Non Zero Sum Game - Cover

Non Zero Sum Game

Copyright© 2021 by Yob

Chapter 49: No End of Boys

Gail and Slick Pamela delivered within three days of each other. Gail first. Both boys. Total heirs produced todate, six. All sons.

Glory be there’s more to come. Lauren’s four daughters are pregnant again. Can’t resist their intoxicating odors. Can’t resist them. Lauren’s four daughters live together and are pregnant together. Must be contagious, huh?

Elaine got her wish, I successfully impregnated her and in the same house, Sharon right alongside her. Makes my point about contagion valid, see? Elaine and Sharon are both hoping for daughters.

Slick surprised me. She desperately wanted a little princess but has completely forgotten that, in her delight with her little prince. Calls him Prince. Named him after toilet paper. Charmin or Charming or Charlemagne, something like one of those. Couldn’t dissuade her.

I got my revenge, I’m calling him Chuck! We’ll see what sticks!

Maybe I just can’t make any little girls? Ain’t got it in me.

Gail calls our son Commodore. His name is Perry. I argued against it and lost. With Gail, I always lose arguments. Not giving up though.

Currently six quarter acre groves of giant bamboo are thriving on the property. After six more births, half of my six acres will be planted in bamboo. I’m in the market for more land. I intend more children.

Time flies. Three years pass quickly. Much is the same while much else has changed. Let me bring you up todate.

Tony is a rich widower now. Rich and twenty one. A lot of débutantes are chasing after him. Emma is gone by accident. A timber rattler spooked her horse and she was pitched off directly upon the venomous reptile. She never felt the adders sting, being already killed. With a broken neck.

Gail is gone too, but still lives I believe. Haven’t heard any news she ceased to live. She sailed away, leaving our three year old son Perry, in the loving care of my sister wife, Sophia. The only thing about Gail I understand, is she’s wind driven. Like spindrift. The froth blown off the tops of breaking seas and disappears into the water.

I have a two year old daughter. Hermione. Poor darling doesn’t know who her mother is. Elaine claims to be her mother. Sharon claims Elaine switched the babies. They both delivered the same day. The loser is my son Richard, unwanted by either of the vicious women fighting over his half sister. Both kids are mine, that’s certain. Sophia is raising Richard along with Perry, and happy to mother both. I may yet bring Hermione home too. That would require force to extract her from Elaine’s. Why don’t they determine who’s the mother by DNA testing? I think both are afraid of the results.

Elaine and I have a passionate love/hate relationship. Sharon and I have no relationship left. Tina is no longer an obsession with Sharon.

My favorite lovers are still Lauren and her daughters. Lauren is our steadfast unflappable rock. Her four daughters and eight grandsons, are happy and healthy. Four four year olds and four almost three.

My son Chuck, Slick bore me, and whom she calls her Prince, is a spoiled rotten three year old. I still regularly fuck his mom.

Sin or Cindy is nineteen and still looks nine. We’re very close. Gladys/Phoebe and I are very close also. Lilli still Hulas on me regularly. Dalisay is still crazy and I visit her daily.

Cassie, Pixie, Becky, my niece Elena, and Dakota’s twins, Georgia and Virginia all plan starting college next fall. They already have college student boyfriends. Teresa will be a college junior in the fall, and is engaged to be married. To one of her proffesors. No date set yet.

Before you ask. Nope, never had sex with the nieces.

Nymph is our traveling sales rep. Almost constantly on the road. A certain line of erotic figurines we produce cannot be offered publicly. Nymph hand delivers to select clients willing to pay handsomely for the forbidden evocative sculptures.

Dallas and Dakota are still together but are fighting again. Like an old married couple this round. Sometimes, Dakota and I knock off a piece. Just for variety sake.

The other women in camp occasionally seek my attention and affection. I’m happy to oblige but I don’t chase them.

Don’t see Karina or Liz anymore. They’ve moved on up to higher political office in the capitol, in Tallahassee.

The sheep herd is enormous. Milking and cheese production is labor intensive even with modern automation. The hundred foot tall giant bamboos rake clouds untended. We have over a hundred boats in storage. Prompt paying customers pay the monthly fees automatically via credit card. We insist. A dozen boats are hauled or launched on average everyday. The Doll House produces the bulk of our income. We have thirty non-resident wage employees involved in our various endeavors. Slick helps me with the business management chores.

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