The Beginning, Mother, Daughter and Son-In-law - Cover

The Beginning, Mother, Daughter and Son-In-law

by Christine

Copyright© 2021 by Christine

Incest Sex Story: Her husband is ignoring his bedroom duties and the distraught wife looks for comfort with her daughter

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   TransGender   Mother   Daughter   Oral Sex   .

Janna and John had only been married six months so they were still, for all practical purposes, on their honeymoon. They had both gotten married very young with John being eighteen and Janna only sixteen. They didn’t have to get married it just seemed right. John had a great job and could support them both while Janna did some part-time stuff and went to school.

The two families were against it, all except for Anna, Janna’s mom. She knew Janna was very happy with John and that is what she wanted the most. She even found them a nice little house and helped them put it all together, often coming by just for coffee or to bring them something she had found that perhaps her daughter could use. It was obvious that Anna was the only one that approved of them getting married and John grew to liking her a lot.

There was a three-day weekend coming up and they were busy packing their Jeep with their tent and everything they needed for a little camping this weekend over at Lake Travis. They were half packed when Janna’s mother pulled up unexpectedly.

Janna immediately thought something was wrong as her mother’s face was red and her eyes were puffy as though she had been crying. Rather than push the issue she invited her mother in the house.

“John, look who pulled up.”

Although John was the son-in-law, he still called her mom as they had been getting along quite well, since before they decided to get married a year ago.

“Mom, this is great but we didn’t expect you.”

“I know I should’ve called and I can head back home as I just want to spend a little bit of time with my daughter.”

“You’re always welcome Mom, how long can you stay?”

Not wanting to impose on the kids Anna tried to take the easy way out by saying that she could help them pack and then when they are ready to go, she would leave as well. As they were packing the Jeep Janna took a quick look in her mom’s car and noticed a small suitcase in the back seat. Nothing big just something small for like a weekend type of trip.

With her mother and her briefly alone in the house she decided she better try to find out what’s going on.

“Mom, you have got to tell me now because I know something’s going on. I saw your suitcase in the back seat. Did you leave Dad or something?”

She started to cry at about the same time that John walked back in the house and as soon as he saw that he turned around and walked back out leaving the 2 of them together to sort things out.

“Oh Janna, I know I shouldn’t make a big deal out of this but it’s just that, I guess things are changing for me with you gone and you being my only child and all.”

“Just spit it out Mom, did Dad do something?”

“It’s not what he did honey, it’s what he’s not doing.”

“You have to help me Mom because I can’t, for the life of me, think of something that Dad would not be doing. He’s a regular handyman around the house.”

“Honey, I could never talk about this in front of John but your dad’s just not taking care of me in bed.”

“Damn Mom, that’s never been a problem between you two, has it?”

“Well ever since you left it’s sort of been a problem for us but I don’t know maybe it’s all my fault.”

“I may be young Mom but I thought that when there’s a problem there’s a reason to every story so you won’t tell me why the suitcase’s here?”

“Well, I was hoping to spend the weekend with you and get away from him and see if that made a difference.

“Mom, you’re welcome to stay with us or you can just ... I know what, why don’t you go with us on this camping trip. We can have a ball and I know John would love to have you.”

“That would be a bit too much for you guys, I mean you’ve only been married for six months.”

“I think it would be great and I bet if we talk to John, he’ll jump at the chance to have you go with us, because he does love you to death, just as much as I do. In fact, sometimes I get jealous. Just kidding, Mom.”

Janna went to her mother’s car, grabbed the suitcase and nonchalantly walks over and puts it in the back of the Jeep, with John watching.

“Janna, is your mom going with us?”

“I hope you don’t mind but she’s been having some problems with Dad and just wants to get away for the weekend.”

“Are you kidding, I think that would be the coolest thing we’ve done in a long time, to have your mother along, wow.”

Janna quickly grabbed some more food and drinks for three people and then she had to get some blankets, because she only had a sleeping bag for two. By laying it flat and just using the blankets, they can turn that into sleeping three. She will just have to sleep in the middle to make her mother feel more comfortable.”

Janna’s mom had gotten freshened up and the next time she saw John he walked over, put his arms around her and gave her a big hug telling her he would love to have her go along. It would be so cool. His friends would never believe that his mother-in-law went camping with them.

It is about an hour and fifteen minutes to the lake, so Janna and her mom were in the backseat talking softly after they got started. Janna handed John some ear buds to put in his ears to input into the music and to indicate that she needed to talk to her mother without worrying about him hearing.

John did as he was told, took the earbuds and cranked up the music so that whatever they were saying he would not be privy to it, unless she decided she wanted to share it.

It only took her twenty minutes to get everything out of her mother that she needed to. During that time her mother must’ve broke down and cried three times and she was glad that John had the earbuds in, although she had forgotten that he could look in the rearview mirror and tell what was going on. He knew something was amiss and more than just a casual get away for the weekend.

They got to the lake earlier than most so they got their pick of the sites. He decided to pick one that was sort of off by itself on the point of a ridge. The next nearest site was more than twenty yards away because of the terrain there is nothing level between them. John set the tent up by himself and as he was doing that Janna and her mom were unpacking the Jeep and getting things set up.

In the tent there was about enough room for the open sleeping bag and some close comfy sleeping and that was about all. All of the cooking and eating was done on the picnic table and the cooler was also stored out there. They had just enough room for clothing inside the tent.

While Janna’s mom had gone to the restrooms and showers, Janna took time to fill John in on the details.

“John, we gotta do something. Mom is a wreck.”

“Well, she’s going to be spending time with us away from him. What more can we do?”

“What do you think of my mom John? I mean, do you think she’s attractive?”

“She’s more than attractive Janna, she’s hot just like you. You could say she’s a MILF, if I ever saw one.”

“John, you know I love my mom more than anything and I’d do anything for her and I hope you would too. I think what Mom needs is just basically to get laid, she is so wound up.”

“So, what’s that got to do with me? Oh no, don’t even think of it.”

John, you’re her son-in-law, you’re not related to her like I am. What’s the big deal?”

“I can’t believe that you would share me with your mother.”

“John, I’d do the same thing for you, but right now I would do whatever I have to so I can get my mother out of this funk that she’s in.”

What do you want me to do? I mean it will become obvious if I tried to seduce her or anything.”

“Let me take the lead on it John and then you just follow along. I think we can make things work out okay.”

“I can’t say that I would never want to do your mother, because she is really a good looker and I’m glad you took after her, but this is something I never thought about.”

A short time later they pass Janna’s mom coming back from the showers as they were going towards them and they told her to stay warm and fix something light and they will have a bite to eat when they come back.

By the time they got back from the showers Anna had some sandwiches made, some chips laid out with some dip and she had found the bottle of wine that they brought. But the surprise was that there was a bottle of tequila on the table that her mother must’ve brought.

Mom, we going to party tonight?”

“Just enough to get me tired so I can get some sleep tonight, Son.”

They finished eating and after the sandwiches and a few drinks, they were all sitting around the small fire they had going. Janna pulled out a hand rolled cigarette and her mother asked her, “I didn’t know you two smoked?

“It’s not exactly a regular cigarette Mom.”

“What is it then? Oh, is that a joint?”

“Mom., really? You never ever... ?”

“No, not ever.”

“Do you mind if we smoked it?”

“As long as you don’t turn into a serial killer or something.”

They all three laughed. John lit the joint and took a few hits and then passed it to Janna. Janna took a few deep ones and held them as long as she could then exclaimed, “Nice.”

Her mom was watching her, “What’s it like?”

Handing the joint back to John she looked at her mom, “It’s different for everyone, but in general it mellows you out so your problems are not as bad as you thought. It brings reality to you in a different way, a good way.”

As she finished telling her mother about it, she took the joint from John and offered it to her mother. “It’s ok Mom. You could use this. It’s better for you than alcohol.”

Anna took the joint and looked at it and thought...

“If you don’t take a puff on it, it will go out.”

She took her first ever hit on a joint and immediately coughed.

“That’s ok Mom, take another but slower puff this time. That’s it, now hold your breath.”

“I don’t feel anything, honey.”

“That’s ok, take another but deeper puff and hold it again. Good, not pass it back to John.”

“Here you go John, now what do you think of your druggy mother-in-law?

“I tell you what Mom, or rather Anna whichever, I think you’re the coolest mother-in-law and MILF I’ve ever met.”

Anna looks over at her daughter; “I’m afraid to ask Janna, what’s a MILF?”

“It’s a compliment Mom. It’s a really good complement. I’ll tell you someday.”

By the time the joint was finished the three of them were having a pretty good buzz.

Anna got up and walked to the table to retrieve the bottle of tequila and shot glass. She handed it to John who promptly poured himself a shot and swallowed handing the bottle to her daughter who did the same. Anna just took it straight from the bottle. She didn’t even make a face.

You guys like it?” she asked.

“It is so damn smooth.”

Both of the kids took another shot and looked at each other and Janna asked her mom, “How did you find out about this brand?”

“I used to stop at a Mexican restaurant at times and it had a bar in the back. The bartender and I became friendly and he showed me some of the finer things about tequila.”

“He damn sure knew what good tequila was.”

And that started another round of shots.

Janna looked at her mother and got her attention, “You know Mom, you and I have never had a mother-daughter type talk about anything. Do you think we can sort of chit chat a bit?”

“What kind of chit chat do you want to do?”

“I would just like to know more about you. Maybe some personal stuff if it’s okay, that is.”

“You just fire away and we will see if it’s okay.”

“Was dad your first?”

“He was the one that took my virginity, yes.”

“Mom, that sounded like a qualified answer. I seem to think there’s more to that answer than what you told me.”

“Let me rephrase the question. Who was your first sexual experience with?”

“I guess that had to be your aunt, Sharon.”

“You mean that tiny, meek aunt of mine?”

“Yup, the very same. And yes, it wasn’t good, it was very damn good. The problem with that was that when I met your Dad, I don’t think he ever pleased me as well as she did.”

“What about...”

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