Detoxing - Cover


Copyright© 2021 by Gordon Johnson

Chapter 16

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 16 - I had my future planned out: degree, good job in business, attractive wife and later children. My boss changed everything by asking me to do a job for him.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Coercion   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   Sharing   Polygamy/Polyamory   Pregnancy   Nudism   Slow  

I admitted, shamefacedly, “I accept that to be the case, girls. I still enjoy immensely making love to all three of you.”

Cherry reminded me, “And this is every day, with the occasional extra if we, particularly I, push you into it, eh?”

“Yes, you do insist on a bit more than your share, Cherry. I remember back when you were the one who was not so keen on getting pregnant, my love. Big change now, Eh?”

“Yep, but we are talking about your sex drive, not mine, Jimmy love, and what you might do with the twins if they push you to it.”

I retorted, “Well, they asked for the experience this one time, and they got it, so that should be the end of it!”

Cherry looked at her sisters in clear disbelief, which they shared, and Sharl gave a short laugh.

“He still doesn’t understand women, does he? For all his abilities at improving us, he has failed to improve himself. He still has a blind spot when it comes to female wiles.”

I demanded disbelievingly, “What blind spot?”

Sharlene sighed and carefully explained, “Jimmy, when a woman wants something from a man, she has many ways of persuading him to do what she wants; everything from batting eyelashes to swinging her butt in front of him; saying, ‘Yes, Jimmy’ at every turn; appearing to ask ever so nicely for something and appear so grateful that he wants to do more; the techniques go on and on. Don’t tell me you have never noticed?”

I insisted, “Of course I have seen you girls do things like that, but I assumed it was standard female behaviour towards men.”

Charlotte told me, “My love, it is standard only towards a man you want to make notice you and possibly make you his woman. Other men get nothing much of that nature, unless the woman wants a specific favour, like a lift in a car. The idea of showing a leg to a passing motorist is a simple example of getting him to do what you want as an automatic male reaction; in that case give you a lift. It is only once you are in the car and well on your way that you make clear your sexual unavailability.”

“Oh.” I was astounded at my lack of perspicacity.

“Yes, ‘Oh’, Jimmy. You are a wonderful man in many ways, but such an astonishingly blind male in others. We love you as you are, no matter what your minor failings might be. You don’t get a woman to want to be with you, never mind three, unless you have potential as a good husband and father, at least in the eyes of the woman. Your potential to be a good father got you three pregnant wives.”

I began to see that not all of my success with them was up to me. I gave up in my arguments.

“I will admit that between us we have arrived at a satisfactory end point, girls. If you are happy with me, I am happy with you; but I don’t want to jeopardise that fortunate position by interfering with the twins.”

Charlotte, my youngest wife, eyed Cherry and then Sharlene.

“Shall I tell him, girls?” she asked.

Both agreed, “Yes. Go ahead.”

“Jimmy, we have had plenty of opportunity to get to know how the twins think, especially emotionally, and our own reaction to them. They are innately good girls, better than we ever were at that age, and we think they should have every opportunity to share the benefits of knowing you.

In our opinion, that was not a one-off experience. They will be back for more, I promise you, and you will have to give them what they want, but in a way that lets them see what a loving man you are, and how different you are from most predatory men they might meet.

The outcome of the repeats, and whatever develops from them, may or may not have repercussions on this family, but we are prepared for whatever arises.”

I was not clear what all this meant, and asked for some extra clarity.

Sharl took over.

“Jimmy what Charlotte was saying, ever so delicately, was that if they finally ended up as also your women, we would not raise objections.”

“My women? You can’t really think that!”

“Wait and see, Jimmy. Wait and see.”

I did wait. I carried on as normal, at work and home, and a couple of days later when I was alone, the now normally naked Lily presented herself to me, face to face.

“Jimmy, I feel that I was short-changed when we kissed. Flora got a better kiss, so I am back for another one, here and now, and I want you to put your arms round me and hold my ass tight to you.”

“But you will be up against my penis that way, Lily.”

“So what? Give.” she pointed to her lips and moved closer.

I kissed her. How could I do other? And did I place my hands on her ass? You bet I did. And she pulled herself even closer, forcing my now hard penis against her belly as she pressed her lips hard against my own, moving them around and slowly inserting her tongue into my mouth as she did so. I had to match her, and we swapped spit for a while. Then she moved back a little and slid her hand between us to grasp my rod and feel it.

She removed her mouth from mine and whispered, “So hard! Because of me?”

I candidly told her, “Yes, because of you, Lily. Any lovely woman does that to me.”

“Good. Flora said she thought that. Was it the same for her when you were hard against her?”

“Yes, I told you: any lovely woman makes me hard.”

“So that’s why you always seem to be hard around the house? Your women keep you hard? Us too?”

“You two, too,” I agreed.

“Is it true you fuck them every day?”

“No,” I told her, to her surprise. “You are making a wrong assumption.”

She stared at me, unbelievingly.

I clarified, “I don’t fuck them, as I said. I do make love to them every day, for I love them and they love me. It is very different from simple fucking. Anyone can fuck you, but only someone who loves you can make love to you, and with you.”

“Ah, I see. But you can get a hard-on without loving someone?”

“Any time. It is an automatic response by the man’s body to an adult female stimulus. It is usually hard enough for fucking any unaware or careless female as well, which is why there are so many unmarried mothers around. Those are women who fucked without protection, and men who did not love them enough to want to marry them, or at least remain with them on a permanent basis.”

“So how do you change him and you, to be loving to each other?”

“Mostly by propinquity: being close for a while, until you get to know each other enough to say to yourself, ‘I could be happy with this man for the rest of my life’ and hopefully he feels the same way about you. When you get to that state of affairs, you talk about it to see if you are in sync.

If you are, you progress to engagement and then usually to marriage if you can still stand each other. Some engagements get broken off before the marriage ceremony, when one or both partners gets cold feet.”

Lily stepped back from me but stood with her legs slightly apart in a provocative fashion as she asked, “Then what about you and Sharl and Cherry and Charlotte? Did you get engaged? You didn’t get married to any of them either, did you? Though at first I thought you were married to Sharlene; you acted as if you were married.”

“Unusual circumstances can lead to unusual solutions, Lily. As I have said before, I could not marry one of them without getting into trouble with the others, so we came to the conclusion that if I had to be husband to all three, it would be without a formal marriage certificate, due to the current laws on marriage. Our marriage was cemented by pregnancy, which is a major commitment. To me, they are my wives, and to them, I am their husband, and we love each other. End of story.”

Lily looked me up and down. I was unsure if it was in admiration or serious doubts about me as a man. “What do they see in you, that makes them love you?”

“This is becoming quite an inquisition, Lily. I am not sure what they see in me, except that they said I had good potential as a husband and father. The father part is already in progress, as you know.”

“They don’t object to being fucked ... sorry ... made love to, every day?”

“Lily, you have it topsy-turvy; completely upside down. If I didn’t make love to them every day, they would complain that I was neglecting them; not being a proper loving husband.”

“Oh. They need so much loving; all of them?”

“Why not? It is a perfectly natural human function, designed to ensure the continuance of the human race. The world is bursting at the seams with children, despite nasty wars, debilitating pestilences and numerous accidents on the roads every day. We humans are so prolific that we are almost a disease of the planet.”

“So you could make love to them even more each day?”

“Yes; that is probably so.”

“Or make love to even more women per day? Just as an example?”

“That is true, as a possible example, but I have no designs on more women.”

“Or, at the moment you have no designs on more women? True?”

“That is an accurate assessment. One can only go by your current situation at any time.”

“Thank you, Jimmy. You are a fascinating man to talk to. Can I come and kiss you again later, if I feel like it? And Flora too, if she wants it?”

“Of course, but please clear it with my wives before you do. I don’t do things behind their back; I love them and respect them.”

“That is what I would expect from you, Jimmy.”

She walked off, no doubt to consult with her sister about her intensive quizzing of me. I went looking for a wife to unburden myself. It was Cherry and Sharl I found together in the kitchen, discussing meals.

I leaned on their forbearance to listen to me recount my encounter with Lily, and explain how personal it had become.

“I was shocked at how much I revealed, girls. Is this another of your female wiles?”

Sharl nodded to confirm it. “When a woman gets up and close with you, engaging in the first stages of sex, men find it almost impossible to avoid answering incisive questions. The quiz seems so normal at the time. It is only later that you wonder why you said what you did. Is that what you found?”

“Almost exactly. When a girl pushes her belly up against your hard-on and starts asking things, it is difficult to think coherently, so you just say what occurs to you to say, which is usually the truth, as that is simpler than untruths.”

Cherry was assessing what I had reported.

“So you more or less said you could take on more women to make love to every day?”

“That is the way she got it to come out. It was not what I intended to say, but that is what it sounded like in the end even though she said, ‘for example’. I gather now that what she meant by her ‘for example’ was her and Flora.”

“Spot on, Jimmy” Cherry agreed. “She was preparing you to take on her and Flora in the future without actually saying that was her plan. Not bad manoeuvering for a virgin of eighteen.”

“Oh, my God,” I exhaled. “Did I really say that I would take them on?”

Sharl elaborated, “You didn’t say that you wouldn’t, Jimmy. That was tantamount to saying you would, near enough as makes no difference. They will impose on you more and more until they invite you to take their virginity, purely as the best choice to do it for them, which is what they will tell you.

Actually, it is true. You ARE the best possible man to do the job; and unfortunately that will probably seal them to you, probably for ever. You look likely to be having five wives before long, darling.”

She put a querying finger to her lips then asked, “You didn’t get around to checking about contraceptives by any chance, did you?”

“It never entered my mind; nothing much did at the time.”

“I am not surprised. I’ll go ask Charlotte.”

She returned with Charlotte a minute or two later, and ordered Charlotte, “Spill it, sis.”

Charlote revealed, “I told them that when we were first with you, we found ourselves without our birth control pills, and hoped that they were not in the same position. They said, ‘birth control pills? Do we need these?’ and I explained that even without a potential sex partner, it was a wise precaution. I said, ‘What if you were raped while out one dark night? You could end up pregnant if you were not protected.’ That shocked them, for they had never even thought of such an event. They told me that with their mother’s strong interest in alcohol consumption, she did not offer much help about dealing with boys, and their father never spoke to them about sex, so they did not get advice about contraceptives. In short, they are not protected.”

Sharl said, “Did they not even get a prescription to help regulate their periods? That uses the same medication as birth control pills.”

“They don’t have that problem, so it never came up,” Charlotte told them despondently.

“So I had better not do anything that might lead to pregnancy.” I told them.

Sharl was in agreement. “Certainly not for now, Jimmy. If they later decide they want to be your wives, then the decision would be different, but in the meantime, steer clear of too much intimacy.”

I was still stunned to think that I might be seeing the twins as potential additional wives, so I let the matter drop. I would be extremely careful, no matter what they asked. I expected Flora to be asking for the same as Lily again, and that would have to be taken with exceeding care.

Within 24 hours I had Flora appear before, naked and beautiful, demanding the same as Lily.

I asked her, “The exact same as Lily? None of the extra pressures between us?”

She calmed down and accepted these limitations, so I gathered her to me and pulled her close to my boner as we kissed. I waited for her to use tongue, but for some reason she refrained, so I did so and that stimulated a similar response.

I thought it was all going well until she jumped up and threw her legs round me, Exposing her pussy entrance to my boner. I desperately kept her pressed close and tight so that my penis did not move in that direction, and she slowly slid down to the floor again.

“Nice try, Flora, but we are not doing that just now.”

Damn. As soon as the words left my mouth, I knew I was in deep shit, for she said, “That’s okay, Jimmy. I can wait.”

With that, she left me and sashayed happily out of the room. My heart sank as I realised what she would try before long. I thought she was the shyer sister, but apparently not.

Having a level playing field, I reckoned I was safe for a while, and I concentrated on loving my women as much and as often as I could. This led to comments about using them as fill-ins for the twins, and my blushes almost confirmed that.

However, things settled down for a few days more, and I was able to pay more attention to my work during the day.

Daddy Emerson told me that the bonus question had been sorted out. Staff bonuses would be decided based on monthly department reports on individuals that merited recognition, and the executive staff would select the cumulative best at the end of the financial year for awards and submit them to the board for authorisation. Board members would have equivalent reports made on their efforts by the Chairman, who would pass them to the executive officers for approval and suggested amounts to be awarded. These recommendations would come back to the Chairman for his final decision. That way, each batch was submitted, scrutinised, and submitted to another group for approval, thus avoiding any charges of favouritism. I liked the plan they had come up with.

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