Detoxing - Cover


Copyright© 2021 by Gordon Johnson

Chapter 12

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 12 - I had my future planned out: degree, good job in business, attractive wife and later children. My boss changed everything by asking me to do a job for him.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Coercion   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   Sharing   Polygamy/Polyamory   Pregnancy   Nudism   Slow  

“Damn, yes; more babies! He told me pregnancy would make me more horny, sexy and attractive, and he was right. Did you find that too?”

Jenny nodded, amused by the memory. She admitted, “Yep. Fucked like a bunny all through each pregnancy; best part of having a baby. The last bit, giving birth, is the worst experience in the deal, but having that tiny child in your arms makes it all worthwhile when the pain is over. The pain meds help a lot, so you are not all that with it during the process; your body does most of it for you, like you are just along for the ride, except for when the midwife tells you to push. My kids are the lovely results. Worth the effort, for sure.”

Cherry warned her, “Pay attention to them during their teenage years, Jenny. That’s when they are most likely to go off the rails, like us. Give them your love, and loving advice when wanted, and they will be safer. I know what it is like, not having motherly guidance when you need it. Now I have loving husbandly attention to support me.” She smiled over at me, seeking approval. I smiled back willingly.

Jenny saw that Cherry was a trifle emotional about this, and was quick to assert, “I will be very careful with them, Cherry; be sure of that. Thank you for that great advice.”

I added from my place at the table, “Cherry and her sisters will not find me lacking, Jenny. I have made my commitment to them. I will be steadfast for my women, always.”

Cherry kissed me, and smiled benevolently.

“That’s my man,” she announced in triumph.

Once I had finished my lunch, Jenny drove me to my house, following my directions. My car was sitting outside, safely, despite the considerable length of time I had been absent. I checked the fuel level. It should do another day or two before a refill was required. I drove back to my girls, and offered them a shopping trip. That got me some squeals of acceptance and they stood up.

They directed me to the shops they wanted to visit, and they all had a ball, associating with the world at large for the first time in months. They were conscious of their new responsibilities, and treated the shop assistants admirably. The smiles they got in return were to die for, and they got all the help they needed in choosing their purchases. I stood by and watched with delight at their own delight.

As we walked out of one store, Sharl whispered to me, “Damn, Jimmy, you were right. That was fun, the staff were great, and they gave us all the advice we could want, including what to avoid. I’m sticking with this ‘nice to staff’ attitude.”

She suddenly stiffened and her hand gripped my arm tightly. I looked around, curiously.

“Drones,” she warned me, then relaxed as she swiftly and confidently adjusted her poise. Two women around her age came up to us.

“Sharl, where have you been, girl? You have missed a lot of fun, all these weeks.”

“Hi, girls. No, I have been away. I and my sisters had fun on a special trip to a finishing school in old Europe. We met Jimmy there, and invited him to come stay for a while. Say hello to the girls, Jimmy: Hazel and Brooks.”

I produced a lecherous smile as I looked them over, then said, “Hello to the girls: Hazel and Brooks. Nice to meet you.”

They both giggled at my antics. “He is a cute guy, Sharl. I fancy him.”

Sharl said formally, “He is a wonderful man, girls, so you don’t get to fancy him. He is quality, reserved for those who appreciate quality.”

“Oooo; sounds very possessive!”

“I don’t need to sound possessive, girls. Jimmy can stand up for himself.” she looked in my direction for action. I obliged.

“You do look moderately sexy, ladies, but my sights are set higher, so divert your attentions to other males of the species. I am sure they will oblige you in every way whenever you require.”

This was a mild rebuke and a bit of a put-down, if they even recognised the content of my words. I was right. They stuck to their routine and had not really listened.

“Fuck me! He is as high-falutin’ as you say, Sharl. Are you moving up in society?”

“Indeed I am; me and my sisters were all improved by our finishing school and will no longer be moving in our previous circles. You can pass that on for me.”

“Including your fuck-toys?” They tried to bring the tone back to their level, and failed.

“Including everyone, Hazel,” Sharl said with equanimity. She patted my arm and told me, “I think we have more shops to visit, Jimmy.”

“Yes, Sharlene, dear lady,” I responded. I was wondering where Cherry and Charlotte had vanished to, but they caught up with us in a few minutes, appearing as if by magic.

Charlotte declared, “That was awesome, big sister. I never knew you had it in you to handle them so sweetly. We held back so as not to get involved.”

Sharl explained, “I had to hold my temper in check with these sluts, Charlotte, but with Jimmy at my side, I managed it.”

I told her, “You did beautifully, Sharl. You left me undefined, which was perfect, and showed them how changed you were. You were admirably restrained in your responses, then steered me off in a mature manner. Excellent performance, don’t you agree, girls?”

Cherry and Charlotte were happy to confirm my words of congratulations, and Sharl preened with their approval. In the past, she would have accepted their approval as a right; now it was a pleasure. I was happy for all three. They now knew how to deal with their former friends in a mature manner.

We continued with the shopping, and Charlotte suggested, “Why don’t we visit the Goodwill store in town? At least to show our approval for their work that Jimmy told us about.”

We accepted this suggestion, and made our way there in the car. Inside the thrift store, the girls were pleasantly surprised by the high standards being applied to the stock. A member of staff happily explained that many of the goods stocked were either high quality donations, or new products that had been donated by a company as ‘end of line’ stock that had to be cleared for new stock at regular stores. Passing them to Goodwill was a win-win technique that gave them P.R. kudos: No dumping; full recycling of the goods, and resale to the benefit of the thrift store as well as helping the needy.

The girls had fun searching through coats and hats, while I dug through shirts in my size, picking ones that matched my wardrobe choices. The girls were delighted with the prices, some as low as a tenth of new prices, yet still good quality. Their main difficulty was with sizes, but they managed. I also picked up several novels I wanted to read, if I could get the spare time from my three wives.

Our credit cards were not impacted very much, and we were all pleased with our purchases.

Back at the Emerson home, after I completed the task of carrying in all their bags of purchases, we had a fashion parade to show off their new clothes, one lady at a time, with me grumbling that I preferred them naked. I was immediately browbeaten for not understanding the special joy of donning and displaying new feminine clothes.

I replied that I did not want to don feminine clothing, and I preferred the joy of fucking them to orgasm. Tongues were poked out at me and Charlotte informed me tartly that I had already got them pregnant; what more could I want?

I thought for a moment, then said, “More? How about three kids each? That would be fun.”

“You want us to be multiple Moms, Jimmy?” queried Sharlene.

“Of course! That would be a great family, with all the kids having three Moms to come to with their little problems: Mom, can I have a new dress? Mom, can I have an ice cream? Mom, will you tell off Tommy for sticking his tongue out at me?”

Cherry looked back at me with moist eyes. “I want to be a Mom like that, Jimmy. How are the children going to be with just one Daddy?”

“No bother in the family, Cherry. Children always accept their own family structure as the norm, no matter what that norm is. They will probably brag to their friends at having three Moms, while their friends just have one. It will be a plus as far as they are concerned. Only at school might it be different, if three of our children are in the one class, confusing the teacher when Daddy comes to collect them. We could always pretend they are non-identical triplets. Birthday dates weeks apart might make that problematical, though!”

The girls completed their fashion show and removed their new dresses, back to undies. I looked them over and said, “Why don’t you girls just get naked and we can have a nice fucking session upstairs?”

“All three at once?”

I reflected, and offered, “Why not? Back to the edge of the table again, to see who gets my sperm this time?”

Charlotte murmured, “We haven’t done that for weeks. That could be fun, Jimmy. What do you think, girls?” she asked her older sisters.

“Well, getting his sperm is not much of a prize now, but I fancy him fucking me again, for I got nothing this morning,” said Sharl. The other two tried for extras: “We will still get our fuck later, Jimmy?”

“Yes, if you want it. Sharl might want another fuck of her own this evening, I think, as compensation for the lesser attention now.”

Sharlene was quick to insist on that option. I looked at my options.

“Right. What table will we use? I presume the dining table is out, in case we offend Jenny,” I opined.

Sharl snorted, “She will probably want to watch, Jimmy. Then Jenny will likely get Daddy to fuck her that way when he gets home.”

I chuckled. “I think he would like it, but this is about you three and me: someone’s bed, unless it is too low?”

Charlotte volunteered, “We can try. The bed may be too slippery this way, but what the hell, we can have a go. I know: We can sit on the edge, then lie back with our legs open; that should work.”

“Sounds good, little one,” I commented, “but I get to fondle your breasts and kiss you before you lie back, okay?”

“I wouldn’t say no, Jimmy. Agreed, girls?”

Cherry and Sharlene volunteered their breasts and any part I wanted to kiss. They each at once picked up their current dress over an arm, and hurried upstairs, leaving me to collect the pile of other clothes and stuff them into the appropriate bags for carrying them upstairs.

I guessed at the open bedroom door, and I was right. They were all stripping out of their underclothes as I came in with the dresses and extras. I dumped the bags in piles, and started doing my own stripping. Little Jimmy kept getting in the way as I removed my pants and boxers.

Naked, I faced my women, ogling their lovely faces and bodies, and little Jimmy perked up even more. I aproached the nearest one, who happened to be Charlotte, and bent down to kiss her on the lips while fondling her breasts. That was a fine start, but she instructed, “Kiss my breasts and nipples, darling,” so I did as I was told. I took a quick look across, and the other two nodded for the same treatment. I fondled and kissed Charlotte some more, then moved to Sharlene who was nearest, and then finally a panting Cherry. Cherry had been moving steadily from reluctance to enthusiasm once she was pregnant. I had no problem with that.

I moved back to Charlotte, and found that she was ready for my stiffy to visit her damp hole. A dozen or so strokes later, I pulled out and moved to Sharl for a repeat, and finally to Cherry. Cherry did not seem to want to release me, so it was nearly twenty strokes before I got out to return to Charlotte. I was able to keep up for another round before depositing my gift inside Sharl, and collapsing on top of her while I tried to recover from my fast breathing. She kissed me all over my face and declared, “I love you, Jimmy Hargreaves; and I love every time we fuck.”

As soon as I could speak I insisted, “It is lovemaking, Sharl, not fucking. I make love to my wives, and always will.”

She grabbed my cheeks and gave me a final smooching kiss before I got off her, my drooping penis slipping out as I got to my feet.

I returned to Cherry and Charlotte for a final loving kiss to each, and apologised for being too jaded to make love any more to them. Charlotte said, “You can do us properly tonight, lover.”

I ran my hand over one of her large firm breasts, saying, “I’ll look forward to that, Charlotte. I just adore making love to you three.”

They dressed again, topping off with one each of the thrift shop purchases to see if anyone would notice the source. Jeny admired their new clothes, remarking that one dress was from a high class dress shop. “You paid over the odds for that one, I guess,” she told Sharlene.

Sharlene looked down at her new dress and noted, “Yes, I did notice the brand name, but the price was very reasonable at the Goodwill store.”

Jenny blinked in surprise.

“You bought it at Goodwill? Why? You are not short of cash, your Dad says.”

Sharl explained patiently to Jenny, “What does it matter which shop I bought if from, Jenny? If you buy quality, you buy quality, whichever shop you find it in. The price I paid was about a tenth of the new price, and it is in perfect condition.”

“What made you decide to go there?” Jenny asked, curious now.

“Jimmy. He told us that he bought many of his shirts there, still in their new packaging, as end of line products donated by the big stores. They clear their shelves of end-of-line unsold stock so they can display their new stock, and by donating these goods to a thrift shop they get recycled instead of getting dumped. Jimmy says he gets a bargain, the charity shop gets some income, and everyone is happy. We decided to try it out for ourselves, and it was a perfect hoot. We all bought quality dresses and coats that suited us, for a fraction of the full price!”

“Good for you, girls. I always thought these stores were just for the disadvantaged,” said Jenny.

Jimmy told her, “Far too many people think that, Jenny, but part of the reason for their existence is to make money for their charity work, so anyone buying from their stores is contributing that way. People in the know don’t advise cash gifts, as the cash may not go to those you want it to go to, but sales are just that: sales, and there is a clear pathway from that income to those who need help. I was surprised at how good the quality is, and the prices reflect that quality and attract people like me. Really, almost broke folk do better at sales run by charitable bodies, where you can buy clothes for pennies, provided you remember to wash them thoroughly when you get them home.”

The ladies chatted on about clothes for a while, before embarking on the evening meal. I went to the lounge and began the first chapters of one of my new novels. I was still engrossed when Mr Emerson arrived and let himself in. The sounds of his arrival made me put my book down.

As soon as he got in, Mr Emerson went to Jenny and kissed her soundly, then told his daughters, “I hope you enjoyed your afternoon, girls.”

Sharlene told him, “Yes, Daddy. Jimmy took us shopping at the mall, then we visited the Goodwill store and got some nice things there. When we got back we had a fashion show with our new clothes for Jimmy’s benefit, then went upstairs to show Jimmy what we thought of him. Once he was suitably deflated, we came back to work with Jenny on the evening meal. Jimmy is around somewhere, keeping out of the way.”

Daddy Emerson avoided asking what she meant by ‘showing what they thought of him’, especially when she used the word deflated. He looked at Jenny and raised his eyebrows. She just shrugged with a knowing smile. He switched to asking what was for tonight’s main course. She gave him the French name for it, such as you might get in a restaurant menu, and he looked blankly at her, so she clarified, “Game pie, Archie. You’ll like it,” she promised.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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