Non Zero Sum Game - Cover

Non Zero Sum Game

Copyright© 2021 by Yob

Chapter 54: Home Schooled

Recap of recent events. After the arrival of Sophia, my sons Richard and Perry, accompanied by Pixie, Lilli, and Gladys, we were honored by the arrival of often lost but now found again, Gail.

Perry decided he was happy to be in mommy’s arms again and all is forgiven. Never forgotten, no sirree! He refuses to be put down. Clings desperately to her. She will never be let free to abandon him again, is the apparent strategy.

Sally is arraigned and is awaiting trial. Gail wants to row out to ShortStuff and inspect her boat, but Commodore Perry overrules that sort of nonsense! This imperious demanding kid is going to cost me a fortune before he even starts school. Haul-outs in Tortola are expensive and yard storage prohibitively expensive. Shot Stuff can’t sink parked on the hill. Gail’s mind needs freeing from worrying about her boats so she can concentrate on our hurting son. Andros Island agrees to haul out and stack the catamaran Good Grief as well. When I lean in for a grateful kiss, my own son stiff armed me, fended me off. Mom is exclusive property, No trespass! Gail thinks his jealousy is cute and endearing. I’m tempted to take him fishing, for use as bait! We arrive at the hotel wharf on our island. The frame and ginger-board Victorian styled hotel is admired.

“Is this our house? It’s nice.”

“Absolutely not! That’s where the tradesmen stop over night. Wouldn’t be caught dead entering the old firetrap!”

Maybe I’m layering it on thick, but I need to impress my queen of queens, Fee. Continuing the pomp and circumstance, I hired jeeps to drive us to the manor even though the front gates are clearly visible from the wharf, and an easy walk. It was worth it to watch the stunned shocked faces of my VIP guests when we arrived at the Edwardian Fort like palatial main house.

Leticia has everything arranged nearly picture perfect. All the young women and girls are lined up in descending order by heights, dressed in matching school uniforms. White blouses and pleated navy skirts. The multi-colored flip flops add an odd note, but Leticia rejected as unnecessary extravagance my suggested purchase of patent leather Mary Jane pumps for all the girls. Everyone smiles brilliantly.

“It’s so nice to meet all of you in person. I’ve heard so much about all of you from Joey, in some ways I feel I know you already. Thank you each and everyone for the regal welcome. I’m particularly grateful to you Leticia. Our wayward husband requires a great deal of patience and guidance. He’s extremely fortunate to have found you. Finally a woman enough of a woman, to adequately satisfy him. Believe you me, I know what a trial he can be. I helped raise him from a baby. I love him dearly and I can see, so do you. Let’s become great friends. Between the two of us working in concert, we may succeed in dampening some if not taming his wild spirit.”

Sophia discusses me like I’m not here, or a stick of wood without sensitive ears and feelings! Leticia and Sophia hug, and it’s sincere and warmly friendly. There will be peace in the extended family. Leticia leads ot on the grand tour. I’ve already seen all there is to see, so I duck out and go in search of Teresa. It surprised and confuses me, she wasn’t first in line to greet her mother. Finally, I find her on a cliff overlooking the sea. Staring afar off, lost in her thoughts or dreams. I decide it’s better not to speak. I sit beside her, and place an arm about her. We just sit together maybe for twenty or thirty minutes, communing silently.

This is an important silence and we know it. It feels important. We aren’t just us now, not just two love struck people or star crossed lovers. We’re the whole human race sitting on the edge of the world and peering into the unknowable unknown. Until someone speaks, we are equals. Hold equally advantageous positions. It’s not a contest to see who speaks first. There’s no winner and loser. But until someone speaks theres no joining either. We remain two individuals distinct and apart. We both ache to join together but are reluctant to take that first step, preferring the other take it. My lips part, preparing to speak, but Teresa speaks and my own words and thoughts evaporate, flashed away in the brilliance of her words.

“I was waiting for you.”

I’m tempted to assure her I’m here with her but resist being stupid. Why state the obvious? Shut up and listen. Teresa has center stage and the spot light. Her speaking first was a submission of sorts. Let her declare her own surrender terms. Be magnanimous in victory.

“For months and more urgently in recent days, I’ve been trying to decide how, when, and where to give myself to you. Only a few days remain before I return to university. I’ve decided this is the time and place. This sun warmed hard rock will be the altar of my virginity. Hard to remind me life is often hard. Salt laden air to remind me life can be bitter. The afternoon sun searing and hot on our bodies, reminding me life is hot and sweaty. And the horizon unreachable reminding me the future is unknowable until it arrives. I don’t want you to prepare me with caresses and tender kisses. You’re good at that, I experienced a few minutes only a few days ago. In the future, I’m confident you’ll be a considerate and loving husband. I don’t doubt or fear you. On this occasion, I want it to hurt, to remember forever, that life is painful but worthwhile. My virginity is yours. Take me without delay. It’s a rite of passage, girl into woman and the becoming a wife. Some day, I intend to be more important to you than my mother is now. I’ll never be your only woman, but I will be the most important woman in your life one day. Someday! Let’s begin the journey. Now is the right time to begin. Remove our clothes, please. I’m too numb, paralyzed with fear, and I can’t move. I’m afraid of heights, and I’m laying on the edge of this precipice, terrified I’ll fall. All is part of assuring myself, I never forget today, not ever.”

I’ll never forget her surrender speech and the deflowering of Teresa on that cliff’s edge, or rather on the edge of the world and the brink of eternity, not for as long as I live, either.

Sophia, Richard, and Teresa departed three days later. Perry is remaining with Gail, and she’s staying here until further notice. Lilli and Gladys are having a rambunctious reunion with me. Sophia absorbed all or nearly all my attention while she was here. Teresa received a little. Enough to content her for now.

Perry has a girlfriend. Patricia. Gail finally can walk around without toting Perry. As long as she remains within sight.

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