Non Zero Sum Game - Cover

Non Zero Sum Game

Copyright© 2021 by Yob

Chapter 53: State of Mine

My hobby pursuits preoccupy most of my waking hours now. A nearly continuous stream of new girls, young girls, falls into my clutches daily. The reputation I was determined to nurture and protect has taken on it’s own life and has spread beyond hope of ever regaining respectability. Infamous as an insatiable rake and predator of young teen aged girls, many unaccompanied attractive minors are arriving from neighboring islands to knock on my gates, in hope of being noticed and recruited. What part Sin plays in propagating these vicious rumors, I don’t know, but I suspect she’s involved. Rumor has it my conquests are set for life, live in luxury, and young is the main criterion. My infamy is making me a local celebrity tourist attraction. Sin set herself up to screen the wannabes and her dedication to my standards is slipping towards her own benchmarks. Late bloomer fourteen, almost fourteen, thirteen and a half. Early bloomer twelve going on fourteen or flat chested, age unverified. It’s a real slippery slope with Sin mustering the rolls.

If I complain, Sin just points an accusing finger at young clingy fixated Patricia, and words fail me. I couldn’t just abandon the kid after ruining her? Besides, I was drugged without my consent.

Leticia investigated for me and ferreted out the details of what really happened. It wasn’t intentional, or rather I wasn’t the intended target. Rosalie, the flirtatious waitress that spent the night with Mr J, the solicitor, intended drugging him to rob him without fucking him.

The bartender, Rosalie’s henchman and lover, mistakenly dosed the wrong drink, mine. Made me mindless and careless that evening.

Leticia assures me, no real harm was done. Patricia isn’t ruined or traumatized, she wasn’t forced, she voluntarily joined in. Innocently and ignorantly volunteered but she isn’t sorry or regretful. She wasn’t abused, just got a bit of an early start on wifedom, that’s all. She likes being treated as one of the big girls. I’m acting responsibly, supporting all of them, kind and loving to all. All are healthy and happy, all their needs met including great sex. I’m blameless in anything I choose to do, no matter who to. I can do no wrong in their eyes. Most of all, Patricia is devoted. Leticia running a close second and she promises devotedly, she will love me till she dies. She’s convinced I’m heaven sent to be her one true love. A husband for all of them, official paperwork not in order or required. Pregnancies are happily anticipated. All her daughters are very much in love with me and bless their good fortune in being considered my wives. I’m well loved and adored by all her family, including the constable sheriff, in a brotherly way of course. Sheriff Clyde has two young daughters himself. He has hopes for when they’re older, I’ll favor them some day. Their financial security as wives is his goal. So stop worrying!

I miss my true wife, my sister. After sincere pleading on my part, Sophia consents to bring Richard and Perry with her to the island for an inspection tour and conjugal visit. Lilli, Pixie, and my masseuse Gladys will accompany her. I’m anxious to see all of them. Sophia, and the group, arrives tomorrow morning. My intention is to get a room in Tortola for tonight, and be there to greet their plane in the morning. Greet them, my people I mean.

“Howdy airplane, nice flight?” Ridiculous notion, greeting planes.

Arriving at Tortola docks late afternoon, soon after stepping ashore, I have the misfortune to bump into a past acquaintance. Sally. Grabbing her arm, I accost her and accuse her.

“Thief and pirate! You’re caught at last. You didn’t imagine you could actually get away with it forever, did you?”

Startled, it takes her a minute to place my face in memory, and when she does remember me, Sally violently twists free and makes a run for it. Her shopping bags of groceries swinging in her hands, apparently doesn’t impede her in the least. She suddenly turns, dashes down a flight of steps, tosses her shopping in a dinghy and leaps in after. She’s pulling strongly on her oars, determinedly headed out to her boat swinging in the anchorage.

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