Non Zero Sum Game - Cover

Non Zero Sum Game

Copyright© 2021 by Yob

Chapter 55: Residents

The north coast of the island was the site chosen for the estate, and was established before I was born. I think it was a wise choice of the founder. Your agreement isn’t important, but may depend on your level of appreciation for a year round fifteen knot breeze. Translating from knots, that’s pretty stiff, equal to twenty eight kilometers or seventeen miles, per hour. Enough to muss your hair and to make you squint to face it. Strong enough to bat your eyelashes for you.

The wind and breakers present some unfortunate disadvantages regards access to the ocean. Heavy seas pound the rugged coast relentlessly. Obviously unsuitable for boat docks and bathing beaches. A desalinization plant needs to be near sea level to suck up the source salt water. Problematical to locate along such a coast.

The government controls the leeward coast. They’ll permit me to install a desalination plant in the island’s lee, for the islands use, providing I relinquish control to the government. Officials slaver with avaricious pipe dreams, envisioning inter-island tanker ships loading thousands of ton cargoes of fresh water for transport to other islands. Purchased from their offices at lucrative per gallon rates.

I’m disgusted and determined the city won’t get a single damn drop until these bums are tossed out of office. I can’t run for office, but I can support candidates who think like I do. Names of officials who fucked it up for the citizenry are being published in local papers.

If you can’t deal thru them or with them, then go around them, over them, or even undermine them. That’s what I intend politically to do. Undermine the bastards and bring them down!

Wow! Isn’t nature’s design simply wonderful? How can I avoid being smashed on the rocky cliffs by heavy seas? Go under them! Nice and peaceful down there, in the depths below, under the sea. Such remarkable dramatic change in such a short distance. Marvelous counter intuitive design, an impressive accomplishment.

Constructing and installing an undersea habitat to contain a water-maker or even several, is a problem needing an engineering solution. We need to create our own marvelous design. I intend to. I don’t personally possess the required smarts and know-how, but I have money enough to hire smart engineers who do.

I’m pleased with myself for coming up with this idea and I’m on a roll today. I also have another genius thought, a humbler one. I’m surrounded by brains. Why not get them all involved in solving our problems? The trick to harnessing so many individual brains into a coherent work force is persuasive leadership and plan management. I’m fortunate to know just the right people with those skill sets.

“Leticia? Beverly, Sister Agnes? What do you think of my idea?”

“You want everyone living here in the manor compound and include those living rent free in slums on your lands, to get together and involved in a group meeting, to offer suggestions on how to resolve the problem of the slum?”

“Yeah. Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it. Sorry I bothered you ladies.”

“It’s brilliant, sugar. Come here, I’m going to hug you soooo good, hmmm hmm! I just love you to death!”

“When Leticia lets you go, you got more hugs pending with us, too”

“Well, if you’re all endorsing the idea, can I hand it off? Ya’ll run with it, please? I’m better one on one, than with groups or crowds.”

“Where are you off to in such a rush? Got a hot date? You should stay and see this through, not dump it on us and quick skedaddle.”

“Sorry, I have a previous engagement. Promised Ava I’d help her plumb her depths, dredge her birth canal deep, wide, and navigable.”

“Some limits must be set and observed. Ava should be censured for permitting you, encouraging you to fuck her during late pregnancy. The risk of injuring the infant within her womb is too great now!”

“What’s the harm in my getting a “little” pussy now and then?”

They look mortally shocked and offended, even Leticia is aghast.

“Is that some sick fantasy of yours? When fully ensconced inside Ava, do you imagine an innocent creature fitting herself on you?”

No, doesn’t appeal to me. But the change in their expressions is now shocking to me! Leering, their three faces are masks of raw lust.

“Were any of you ladies considering getting pregnant yourselves?”

My turn. They’re shocked again! Then realization dawns on them.

“Would you really want to have children with us, Joey?”

“Can’t imagine three better more qualified mom candidates.”

“It’s something I long ago shut out of my mind as unattainable and distressful to long for. Nuns mustn’t contemplate having families. Now, I want to live a normal life, and having a baby is an extremely attractive idea! Particularly with you, my blessed saint Prick.”

“Likewise, eventually as the years passed, I realized no one was likely to ever propose marriage and single parenthood is too difficult a lifestyle to rationally volunteer for. So I just put it out of mind and forgot about it. Concentrated on my career. Could we really consider you and I having children together as possibilities, you think?”

“Well, I already have five daughters and considered them more than sufficient, barely sustainable on my limited resources. No way could I afford to feed any extra mouths. But now, since finances are no obstacle, your taunt triggers in me a deep powerful visceral desire to expand my family with you as their daddy! I’d adore for you to fuck a baby into my belly! I’m amazed it didn’t already occur to me before you mentioned it just now. Fuck my daughter Ava, er later. I’m claiming priority status! I’m ready whenever you are, sugar.”

“I’m the deprived one, who hasn’t lived yet, and only recently acquired a life to call my own. Couldn’t I qualify for the preferential position in line? And in addition, the prospect of pregnancy has me so fired up hot I might rape you, if I don’t get a volunteer fucking.”

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