My Georgia Peaches - Cover

My Georgia Peaches

Copyright© 2021 by Peter Pan

Chapter 3: Safety in Numbers

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3: Safety in Numbers - Not every day a 36 year-old single man "inherits" three under-age sisters. It's an 'instant family' he could get to really enjoy....but then, there's the mother also!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Sister   White Male   White Female   First   Masturbation   Voyeurism   Nudism  

The caffeine worked its magic well enough and after an invigorating shower I was back on track emotionally, though still shy a couple of hours sleep.

Ambling out to the kitchen, Kathy was busying herself with breakfast for the kids by the looks of things. I asked her where they all were.

“Taking their sweet time,” she said. “Surely in the few days they’ve been with you even, you’ve seen how slow they can be once they get in the bathroom – Tracy especially.” She had a point there, mind you what generally walked out, was most definitely worth the time invested. I didn’t figure I’d mention that little observation.

“Hi Bill,” gushed Mandy, seating herself beside me at the table, making sure her leg made partial if not fully suggestive contact with my own. Kathy dropped a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon in front of her, indicating the full toast rack center-table. When my own serve made an appearance seconds later, I couldn’t help thinking how easily I could get used to this kind of spoilt domesticity, having done everything for myself for so long now. Kathy was no slouch at the griller either!

Mary was the next to put in an appearance. Rushing over to hug me first had the other two’s eyes rolling in their head. Best they just thought she was overly affectionate I thought, rather than clued-up as to her newly come-by nocturnal preferences. I could feel still those unripened but so sexy little pinkish folds between my fingers.

Tracy was the last to join us. Giving me a flirty little kiss on the cheek in passing, her expression was definitely “Hmmm, I wonder if you did something with either of my sisters last night?” ... then as she sat down “And if you did you are so dead meat!”

Trying to keep the whole thing platonic in front of Kathy was anything but easy. Tracy maintaining dreamy eye-contact throughout my scrambled eggs. Having to constantly close-up Mandy’s legs and fend off deliberately loaded barbs from Mary such as her infamous “How hot was it last night?” Tracy even shot me a killer glance on that one!

Kathy seemed not to pick up on anything though and eventually we were all done. I packed the kids off to their rooms (not that they took much persuading) whilst I help Kathy clean up. Drying the dishes while she washed up gave me time to talk with her a little. I figured she must have done it pretty tough after the girls’ father died but there again he didn’t sound that great an asset either if the truth be known. Either way, it utilised little in the way of psychoanalysis to realise that it wouldn’t take much for me to fall for this woman even though she was possessed of a seventeen year old stepdaughter that currently had my number – every which way but loose! When you’re talking ‘permanent’ rather than ‘fleeting,’ a hot little teenage ass, has by necessity, to be eased out of the equation ... or in Tracy’s case - ‘squeezed’ out!

“Would you like us to show you around Greensboro?” Kathy enquired. Even though it wasn’t exactly Greensboro I wanted to be shown around, I agreed

We took the Ford as it might have been somewhat of a squeeze in Kathy’s Camry sedan. Greensboro is very typical small-town America ... small, though quaint in places. I figure the entire shopping acreage there, would comfortably fit inside the Houston Astrodome. During a stop-off at a coffee bar-mid morning, the girls in fact regaled Kathy with their shopping experiences in Houston the previous weekend. I was reminded more, I have to say of that particular evening.

“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you girls have a crush on Bill,” Kathy grinned as we exited yet another boutique.

“Nah, they just see me as a surrogate father I think Kathy,” I replied, trying desperately to shift the focus of the relationship. It was only seconds later I realised what I’d intimated by virtue of Kathy’s enforced blush. Tracy flashed me her trademark smile and took a hold of my hand – much to the other two’s consternation.

It was late afternoon when we got back home and no sooner had we walked in than the phone rang. Kathy answered it.

“Come and see my room,” Tracy implored, propelling me towards the hallway. The other two looked daggers at her and would have followed had not Tracy waved them back. “Cmon girls ... Bill will go see yours too – won’t you Bill?”

“Sure” I replied dutifully as I was yanked unceremoniously to one side. Damn, she was no wuss to be sure! No sooner were we in her bedroom than Tracy closed the door, threw her arms around my neck and started kissing me with a fervor. “Will you make love to me tonight Bill? ... please,” she begged. “I know you want me, I can tell,” she giggled. She wasn’t far wrong!

I was seriously thinking of bringing that little event forward to the here and now, when Kathy’s voice suddenly assailed us.

“Better see what she wants I guess,” I said, disentangling her arms – God her breasts looked so inviting right there in my direct line of vision. I went back to the kitchen.

“Look Bill, I’m so sorry but I have a real problem.”

“What is it Kathy?: I asked

“It’s my mother, she’s been having a lot of trouble with her back recently. She slipped over a couple of hours ago and think’s she’s pinched a nerve in her vertebra. She needs me to go and do a few things for her as she can hardly walk she said.” Kathy paused for a moment. “Would you mind very much looking after the girls for a few hours until I get back – probably around 10.30 pm.? She only lives ten minutes away!”

I tried my best to look like this would indeed be a loathsome chore but that given my chivalrous nature – I was up for it. She gave me a hug that I wasn’t expecting but certainly found invigorating in the extreme.

Talk about telepathy, the news was on its way to Mary’s bedroom by the time I had exited the kitchen. You have never seen three more effusive and wide-eyed young girls as were circling their quarry right that second.

Farewelling Kathy, I barely made it to the lounge-room. Two curvy young rear ends seated themselves either side of me and Mary’s, as you may have guessed sank compliantly, but uninvited I have to say, directly on my lap.

“Let’s not waste any time,” she giggled, snuggling in and placing her lips in the exact right spot for me to kiss them.

The briefest of lip contact and I made as if to get up.

“Better we start getting something for dinner girls,” I muttered.

Two young arms grabbed mine, ensuring I couldn’t get up.

“We’re not hungry Bill,” Mandy pouted – I’ll swear her breasts were bigger than they were even last week. Maybe I could just see more of them through that tight little top she had on.

“Well not for food at least,” Tracy teased. Her expression - pure lust at that second – her meaning anything but indistinct. “Would you like to go to my room?” she asked softly – those glossy lips promising what I shouldn’t be thinking.

“What’s wrong with my room Tracy?” Mandy interjected – “You can’t have him all to yourself ... and anyway, you’re only eighteen months older than me!”

“And I’m only sixteen months behind Mandy,” Mary tossed in for good measure.

“Why does he have to go to any of our rooms?” Mandy giggled, “There’s no-one else here.” So saying, she wriggled the hem of her skirt up to fully indecent levels. Those hot pink undies were burning holes in my retinas.

“Pull your skirt down Mandy, that’s disgusting,” Tracy chided her younger sibling. “You behave like a slut sometimes - you really do!”

“Well, look who’s talking?” Mandy fired back “You’ve been fucking Bill whenever you’ve had the chance...” I heard Mary gasp with shock.

“That’s not true,” Tracy screamed at her defensively.

“OK that’s enough girls,” I wrenched myself free, jettisoning Mary in the process. Now cut the bitchy talk – both of you ... you’re just kids for Chrissake!” I added.

Tracy, fully indignant, was already on her way to her own sanctuary. A reverberating slam confirmed the room-owner’s mood.

“Let her sulk Bill,” Mandy said breezily...”Come to my room for a while – I want to show you some photos in my album.” Taking my hand, she tugged me to the far hallway.

“Can I come with you?” asked Mary, with little hope of acceptance it sounded like.

Mandy stared for a moment at her little sister...”Yeah, I guess Mary,” she muttered at last, “Come-on then!”

We made an unlikely trio as we trooped into Mandy’s rather neat little domain.

“Is that necessary?” I asked as Mandy, having closed the door - locked it. I wasn’t sure whether her action was to keep intruders out, or me in?

“Tracy thinks she owns the place,” she replied, “I’m not having her just walk in here when she feels like it ... might be embarrassing,” she giggled. It was all Mary could do to keep a straight face too I noticed.

With Mary seated on the small bed beside me and clinging on to my arm at every opportunity, I flipped through the photo-album which did a fine job of recreating visually Mandy and the girls’ earlier childhood. Sixteen years in pictures, translates to remarkably few photographic highlights, the earlier prints obviously having been given to her at some stage. One particular picture – Mandy, at five, Mary just 4 and Tracy but a pig-tailed seven-year old, brought home to me just how young they all really were even now ... just a blink of the eye since they were all finger-painting!

I was still contemplating this fact when Mandy retrieved the album from my clutches and fully unexpectedly, pushed me back on her bed smothering my face with warm kisses, her arms around my neck.

Now before you all condemn me for my actions, take a moment to consider the situation if you will. Even at fifteen, a young girl’s willing and highly arousing body entwining itself around your own is a powerful aphrodisiac. With Mary additionally, beginning to nuzzle up against my neck, I had as much chance of shifting into neutral as of stalling the motor by tossing a ham sandwich under the hood. The scent of young womanhood is nothing to be denied either and I freely admit any chivalrous notions on site were quickly despatched to the outer periphery of my consciousness.

I found my hand unzipping Mandy’s short skirt, even as she began wriggling out of the thing. My left hand too had a mind of its own it seems and had inched its way down to Mary’s hot little rear-end whence it began smoothing over that wonderfully taut and curvy little bottom. I could feel the onset of the sexy cleft between her ass-cheeks and began to fondle the general area. I heard her giggle while at the same time quite obviously, spreading her legs noticeably.

In just her bra and panties now, Mandy had shifted up a cog. Kissing me passionately, she had rendered me so far past the red-line, all I craved was to pull those skimpy little panties down and to get one or more of those hot girlish nipples into my mouth. With not a little help from their owner admittedly, I managed both tasks one-handedly in less than thirty seconds. Completely straddling me now, Mandy had one leg across her sister also and was wriggling about – fully, a young girl on heat. Reaching around with my right hand (my left was performing unspeakably inappropriate things beneath the waistband of Mary’s own panties) I was able to slide across Mandy’s bubble-butt and down between her legs which must have offered right then, a one-forty degree access to her under-age but supremely inviting pussy.

It was at the point I felt her unzip me that I realised there was only ever going to be one eventuality here. It mattered not to my tortured psyche right at that moment, whether she was fifteen or thirty ... I just needed absolution – in the form of my cock as far up her slippery little pussy as I could get it. I rather think this dovetailed with her own needs.

Having by necessity to relinquish my grip on Mary’s hot and pliant little ass, I held Mandy tight around the waist and kissing her with renewed vigor as her hair flopped all over my face, I just angled-up into that moist cavern between her legs with frenzied need. Completely naked now, she was moaning with unfettered pleasure, using those hips of hers to great effect. I began fondling her breasts roughly, oblivious to anything else but the need to fill her with my seed.

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