Non Zero Sum Game - Cover

Non Zero Sum Game

Copyright© 2021 by Yob

Chapter 60: The Knot

Arriving at the airport back in Florida, without luggage, I travel light, I was startled to hear my name paged. This could be bad news! In several ways. Is the left coast mob so stupid to think I’d be so stupid as to respond to an airport page and saunter unconcerned into an assassination or kidnap ambush scheme? On the other hand, maybe one of my kids is injured or desperately ill? Same risks for my ladies. Is Sophia all right? Yep, I’m stupid enough to answer a page!

“Hey, stud. Surprised to see me, I expect.”

“Nymph! What are you doing here? Is everyone all right? What’s the situation? Desperate?”

Nymph laughed, mostly a giggle. Everybody is fine and healthy. There’s no crisis. She’s picking me up to drive me to the ranch. Unless I’d prefer getting a room and some urgent nookie off her? I’m anxious to get home, and why do we need a rented room? My horse trailer will suit us just fine. After a little airing out, perhaps.

‘I’d prefer not to be seen going into your quarters with you, Joey. I’m engaged to Tony, and he’s extremely jealous. We need to be discreet. A room sounds nice, doesn’t it?”

“I thought Tony was courting the twins? One or the other or both.”

“Probably ranks as his fondest dream. The twins don’t respect him. Call him knot head. They’ve both fucked him once, but only once.”

“I’m glad they aren’t interested in Tony.”

“Me too! I wouldn’t stand a chance of competing against the seductive combination of their beauty and their land values.”

“Are they enjoying school?”

“They dropped out. They’re already rich and indolent, don’t need or want careers, and already learned enough to handle the daily necessities. They’re just waiting for you to propose. Dakota said she’d sign off on an early marriage if they can rope you into it.”

“Fit a wedding ring in my nose, clip on my halter and lead me to the altar. I’m fit to be tied.”

“Really? You’re ready to tie the knot? Amazing! Never thought I’d live to see the day any woman could tie you down. Going to flip a coin at the last minute, or has your heart ultimately settled upon one in particular?”


“Brzzzt! Wrong answer.”

“What do you mean, wrong answer? Is she interested in somebody else?”

“You might say that, but no one you should feel jealous about. They’ve made plans, figured it all out in advance what’s best. How life is to be for you three!”

“So they’ve decided just among the pair of them, like it or not, I’m to marry tomboy cowgirl Georgia. Does she even have a dress? Would she know how to put one on? Never mind high heel pumps. She’ll no doubt wear her regular high heeled stirrup boots, complete with spurs, too. Who is Virginia planning to marry?”

“Virginia likes the role of the other woman. She intends to be your life long mistress, and Georgia intends to be her sister’s seraphic lover.”

“Well, that doesn’t sound so bad. Did you mean to say, sapphic lover? Seraphic means angelic.”

“I’m using their words and they mean what they say. They looked up the words. This is how they explained it to me. Hebrew seraphim means “the burning one.” Flaming angels. Georgia is burning flaming hot when it comes to eating Virginia’s pussy. They figure you understand a love and desire for a sister more than most. Georgia is a very intense focused personality. She wants only you and her sister, nobody else will do. Oh, she needs her horse, too.”

“What does Virginia reap from this sort of deal?”

“She gets to be your loving constant companion. Travel, see the world, own multiple homes. On the other hand, Georgia won’t go anywhere she can’t bring her horse too. And she’s highly committed to the ranch. Many decades will pass before Dakota and Dallas pass over control, but Georgia knows it’s coming to her eventually. Virginia is more a southern belle than a rancher. Virginia couldn’t care less about the day to day ranch operations. That’s all Georgia wants to do, ranching.”

“You’re right, sounds like they have it all plotted out. Burial plots on the ranch? Yep, planned to the last detail. When’s the damn wedding scheduled?”

“Cakes baked, half a steer been turning slowly on the spit since you boarded your plane. The beers on ice and cold, and the preacher (actually turns out to be a local magistrate, a judge) and guests are waiting. I was dispatched to fetch you, and instructed not to dawdle on the road.”

“So, you’re suggestion to get a room was just a lark?”

Nymph stood on the brakes. The car swerved and skidded off the blacktop onto a unlit dirt and gravel side road. We stopped and she killed the engine. Climbed on top of me and began fumbling for my fly.

“Nope, wasn’t intended as a lark. It’s hot desire and a rebellious nature. Pull that lever beside the seat to recline the back. Fucking is serious so ain’t included in the same as dawdling as I define it.”

“Hmmm! You got some good pussy girl!”

“Glad you can still appreciate it. Tales I’ve heard, you might be a bit jaded. Got hundreds of notches in your belt according to rumor. Fucked a whole damn village sparing only the babes in arms.”

“Nope, don’t believe rumors, most aren’t true.”

“Oh? Even the babies weren’t safe from you?”

“Giddy-up gal. I’m already late for my wedding. What am I doing? Getting saddled by one woman isn’t my style. Maybe we should call off the wedding. I wouldn’t want this to be the last time you mount me. I’m missing your fine pussy more than I realized.”

“You aren’t missing me yet unless you pull out now. Quit complaining, I’ll be around for you to play with. Often, I promise.”

“If I’m married to Georgia, while Squiring Virginia on the side, and you’re hitched to Tony, when are we two supposed to get together for old fashioned tom foolery?”

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