Detoxing - Cover


Copyright© 2021 by Gordon Johnson

Chapter 15

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 15 - I had my future planned out: degree, good job in business, attractive wife and later children. My boss changed everything by asking me to do a job for him.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Coercion   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   Sharing   Polygamy/Polyamory   Pregnancy   Nudism   Slow  

“Yes, we do one every year, and the results go to the board for their information. They have been quite pleased with the responses.”

“And what happens with the survey results after the board see them?”

“They go into our digital records at admin, as they were a digital survey.”

“Who gets to see them, apart from the Board?”

“Anyone who needs them, of course, Jimmy.”

“IF they know they are there, sir. Do they?”

“Are you suggesting we don’t tell the divisions?” Daddy Emerson was confused, so I informed him of what I found.

“You don’t; not as far as I know. The Sales division don’t seem to have any idea of which of their publicity methods is more effective, so I wondered if we had ever done that sort of survey.”

“Sales don’t know about the surveys?”

“Not unless someone has told them about the surveys, and it doesn’t appear that they have been informed. If the results only get to the Board and then get filed away, the Divisions would have no idea about our product performance other than the sales figures that come in.”

“My God! I had assumed that the results would have been passed on to the Divisions, automatically; that to me would be the normal process. If they don’t get them, they can’t know and react to the feedback. That would be stupid in the extreme!”

“Exactly, sir. That was my conclusion; that what should have been normal doesn’t happen. If no-one is detailed to see to such a distribution, it is easy for it to be missed entirely, unless someone asks for them. I should leave you to organise the distribution of future results with a reminder of how useful they can be if you ask for them. Sales Division’s budgeting takes no account of customer reactions, just reflects the sales figures they collect.”

“Okay, Jimmy. It looks like your new salary is already justified by your efforts in a couple of days work. How did my daughters like their tour of the company?”

“Very much, sir. The twins too, for it turned out their father had not told them much of what he did. Did you normally talk to your girls about your work here?”

“Not much, for they expressed no interest in what I did as long as the cash kept flowing their way. I take it they have changed in that way as well?”

“Indeed so, sir. Seeing the place for themselves was interesting enough that they asked questions at the departments we visited. I was pleased at that, for it allowed me to think by myself about how the divisions operated. It was a win-win day altogether.”

“Any more bright ideas while we are about it?”

“No, sir. Yesterday I was just amassing data for me to think about. Is it true that we can set the cost of new machinery against our income from the point of view of tax liability?”

“Yes. That is well known and I assumed you knew that. Why do you ask?”

“It was my impression that some of our production machinery looked quite ... elderly, well-worn, if not quite worn out, so I wondered how often we upgraded our manufacturing equipment. We seem to replace things like computers and office equipment regularly, but not our product manufacturing gear. Is my impression wrong about what I saw?”

He blinked at me as he considered my questions, and finally declared, “Our admin department senior staff know all about tax breaks and they use them. Perhaps the manufacturing side are not so aware of the possibilities of renewal. I will look into that, Jimmy. We may have to work out whether the cost of new machines will improve our productivity enough to warrant the expenditure.”

“I am sure you do the same calculations about office equipment too. I shouldn’t think you buy new computers simply because they are newer and faster. You will buy them because the staff are more productive as a result. I am sure you regularly get the admin people to measure that important fact.”

I was determined to make certain that all divisions got a fair crack of the whip in budgeting, but I left it at that, and he commented, “I will confirm that for myself, Jimmy. You do ask a lot of awkward questions, my boy, but most of them should have been asked long before now.”

“Great, sir. You will be getting a promotion before long, I suspect.”

“As will you, young man, if things continue to improve.”

At the end of the work day, I was eager to get off home and fuck at least one woman. That was more fun than work.

When I drove up to the house, the driveway was clear, so either the sisters’ car was in the garage, or they were out somewhere. I parked and sauntered to the door, which I opened with my key. Feeling humourous and daring, I called out jocularly, but hesitantly, fearing taunting for my joke referencing an ancient TV show, “Honeys, I’s home!”

There was no immediate reaction so, deflated, I wandered into the kitchen to see if someone was making the evening meal. They were all there, working quietly, as machines hummed and whirred, the women all naked as I liked them. I walked up behind Sharl, who seemed to be supervising with a cookbook in her hand, and put my arms round her below her breasts and gave her a squeeze.

She reacted without turning round by saying, “Oh, hello, Jimmy. You are much later home today, dear.”

“What are we having for dinner tonight, darling?” I asked, then my eyes widened as I mentally counted the naked female asses before me. There were four visible, instead of two, beyond Sharlene.

“Oh, my God!” I exclaimed. “The clothes aversion therapy must be contagious.”

“Yes, dear,” said Sharl. “Lily and Flora adopted our dress code as an experiment, and they seem to like it.”

Then she whispered, “So keep your wandering hands off them, or you will scare them.”

I whispered at her ear, “I will be on my best behaviour with them, Sharl.”

She raised her voice to announce, “Jimmy is home, ladies.”

Cherry and Charlotte turned to face me, legs apart to display their shaved crotches as they did so; my pecker became a hard pole in response.

I could not resist saying, “Looking good, girls!” and this got me smiles from them. Charlotte came out with, “Don’t be shy, girls; it is show time,” and the twins turned to face me. It was just as well I was behind Sharl, as my boner got even harder.

Flora was just as gorgeous as her sister. The both had similar-sized breasts, but Flora was a trifle larger in the middle than Lily, and her hips looked a trifle wider. Made no difference to the effect. They had repeated the open legs stance. I discovered that they were both clean-shaven below, so I guessed that had happened today while I was away.

I repeated, “Looking good, girls,” and smiled gently at them, trying to avoid seeming lecherous. They both smiled back, blushing sweetly. I couldn’t resist lifting my hands to Sharl’s breasts and fondling her nipples as she leaned back on me. The twins stared in shock or surprise, and dropped their eyes.

I informed them, “I often play with my ladies’ breasts when they are naked, girls. I am just expressing my admiration for them; my girls I mean. Please ignore this sign of husbandly affection.”

Sharl changed the subject.

“Jimmy? The main course is ‘potato cheese nests’. In case you don’t know, it is mashed potato mixed through with grated cheese while hot, and spooned into a fry pan like a large pie. We make hollows – the nests – and break an egg into each hollow, one per person, and the whole pan goes under the open grill to cook the eggs until ready to serve. We are at that last stage, now that you have appeared.”

“Sounds delicious, Sharl. Thank you, ladies.”

They had made two pansful, as there were six of us, so we got a full plate each. It was quite a filling dish, so I was about to refuse any sweet when they told me, “Ice cream and jelly for pudding today, courtesy of Lily and Flora; they made the ice cream themselves,” so I could not refuse that offering; not and survive my wives’ chastisement later.

Overly replete, I thanked all of them for a wonderful meal. Lily announced that she and Flora had learned a few interesting dishes that they might try if I would like to sample them. Then she added, “If we are here that long...”

Sharl was immediately on to that notion, to squash it. “Forget it, Lily. You girls are here for as long as you want and need to be.”

I could not resist the question, “Naked?”

Lily snapped back, quick as a snake, “Only as naked as your wives are, Jimmy.”

I reminded her, “Um, Lily, but when they walk around naked, I do too.”

Flora was the one who exclaimed, “Oh!” but Lily just put on an innocent face.

“Sorry if that offends you, girls, but the house rule applies to all the family. I assure you, I don’t go around having my way with them all the time!”

Cherry of course had to add, “Not all the time, yes; only when we want you to.”

Charlotte was the one who told the twins, “I must apologise for Cherry, girls. That woman has turned insatiable since becoming pregnant.”

Lily stammered, “No, it is all right, Charlotte. We are only beginning to see what you do as a family. Are we safe from Jimmy if he wants sex?”

Sharl was adamant, “Jimmy is the perfect gentleman with other females, Lily. We want our husband to fuck us, so he does, every single day. Cherry is perhaps a little over the top at the moment, that’s all.”

Cherry now apologised.

“Sorry, girls. I overstepped the mark there. You youngsters have not yet learned the strength of feeling that comes with good sex. There is an amazing difference between good sex and bad sex, and it is mostly in how a man treats his women.

Jimmy always treats us well, almost as if we were princesses; but princesses with an itch for sex needing to be scratched. When we want to be made love to, he steps up to the mark and performs at his best.”

Flora was staggered by this confession, and admitted, “We have never had sex, so we would not know the difference, Cherry.”

“Well we have. We three used to be sluts around men, more or less, but Jimmy took us into his charge and showed us the error of our ways. He did it so well that we fell in love with him, and you see the result.”

Flora was still amazed, “But you are all three sisters! That seems very peculiar, that three sisters would fall for one man, and even more, have sex with him and be pregnant by him.”

Charlotte chipped in, “It is not having sex any more, Flora. It is lovemaking with our husband, and that is completely different. The fact that we don’t have a marriage certificate is merely a matter of law. If it was possible, Jimmy would have legally married all three of us.”

I entered the fray at this point.

“It is true, Flora. I would happily marry all three of them, for they are the most wonderful women I have ever met.” I amended that to: “They are now, at any rate ... I would not have fancied them how they were before.”

“You can say that again, Jimmy. We were a real handful back then. Daddy despaired of any of us ever making a good marriage. He was right about that, not making a formal marriage, but he got the next best thing: you, Jimmy; and so did we.”

The rest of the day was one of household routine, with Lily and Flora joining in, and later Jimmy attending to the loving needs of his wives.

The day after, the twins mentioned a lack of changes of clothes; that most of their wardrobe remained at home, and perhaps they should collect some, unless they should remain naked all the time. Remaining naked indoors was not a problem for any of us, but stepping outdoors, or meeting visitors indoors was different, and would mean changes of clothes. Teenagers seemed to expect a change of clothes every day in such circumstances, and their current stock was limited.

However, I was concerned about possible safety issues in going back to their home, and said so. Flora was unsure what I meant, so I explained.

“You uncle Kevin was banished from your home, but if he had unwanted and obnoxious intentions towards you girls, he may be hanging around looking for you whenever your father is not at home. I recall you were afraid of him, Flora.”

“That is true, but would he still be near the house? Wouldn’t that take up most of his day?”

“What else does he have to do with his time? I got the impression he was effectively a layabout with resources, without the need for employment, otherwise why the constant attention to his sister?”

“Yes, he has some family fund that he lives off. You believe he would try to harm us if we went home?”

“Harm is not the word I meant. Perhaps interfere with you; molest might be more accurate, as he had an unhealthy desire for touching your bodies, as I recall you describing.”

“Oh. So we shouldn’t go home, Jimmy?” Then she brightened up. “So we should remain here with you and your family?”

Jimmy saw where his altruism was taking him, and accepted the consequences.

“I really intended to suggest that someone else collect your clothes from the house, for now. Naturally, it would be a woman who would know what you wanted. She would pack your clothes in suitcases and have your father take them to his workplace. I could collect them from work, and bring them here. That way, there would be no clue, no clear link, as to your whereabouts.”

“But who could we trust to select our clothes and pack them, Jimmy?”

“I was going to suggest Sharlene, then I saw that he might follow Sharlene back here. The safety problem persists.”

Cherry, ever the practical one, suggested, “Why not have Sharl go there, pack up the clothes, then take the baggage to her father at work.”

Jimmy asked, “And how does Sharl get back here afterwards without being trailed all the way? And how safe would she be, a woman on her own?”

I tried to answer my own question.

“If I was to drive her there, but drop her off at the end of the street, she could walk to the house and let herself in. I would walk not far from her in case of prowlers like Kevin, and check out the area for any watcher. If no-one is around, I could pick her up without a load at the front door and we can do a roundabout trip home, watching for a tail. The twins’ father can still bring the luggage to work for me to pick up.”

Charlotte added another suggestion.

“If Lily and Flora intend to be naked here most of the time, we could postpone collecting clothes for a bit longer, perhaps a week or so, in hopes that Kevin would tire of watching.”

I looked at Lily and Flora, with my eyebrows raised in query. They looked at each other, nodded and smiled, and Lily said, “Yes, we could manage to continue being naked for a while.” Flora just beamed.

With that agreed, we concentrated on being nice to each other. I was careful to be just a friend to the twins, while using the bedrooms to make urgent love to my wives. I did not want to expose the virgin twins to unsettling scenes of sex antics.

The only intimacy I allowed myself in public – that is, around the twins – was fondling the breasts of my women, for they were always keen on being visibly admired by me. I thought that playing with their pussies was too blatant an exhibition.

Work also settled down to more of a routine, in that I had no disturbing observations to refer to Mr Emerson each day.

It was three days later, after another marvellous dinner, this one deriving from a recipe of the twins’ mother, that Charlotte came to me in private.

“Jimmy dear, I want to tell you something that may surprise you.”

“Nothing you can tell me would surprise me, my darling Charlotte. You are a constant surprise with your love and attentions, so anything more is a welcome bonus.”

“You are a lovely man, Jimmy. All three of us have seen that and are glad that you love us. Unfortunately, the twins have also seen what you are like with us for some time, and they are somewhat jealous of the adoring treatment we get from you all the time.”

“Eh? But I treat you as my loves because you are my loving wives,” I retorted. “They are different. I behave towards you the way I do through love, not just through wanting sexual touching. You know that by now, surely.”

“Yes, my darling, we do understand that. Lily and Flora have had no experience of anything of a sexual nature, ... or any that they have admitted to, I should say. They say they are virgins, and I think I believe that. Anyway, they want to know what it feels like for a woman to have her breasts touched.”

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