Detoxing - Cover


Copyright© 2021 by Gordon Johnson

Chapter 24

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 24 - I had my future planned out: degree, good job in business, attractive wife and later children. My boss changed everything by asking me to do a job for him.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Coercion   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   Sharing   Polygamy/Polyamory   Pregnancy   Nudism   Slow  

“To the best of my ability, sir. I am their husband, and that means a lot to me. I will make sure they are not harmed.”

The girls all noticed that I was unsettled, and demanded to know why. They were not used to seeing me like this, so I gave them the story. They were not pleased at all, and the twins offered to put off visiting their mom, but I nixed that idea.

“No, your mom needs to get that you girls are dependable. You will visit her, and if you feel you must, you can tell her about getting married. Whether you say, both to the same man, or not, is up to you. The rest of us will come along to protect you if that is required. Do you agree with that, Sharl, Cherry and Charlotte?”

All three supported me, and Sharl added, “Marjory can come as well; learn the protective screen we do around the twins. We should have a game plan for a possible meeting with Kevin, just as we did the first time. We can’t repeat that manouevre, so we must devise a different strategy, depending on whether we meet him outside or inside.”

I was impressed at her positivity.

“Sharl, you have become a great leader of this family, so I shall leave it to you to work out what we could do.”

She came over to give me a kiss and a quick sexy cuddle before calling her lieutenants to go through to the sitting room and confer. I was left with Lily and Flora, who were watching me with concern on their faces.

Lily asked me, “Jimmy, my love, do you really feel that strongly about us? Protection?”

“Yes, Lily. I didn’t expect it to happen so quickly, but you two have found your way into my heart. I never want to lose you, and will always want to protect you if you are in any danger. Sharl, Cherry and Charlotte know what I mean, for I feel for them the same way, but they are more experienced, used to acting as a team, and have been with me that much longer. That trio can be depended on, for you two and me both.”

Flora came over and hugged me tight while Lily was still absorbing this.

“Jimmy darling, I knew when I first saw you that you were special, but now I know for certain you are a keeper; a special husband and a father to be. That is, I think so.”

“Pardon? You have me confused, Flora.”

“Rather straightforward, my love. I have missed my period, and Lily says she has missed hers too; we always have them at the same time. We are probably both pregnant with your babies.”

“Oh, my God!” I exclaimed with a mixture of shock, excitement, and pride. “All five of you pregnant?...”

I did not know what else to say, so I resorted to adding a simple, “Congratulations, Flora. Congratulations, Lily.”

“Can we tell the other girls, Jimmy?”

I cautioned, “Wait until you have done a pregnancy test, girls. That should confirm your suspicions. I wonder if my ladies have a spare test kit; one left over when they confirmed their own pregnancies? Let me ask them.”

I walked through to the other room, where my three beauties were conferring.

“Ladies, Can I interrupt for a second? Do any of you have an unused pregnancy test kit?”

“Why?” Sharl asked me.

“It will save us buying new ones when Lily and Flora want to test themselves, Sharl.”

“Yes, I suppose that would be sensible. I’ll go check the drugs cabinets. I presume you two used the same place to keep yours?”

Cherry and Charlotte affirmed the same, so Sharl went off to check. I asked them, “What have you come up with, girls?”

“Best plan so far is to surround him if he has a weapon. We spread out if we encounter him, so that we are not all in his line of sight. Other than that, we are unsure,” said Cherry.

Then she gulped, “Excuse me,” and rushed off. Charlotte explained to me, “Morning sickness, as they call it. It happens at any time of day.”

I expressed my concern and said, “Is she the only one showing these symptoms?”

“Yes, so far. Not every pregnant woman gets this trouble. It is also variable in effects and frequency.”

I began to look at my lovely Charlotte with some intensity and she noticed my glazed look.


“Sorry, Charlotte. I get this way from time to time. I am once more besotted with you and your lovely body. Do you mind if I fuck you leisurely while we talk?”

“Fine by me, dear. Why don’t you sit there, and I will come over and sit on you with my legs spread? I can do the moving to suit my own urges.”

“Perfect. I do love my ladies and their urges.”

We adopted the position and Charlotte inserted me into her damp pussy, then slowly moved herself. I sighed, contentedly, and she spoke again, back on track and ignoring what she was doing to me.

“Anyway, we had more or less concluded what we intend to do, if he has any kind of weapon.”

I agreed, “Well, it is a good start for your planning. Surrounding him that way should confuse him at any rate. What weapons have you thought that he might have?”

Charlotte offered, ticking them off with her fingers as she rocked on me. “A hand gun, a police baton, a bullwhip, a knife, a tazer, and an electric prod such as they use on cattle.”

“Wow!” I burst out. “That seems excessive! You think he might be considering something lethal? Why should he want to kill anyone? If I was in his position, I would go for something incapacitating but not lethal. Lethal can in turn be lethal to the user if he gets caught.”

“So, no gun?” queried Charlotte.

“No gun,” I confirmed. “A gun gets him nothing if he fires it. The noise alone attracts all kinds of attention. And a tazer is a one-shot weapon against an individual, not much use against the two of them, so probably not that either.”

“Then what can we expect to see?” she asked.

“Anyone’s guess, Charlotte. It depends on the mind of the man. As he is known to prey on young women, or girls really, I expect that most times he doesn’t carry a weapon. He doesn’t need one, except perhaps to scare his victim. The twins have never talked about him carrying a weapon, have they?”

“No. That’s true, but it could be some weapon that is is not normally seen, such as a baton down his trousers. How large is a cattle prod, one of our ideas?”

“I think it has to be quite long, for reaching cattle; probably two to three feet in length. Not easy to hide on your person, I would say.”

“So we should not expect to be attacked with a dangerous weapon; that is your opinion, Jimmy?”

“A knife is the only fear I would have, but only as an apparent threat; apart from a simple threat, the alternative is murder, with the culprit facing the penalty for murder. Someone like Kevin is not wanting to kill anyone, just frighten them. This is all my opinion, no more. I could be wrong, as always.

He might use an unusual weapon for a man, such as a pepper spray. That would be improbable for attacking young women that you want to coerce in some way. Pepper spray would make them completely intractable for his purposes.”

“What about some gas attack, to render the girls unconscious?”

I snorted in derision.

“Gas attacks were used in the first world war, and certainly incapacitated some soldiers, but the trouble with gas attacks is that you have no control over the wind, and you are just as likely to have the gas blown back into the faces of yourself or your own men as into the enemy forces. It was soon abandoned for that reason; lack of control.”

“Oh, yes. Now that you mention it, that makes sense. You would have to ensure you were upwind before you released it, and there is no way of being certain of the wind direction staying constant. But don’t the police use some kind of gas against mobs? Tear gas, is it?”

“Yes, but it is fired using a special gun from a fair distance, so it is not a close quarters weapon such as you would need against teenage girls you want to lay hands on. Again, their reactions to the gas would not endear you to your victims: nausea, coughing, pain in the eyes - even temporary blindness, and so on; not conducive to cooperation by the victims!”

Charlotte saw the sense in these arguments, and revised her planning assumptions.

“Kevin is most likely to try to get within touching distance, then. That makes our defence efforts more simple. I’ll tell Sharl and Cherry.”

I held her to a pause in our steady fucking.

“Charlotte, my love, should I not go and see how Cherry is managing, if she is being sick? Her sickness makes me feel a guilty father of her baby.”

“If you want, but it might be better to let me go to her, and you can give her a loving cuddle after she recovers a bit; maybe fuck her like you are doing with me. You stay here and talk to Sharlene.”

She eased off me reluctantly, wiped herself dry with a tissue, kissed me briefly and walked off to find Cherry.

Charlotte was only gone a minute or so when Sharl returned, packs in hand.

“Here you are, Jimmy: two unused pregnancy test kits. Are the twins wanting to test themselves now, or is it advance preparation?”

“A bit of both, Sharl. They told me they had missed a period, so wanted to find out if they were actually pregnant, or if it was an aberration. Please pass them to the girls with instructions for use, and they can use them as and when they need to. We can always buy more later, if we want extras.”

“Fine. Where have Cherry and Charlotte vanished to?”

“Cherry rushed off, affected by morning sickness. I chatted with Charlotte for a while, but she has gone to check on Cherry and told me to wait here for you.”

Sharl grimaced, “Poor kid! Cherry is the only one showing signs of that problem so far. I hope you will give her a loving hug when she gets back.”

“Charlotte already told me that, before I could even suggest it myself. I know I am a mere man, but I do have loving compassion for my wives, Sharl.”

“Sorry, Jimmy. It is our love for you that makes us want to help you out in decisions, just in case you missed something. That’s our excuse anyway.”

“Just to let you know, Sharl: at my request, Charlotte sat in my lap, facing me, and we fucked as we talked, slowly and gently. It was quite comforting, but I don’t want it to count as our daily fuck; okay with you?”

“If it was done with love during a discussion, I am fine with that. I might try it myself some time...”

A little later, Cherry returned in a better state. To my expression of concern she came and kissed me before telling me it was something women all had to live with at one time or another. She patted my cheek and said, “Thanks for worrying, Jimmy. It shows you care, and I love you for it.”

We were now prepared for any confrontation, so in the morning I rang Copies and explained I had an unexpected appointment today, and so would not be in until much later, if at all. I added, “I am taking Marjory, or Madge if you prefer, with me as my assistant.”

Next, I told Marjory that today was a day outside of the company premises.

“We have a responsibility towards the daughters of Chairman Yeats, and that means accompanying them on a visit to their mother at a drug detoxing clinic.”

Marjory smiled happily.

“That sounds like fun; a break from routine. Do we get to kiss and cuddle?”

“It may not be fun, Marjory, if the girls’ uncle Kevin puts in an appearance. Be prepared for a difficult confrontation if he appears, for he is a pervert on teenage girls. Sharl can tell you what to do if we meet him. Go have a talk with her now, so you will be in the loop.”

Marjory took me at my word and went off to speak with Sharlene. That would bring her up to speed on what to do or not do, as the case may be. I gathered the twins to me, for a pep talk.

“This is your formal explanation for today, for anyone who asks: You girls are on a quiet visit to your mother, to encourage her recovery from addiction. Remember that simple statement and keep to it, in case anyone official asks you later in the day.

I repeat, you are there to visit your mother and encourage her recovery; nothing else. Anything you might otherwise see or hear during the day is outwith your control; indeed is shocking to you. Got that story in your head?”

The pair looked at me quzzically, then got it: the cover story for themselves. They officially know nothing about what anyone else might do. That brought a pleased grin to their faces, and they nodded.

Flora spoke for them.

“Got you, Jimmy. The facts are now clear:You are just providing transport for us, as our husband, and the other girls are in their own car and decided to come along with you for a pleasure outing once the visit was completed.”

“That’s it, girls. Keep with the program, and we will be fine.”

For my next trick, I phoned Mr Yeats on his mobile, and when he answered from home, told him, “Hi, sir. This is Jimmy. I am just ringing to tell you I am driving your daughters to the detoxing centre, for them to visit their mother. My other ladies are coming along in another car to keep me company while I wait for the girls to come out again, then we plan a pleasure outing to help your daughters recover their composure.

I am telling you this, in case you hear that I have not appeared at Copies today. I told them I had an important appointment and was taking Marjory the receptionist along with me.”

He replied, “I see. Oh, yes: arriving as a large protective group: good thought, that. Thanks for letting me know, Jimmy. As I said before, I told Jess, the girls’ mother, that they would be coming today. It is kind of you to drive them there and wait for them. Your day away from Copies is approved by me. I will let the company know. Thanks again.”

I looked up the route to the detoxing centre Chairman Yeats had told me about. I showed Sharl the destination and the route I proposed to take. It was an hour’s drive or more, as the traffic might be bad in the morning, so we set off after I gave them all a filling breakfast; even Cherry wolfed hers down. I drove the twins, while Marjory joined the other three in their car. I saw them as my back-up today.

The journey was fairly quiet, with me in the front and the twins in the rear. Mostly, they talked of memories about their mother as they were growing up; the good times and bad times. I kept out of it and concentrated on the driving.

I spotted the sign for the facility.

“Here we are, girls. I’ll drive us into the car park and escort you to the front door. I don’t expect I will be allowed inside as I am not an official relative, nor known to the centre, so I will leave you there to be escorted in to your mother.”

I spotted two spaces side by side, and chose to park there. As we got out, Sharl arrived behind us and as soon as we had moved away, she parked next to me and the four got out.

As planned, they adopted their first technique: a scan of the surroundings. They spread out in all directions, walking a specified distance each, looking for a loose man anywhere around. They kept that indeterminate, in case Kevin might be using a disguise. Each then returned and reported a negative result.

I waited while they performed that task, and kept the twins between me and the car for the moment. Once Sharl told me, “No sign of him, Jimmy,” I ushered the girls towards the front door, and the other wives surrounded us protectively, a few feet away in a semicircle. The only way not covered by them was straight ahead to the clinic front door.

Getting there, I rang the doorbell and waited.

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