Non Zero Sum Game - Cover

Non Zero Sum Game

Copyright© 2021 by Yob

Chapter 9: In and Out

Friday afternoon, the three of us shared intense sex together prior to leaving the ranch early to drive to Fort Lauderdale. Dakota’s ideas of days and nights is a double standard. Off time is a condensed version and her playtime is maximized. The sex is a precautionary necessity she assures us. It’s going to be an eye opening titillating night commencing a continuously exciting weekend. We don’t want to be too vulnerable to temptation at the onset. We want to be selective.

She wants to, whatever Dakota plans to, Gail and I are just in tow.

We hit every hot spot we can crowd into a half dozen hours. Like busy bees going from flower to flower. Dakota attempts grand entrances. She’s seeking something or someone. We stay only long enough for one cocktail at each club and bistro. Dakota tips lavishly.

“What is she looking for? Do you know, Gail? I can’t figure it out.”

“She’s seeking recognition. Someone who will recognize and greet her like a long lost relative. She is attempting to impress wait staff everywhere we go, so they will recognize her and schmooze her in the future.”

“Does schmooze mean kiss her ass?”

“You got it, scrumptious.”

“You think I’m scrumptious?”

“Don’t you notice, all female eyes are on you, not on Dakota or me? Dakota enjoys being envied. She’s flashing you.”

“I only noticed the queers sizing me up. I glare at them till they drop their Xray vision eyes.”

“You are very handsome and very stylish tonight, love.”

“Well, you picked out the clothes. Why wouldn’t you like them? Silly question.”

“Bingo, contact. Boss hooked one.”

An extravagantly dressed matronly lady is kissing the air with Dakota while gripping her hands. Chairs are added to the matron’s table for us. I notice the two bulging biceps body guards flanking the matron, aren’t sitting exactly at the table. Their chairs are turned slightly sideways and pulled away enough, they can stand without tipping the chair over backwards or it catching them behind the knees. After I hold and assist Dakota move her chair up to the table, I assist Gail to sit at an angle on Dakota’s right. Stubbornly prevent her moving up. Gail accepts my firm placement of her chair but she’s tense, wondering what’s up. I whisper to both ladies, call me Codo, not Joey, then sit myself on Dakota’s left, angled out and clear of the table. I think these other body guards suspect me of being me. Never seen them before, but they look like a pair of thugs. Possibly connected. They wear knowing smirks when staring pointedly at me.

“This is Mrs Shmidt, kids! My biggest competitor and dearest, nearest neighbor. She owns the Circle Round ranches and brand.”

“Ma’am.” I nod to her. Gail offers her hand and says “Charmed.”

“What are you doing out and about in sin city with this gorgeous pair of kids, Dakota? Looking to horn that shit husband of yours?”

“He’s been well horned and gored. I’m getting a divorce. It’s playtime, Emma. About time too. How about you? What’s your excuse? You celebrating selling something or buying something?”

“Both. Sold a herd, and acquired another ranch. Got some money left over if you want to sell out and retire. I’d love to add your acreage to mine.”

“Not in a selling mood, Emma. Want to sell some of your acres abutting mine? I have a little capital stored by for a good deal.”

“Seems we’re both in the mood to party, and neither in a mood to sell. A real moody bunch. What shall we do to liven up the mood?”

“You’re the expert, Emma. You lead, I’ll follow.”

“That’s exactly the right order of things, my girl. Let’s paint the town, if you have the time.”

“All weekend, and wanting to make the most of it.”

“Capitol! We’ll do just that. Are you hungry? Or horny? Eat first? Or fuck first?”

“I’d like to get known in the best places. Where would you suggest we eat?”

“Follow me, my late blooming débutante. We’ll introduce you to the shakers and movers. Maybe you’ll luck out, lasso a rich New Yorker Wall Street tycoon, sell to me, and move to Manhattan. I dream big!”

“Dream on, Emma. Even if I moved to New York with an irresistible zillionaire, I wouldn’t sell my ranch. It will belong to Georgia and Virginia someday. Their birthright isn’t for sale for any amount of porridge. And, there’s my brother Dallas to consider, too.”

Nice she’s considering Dallas too. Damned decent of her. Shit!

“How about swapping boy toys later on. Swap you two for one.”

“That’s up to Codo, ask him. I don’t own him, just employ him.”

Considerate of me too, isn’t she? Maybe she deserves a lesson in humility. Likes flashing me, being envied? How would she react if I defected to the enemy? I wink at Gail, and indicate my target by cutting my eyes towards Emma Shmidt’s direction. Gail makes a moue, I read as “Would you really?” I nod affirmative. Gail opens her palm, fingers aimed at Emma. It’s a small ushering gesture. Read as, “Go ahead. Be my guest, I’ll back you.”

“Gail and I are a team. Where one of us goes, we both go.”

Emma’s body guards are leering at Dakota, Emma is leering at me, Gail is amused, Dakota is not.

“Codo. That’s Spanish, I think. For elbow, isn’t it.?”

“Yes, Miss Emma, but it’s more common use is slang for cheap. A skin-flint, penny-pincher, a cheap-skate who never buys a round.”

“And that’s you?”

“Yes ma’am, that’s me to a T.”

“A man who understand the value of money and doesn’t squander it. You’re unique in many ways, Codo.”

A nod suffices to acknowledge her compliment.

“Are you and Gail married?”

“She hasn’t accepted me yet.”

Gail gives me a great grin, and adores me with her eyes. Is marriage her ambition? Is that the key to unlock her legs? I’m willing!

“But you ARE a couple?”

“We are dedicated team mates, for now.”

“Obviously, you two adore each other, what’s your problem?”

“Codo’s plumbing.”

“Something amiss with his works? That’s a shame, saddens me.”

“No, no, he’s more than adequate in every way. The problem is, I’m a bull dyke, strictly programmed for women. Male parts disgust me.”

“Yet, he wants to marry you? Does he just like impossible odds, tough challenges, or are you encouraging him. Any chance of you switching teams? Maybe in the future? Want a family someday?”

“If I ever did, it would be for only Codo. I’d love to have his babies, but the method of getting them, would have to be round about.”

“Unrequited love, a sad story. I really like you two. How about coming to work for me? Either of you disgusted by sagging tits and a slobbering fat old gash for a pussy?”

“You aren’t at all disgusting, Ms Emma. You’re probably quite a handful in the sack, I’d wager. I like passion where ever it’s found.”

“Certainly not disgusting, you’re a real role model for me Emma.”

“I’d really like to hire you both. To manage a ranch for me. Free room and board and a fancy salary, within reason. How much is Dakota paying you? I’ll double it, if it’s not too steep.”

“We don’t know. We agreed on being paid every twenty four hours. The first forty eight expired an hour ago. Whether we continue in her service, depends on what she puts on the table, and the time to ante up is now. Dakota? Take Gail to the ladies room. Pay her for both of our first two days wages. She’ll decide if it’s enough, she has my proxy. Postponing payment till later, is worse than paying too little”

“Sounds like you’re over a barrel. Better do as he says, Dakota. They have a better job offer. If you want to keep them, fight for them.”

Dakota is embarrassed at being put on the spot. It infuriates her.

“Fuck you, Emma! And fuck you two ingrates too. Find your own way home, and stay off my property! Sue me for your damn wages.”

Dakota knocked her chair over getting up, kicked it away, and stomped out in a ferocious snit. People scurried to clear her path.

“Well wasn’t that a fine show of temper? Better floor show than the casinos around here produce. Highly entertaining, don’t you think?”

“We think it’s going to be a long walk back home, if your offer of a job isn’t genuine. Reassurance about now, would be appreciated.”

“Don’t you fret, honey. I’m grateful to the two of you, for the opportunity to put that social climber in her place. Vámonos.”

Seems dinner is forgotten in the rush. We went straight to Emma’s hotel and straight into her suite. The lady is hot to trot.

“There’s a room service menu beside the phone. If nothing on the menu looks good, I’ll send the Bozo brothers out for takeout.”

“Have you tried any of these dishes, Emma?”

“Several, and the pot roast is the best of the lot, in my opinion.”

Gail enthusiastically nods her head, that’s what she’d like. Me too.

“Are the portions generous?”

“Order doubles if you like. You both look hungry. Order the chicken pot pie for me, I’m supposed to limit my red meat intake. Imagine a rancher forbidden to eat beef? Crazy damn doctors. Order the pot roast AND the chicken pot pie for me. I’ll eat some of the pot roast, maybe limit myself just to the vegetables and gravy. Order a double side of biscuits and a side of gravy that’s in the chicken pot pie. Biscuits and gravy is comfort food and I need plenty of comforting.”

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