Detoxing - Cover


Copyright© 2021 by Gordon Johnson

Chapter 13

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 13 - I had my future planned out: degree, good job in business, attractive wife and later children. My boss changed everything by asking me to do a job for him.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Coercion   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   Sharing   Polygamy/Polyamory   Pregnancy   Nudism   Slow  

I left it to my wives to persuade Daddy to speak with Chairman Yeats about help for his wife’s alcoholism. He was also to be advised that his brother-in-law’s presence was not as helpful as was promised, and so that man should be thanked and sent away to where his efforts might be better employed.

Daddy was surprised that he himself had heard nothing about the brother-in-law, but Sharl told him, “The twins let it drop that he was there, but they were definitely not happy with his presence. I sensed more, something dark, but I didn’t like to pry,” she hinted at something unwanted.

She wanted to keep it quiet for now about his predation, leaving the idea as an unspoken accusation.

Three days later, the twins appeared at the Hargreaves home in the evening hours, looking upset. Two men with them carried a set of bulging bags and suitcases into the house, then left when assured by the twins that they were no longer required.

“We are safe here, I promise you,” Flora told them.

The twins were welcomed in by a hurriedly dressed Sharlene, but within a few more minutes Charlotte joined the party and cornered the visitors for an interrogation session. She later passed on the story.

Their father came home from work the day before, full of notions of help for their mother, and that had made them happy. Uncle Kevin had objected to the idea of moving her ‘from the loving comfort of her home’, but their father had told him that she was his wife, and he would do what was best for her, not what Kevin might think or want. Kevin went off in a sulk, intent on getting his sister to complain about the cost of professional treatment, and the twins tried to stay out of everyone’s way.

Nothing had been officially decided that night, but next day their father stayed home to phone all the local experts he could find, to get professional advice about his wife. The advice proved to be all supportive of professional intervention, with a range of possibilities to choose from. None involved a solicitous brother getting in the way, and that stirred up Uncle Kevin no end.

He threatened their father, saying he would do all he could to look after his sister. This continued until their father offered a place in a rehabilitation clinic for him as well, if he wanted to be with her so much. Then Uncle Kevin apparently made a reference to ‘these twin temptresses and their sexy ways’ in front of him. That was too much for their father, and he ordered Kevin out of the house first thing in the morning, ending by saying, “That way you will have no temptation to worry you.”

That morning he had indeed left, spouting threats against all the family except his sister. Their father stayed with them during the day, but told them he would have to go back to work at the business tomorrow, as soon as the medical team arrived to take their mother to a secure facility to dry out and get proper treatment. The twins begged to be allowed to go stay with their friends Charlotte and Cherry in case Uncle Kevin came back and accosted them while they were alone. They finally admitted that Kevin had ‘perved’ on them. Their father put his own interpretation on that word and started to worry about everything.

He wanted to know who their friends were exactly, so they told him that Jimmy Hargreaves of his company group was married to their friends’ older sister, so he would be around to help protect them. That news calmed him down, and he organised a taxi with two drivers, one to act as a bodyguard if there was any threat from Kevin. That vehicle had brought them to our house, and into our presence.

The twins had been ushered by Cherry into the kitchen for a soothing, calming, glass of a watered sherry while Sharl and I were briefed by Charlotte, so we decided on an early supper to include the twins and make them feel at home with us. We gathered in the kitchen, and the twins did look upset and tearful, but more from fear of what might happen if they were alone at home than any actual expected encounter.

I asked Sharl to act as den mother and calm them down with supportive words while I prepared hot chocolate drinks for everyone. Cherry volunteered to make toasted sandwiches as eats, and I suggested half of them as cheese with tomato slices and half as tuna, to give us all a choice of filling.

This snack meal gave the twins a good opportunity to chat with my girls, getting good advice and moral support. Charlotte told them, “You can’t possibly go home for a while, if that man might be around, so you shall stay with us!” she instructed, then remembered whose house this was supposed to be, and added the question, “Is that all right with you and Jimmy, sis?”

Sharl immediately agreed.

“Of course. They cannot be exposed to such a pervert; never! The twins will stay as long as necessary for their protection.”

It was later when I suddenly twigged that the number of bedrooms only accomodated us as the presumed couple and the two sisters at a bedroom each, with only one officially empty bedroom. We would have to make a new formal arrangement.

“Sharlene, my dear? We only have one spare bedroom. Lily and Flora will each need a room for themselves to feel unpressured, so I suppose that must mean Cherry and Charlotte sharing for a while. Your sisters will be able to cope with temporary sharing, I believe.”

Sharl started to blush as she thought of our normal wandering sleeping arrangements, then mentally shrugged.

“That is quite correct, Jimmy. Cherry and Charlotte, you two will share a bedroom to release one, so there will be one each for the twins.” She switched to speaking to the twins: “I take it you have no objection to a bedroom each, girls?”

Lily replied, “In the circumstances, we are glad to have a bedroom at all. We thought we might have to share, which we did when we were small.”

Sharl looked disturbed, but explained, “No, we want you girls to feel as normal as possible, Lily. When we set things up, we had three spare bedrooms. Having my sisters with us took up two of the spare bedrooms. Don’t worry about it, you two. We will survive your presence!”

Flora now said in a conciliatory manner, “We hope we don’t have to impose on you for more than a few days, Sharlene; and you, Jimmy. We are here out of desperation.”

I volunteered, “You are safe with us for as long as you need, ladies; be sure of that.”

It hadn’t struck me that with the twins living with us, my younger wives would be forced to be very constrained in their relations with me. That problem would come up later.

Meantime, all three of my wives went off to sort out the sleeping accomodation, stripping the bed in both these bedrooms and putting on new sheets. It was fortunate that all the beds were wide enough for two bodies. I heard later that they moved all Charlotte’s clothes, shoes, etc into Cherry’s nominal bedroom, to clear space for a twin. Sharl’s gear was already in my room.

Once the twins were told about normal breakfast routine, they went to bed tired and sleepy.

My women and I gathered in my bedroom for a needed discussion. I was first of all berated for allowing such decisions that limited Cherry and Charlotte’s movement at night. Sharlene apologised for us both, telling the others “It was a spur of the moment decision, girls. It seemed the only logical solution; there was no ulterior motive on my part, I promise.”

I agreed, “She is right, girls. It was the expected solution for any normal household to accommodate them, so no recriminations. We’ll work round it.”

Cherry demanded, “You will work round me right now, Jimmy. Fuck me before I leave this room, so I can sleep later!”

Charlotte asked for the same dispensation, so Sharlene said, “I’ll go round the house and check that all the doors and windows are secure. I doubt Uncle Kevin knows of this place, but we don’t want to make things easy for him at any point.”

She went off after I reminded her to switch off power sockets for electrical safety; a task I normally did myself each night. I then turned my husbandly affections to Cherry and Charlotte. Sharl was back before they were fully satisfied that I had completed what they wanted from me.

“I looked in on the twins, and they are out like a light, snoring away. All the lights are switched off, except for this hallway. Jimmy, is the outside light unit motion sensitive?”

“It is,” I informed her as I pulled out of Charlotte, “Purely as an intruder deterrent; but a useful extra tonight.”

Charlotte kissed me once more as I moved off her. “Thanks, Jimmy. You do me so well, husband.”

I kissed her back, and said, “I intend to perform satisfactorily for many years to come, Charlotte.”

Cherry put her arms round me from behind and hugged me. “How are we going to keep up with our routine, Jimmy love, with our visitors in the house?”

“I don’t know yet, Cherry, but we’ll work it out. Do the twins intend to go out at all, or stay inside the house while they are sheltering with us?”

She replied, “We did not get as far as that in our discussion, darling. We only talked of what had happened to them and what we would do at the end of today; nothing beyond that, except your open invitation to stay.”

She ran her hands up and down my chest from behind me, with her breasts pressed lovingly against my back, and I almost purred at the wonderful sensation.

“Well,” I agreed, “I need to make time for loving all three of you. I should go to work normally tomorrow. If the twins want to go out of the house, I could take them to the office with me and their father can assume responsibility for them in these surroundings. I have never seen them there, so a long tour of the business might work to take their minds off their fears.”

Sharl agreed. “Their father might be glad to have them with him. Is their mother off to her treatment centre?”

Charlotte stood up, her large mammaries swinging in front me, delightfully.

She reported to Sharl: “Lily told me, ‘Yes. Dad saw her off in an ambulance. The two men on duty to deliver her were quite burly; I suppose in case of awkward patients, but Mummy did not resist; I think she had taken a drink earlier and was almost out of it.’”

I commented, “That is sad, but is for the best. Getting professional help may bring her back as the mother they used to have.”

I finished speaking but stood there, admiring Charlotte.

“God, girl, but you have a beautiful body.”

I turned to the others.

“That is not to say you girls are not beautiful also. You are, just in a different way. You all are absolutely stunning; three perfect wives.”

That got me beaming smiles, but I told Sharl, “I can’t make love to you now, Sharl. I am drained for the moment. I’ll deal with that later when we are in bed. Cherry, are you and Charlotte going back to your bedrooms for the night, or do either of you need to sleep here?”

Charlotte admitted, “Now that I have been properly fucked, I am able to sleep in my official bed, Jimmy.”

Cherry agreed. “Normally I would want to stay for the night, but we don’t want the twins to see us coming out of this room in the morning, particularly if naked!”

She demanded of Sharlene, “We have to get our fair share of Jimmy, Sharl, so in a day or two we swap round and get to sleep with Jimmy, and you take your place in our bedroom.”

With future fucking sorted, we got ourselves to bed for the night, and I set my alarm for getting up to make breakfast. I suddenly remembered the twins needing fed as well.

“Charlotte, what do the twins have for breakfast? Do you know?”

Her face fell. “I didn’t ask, and they were too tired before they went to bed, to say. How about porridge with a fruit topping? That usually goes down well.”

“I’ll work on that basis, and if they don’t want my choice, I’ll offer a fried breakfast or cereal.”

In the morning, the twins were slow at getting up. All my ladies were up by then, and even dressed for the benefit of our guests. The twins dragged themselves into the kitchen, looking improved but not bright-eyed. Charlotte rushed to hug them.

“Jimmy has some of his delicious porridge cooking for you, girls. You must try it. He puts a fruit topping on to make it special.”

They reluctantly accepted this imposition, and once they had some in the stomachs, they smiled.

“This is not bad!” said Flora, with a big smile.

I gave her my standard response to such comments, “Thank goodness I didn’t give you my bad version then.”

Charlotte chastised me. “Jimmy! Behave!”

Flora looked to Charlotte in surprise.

“Sharlene lets you give him a telling off, Charlotte?”

Charlotte shrugged. “Jimmy is pretty tolerant of us as a rule. We all act around him and speak as if we were his wives, Flora, and he doesn’t bat an eyelid, as long as we cook the rest of the meals. He only does breakfasts.”

Flora blinked, but accepted that statement as a generalisation.

“Anyway, thanks again, Mr Hargreaves.”

“You are the ones who were in need, Flora, so we provided the need; and please call me Jimmy. These three don’t use any other term when speaking to me. I am used to their ways.”

Lily had swiftly cleared her bowl of porridge. “That was great, Jimmy. You do a great breakfast. Is there coffee?” she ventured timidly.

“Coffee or tea; whatever you drink, Lily.”

“Coffee, please.”

I informed her, “It is a smooth Brazilian blend. I think you will like the taste.” I poured her out a cup, using a large cup. We used mugs as a rule, but on this occasion we didn’t want to appear down-market. She surprised me with her reply.

“We normally use mugs at home, Jimmy. You get more, that way.”

“Then we shall make sure it is mugs every day in future, young lady.”

“Thank you, kind sir,” she spoke up nicely.

I explained my intention to go into work today as usual, and asked the twins if they wished to do so also, where they might be able to remain with their father. That gained me two squeals of delight, so we organised that outing. I got my girls to phone their own Daddy Emerson to let him know who I was bringing with me to the offices.

We arrived at the offices in plenty of time, so I introduced the twins solely by their first names to my secretary and my replacement at H.R. I made no reference to to any link with the Chairman. The girls asked sensible questions about the work we did, and seemed fascinated by what they heard. At one moment I heard Lily exclaim, “So that’s what it is about!” so her father clearly told them things, but without details.

Daddy Emerson strolled in and I took the opportunity to let the twins know that he was Sharlene, Cherry and Charlotte’s father.

He was fairly formal as he accepted the introduction, and added, “I trust Jimmy has been on his best behaviour?”

“Oh, yes, sir. Mr and Mrs Hargreaves have been most hospitable, as have Cherry and Charlotte.”

This brought a lifting of the eyebrows, but no vocal sign of surprise, thank God.

“I am pleased to hear that,” he said, with a glance at me. I gave him a wavy hand signal to show that it had not been my decision.

He checked that they were being properly looked after, and Flora enthused, “They gave us a bedroom at no notice at all, sir. Cherry and Charlotte moved into one bedroom so that we could have one each. Wasn’t that nice of them?”

With another curious glance at me, he replied, “It was indeed. They have become more generous since meeting Jimmy.”

I said nothing, merely beamed.

The Chairman arrived shortly after, so hearing that he was here, Daddy went off to tell him where the twins were. I was summoned to the Boardroom almost immediately, presumably to explain myself. I was right.

“What are my daughters doing here, Mr Hargreaves?”

“Partly for protection, partly to keep them from being bored, sir. We couldn’t keep them cooped up all day, so I thought that being here with their father would give them some reassurance.”

“Hmmm. I suppose that has some validity, but I can’t be looking after them all day. I won’t get much done. You brought them here, so you can be their escort and show them round the company’s divisions. That should take most of the day.”

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