Non Zero Sum Game - Cover

Non Zero Sum Game

Copyright© 2021 by Yob

Chapter 28: Cheaters

I left Dallas to be consoled by Dalisay. Back in the day, when the four of us were a band of brothers, Dalisay treated Dallas, Donjohn, and myself like step-sons. Half brothers to Hog. After Hog was put away under involuntary assisted living, and Donjohn took a powder, Dalisay had no income and lost her home. Dallas took Dalisay in, and she was grateful. Dallas felt pity for Dalisay and gave her the shack and made sure she had adequate to eat. Dalisay offered Dallas all she had left, herself. Dallas didn’t want or desire her, but he feared rejection would shatter her fragile spirit. He was gentle and she was warm, affectionate and tender in her lovemaking. Dallas wasn’t at all attracted to her and admits he was careful to avoid Dalisay thereafter. Now, he can’t avoid her. She is going to console Dallas’ guilty conscience. I suspect Dallas is in for a shock or three!

Dalisay isn’t now the retiring demure woman she used to be. The new Dalisay is a different creature altogether. Anything but demure, she has embraced and is fully immersed in her adopted role as a sexy passionate fireball mom. I suspect she no longer differentiates between fantasy and reality and is living her fantasy! What’s wrong with that? She’s cute when she acts seductively and she plays her part convincingly well. Probably certifiably insane. Dalisay is no danger to anyone though. I know she’s happy probably for the first time in her life. Maybe she’ll rub some happiness off on Dallas? But then she might also just be a life altering experience for Dallas, too.

Alexandra and I take the old pickup truck Dallas loaned for the camps use, and go used furniture shopping at the donation shops. Anticipation is exciting! Alexandra is excited. Already she’s enamored of me, and falling deeper in love with me as the minutes pass. She adores her empty, undecorated, unfurnished, apartment. We are intending to remedy those shortfalls during this outing. She wanted to buy several pieces she was attracted by but I discouraged her from hasty purchases. There are a dozen stores to visit and compare whats available. I encourage her to take notes, price, store location, description, and on a scale of 1 to 10, how desirable the piece is. She thanked me for stopping her from impulsive buying. She found a lovely antique ornately carved bedroom suite we could afford. An overstuffed easy chair and a fancy rocking chair in complimentary styles to the bedroom suite also came home with us.

What we failed to locate in any of the donated furniture stores, was a crib and highchair for Lorissa. Checking the newspaper classifieds, we found acceptable pieces to buy directly from owners. Mission accomplished. Almost. Almost home, I turned about and returned to a store I remembered. Alexandra remained in the truck at my request. When I returned, I held above my head for her to see, a dainty ladies vanity chair. One of the pieces in the suite is a vanity, but no chair. Now it has a chair that doesn’t match, but good enough for her ass to park on. She laughed at that sales pitch.

“Does my ass mean so little to you, you’re willing to park it just anywhere?”

The old trite saying came to mind, “As long as I have a face,” but I bit my tongue and avoided it. Quick thinking, I came up with,

“The grandest throne of all, you only sit on your own ass, but even an inverted bucket is instantly elevated to grand throne status, when your exquisite ass is perched upon it.” Not bad I think. She agrees.

Arriving home to her apartment, many helping hands assist carrying her found treasures inside. Her sisters ooh and ah over her good taste and good fortune. Oh shit, we forgot about buying linens. Sisters to the rescue with loaners, a choice of pillows and sheets. Sisters are good for something. Actually, these sisters... (wink) you know what I was about to say, but wisely stopped short. We’re alone.

After test driving the bed a couple of times, we lay on our backs while we caught our breath and the sweat dried on our bodies.

“Am I a pleasing bride for you, Joey?”

“If I drew any nearer to heaven, you’d be a widow!”

“Did anyone ever accuse you of having a silver tongue?” Did they?

“Do I remind you of Momma? Am I as good as she is?”

“Do you have any regard for me at all Alexandra?”

“How can you ask? Don’t my eyes adore you? Didn’t I begin orgasming the second you entered me?”

“We’re indeed in love with each other, and because of that love, you shouldn’t ask me suicidal questions that will hasten making a young widow of you.”

“Do you have a thing for widows?”

Emma, Dakota, and Dalisay are widows. Any others I know of?

“Yep. Widows are pretty hot gals.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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