Non Zero Sum Game - Cover

Non Zero Sum Game

Copyright© 2021 by Yob

Chapter 63: Ah, Success at Last!

Meeting Sharon and Cassie at the airport in Tortola was a very happy reunion, because I brought my short shadow with me. Hermione was pleased to have her daddy all to herself. Happy we were taking a trip together, just the two of us. Happy we were going for a boat ride. Everything delighted her. Hermione’s pleasure delighted me. She was enjoying every minute of sitting on my lap the entire forty five minute boat trip. Sat on my lap some more in the waiting area. She has new words. What, why, Who. And that. She knows how to point that tiny finger.

“What that? Who that? Why?” Point, point.

She never tires of the question game or of smiling up at me, or sitting on my lap. I’m happy that she feels so happy with me and is enjoying our time together. I am. I’m falling more and more in love with her all the time. Daddy for a little daughter love, let’s be clear. She’s precious to me.

She isn’t my only daughter. She was, but that’s recently changed. Ava delivered a little girl six months ago, named Prudence. Until recently, I had very little interaction with Ava’s daughter, and she’s not mine. Prue doesn’t know that. Whenever she sees me she holds out her chubby little arms to me. I take her and cuddle her. Face it, I’m going to be the only daddy she has, better make a good job of it.

I am a new daddy for real, Leticia bore me an infant daughter a few days ago. I’ve held her a few times and fed her a water bottle. I’m waiting on bonding but it hasn’t happened yet. All she does is sleep, nurse, mess and wet, mostly sleeps. Her name is Lentil. Leticia chose it. Said she’s the color of lentils and it stuck. Anyway, Hermione is my favorite. Of all my children, I love her the most. Is that a bad omen? Hope not. I plan to spoil her only a little.

When Sharon and Cassie got inside the terminal, I became the forgotten man. Hermione got all the attention and forgot about me in the general excitement of hugs, kisses, and endearments. What’s a fellow to do? I took them to lunch. Hermione reclaimed my lap. My plate looked the most appetizing to her. I chose a fresh fruit plate with a dipping sauce for Hermione. For myself a big bowl of thick stew, full of seafood (shrimp, crab, lobster) and lots of green vegetables (taro and amaranth leaves) called Callaloo stew. Pretty spicy, very tasty and filling.

Hermione didn’t like my stew. She insisted on a taste, and when I tried to steer her off it, she cried. I let her have her way and she made a disgusted face at the flavor. Hermione definitely preferred the fruits after that. Thought she would. Sharon was disappointed Hermione wouldn’t sit on her lap. Cassie claimed she was disappointed she couldn’t sit on mine. Hermione sits where she likes, and she’s happy on mine, everybody else gets what’s left...

It’s too soon to talk about impersonating Elaine. I’m waiting for Sharon and Elaine to get after each other, as my cue to get involved. Wasn’t long coming.

When we arrived at our island, there wasn’t a big welcoming reception as there had been for Lauren and the troop of my kids.

Sharon and Cassie don’t realize their welcome is hardly any welcome. What they don’t know won’t hurt them. Immediately, they went in search of Elaine to pick a fight with her. I know where she is, shes at the new apartments site, getting settled in., so I head there.

“Elaine? You need to come with me. Sharon and Cassie are here, looking for you, and spitting fire. There’s no time to lose, they’ll find out you’re out here and soon will be here. I have a place we can stay out of their way, hide until they cool off a bit.”

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