Grace & Glory - Cover

Grace & Glory

by Max Walker

Copyright© 2025 by Max Walker

Erotica Sex Story: Mike's regular visits to a glory hole take a turn when a new girl starts. Things will never be the same again.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Incest   Father   Daughter   Oral Sex   .

Sorry hony,, I’m going to be home late tonight.

Anything wrong? x

Last job is just taking longer than we thought. It should only be an hour or so late, but it could be longer

Okay, baby, let me know when you’re on your way home, and I’ll make you some late dinner. x

Thank you, baby, you’re the best,

I turned my phone to silent and left it in the glovebox. I love my wife and don’t like lying to her. She was a great homemaker, a fantastic cook, and a great mother to our two daughters, but things had been somewhat lacking in the bedroom over the past eight years. We used to have a great sex life, epic even.

Marie, my wife, was actually a real firecracker in the sack. It was one of the many things that I loved her for. She was enthusiastic, eager and always up for trying something new. Even after our first daughter, Grace, was born, we still had sex almost every night. However, things started to decline after Lilly was born 8 years ago.

It has been a complicated pregnancy. Much harder than Grace, our first daughter. Then again, with 10 years between the two, it was bound to be complicated. Grace had never been planned. She was a wonderful accident. Admittedly, when Marie told me she was pregnant at just 20, I panicked.

Who wouldn’t? We had been dating for two years, and things had been going great. I felt like she was the one—the woman I would marry and have a family with. But it was too soon. I had always planned to ensure I had a decent job, a nice home, and a marriage before the kids came into the picture.

We did get married a year after Grace was born, and after a lot of hard work and late nights, I managed to get that higher-paying job and the home we dreamed of. Everything was perfect, so I agreed when Marie said she wanted another baby at 30. We were both still young enough that it shouldn’t be difficult, and I felt more prepared.

Getting pregnant hadn’t been the problem. That happened within a month. But after I had done my bit, Marie had a hard time with it. She had terrible morning sickness, ankle and back pain, and she was constantly exhausted. She hardly got out of bed in the last month of her pregnancy. The midwife assured her that everything was fine, and sometimes it was like this; after all, she was growing another human inside her. That’s not something that can be expected to be simple.

Luckily, Lilly was born without issues and was a perfect little angel. I had hoped for a boy, but I love my daughters unconditionally. I still love Marie. Of course, I do. I didn’t marry her just because the sex was fantastic. But it took her longer to recover after Lilly, which was understandable. But sex had become increasingly less frequent, and it was always me that had to initiate it. It got to a point where it was rare to have it more than once a month, then every two months, and now I would be lucky if it was more than once every three months, and even then, Marie seemed disinterested.

She was unwilling to talk about it, too. For a while, I had thought she might have been having an affair. Getting her sexual needs met elsewhere. I even hired a PI and immediately felt guilty about it, especially when the PI found she appeared to be the perfect wife. Perfect, except for her nearly nonexistent sex drive. Suggesting a therapist was very poorly received.

So, when a friend told me about a sex store in the next town over that had booths in the back where you could get a blowjob from an anonymous girl, I didn’t need much convincing. I knew what a glory hole was, but I always thought that was just something that happened in porn. I never imagined it might be real, and definitely not so close to home.

It was an invite-only club; you had to know someone already in it. A few times a month, I would get a text that, if read by anyone else, would seem like spam marketing. But they always used the same template, with different dates and times in the text.

I was nervous the first time. Walking into a small booth no larger than a changing room at the mall and sticking my dick through a hole in the wall wasn’t something I ever expected to be doing. I half expected someone to cut it off! However, when a soft pair of lips wrapped around my dick and gave me one of the best blowjobs of my life, I became a loyal customer. I didn’t go every time, just once a month, maybe twice if one of my favourite girls was working.

To me, it was a win-win. I got toe-curling blowjobs from an anonymous girl, and it didn’t feel like cheating. There was no relationship or emotions, just a release. Plus, I didn’t have to pester my wife as much, and it let me enjoy more of the family bliss without constant blue balls. Nobody was getting hurt. I didn’t like lying about work running late, and keeping my visits to the gloryhole a secret, but I felt it was harmless, but needed white lie.

Waking across the parking lot, I looked around to see if anyone else was nearby. Even now, after almost a year of coming here, I still feel nervous that someone might recognise me, even though I am 40 minutes from home. Once inside, I relaxed a bit.

“Hey Mike, you want a booth?” Harry asked.

Harry owned the store and was the man behind the mystery service.

“Hey, Harry. Yeah, what have you got for me?”

“Well, we have Hannah in room one, Alana in room two, and a new girl called Marie in room three. She’s new this month and just 18 years old. It’s her third time here.”

I knew all the names were fake, but the girls used the same ones every time so customers could choose their favourite girl. It wasn’t always the same three girls, but each girl was usually there at the same time each month. Neither Hannah nor Stacy were Mike’s favourites, and the allure of a girl with the same name as his wife was too much of an opportunity to turn down.

“Marie? I’ll take her.”

“Nice choice. She might be new, but she’s been getting great reviews.” Harry said.

The feedback must have been great. Most girls work once, maybe twice a month if they are popular. Harry handled the rotation schedule so no one went to lock without the chance to work. For this new girl to be here for a third time in one month was more than just the interest of being the new girl.

I slid £50 across the counter, and Harry handed over a key with a number 3 tag attached. He would take a cut, and the rest would go to the girl. The more guys she blew, the more she would earn. It was customary to tip, too, as the girls kept all their tips without paying Harry.

“Have fun,” he said.

“I always do”. I replied.

Weaving through the aisles and displays of sex toys and other erotically inclined parithinalia, I made my way back to a door marked “employees only.” The corridor behind was only dimly populated by a single fluorescent tube. It was designed to allow any patrons who accidentally met to obscure their identity. There were five doors in total: two on the left and three on the right.

The furthest door on the left was marked office, and the other was marked storage. There was nothing untoward there. The other three doors on the other side each had a number. The entrance for the girls was on the other side of the rooms, so they had a different entrance and exit so they wouldn’t have to meet the men.

I walked to room 3 and slipped the key in.

Inside, it was lit better than the corridor, with a faint scent of bleach. It actually didn’t bother me, as it indicates that the room was recently cleaned. Around 5ft by 5ft, I wasn’t palatial in size but didn’t need to be. The wall directly opposite the door had a few square cubbies for clothing and shoes, one of which held a selection of lubricants, wet wipes, tissues and other cleaning supplies. The walk to the right had a small padded bench that was the length of the wall. It was the left-hand wall that was most interesting.

A hole sat at waist height, around 10 inches long and 4 wide. The extra height allows for some variation in user height. Luckily, it was the perfect height for me to stand comfortably. The only other addition on that wall was a poster saying, “Give a girl some warning; knock before you cum”.

I was already half-hard in anticipation as I stripped and stepped up to the wall, my cock thrusting through the hole.

“Oh, hey. Hmm, someone’s excited already,” a voice said, a hand wrapping around the base of my cock, her fingers not quite able to fully wrap around the base.

She sounded young. Then again, Harry said she was a new girl, which would make sense. Still 18 years old and sucking an anonymous cock for money in the back room of a seedy sex shop. I blame the parents.

Then again, I was here, too, paying for a blowjob, so I guess I can’t exactly take the moral high ground here.

“Wow, your dick is so big. I can’t even wrap my hand around it.” She purred. I could feel her breath tickle the head of cock.

I was rather proud. I knew I was longer and thicker than the average man.

Her hand slowly stroked my cock as it quickly grew to full size.

“Oh yeah, I’m going to need to really work this monster down my throat.” That sweet voice purred again.

“Just take it slow, baby; no need to rush,” I replied, adding gruff to my voice.

“Oh, don’t worry, honey. With a cock this nice, I’m going to take my time to enjoy it.”

She softly kissed the head and flicked her tongue along my slit before slowly kissing down the underside of my cock all the way down to my balls. She lifted my cock, slowly from base to tip and started to lay kisses over my balls.

“Mhmm, so big and full. It’s it all for me?”

“It’s all for you, baby. Every drop.”

I couldn’t help but groan a little when she sucked each heavy ball into her mouth, sucking, licking and rolling them around before pulling back until they popped out. Having lavished my balls with attention, something many girls never did, she kissed back up the length of my cock, this time alternating sides with each soft touch of her lips.

I couldn’t help but groan again as her lips wrapped around tevery timef my cock. Somehow, my nerves had been kicked into overdrive, and everything this mystery girl did felt much more intense. Her lips glided over the flared glans before she pulled back again. Her lips stopped just softly kissing the tip of my cock before she took me back into her mouth again.

This time she went just a half inch deeper, her tongue swirling around my cock each time she pulled back. She moaned as she worked deeper, and it sounded like she genuinely loved what she was doing. Moaning from one of the girls who worked the glory holes was nothing new. After all, the better they did, the more likely they would get repeat customers and tips. However, I always felt their moans were just a performance; with Marie, it felt and sounded genuine.

After 5 minutes of loving my cock, taking it deeper while her hand worked my balls and shaft, I thought things couldn’t get any better.

I was wrong.

My cock pressed against the back of Marie’s throat, and despite her early talk about needing to take it slow, she only briefly paused before taking me into her throat, swallowing the last 3 inches of my cock in one smooth movement. I nearly came right there and then. Her throat was a perfect trinity of tight, wet and warm and felt genuinely heavenly.

Rather than pulling right back, she kept me in her throat, her nose touching my stomach and my balls pressed against her chin. She moaned again, and her throat tightened and vibrated around my cock.

She pulled back and bobbed her head back and forth for about ten seconds, then took me straight back for her throat again. I took every single ounce of restraint I had to not cum instantly. I wanted this to never end. She kept this up for about 10 minutes, never seeming to slow, gag, or even breathe at points.

“Fuck! I’m gonna cum, sweetheart,” I gasped, knocking three times on the wall.

Marie kept me in her throat as the first 3 ropes of cum shot straight down her throat. She drew back until my cock rested on her tongue with her lips just up past the glans letting me paint her tongue and cheeks with cum. It was one of the best orgasms of my life. I can’t remember the last time I came so much and so powerfully.

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