TNWS03 Uncle Brady Goes to Night School
Copyright© 2021 by Murray Wilson
Chapter 6: In the Shadows
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6: In the Shadows - Brady Porter has the pleasant task of babysitting his brother's two kids while his brother and brother's wife are away on a Tramping Holiday. All is well until his teenage niece comes out with a request to sleep naked with her uncle as part of her Sex Education class at school. How does the girl's uncle cope with such a request? Read on and find out. The story has quite a few chapters but they are all relatively short and you should get it all read in 2 hours max.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft Ma/mt Teenagers Consensual Romantic Heterosexual Fiction Incest Brother Sister Uncle Niece Nephew Exhibitionism First Masturbation Oral Sex Babysitter Public Sex Small Breasts
Brady Porter looked his niece’s lovely, naked body up and down with unfeigned admiration for those two gorgeous titties now naked before his eyes. As he did this he found himself noticing the still rather wet strands of hair hanging down around her shoulders - so he mentioned it to the girl.
“Hadn’t you better go dry your hair some more, my little nudie girl. Don’t want yuh catchin’ yuh death now - being all naked and stuff. Give your hair another good rub over then put the hair dryer over it. That oughta fixed it up all good and proper for bed. OK! I’ll still be here when you get back ... all nekkid and stuff under these sheets.”
Brady gave Chrissy a naughty little wink and a smile as she scooted back off to the bathroom laughing about her uncle calling her ‘his little nudie girl’.
“Your little nudie girl! That’s funny, Uncle Brady, and I am your little nudie girl now, aren’t I ... Nudie Girl Chrissy ... that’s my name ... say it again ... Nudie Girl Chrissy ... who’s at the door? ... Nudie Girl Chrissy ... who’s it all for? ... Nudie Girl Chrissy ... and she’s no sissy ... because she is ... Nudie Girl Chrissy!”
Brady Porter could hear his niece putting her own tune to this little ditty she had just made up as she trotted back into the bathroom and got out her towel, her brush and the hair dryer. Then, as soon as the girl was back in front of the bathroom mirror Brady had a sudden impulse to get up out of the bed and go watch ... and what a breath taking experience that turned out to be!
The guy kept to the shadows of the hallway as he peered in through the bathroom door ... feeling like a complete pervert as he did - but not enough to stop! He even pulled his swollen dick back up into his stomach and covered the thing, along with his balls, with his hand. It was quite a ridiculous and rather futile attempt at some sort of modesty he thought but he still felt the need to do it none the less.
Standing in the dark corners of the hallway Brady discovered he could only see the back half of his niece’s naked body. The angle of the door was cutting off any view of the girl’s right side and front thus preventing any possibility of getting another peek at those lovely little titties he had just seen. What he could see, however, of that view from behind, was still just so fantastic and highlighted beautifully by the bright illumination coming from the bathroom’s light fittings.
As Brady scanned the naked form of Chrissy’s back half he found himself drawing in one very quick breath as he silently muttered to himself from the shadows the words...
“Oh ... myyyy ... gaawwwd!”
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