Your Eyes - Cover

Your Eyes

Copyright© 2021 by ZHENDA

Chapter 1

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Jay has a special powers and a secret, but he doesn't know who he really is. He is chased by mysterious figures, while he tries to find answers to numerous questions that surround him. Sarah is a 24-Year-old genius detective. When she decides on a course of action, she won't change her mind no matter what. Her parents disappeared when she was only a young child. She chases after the truth behind her parents' disappearance. She meets Jay and her life changes.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Crime   High Fantasy   Military   Mystery   Rags To Riches   Superhero   Science Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Torture   Pregnancy   Politics   Revenge   Slow   Transformation   Violence  

As helicopters circled overhead, the woman ran bare feet into the uncompleted building on 31st Street in Centenary City, a suburb of the Federal Capital Territory with a dozen men dressed in black suits in pursuit right on her heels.

She managed to slip away from them and took the stairs to the ninth floor of the building and stood over an open section that had broken during construction and had not yet been repaired, while her bloody feet still bled with one leg missing a shoe.

There was a look of immense sadness on her face as she looked down on the five week old baby boy nestled in her arms.

The woman raised the baby up, arms stretched out in front her and looked down into the baby’s eyes and said “Baby. Don’t forget. You’re not a monster”

She repeated in a tired voice “You’re not a monster. Remember” and let the baby drop from her arms down over the broken hole.

The baby fell about two floors down and then the baby’s eyes started turning blue, electric current crackling in them, the space around the child warped and slowed down, with chunks of concrete ripped off from the building and forming a sphere around him.

Blue lightening streaks started shooting from the baby to everywhere in the building even up to the iron beams that were supposedly meant to carry the semi-transparent blue roof of the building and ripping everything apart.

A semi bluish hued rippling shield covered the baby bouncing away debris from the crumbling building and protecting him, while the lightening storm destroyed and turning the nine story emerging mall into concrete chunks and dust.

The newly turned 20 year old boy woke up in a smoky parking lot with the building behind him blown apart and still up in flames and shards of glass everywhere.

He stood up and surveyed the scene around him and saw over two dozen men in black suits sprawled all over with many dead, others crying out in pain and some trying to crawl away.

As he stood looking at the skyscrapers lit up in the dark night, a badly burned and bloody hand with the suit still smoking grabbed his leg, He looked down and the assailant brought out wicked looking curved knifed.

He jumped back clear of the hand, glanced down and asked “Who are you? Why are you after me?”.

He then heard the sound of cars, looked up and saw two black vans driving up from the main street and he slipped away into the tall green grass behind the burning supermarket building, made his way to the other side and came out onto the closed down section of the city’s vegetable, fruits and fish part of the market.

He made his way to the public restrooms located at the end of the row of shops and entered inside.


As the stretcher rolled down the main hall way at Nissa Bio Labs and the man who lay on it with a severely burnt arm that was turning black screamed in agonizing pain pushed on by men in windbreakers with the words security printed in all caps on the back.

One of the men shouted “Get Back”, “Move out of the way” at the lab techs and test subjects who were leaning out of door ways to see what was happening.

The man was wheeled into the room labeled Operating Room 2 above the entrance to it. He was moved to the operating table and as the burnt suit which had fused with his skin was cut open to free his right hand, It generated another series of hair raising screams.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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