Detoxing - Cover


Copyright© 2021 by Gordon Johnson

Chapter 14

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 14 - I had my future planned out: degree, good job in business, attractive wife and later children. My boss changed everything by asking me to do a job for him.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Coercion   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   Sharing   Polygamy/Polyamory   Pregnancy   Nudism   Slow  

Sharl was stuck for an acceptable reason, and finally revealed a little of the jealous truth.

“We thought that Jimmy needed some protection from the wiles of Lily and Flora, so we came along to support him.”

Emerson stared at her in disbelief.

“Sharlene, you succumbed to Jimmy’s presence, and have devoted yourselves to him, yet you do not trust him with other women? You try to blame it on the twins, when he was the one with the experience and the ability to woo you? What were you thinking of, Sharlene?”

“Ahh, well, Daddy, we are still feeling our way, so we allowed ourselves a little bit of jealousy.”

“That sounds more like the truth, Sharlene.”

He turned to speak directly to the twins. “Girls, has Jimmy done anything to suggest that he was other than strictly correct with you today?”

“Nothing, Mr Emerson. He has been a wonderful escort, paid for our lunches, and brought all five of us round the company this afternoon. Your daughters seemed to appreciate the tour as much as us.”

“There you are, Sharlene. If you take on a man with a lifetime intent, you have to learn to trust him to behave, like these girls have done. I hope you will apologise to him for unwarranted jealousy.”

“Sorry, Daddy.” She faced me to add, “Sorry, Jimmy. We failed to give you the respect you deserved. And we failed to give respect to Lily and Flora, who are innocent in the matter.”

Lily was quick to respond, “Sharlene, that was brave of you to say sorry to all of us. We would probably have been feeling jealous if he had been our man, too. You three are gorgeous women, and he most obviously is your man. He loves you all, we saw.”

I tried to calm the waters.

“Can we all let it drop? I was never upset that my ladies came to visit me and joined the tour. I just love being with my ladies; they are my life from now on and I will always be happy to see them.” I paused then made an amendment, “Perhaps I would prefer not at work every day, or I would never get through my workload, but at special times, fine. Today was a special time for all of us.”

That confession got me kissed by all three of my wives, and the twins patted me on the arm in moral support. Daddy Emerson was mollified.

“Right. Now that we have that sorted out, what is the plan for the remainder of the day?”

Everyone looked at me, so I quickly revised my schedule.

“I think we should visit the Chairman to bring him up to date, and discover if he has any objections to Lily and Flora staying with us for a while longer. He will get to see all three of my ladies now. I don’t believe he knows anything about our emotional attachments; does he, sir?”

“I told him nothing about your current living arrangements. Have you said anything, Jimmy?”

“Nothing. He has only heard what the twins told him, and it was an understandable assumption; that Sharl and I are married, and Cherry and Charlotte are living with us. The twins now know otherwise, but I shouldn’t think they would want to reveal too much, in case he would take them away from us to somewhere he regarded as ‘safer’.”

Flora jumped in, “Oh, no, Mr Hargreaves ... Jimmy ... We are happy to stay with you.”

Daddy Emerson found the arrangements acceptable, and suggested, “A quick visit with Chairman Yeats, then Jimmy can take you all home and stay with you for what is left of the work day. That would be best.”

No-one objected, so he asked his secretary the whereabouts of the Chairman, and took us to meet with him. He knocked on the office door, and walked in, interrupting a phone call but staying silent while the Chairman concluded his call. When he did, he gave Daddy some news.

“Emerson, that was the last of the board members. I have told them the new plan as regards bonuses; that if they want a bonus, all they have to do is earn it by helping the company. They were not best pleased, but accepted the logic: it was irrefutable. It will be formally passed, that is homologated, at our next meeting.

Now what can I do for you?”

“I have your twins, plus Jimmy Hargreaves and my daughters outside. I was about to send them home after their tour, but I thought Lily and Flora might want to see you before they leave.”

“That was thoughtful of you, Mr Emerson.” He was being carefully formal in front of the others that he could see outside the open door. “Bring them all in. I don’t recall meeting your daughters in recent years. They were little girls last time I saw them.”

We all trooped inside and were inspected by the Chairman.

“Hmm. Good-looking girls, Emerson, all grown up nicely; not quite as pretty as my twins, but very passable.” He broadened his audience to ask, “Did Mr Hargreaves give you all an informative tour of the premises?”

Lily was in like a shot. “Yes, Dad. It was quite fascinating; all the different departments of the business. You have so MANY people working for you!”

He corrected her. “Not quite working for me, Lily; working for the company. I am one of a number of people who own the company. I should have explained this to you before. You have grown up a lot recently, with your unfortunate experiences.”

“Yes, Dad, but Jimmy and his family have been great friends, going out of their way to help us.”

“Fine, fine; glad to hear it. If Mr Hargreaves and his family incur extra expenses on account of your presence, I will reimburse him later. You hear that, Hargreaves?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Right. Dis ... that will be all. Hargreaves, take them home and take care of them for me,” he instructed, and we trooped out again.

We said goodbye to Daddy Emerson, and headed out to the car park. My car was there for me and the twins, and my three ladies had come in Sharlene’s car, the one they shared these days, so we returned home in these cars. When we arrived, Sharlene was in front and parked in the driveway, but I told the twins, “I want to do a short tour round the streets next to our home, just as a precaution. Let me know if you see any sign of Uncle Kevin or his car.”

We spent a few minutes on that short expedition, with no sightings at all, so I parked behind Sharl’s car and we moved indoors.

I was at once accosted by my wives, who had noticed me leave again, and wanted to know what I was playing at with the car, so I explained the principle of reconnaisance, to be aware of your enemies before they are aware of your disposition. I got their approval after that. It was another lesson learned.

We were home early, so I asked if they had plans for the evening meal, or did they want to order pizzas or a chinese meal. They told me they could rustle up something with what was in the freezer and fridge. I got the impression of the offered meal as an apology for jealousy. I was happy with that.

We later sat down to eat and adopted the Chairman’s strategy, concentrating on the food, which was some sort of Hungarian goulash. Tasty dish, like my dinner companions.

The twins offered to clear up and get the dishes washed, so Sharl said she would show them where everything went in the cupboards and drawers. Charlotte announced that she had to go upstairs and lie down for a bit, with a nudge at my side. I got her message and said I would make sure she was comfortable, saying I hoped it was not morning sickness bothering her.

Lily and Flora were quick to commiserate with her, and asked if they could do anything to help.

“Thanks, girls, but no. If Jimmy is with me, I should be well looked after.”

Cherry added with a knowing smile, “I am sure he will look after you properly, Charlie.”

After an interesting half hour, Sharl came into the bedroom to get us up again.

“I know you are both having fun, but we must be good hosts to the twins, so get yourselves dressed and downstairs. Charlotte, see to your lipstick; it needs repairing. You’d better wash your face to rermove lipstick, Jimmy; it is too obvious what you were up to.”

I pulled my sagging member out of Charlotte and offered her a paper napkin to wipe herself before pulling on my clothes again. I told her, “You had a slightly upset tummy, my darling, but it has recovered to nearly normal.”

She was reminded of her excuse, and nodded acceptance. “Yes, much improved after an injection, but I won’t mention what injection,” she said as she patted the injector through my pants. She hurried into the bathroom to freshen her minimal make-up. I did the same for my face.

As we left the room I went ahead with Sharl, side by side, giving me a chance to run my hand over her lovely posterior as we walked to the stairs.

“Behave now, Jimmy,” she warned. “I want you later, once the twins are asleep. I don’t know what Cherry wants to do, other than do you.”

“She can sleep with us tonight, my love, now that the twins know the truth. We just don’t want to be too blatant,” I suggested, and she agreed.

Downstairs, with everything tidy, Cherry suggested a game of monopoly. “Lily can be the top hat and pretend she is her father.”

The twins enthusiastically participated, but it was Flora who came out on top, wiping the board with the rest of us. I remarked on the differences between them in temperament, enthusiasms, etc., and was informed tartly by Lily, “We are not identical twins, Jimmy, even though we look very alike. How the heck do you think you were able to tell us apart?”

“I though it was the differences in your clothing?”

Sharl snorted, “There were enough differences apart from clothing, Jimmy. They act differently for a start. Lily is the bossy one, the leader most times; I recognised that right off. Flora is more practical, but the more flighty of the two; she bats her eyelashes at you, Jimmy. Have you not noticed?”

I started, for I had truly not noticed.

“No. Flora, were you really doing that?”

“Not intentionally so, Mr Hargreaves.”

“Jimmy, please, in this house, Flora.”

Lily was staring at her sister, who responded with a blush.

“I honestly wasn’t thinking of what I was doing, Lily. He is an attractive man, so it just happened.”

Lily told her, “I had noticed how attractive he is, Flora, but I was not going to perv on him. Remember what it was like when Uncle Kevin did that to us!”

“Oh. That’s true. Sorry, Jimmy. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable that way.”

Sharl took over.

“I don’t think you made Jimmy uncomfortable, Flora. He’s used to getting that from us; he probably took it for granted that all attractive young women gave him come-on signals. Is that so, darling?”

I admitted it with what grace I could summon up. “These three wonderful women do everything they can to entice me, Flora, so I treat it as normal behaviour. After all, I take every opportunity to admire them in my own way. Is that not so, Sharl?”

Sharl laughed. “Yes. He was fondling my ass as we came downstairs a little while back. I had to get him to stop as we had guests, nice though it was. You see the pattern? That was why he didn’t notice you batting your eyes; it was normal for him to expect to see that, so his mind ignored your invitation as normal behaviour. That was why we felt jealous this morning, for at the time it looked like an attempt to steal our man. Sorry for that; I picked up the signals wrongly.”

Lily stared at Sharlene, then asked, “If I had sashayed in front of him, he wouldn’t have noticed?”

“Oh, he would have noticed all right, but he would have read that as ‘Come and fuck me, darling!’ I don’t think you would have intended that to be your signal, for you don’t know him as we do. He fucks us senseless every day, and we encourage it, so that is what such a signal would mean to him.”

“Oh. I see now,” blurted out Flora. “Apologies, Jimmy, if I sent you the wrong message. And I am sure Lily would not have meant ‘Come and fuck me, darling’ either”.

I was looking in Lily’s direction as Flora said that, and Lily tried to look innocent, but I got the feeling that she might well try that, sometime.

“Apologies accepted, Flora. Can I ask you girls something? As you know now that they are all three my wives, would you please treat it as normal if I kiss or fondle any of them within sight of you from now on? I didn’t want to scare you off, you or your father. That’s why we went along with your assumption that I was married to Sharlene. Cherry and Charlotte felt deprived as a result. You see, they think nothing of making love to their husband as and when they get the opportunity, and that is pretty frequent.”

Flora was aghast.

“We were stopping you from getting loving from Jimmy, Charlotte? Please forgive us. We did not know enough to know any better. I would never have prevented you from loving your man, Charlotte and Cherry.”

Charlotte knew what to say.

“Apology accepted, Flora. As you say, you were not in a position to know, and on our part we didn’t want to offend you or your father. All is now back to normal, thanks to your understanding attitude.”

Lily put in, “Now that everything is sorted, Jimmy and yourselves can behave as normal. We’ll be off to our bedrooms shortly and you can do whatever you want with Jimmy.”

They set about putting away the monopoly board and materials, while my ladies went to prepare a light supper. It was chicken salad sandwiches tonight, which could be eaten at table or taken up to the bedroom on a plate. I ate mine downstairs, as I didn’t expect to get much opportunity to eat them in the bedroom. I enjoyed my coffee as well. That Brazilian blend is my favourite.

I was laying down my coffee mug on the tray, when Cherry passed me by. She was overtly sashaying past, giving me the visual signal we had talked about, so I burst out in laughter and said to her, “Your bedroom in five minutes, Cherry my love?”

“You got it, mister,” she declared, and vanished up the stairs to the bedrooms. Sharlene told me she was on house security duty tonight, so I could go join Cherry without thinking about security. I wondered if Charlotte would give us time by ourselves, but when I got there, Cherry was spread out naked on the bed, knees up and out, and Charlotte was naked but seated, ready to watch the fun.

Charlotte told me, “Cherry wants you to herself, Jimmy. You can do me later.”

“I take it Sharl is in my bed tonight?”

“That’s her plan, I think. I might come and join you if I can’t sleep.”

“Okay. Cherry? Are you fine once you get thoroughly loved?”

“Provided you make me happy, my lovely man. Make me so I will sleep well afterwards.”

“I’ll do my best, Cherry.”

I was also aware of how well Cherry in particular spoke. She had taken her lessons about respect to a new level by upping her speech manners to quality talk. I was impressed and wondered how much was caused by being pregnant and being my loving wife, instead of being a layabout who didn’t care about much. I did my best to make her fucking happy with happy fucking, and she fell asleep not much later with not a care in the world. I cared for her now, and she and her sisters cared for me, so all was well with our world.

Charlotte came over and took me by the hand. Without even dressing, we moved to my bedroom where she intended to be fucked as hard as she wanted it. Okay, it took a while before I was hard, but we did a lot of canoodling, then fondling, and any other foreplay she asked for. At last I was able to perform to her requirements, and she again showed how loud she could be at times. I hoped she didn’t wake the twins with her howling.

Sharl arrived, reporting that all doors and windows were secure, and undressed to join us, but soon after, Charlotte left for her shared bedroom with Cherry, saying she needed some sleep and Sharl’s activities with me would prevent her getting to sleep anytime soon. She padded off, still naked, leaving us to ourselves.

My morning alarm woke me in plenty of time, for I had my car back again, and I didn’t expect the twins to be with me today. I made my own cooked breakfast and coffee, wearing only an apron, and had almost finished eating it before the first female wandered into the kitchen.

I looked up from my plate, and it was a naked Lily. I could tell who it was from her face, but I didn’t recognise the body as I hadn’t ever seen her nude. I spoke as if this was normal.

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