luck went with me on getting round the board unscathed to collect my passing fee. I thereafter deliberately ‘failed’ miserably at buying houses for my purchased properties, so took in very little in rent, then had to pay high rents every time I landed on someone else’s property.

This rebalanced the scales, and I was pleased to be made bankrupt near the end.

Sharl won, as I expected with her ‘I am in charge’ background, and gloated over her success before volunteering to start the evening meal; it was some sort of goulash she wanted to make. I wondered if this was her apology for winning. I sat for a while with Cherry and Charlie, chatting, and Charlie observed, “You went out of your way to lose, Jimmy.”

I stared back at her, and commented, “You think so, do you? I didn’t think it was possible to engineer a loss at Monopoly, Charlie.” My stare took on a focus. “You have lovely pert nipples, you know; they stick out when you get excited, or aroused.”

She glared at me for changing the subject. “You are just saying that so you can hide your boner under the table!”

“Hide it? You want me to display it?”

I pushed the table to one side, showing that I did indeed have a boner. All three of us were more visibly displayed.

Cherry intervened, “Stop it, you two. You are squabbling like an old married couple.”

Charlie complained, “He was the one changing the subject from Monopoly. He didn’t have to mention my nipples.”

I told her, “But your nipples are very attractive, Charlie: one of your best features, along with your breasts, and the rest of your lovely body.”

Before Cherry could intervene again, I remarked with a grin, “Your nipples have hardened as well, Cherry. What did I do to deserve this treat?

She whipped up her hands to cover her breasts and stifle my comments. Instead, I admired the backs of her covering hands.

“Now these are lovely hands, Cherry. May I touch your hands?” I stretched over and laid my hands on top of hers which were covering her breasts. “Oh, these are lovely hands, just demanding to be held tight.” This was my excuse for pressing her hands more strongly on to her tits, leaving her stuck as to what to do. Charlie was giggling to herself.

I warned, “Charlie, cease the giggling. Admiring a girl’s hands is a serious business, though who knows where the other sides have been?”

Cherry had had enough and pushed her hands backwards to throw mine off. This of course revealed her breasts again, giving me a chance to say, “Now, instead of lovely hands, I get to view your lovely breasts, Cherry.”

Charlie was splitting her sides with silent laughter, so I turned round and placed my hands on her generous mammaries.

“Now these are some great breasts, Charlie. You have no objection to me holding them to admire their beauty?”

Startled, but bewildered at this sudden turn, she whispered, “No. Why do you want to put your hands on them?” She made no effort to reject my hands.

“Why, temptation has been staring me in the face for so long, I just felt obliged to discover what they felt like. What do my hands on them feel like to you?”

“Nice,” she said shyly.

“There, now, Cherry. Charlie recognises admiration of her wondrous breasts. You couldn’t even accept admiration of the back of your hands, and yet you have equally wonderful breasts of slightly smaller proportions.”

I fondled Charlie’s breasts and twiddled her nipples, which at once became more erect.

I told her, “Thank you, Charlie, for that response. You are a gorgeous woman, even beside your equally beautiful sisters.”

She brightened even further, beaming her pleasure at being fondled, with praise on top of it.

She challenged, “You should compare mine to Cherry’s, Jimmy. Hers are not so large, but they are very sensitive to the touch. She told me so.”

“Charlie!” Cherry scolded her younger sister, moving forward to complain. “You shouldn’t give away such confidences.”

“Well, try and show him that they are not sensitive, then; I dare you!”

I released Charlotte and turned back to Cherry, to find that she had come closer to argue with Charlie. This brought her breasts to beside me, so I grabbed the nearest one with a newly freed hand, and gave it a quick squeeze.

She gasped, and went to pull back, but I kept my hand firmly on her breast, saying, “I think you are right, Charlie. Her breasts are smaller than yours, but she reacts more strongly to getting touched. Are they really so sensitive, Cherry? Can I check the other one?”

I switched to placing both my hands on her bare breasts, and this time she held still, trying not to react to my hands, but her breath became panting. Then she suddenly grabbed my face with both hands and kissed me, showing a strong response to her tits being manhandled.

I reacted in surprise when she released my lips.

“What has got into you, Cherry? You have fucked men, but you act like this with just having your breasts fondled? What is different?”

“This is more romantic, stupid. These men just wanted to fuck. You want to admire me, admire my breasts, admire my whoole body. That is what is different. It is pleasant to be admired unashamedly.”

“Oh. Then much of what I was talking about is genuine in your experience? Men only wanting to get a quick fuck, instead of treating you like the lovely woman you are?”

“Yes, dammit!” she exclaimed, then her hand went to her mouth. “Oh, did I just use a swear word? I didn’t mean it, Jimmy. Do I have to be fucked?”

I gave in to my better self for once.

“I know what happened, Cherry. It was just an exclamation of surprise. I won’t fuck you for such a minor slip ... not unless you really want to be fucked?”

Her face blazed red as she stared at me in shock.

“I don’t know what to say,” she finally got out.

I turned to her younger sister.

“Charlie, what do you think she wants?”

Cherry stared over at her, speechless, afraid at what Charlie might reveal. Charlie spoke at last, to me. She spoke slowly and distinctly as she voiced her thoughts.

“I think she wants to find out how well you can fuck, but she is scared of admitting it. I know how she feels, for when I saw how powerfully you dealt with Sharl, I wanted to experience the same thing ... the same imposition by you.”

“You mean, being bent over a lounge chair to be fucked?”

“Yes, that was awesome. I have never seen Sharl change in the course of a single fuck. You took complete charge of her and she willingly cooperated; willingly! It has never happened before.”

She went on, “Jimmy, is it true that we are still safe from pregnancy for now?”

“Yes, Charlie. I don’t know for how long exactly, but a week at least, perhaps two. I wouldn’t risk beyond that.”

“Then I want my chance at you before the week is up. Cherry, admit it: you want him to do you as well.”

Cherry sighed, forgetting for a moment that my hands were still pressed to her tits. “I suppose so. Watching Sharl was certainly a revelation. Bossy Sharl, bending over and taking it without a whimper. I even heard her asking Jimmy to go faster. That was no punishment for her by then! And she knuckled under when he told her that it would only be what he wanted; that it was a punishment, not for her enjoyment. That made me go moist.”

Now she became more aware of her breasts being held. “Jimmy, are my tits really that nice to hold?”

“You mean, your breasts, NOT your tits? I can’t tell you how nice! They are delicious, wonderful; like Charlie, but different. Different from Sharl as well. I liked holding her breasts as I fucked into her. I expect that just as your breasts are all amazingly different, each of you will be unique in the way you react to me fucking you if I ever do. Every person’s reaction to loving sex varies according to their body and their emotional temperament, and how they react to every fleeting touch.

Can I palm one of your breasts and one of Charlie’s at the same time, to feel the comparison?”

Charlie thrust out her breasts towards me, and Cherry reluctantly let me move one hand from her chest and place it on Charlie’s nearest mammary.

“Oh, my! You are both great in your own way. I don’t know how to describe it, but I absolutely love the feelings of my feels.” I could not resist taking my lips to Charlie for a langorous kiss, and then move to a similar one with Cherry.

“Damn! That was mental, in the best possible way. I have to stop, girls, or I will want to fuck you both and there is no justification for it at the moment.”

I reluctantly removed my hands from their breasts and placed them on their cheeks to stroke their faces tenderly.

“Damn!” I repeated myself at the pleasure I had experienced.

Cherry recovered some of her previous mental control.

“Jimmy, is there any punishment that you should get for swearing? You have said damn, twice in the last minute.”

“I did? Oh, bugger, so I did. There is no punishment schedule for me, as I normally never swear. It takes quite something to get that out of me. What do you think should happen?”

“You should face the same penalty as us. You swore twice, so you should get fucked twice, once by me and once by Charlie, purely as a punishment. It is only fair, is that not so?”

I put on an anguished face, as I considered this retribution claim.

“I am forced to agree that the same punishment ought to apply, Cherry. Tell me what you believe I ought to do.”

“When you go to bed tonight, just lie on your back, and I will visit you when I am ready. I think cowgirl position is needed, to show that I am punishing you, and not the reverse. I will be in charge.”

Charlie demanded, “What about me, Cherry?”

“You get to punish him tomorrow, at the same time.”

“So what do I do tonight? Read my magazines?”

“You can come and watch, and make notes if you want to, for future reference.”

“You mean, like taking notes at school?”

Cherry was imperious. “As you will be watching us as a learning process, then yes, that is what it will be like.”

I asked politely, “You girls need to learn about fucking, after all your past experience?”

Cherry insisted, “This is a new style of sex, so instructional in nature. I don’t think either of us has observed the other getting fucked or even fucking. As I recall, it was mostly, lie back, open your legs, and ‘wham, bam, thank you ma’am’, from the men involved. Jimmy is a different beast entirely. I won’t get off him until he has given me at least one orgasm tonight. That means he stays hard until then. You hear me, Jimmy?”

“Yes ma’am. I don’t come until you have come first. I get you, Cherry.”

“Yes, you will get me, but on my terms.”

We were still chatting like this when Sharlene yelled from the kitchen, “I could do with some kitchen help here!”

Cherry jumped and hurried through, while Charlie stayed put. I asked Charlie, “Is it always Cherry who goes through when Sharl yells?”

“Yep. She has been doing that since they were small. I came along later, so was mostly exempt from that call of duty. But Cherry is very practical in the kitchen.”

“Interesting. I was an only child, so I missed out on the Big Brother syndrome, which must be just like Sharl’s Big Sister syndrome, though I once knew a guy whose younger brother was a born tyrant to everyone around him. My pal was desperate to leave home as soon as he could get away.”

“Well, neither of us has challenged Sharl on her elder sister power.”

“Was it she who persuaded you both to become sluts like her?”

“Not really. We just sort of followed her around, and copied what she was doing. We never thought anything was wrong if she was fine with it.”

“Ah. Well, now you do know what you missed, so you can get on with learning to behave better, Charlie.”

“So I can behave better by fucking you, Jimmy?”

“That is not what I meant. I am not trying to fuck you, but the reverse. It was you and Cherry’s decision to fuck me, not the other way round; though I have no objections.”

“What book are you reading at the moment?” Charlie managed to avoid the current subject.

“An amusing little work I found on my bedroom bookshelves. It is called ‘Eats, shoots and leaves’.

“Odd sort of title,” Charlie said.

“There is a bit on the back cover that explains it by a story about a panda: A panda walks into a cafe. He orders a sandwich, eats it, then draws a gun and fires two shots into the air.

‘Why?’ asks the shop owner as the panda goes to depart.

‘I’m a panda,” says the animal, and hands him a wildlife book about animals. ‘Look it up.’ The man turns to the relevant entry and sure enough, there is the explanation. It says: ‘Panda: bear-like animal, native to China. Eats, shoots and leaves.’”

Charlie looked confused for a moment, then got it, and laughed. “Clever!” she burst out.

I told her, “You will have gathered that it is a book about punctuation, and why it is important at times to use a comma or an apostrophe correctly.”

“In what way? Give me an example.”

“How would you write in a few words: the house belonging to my parents?”

“I suppose, my parent’s house - apostrophe s.”

“Do you know what that actually means, with the apostrophe in that position?”

“Tell me.”

“It means the house belonging to one of my parents. If it belonged to both of them, it should be: my parents’ house: the house of my parents.”

“Oh, I see what you mean. The apostrophe in the wrong place changes the meaning.”

“Exactly. I am surprised at how many people don’t realise that apostrophe-s means belonging to, and is not how you make a plural.”

“Ah. John has three hats, not hat’s.”

“It is as simple as that, but so many people fail to learn such a basic rule at school. That reinforces my advice of paying attention to what you are taught at school, providing it is a fact and not the teacher’s opinion.”

“His opinion, not the facts?”

“Yes. A war may start, but it is not always totally clear what the reason was for the conflict starting. Most wars are complicated in how they start. The first World War was supposed to have started by the assassination of Arch-duke Ferdinand of Austria, and that may be what you were told, but it was more a matter of how national alliances were interlinked.

A Serb did the assassination, so Austria-Hungary blamed the Serbs as a whole and declared war on Serbia. Germany supported Austria-Hungary as an ally and as Serbia was allied with Russia, declared war on Russia. Because Russia had a defence treaty with France, Germany then invaded France via Belgium, which forced their ally Britain to declare war on Germany. So it was this interlocking sequence of treaties that changed a simple assassination of one man by another man into an all-out international conflict that lasted for four years and cost the lives of millions. It could all have been avoided by negotiation, but politicians are always keen to declare war on a weaker enemy, for they don’t have to do the fighting themselves; just sit back and make demands of their military.”

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