Non Zero Sum Game - Cover

Non Zero Sum Game

Copyright© 2021 by Yob

Chapter 6: Shadow Sculptures

Donjohn has a girlfriend now. Hog was devastated when Dallas and Elaine partnered up, leaving him to east dust. Can you imagine his displeasure at his mom taking up with Donjohn? She’s only eight years older than Donjohn and is still a handsome woman. Gail suspects she dyes her hair to hide the gray. That’s fair. If wearing fake nails and fake eyelashes is kosher, why balk at hair coloring? They seem happy, and that’s important. Hog seems miserable, but glowering is his usual demeanor and pissed at something is his usual mood anyway. He isn’t mean spirited or combative, just miserably disappointed with the portion life dished out for him.

We are having a beaner and a fish fry at Dallas’ fish camp. Dalisay, Hog’s mom, is doing the fish Filipino style. Heads on. She’s also making rice. I’m deep frying breaded slices of zucchini, eggplant, bell peppers, and green tomatoes. Gail is making pumpkin fritters. Basically those are corn meal hush puppies with a hint of pumpkin pie flavor to them. She is also providing a small bag of street ganja and rolling papers. Dallas is tending the bean pot and bought three cases of beer. Donjohn is providing a big bottle of Jamesons Irish whiskey, and making big fat French fries from scratch. Elaine is furnishing a fresh garden salad, and I mean real fresh! Picked from her garden mere hours ago, and from the same garden, an enormous quantity of homegrown pot. Hog’s new girlfriend, Abby, is bringing a cake for desert. Information unavailable. Shucking responsibility. Hog contributes a bushel of raw oysters in their caked muddy shells.

Hog forgot the lemons and the Tabasco for oysters. Fortunately, Dalisay remembered. She considers that her main job at this stage in Hog’s life. It’s not his fault his mind and memory lack a few cards, short of a full deck. He’s wounded in his mind, a patriot warrior.

Our two highest spirited celebrants are Sylvia and Cassie. Abby is Sylvia’s mom, and Cassie belongs to Elaine. The little girls are about the same age and happy to have a playmate to chase. Dalisay is happy to hear the music of children’s excited laughter in the air.

Going to be a high feast day! Everyone is getting high.

People are high from joints being passed even before the food is completely prepared. My fried veggie chips disappear as fast as I can cook them. Perfect munchies food. Elaine twice whips up homemade ranch dressing to dip them in. We got some hungry impatient people. We are a good team together, a functional family, even if we aren’t blood kin to each other. Kindred spirits, there’s no doubt of that.


“Both Abby and Gail lift their heads and look at Hog. He wanted Abby’s attention. Both women shyly smile at each other, then Gail grins at me. I nod at her, acknowledging the info slip. Nice to meet you, Abigail, I want to know all about you. Intend to over time.

“What would you call a feast with this unusual combination of dishes?”

Dalisay asks but it’s obvious, she thinks it’s predominantly Filipino.

“I’ve had this meal many times on many Caribbean islands. Rice and beans, fried fish, pumpkin fritters, and salads. Only the fresh oysters are not served for consumption in the Caribbean. Except in Panama, Cuba, and Jamaica. There they do harvest Mangrove oysters.

Venezuela and Columbia have a few native pearl oyster beds, and I’ve eaten them occasionally, but they aren’t popular as seafood.”

“Okay, island girls, it’s an Islander feast, whether Pacific islands or Caribbean islands, it is clearly island fare. Let’s eat.”

Donjohn is careful of Dalisay’s feelings and gives her face. He’s rewarded by a grateful smile from his older girlfriend.

“Come on, Joey! You’re holding up dinner.”

“As soon as I get this batch out of the fat and draining, I’ll join you.”

“Time for appetizers is past. The main course is served.”

“Easy for you to say, Hog. There aren’t any oysters left to shuck to eat. I didn’t get any oysters or any fried veggies. I bet Dalisay and the kids didn’t either. People stoned with serious muchies aren’t very considerate. It was all I could manage keeping up with demand. Go ahead. Start with out me. I’m making veggies for us deprived few.”

“Well, then, make enough t go around, for everyone. We’ll wait.”

“Nope, you had yours Hog, and then some. I only have enough ingredients to cook for those who missed out. Who missed out?”

Dalisay, Gail, the two kids and don’t forget me. The ranch dressing is all gone, but I’m not going to pester Elaine to make some more.

“I’ll make some more ranch, then.”

Elaine volunteered without anyone asking for it, bless her.

“Make a huge batch, honey. For the salads, too.”

Hog just called his ex-girlfriend Elaine, Honey. Talk about faux pas!

“Who do you think you’re honeying, you drunk dumb shit?”

Who said that? Abby? Or Elaine? Must have been Elaine because Dallas has his arms about her, gentling her. Hog has to be tolerated.

All are silent. A pregnant toxic pause. The veggies are crisp finally, thank goodness. An excuse to change the topic nobody is discussing.

“Here Sylvia, take what you want. Try one of these, too? Cassie? Make your selections, sweetie. Dalisay? You can take a few more, they’re good for you. Okay! Sylvia? You want some more? Sure can, doll. Gail? The rest are yours, except this one, I want just one bite.”

“I’ll share them, Joey. One isn’t enough after all your effort.”

“I’m going to fill up on these pumpkin fritters and with the excellent rice and beans and fish. Such a great selection of accompaniments. The flavors really compliment each other wonderfully. Great salad, too Elaine and I absolutely adore your ranch dressing. Delicious!”

“How about my French fries, Joey. You didn’t mention them.”

“That’s because there’s no room on my plate, Donjohn. Don’t worry, I know your fries are fantastic. I’m going to use some for tightening up the corners. Then, I’ll pass judgment if your reputation is intact.”

“Don’t forget my cake.”

“What kind of cake did you bake, Abby?”

“Well, I didn’t have time to bake but it’s very good, even if it’s a store bought cake. It’s carrot cake with cream cheese icing. It’s Dallas’ favorite.”

“Mine too, Abby. Thanks for bringing it. Anticipating a big slice.”

Everyone likes the nutty flavor of carrot cake, and no richer icing exists than cream cheese and powdered sugar mixed together.

The meal was a fine affair. Everybody stuffed themselves. The kids really appreciated sitting in tall captain chair barstools at the table ends. Made them feel special, and their high seats brought them to near eye level with the adults sitting on the picnic table’s benches.

“What do we do after this? Get drunk? Get stoned? Take siestas?”

“You can if you want to, Hog. I was hoping maybe we could do some work on the pier, after everybody digests a little while.”

“What work exactly did you have in mind, Dallas?”

“Well, I already cut an arch in the transom for an entrance. At the moment, it’s covered over with a sheet of foam, so you might not have noticed it. Too keep the water moccasins and raccoons out. Next, I’d like to cut a hole in the bow, to cast net for shrimp from and to board my kayak from and on. What I want, is something eye appealing. Curved, artistic. Leave some bulwarks for safety on the sides, but cut the stem off square at the tip, a couple feet wide.”

“What you want, is a woman’s touch, Dallas.”

Dalisay finished his thoughts for him.

“Exactly. If you ladies would collaborate on a design, I’ll string the air grinder hoses inside the hull, and set up the compressor. With a little help from my friends, we could knock it out this afternoon.”

“When are you going to set up the pier for tying boats to it?”

“I think we should have walkways on concrete pilings. On both sides of the cement boat. Design the boat moorings into the pilings. Boats surging in the current pulling on the cement hull, isn’t a safe idea.”

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