Detoxing - Cover


Copyright© 2021 by Gordon Johnson

Chapter 5

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 5 - I had my future planned out: degree, good job in business, attractive wife and later children. My boss changed everything by asking me to do a job for him.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Coercion   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   Sharing   Polygamy/Polyamory   Pregnancy   Nudism   Slow  

“Right. Bend over the back of that armchair, and spread your legs.”

She scampered over and did as instructed. This woman was pushing me, but I could only push back.

I stood behind her and fingered her pussy. It was already wet, so she was ready for me. I grasped her hips and found that my pecker was ready for work. I found her hole, slotted him in and pushed. The head popped straight inside and I was started. I waited to hear if she wanted to say anything about this, but she said nothing, though her breathing got faster. I moved my hands round to her breasts and fondled them as I gently moved in and out. I was in no hurry, for I wanted to enjoy this for myself.

I continued fucking her slowly, minute after minute, getting the benefit of every stroke, but her breathing speeded up and she demanded, “Faster, you fucker!”

“No, Sharl. This is not a fun thing for you. It is your punishment, remember, so I get to enjoy making love to you while you suffer in your own way.”

“Damn you, Jimmy! You are good at this: no quick in and out. Are you going to come in me?”

“I’d like to, when I am ready. Do I have your permission to come in you?”

“You even ask for permission? Damn, you are a real gentleman, even when fucking, aren’t you?”

I paused in my stroking in and out, to answer, “It is back to respect, Sharl. Just like behaving well towards servers and waiters, a man should behave respectfully towards the girl he is fucking, always giving her choices. Please excuse me while I start fucking again; I lost my rhythm there.”

I got back in the groove for a while and despite not going faster, she suddenly shuddered, and I halted.

“Don’t stop, you bastard! Keep going,” she cried out, adding “And yes, you can!” I obliged by continuing, then speeded up steadily as I enjoyed her encouraging pussy. She orgasmed again at some point, setting me off, and I jetted into her all my pent-up sperm that was seeking an egg to inhabit.

“Sorry, I came much sooner than I intended, Sharl.”

She was starting to relax as she came down from her orgasm, and sighed.

“Damn, that was good. I needed that, Jimmy.”

“Hey, you are not supposed to enjoy your punishment, girl.”

“You punished me by keeping me waiting for ages, Jimmy. I was cursing you inwardly for not letting me cum earlier. I have not been fucked like that, ever; no-one cared about me.”

“Anticipation and abstinence helps, Sharl. That was good for me. I haven’t fucked a girl for ages.”

“You could have fooled me, Jimmy. That was no amateur fuck; it was awesome.”

“Whatever you call it, are you going to avoid swear words in future?”

“Yeah, except when I want a good fucking. Am I swearing again?”

“Nope. You were using the word in its descriptive biological sense, not as a swear word, so fine. You used a lot of swear words while you were being punished, though.”

“I did? I hadn’t realised.Does this mean you have to fuck me again today?” she said longingly.

“These involuntary utterances during sex don’t count, as it would be unfair of me to apply punishment for every single offence. We would have been rutting all day if that was the case.”

“Oh, G ... sorry. My goodness, that would have been quite something if we had gone that route,” she told me. My penis finally collapsed out of her and I stood up straight again, and helped her to stand erect as well.

There was a double burst of applause from the utility room door.

“Nice one, Jimmy,” Charlie congratulated me. “Quite masterful.”

Cherry added, “That was quite a performance, you two. Was that voluntary sex, or was it defined as punishment?”

I told her, “Officially it was punishment, but Sharl changed it half-way through. I think she enjoyed it too much for it to be real punishment.”

Sharl insisted, “The b ... nasty man kept me hanging for ages before he let me come. That was punishment, wasn’t it?”

Charlie gasped out “You came? And what about ... pills?”

“He tells me that it takes a couple of weeks off them before you can be fertile again. AND he insisted on respect for the woman he is fucking. He asked permission to come in me: asked for permission while he was pushing that large tool in and out of me!”

“Good God!” exclaimed Cherry. “That was quite something. No man has ever treated me like a real person that way. They all just want to get their rocks off in whatever woman offered the chance.”

“Exactly,” I concurred. “They were treating you as a cum dump, and no more. They had no respect for you as a person. Why you bothered with them, I can’t understand.”

Sharlene informed me, “Because the women were likewise trying to get their own rocks off, as it were. Girls, how many times have you orgasmed with the kind of sex you’ve been getting?”

There was no hesitation from Cherry. “Once. The very first time I had sex.”

Charlie admitted, “I think it was twice for me, in total. Men are not much interested in you orgasming; it is all about them.”

Sharl declared triumphantly, “Jimmy got me to orgasm twice, before he shot off in me. Twice, and that was during my punishment fuck, for swearing.”

“You made a mistake, or did you deliberately swear so you could get fucked?” Cherry demanded of her elder sister.

Sharlene mumbled, “A bit of both, I think. It was worth it, though.”

“Are you recommending it, Sharl?” Charlie asked.

I shot a look of warning to Sharlene. She took heed and said, “You should not break a rule for the sake of breaking it, girls, or for what you think you can get from it. Give some thought to the long term effects, as Jimmy says.”

“Okay, Sharl,” Charlie accepted, while Cherry was more thoughtful.

“Long term effects? What long term effects were you thinking of, Sharl? Tell me that.”

“None. I lost my temper, and started swearing when I shouldn’t have. I had to put up with the punishment afterwards.”

“Hmm...” Cherry was unconvinced but let it drop.

Charlie turned to her. “How do you think ‘long term’, Cherry?”

“I suppose that instead of acting according to how you feel at the time, you think about what might be the outcome of what you anticipate doing. Some immediate gratification might be bad for you farther on, if you hadn’t thought about it in advance; sort of like overeating out of gluttony, and being sick afterwards. The result may not be good for you.”

“You mean if you fuck a guy, his girlfriend may take it out on you later?”

“Or she may take it out on HIM, later. You never know quite how something like that will unfold.”

I gave my approval with, “That is good thinking, Cherry. Some decisions are easier to predict than others. For example, fucking without protection can end up with you pregnant, and if you have been fucking around you may not even know who the father is, and then you are well and truly fucked unless you can get an abortion! No-one you can identify to get child maintenance from, you see. None of your men partners will admit to being the guilty one, for guys like that are the kind that don’t admit responsibility for anything that is bad for them. They don’t care that it is bad for you, for you don’t matter to them. They are drones, the dregs of society, most of them, even if they have money. In fact, the ones with money are worst, because they can hire lawyers to protect them any way possible. They just do not want responsibility, you see.

Some sick fuckers, sorry, sick gentlemen, try to get as many girls pregnant as possible, just to show that they can; but never admitting to anything afterwards: that’s their style. They claim the girl was promiscuous and there is no way to lay any blame on them in particular. As I said: sickos.”

Charlie announced, “But if you take your pills, you are safe, surely.”

“Nope,” I disillusioned her. “These guys will quite happy to sneakily switch your pills for a sugar pill that does nothing except help you get pregnant. Finding a guy you can depend on is not easy, Charlie. As Cherry says, think ahead before you jump in.”

Charlie moaned, “You are starting to sound like my father, Jimmy.”

“I hope not, Charlie. From what I hear, you never listen to your father’s advice about anything; not since your Mum died. Did you blame him for her death, or something?”

“No!” Charlie rebuffed me, before thinking it over. “Or at least, not consciously. When Mum couldn’t help, he usually did, but when she died, he seemed to draw into himself, and was not easy to talk to; so I got out of the habit of listening to him.”

Cherry continued, “You may have something there, Jimmy. Perhaps he blamed himself for her death. After all, he didn’t stop her drinking, and from what you say, the combination of drugs and alcohol may have ended up with her losing control of the car. If he thought it was his fault in failing to protect an ill woman from herself, it is no wonder he became morose. What do you think, Jimmy? You seem to have an answer to everything.”

I admitted, “The trouble is, I don’t have an answer to everything, Cherry. I wanted to stop Sharl working herself into a swearing mood, but I failed. I had failed to stop her, but I could not ignore it. I was forced to obey my own rules, and punish her. For some reason, she managed to turn it from a punishment into something she liked, whereas I found myself enjoying fucking her when I was supposed to be in control and punishing her. I failed her in that way.”

“What? You admit you enjoyed fucking her?”

“Yes. I lost control in that way, just as she lost control and began swearing.”

“Bending her over an armchair and fucking her from behind looked very much as if you were in control, Jimmy.”

“That was my attempt to restore the punishment scenario, putting her in a position where she could do little to object, and thus would know it was punishment.”

Sharlene came in with, “He ordered me to go to that chair, bend over and spread my legs, speaking as if I had no choice, and I did exactly as he told me without querying it. He was in charge, I accepted; and so I had to be fucked whatever way he decided.

I now realise I must have had a choice after all, but at the time I chose to do as he instructed, and get fucked from behind. It was the first time that ever happened to me, and I got off on it. He was truly my master at that point, and it was fucking great!”

I declared, “Sharlene, I will treat that as descriptive, not intended as swearing, but if you use ‘fucking’ that way again, it will be deemed swearing, and you will get fucked again, in whatever manner I regard as appropriate at the time. Is that clear, woman?”

“Yes, Jimmy”, she said meekly.

The other two stared at the eldest sister in amazement, for she was always the one in charge, dictating to them. Meek was never her attitude, so this was new. They looked at Jimmy in a new light. This guy could actually browbeat Sharlene into submission!

I rapidly changed the subject and addressed the two younger women.

“Well, girls, are you satisfied with the utility room and its equipment?”

“Yes, Jimmy,” I got from both of them.

“Right. When the sheets need washed, you three will ensure that the wash is done, and the sheets dried, ironed if needed, and replaced on the beds. I will remain in charge of breakfasts, but between you three, you will attend to all other meals. Any questions?”

There were none, so I went on, “Let me know if any of you would like a cooked breakfast, English style, any day, but not every day. If you do make that request, tell me what items you would like included and what excluded, assuming we have all the ingredients. I am assuming you all like coffee. Requests for tea can be accomodated; I like the occasional cuppa as a change from coffee. I prefer it English style: hot; rather than the iced tea that most other Americans prefer.”

Cherry wondered, “Cuppa?”, so I explained.

“English abbrviation for ‘cup of’, in the same we as we say ‘sorta’ and other terms.”

All three admitted being coffee addicts, percolated coffee only; none of the dried stuff for them. I wondered about their bare feet.

“Ladies, do you need slippers, or are bare feet fine on these deep pile carpets? My feet are happy with the carpeting.”

All look down at their feet in surprise. In just two days they had become so used to being bare all over, even the feet, that the foot facts had not registered.

“I take it bare all over is acceptable. It is also acceptable to me.”

Charlie asked, “Did you mean bare all over is acceptable to you, or bare feet as well as all over?”

I shrugged. “Either or both. You have nice feet, so I am happy to see them, along with your nice breasts – please do not call them tits – nice behinds and nice crotches; altogether, gorgeous ladies to feast my eyes on. I could put up with this for ever!”

Cherry challenged me, “You promised panties as a reward for good behaviour, Jimmy.”

“So I did, but I am also aware, very aware, that you are women and will have periods. There are sanitary pads stored in the utility room as you may have noticed, but I also know that you need panties to keep the pad in place. There should also be tampons if you prefer. I will provide panties as required for that purpose. If you need to have a punishment fuck, and it is time for your period, we will put off the fuck until you are clear again.”

I concluded, gratuitously, “You see how accommodating I can be?”

Cherry scowled. “Panties when essential, but at no other time: how generous!”

“Cherry, generosity has nothing to do with it. Control is everything. Nudity is psychological control as I am sure you are aware by now. Being exposed to view puts you at a disadvantage, unless you intend to do something about gaining items of clothing. Sharl got a demerit for her swearing, apart from her punishment fuck, so no chance of any clothing for now.”

Charlie put forward, “Do we get a gold star if we let you fondle our breasts?”

“Not that I am aware. It was not part of the reward and demerit scale. Do you want me to fondle your breasts, young lady?”

She bristled, “I hope you meant ‘young lady’ at a social level, and not treating me as a youngster.”

“I didn’t think that through, did I?; and neither did you. As you have large breasts, Charlie, you are clearly no youngster. These womanly breasts are just made for fondling. Will they get even bigger when you are pregnant?”

“Pregnant? You want to get me pregnant, do you?”

“I think your suggestion is quite delightful, my dear Charlotte. I can see a delectable you with a bulging belly to complete your present ensemble; a wonderful vision of overall loveliness.”

Sharlene complained, “You fancy plugging my little sister with a baby, when you have not long fucked me, Jimmy?”

“Sharlene my love, plugging all three of you with babies would give me the utmost pleasure, but only if there was a longer term aspect to our little family. The present set-up precludes a long term presumption of our being together. The intention is that you become lovely young women who can be relied on to behave decorously in any social situation. Your past behaviour was anything but decorous.”

Sharlene pointed out, “We have not established why you, why us, and why here? Care to come clean?”

“I am afraid not, Sharl. Do I still get to call you Sharl?”

“Yes, you can do that, because you never swear at us or lose your temper, I noticed. Are you going to tell us anything of relevance?”

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