TNWS03 Uncle Brady Goes to Night School - Cover

TNWS03 Uncle Brady Goes to Night School

Copyright© 2021 by Murray Wilson

Chapter 8: One Small Hand

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8: One Small Hand - Brady Porter has the pleasant task of babysitting his brother's two kids while his brother and brother's wife are away on a Tramping Holiday. All is well until his teenage niece comes out with a request to sleep naked with her uncle as part of her Sex Education class at school. How does the girl's uncle cope with such a request? Read on and find out. The story has quite a few chapters but they are all relatively short and you should get it all read in 2 hours max.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Ma/mt   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Uncle   Niece   Nephew   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Babysitter   Public Sex   Small Breasts  

As Brady was observing the exquisite nakedness of this gorgeous girl - and processing his own feelings of guilt - he also found himself working real hard to suppress all those ‘dirty thoughts’ he had had over the last little while towards this rather innocent but very pretty niece of his. This was despite the fact that he somehow knew that tonight was going to change all that and rather dramatically too. Seeing the girl’s naked body pressed up to that mirror in the bathroom and seeing that one small flash of her right titty again was causing all those ‘dirty’ thoughts to come flooding back in. This was exciting him and frightening him all in one big hit and it was also giving him just one mother fucker of all hard-ons.

Brady Porter was just about creaming himself in one giant spurt of an orgasm as he stood there in the dark perving at his brother’s daughter’s naked body...

... then reality exploded back into his world!

“Finished, Uncle Brady” called out Chrissy. “I’m coming back now with nice dry hair and all ready for my naked cuddle. Here I come ... ready or nooo ... ooot!”

The bathroom went suddenly black and Brady found himself stumbling quickly back to his bed in the dark as his naked niece came down the hallway and back into her mom and dad’s bedroom. Her uncle always used this room when they were away and Chrissy felt very happy to be going into it now to snuggle up for the night with her uncle. It would be a snuggle with both of them in the nude ... as requested by the Gensex Education course everyone now did at school.

Brady Porter only just managed to get back into bed and under the blankets with one hand still over his raging cock and the other hand grabbing a magazine from the side table as well as popping on the bedside lamp. When Chrissy came in a mere fraction of a second later he was slumped over to the left side of the bed pretending to read an article of some description.

When Chrissy saw him she said, “Oh, Uncle Brady, I had no idea you were interested in knitting. Fancy that. Mom will be thrilled. She’s always making things for other people’s babies and she will just love having someone like you to share her hobby with. Dad’s not interested in the least ... nor me or Jay ... but you ... well ... fancy that.”

When Brady realized what it was he was pretending to read he quickly discarded the thing and turned to watch his naked niece climb in under the blankets and move towards his own naked body.

“Come on” said Chrissy, “ ... let’s snuggle ... oooooo ... a nudie snuggle with my favorite uncle ... loveerrrrlyyyy!”

Uncle Brady just swallowed real hard and pulled his side of the bed clothes hard up under his chin as he began to feel the indescribable warmth of this amazing young girl’s naked body moving in towards his. He could also smell that sweet, innocent smell of apple scented shampoo coming from the girl’s lovely hair ... all dry and brushed and ready for bed.

This all just made Brady’s eyes open wide like saucers and his heart pump faster like it was fit to burst. The guy’s dick was also harder than he had ever felt before. It felt like it was about to poke him right up under his own chin ... that’s how big it seemed.

The side light was off now and the room was lit only with the soft glow of the street lights beaming in through the curtains. In this soft glow Brady turned his head to see just the loveliest face in the world. That face was looking up at him from under the blankets and smiling at him with those cute little dimples on each side of the girl’s mouth. That mouth then began to move as Chrissy quietly whispered, “I love you, Uncle Brady. You are just the best!”

Brady looked at his niece’s lovely face and replied as gently as he could with, “And I love you too, Chrissy. You are the loveliest niece any uncle could wish for.”

Brady was congratulating himself on how well he had just disguised his total nervousness and uncertainty about everything that was happening. That, however, was until ... until he felt one small hand creep up his thigh and onto his raging dick ... one massive erection!

... that was when everything changed ... in an instant!

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