Dark Tails: Siobhan - Cover

Dark Tails: Siobhan

by Pixy

Copyright© 2021 by Pixy

Drama Sex Story: No idea why I decided to write a story with air hostesses. There was a gap in the plot of the 'bigger picture', it fitted, so I filled it...

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Consensual   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Group Sex   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Squirting   .

Siobhan leaned back. This was the bit she loved the most.

The seat started to vibrate, growing in crescendo, the accompanying growl increasing in parity. The brakes were released and the twin General Electric GEnx’s climbed rapidly towards seventy thousand pounds of thrust as the 787-9 raced down the runway. Whilst she couldn’t see a speed gauge, she knew that they would soon be hurtling along the tarmac at 150mph.

Her stomach dropped as the rumble of tarmac and machine gun thud of the cat’s eyes disappeared as the 787 gracefully left the runway. They were airborne, and not a one hundred mile an hour fireball. That was always a good start to a flight.

The acceleration slowed as the flaps and slats retracted, the 787 slipping from take-off mode to climb. The quick decrease in acceleration fooling Siobhan’s stomach into thinking they were descending again.

God, she loved take-offs.

She savoured the sensations, knowing that they wouldn’t last and that she wouldn’t have the time to fully enjoy them. The light in the small cabin went off and Siobhan sighed inwardly and released her lap belt, time to do some work.

Siobhan walked down the aisle smiling at the passengers, checking that they were alright, politely answering nervous questions with calming words and a smile. Everything was ‘ticketyboo’ as her father was want to say.

At twenty three, she was literally living the high life. However, now she had a job to do.

“Tea or coffee sir?” The man waved her away. He didn’t look too good. A little flushed. “Are you okay sir?”

“Yes, yes. I am fine.” He had an oriental accent to match his Asian appearance. He looked up at her, tried a smile, saw that Siobhan wasn’t buying it. “I have allergies. This plane air, not good.” He dropped his voice. “Those girls? How do you say? Scent not good. Cause runny nose.”

He had a point. The poor man was sat next to a group of girls on the outward journey of a hen party holiday. And they were making sure everyone knew it. Not only were they loud in their voices, but they were loud in their dress and perfume. One of the other cabin crew had already reported several complaints from others passengers nearby about the smell. The girls hadn’t so much as dabbed a bit behind the ears, as gone for a swim in perfume and it appeared none of them were wearing the same scent.

She smiled sympathetically down at him. “I will see what I can do sir.”

“It’s okay. Not long flight.”

Siobhan finished her beverage run and stowed the trolley. There was an empty seat further up and she checked on the computer. The passenger hadn’t met the fight. She reached into the medical cabinet and pulled out the thermometer, checked that it was working and headed back to the Asian man. “Hello sir.”


“There is an empty seat further up the fight we can move you to, if you wish.”

“I can’t afford to change seats...”

“You won’t be charged sir.”

“Oh.” The man looked relieved. “Thank you. Yes, that would help. Thank you.”

“I just need to do a quick check, if you don’t mind?” Siobhan showed him the thermometer but used her body to shield it from the rest of the passengers.

He didn’t look too happy, but nodded. Siobhan leaned over, hiding her actions as she placed the sensor tip at the entrance to his ear canal. The thermometer beeped and she looked at the screen. His temperature was in the normal range. “If you would like to collect your things, I will show you to your seat. Do you need a hand with your luggage?”

The man shook his head. All he had was a small bag. Siobhan took him to his new seat and ensured that he was settled in. On the way back, another member of the cabin crew was politely asking the hen party to lower their voices and have a little thought for other passengers who were trying to sleep.

The plane came to gentle stop and Siobhan waited till the umbilical was connected and ground crew gave the thumbs up through the window before she released the door locks. The pilot wished the passengers safe journey and hoped that he would be seeing them all again sometime. Siobhan put on a bright smile and watched the passengers slowly shuttling past.

“Thank god. Finally able to get away from that god awful stink!” The male passenger who said that was in his forties and right in front of the hen party. His voice obviously pitched so that the girls heard him.

“What did you say? Are you talking about me?” The lead girl asked the man.

He turned round “If you are responsible for whatever smells like something crawled up a cows arse then died. Then yes.”

Siobhan sighed and stepped in to defuse the situation before it spiralled out of control.

Siobhan had a few more flights which would take her up to a three day break. Her flight roster was scheduled so that she ended up at one of the Mediterranean islands. A pilot she knew had a house there and she had arranged to stay there with some cabin crew she knew. The last of the paperwork signed, she accepted the itinerary of her next few fights. Grabbing her suitcase she exited the staff door and found her friend waiting there as well.

“Jolene! Have you just landed?”

“Siobhan!” The two stewardesses hugged. “Obviously, you stupid cow...” Jolene looked down at Siobhan’s bag.

“Are you going to Nathan’s as well?”



A Taxi pulled up and the girls climbed in. They chatted about the funny stuff passengers and crew had gotten up to over previous flights on the drive to Nathan’s. It was a quick drive, half an hour. Not too far away from the airport but not close enough to be bothered by the noise of jets lending and taking off.

The taxi dropped them off at the gates and Jolene tapped the code into the gate lock. A party was in full swing by the sounds that reached them at the gate. Dragging their suitcases, the gate swinging shut automatically behind them as they walked up the driveway.

The front of the house was quiet, several scooters were parked up, but other than that, the house looked dead. Apart from the loud music and screams of laughter emanating from around the back.

Jolene typed another code into the keypad on the wall and the door clicked. Siobhan pushed it open and they entered the cool, air conditioned interior.

“Ahhh...” Jolene sighed as they headed towards the bedrooms. The first couple of doors had names written on the little white-boards mounted on each door. “Fancy bunking up?” She asked of Siobhan.

“What! After last time?”

Jolene smirked “You only live once.” She cocked an eyebrow expectantly.

“Oh, go on then...”

“Yay!” Jolene said in a mock high voice. She stopped at the first door with an empty white-board. There was a black white-board pen stuck to the side via Velcro and fixed to the door via a length of string. There was a ripping sound as Jolene tore the pen off and wrote their names on the door. She stuck the pen back down and they entered the room.

Like the rest of the house, the room was white and air-con cool. The air-con unit itself was whisper quiet, expensive like the rest of the house. The two single beds were bare of sheets. Siobhan dumped her single bag of luggage on the bed and pulled her wash bag out. Stepping into the ensuite bathroom, she quickly disrobed and walked into the shower. The warm water felt good and she could feel the tension in her body melt away. The door to the shower opened and Siobhan turned to face Jolene, who slipped her arms around Siobhan. “You don’t hang about.” Siobhan remarked.

“I’m so fucking horny, you wouldn’t believe...” To emphasise the point, she leaned in close and kissed Siobhan passionately on the lips. Siobhan wrapped her own arms around Jolene and accepted the demanding tongue. Jolene’s hands freely roamed over Siobhan buttocks as their breasts pushed together. Siobhan was too jet lacked to fully enjoy the moment. Jolene sensed it and slowly disengaged. “Here, let me get your back.” She gently pushed and Siobhan allowed herself to be turned and relaxed under the sensual touch of Jolene on her back and shoulders.

“Oh, yeah, right there.” Siobhan sighed as Jolene dug her thumbs into her flesh. Siobhan closed her eyes, her head dropping.

When she felt the last knot of tension slip away, Jolene stepped in close again and gently moved her hands round to Siobhan’s stomach then up to gently cup her breasts.

Siobhan smiled. “Still a tit girl then?”

“No. Not really, but you have a fabulous pair of tits.”


They shared a friendly laugh and Jolene dropped her left hand to stroke Siobhan’s pussy as she kissed her neck. Siobhan turned and they shared another passionate kiss. Siobhan broke off again. “Sorry, I have a bad case of the munchies.”

Jolene laughed. “Go, eat. I shall munch later...” She trailed off with a salacious wink.

Siobhan just shook her head with a smile and stepped from the shower, grabbing a towel as she went. Siobhan towelled off in their room and slipped into her bikini. The floors were cool marble and she didn’t bother putting anything on her feet. Jolene exited the bathroom, also leaving a trail of wet footprints behind. The dry air would soon absorb the moisture. Jolene dried and stepped into a pair of bikini bottoms as Siobhan sorted out her laundry. The bikini was about the only clean item of clothing she had left. “Are you not putting a top on?” She asked of Jolene.

“What? Hell no! I’m going in hot!” They shared another laugh as Jolene jiggled her bare breasts as they left the room, Siobhan’s arms full of her dirty laundry. They split up outside in the corridor. Jolene heading off outside towards the music and the voices, Siobhan towards the washing machines. One was free and she loaded it up.

Siobhan hadn’t been lying, when she had said that she had the munchies. The kitchen was empty of people though food was laid out on the table under a thin muslin sheet. She helped herself to a plate and loaded it up with snacks and filled up a wine glass from an opened bottle of wine in the fridge.

Suitably armed, she headed towards the music and the voices.

The kitchen led to a large indoor eating area, which in turn led out to a large patio bordering a large pool. Several figures were cavorting in the pool, but most were crashed out on sun loungers. Siobhan sat at a table with a parasol and got stuck into her food with gusto. Jolene waved at her from the other side of the pool. Siobhan raised her glass of wine in return. Her friend really had dived straight in. She was currently lying on her back, on top of someone already on a lounger. Siobhan couldn’t quite make out who he was -and it was definitely a he- but he was casually cupping a breast with one hand whilst the other was in Jolene’s bikini bottoms and from the movement, was busy in the process of fingering her. No one, apart from Siobhan, was paying them any attention. There were several other girls, all of them wearing just a bikini bottoms. Siobhan felt overdressed and removed her top between mouthfuls of food. She leaned back on her wooden chair. There were three girls and one man in the pool, cavorting around. Two men and another three women chatting together on some loungers. Jolene and her new fingering pal were laid down on a lounger next to two men on a towel next to the pool edge, who were snogging each other’s faces off. Siobhan took another sip of her wine. It was really pleasant on her palate, she made a mental note to check out the label when she went for a top up.

This was definitely the good life, good food, good wine, surrounded by hot bods...

Siobhan felt her eye lids drooping, she forced them back open and drained the last of the wine. This wouldn’t do. If she fell asleep now, she would never get her sleep cycle back on track. The

three women in the pool were in the process of climbing out, much to the dismay of the man still in.

Sod it. Siobhan stood from her chair and walked away from the shade of the parasol. The girls smiled and waved at her, she smiled and waved back. Siobhan stretched her shoulders and dived in. The water was pleasant and refreshing. She opened her eyes as she swam just a couple of feet from the bottom of the pool. Siobhan turned to look at the man, who still stood almost neck deep in the water. His shorts bulging out with his erection. Siobhan smiled, a little fluid pushing between her lips as she swam through the clear, slightly chlorinated water. She surfaced close to the man, just out of his arms reach.

“Well hello there, aren’t you the epithet of a water nymph. And what is your name O’ nymph of the water?”

“Nymph? not mermaid?” Siobhan queried.

“Mermaids don’t have such mighty fine legs, nor palace of earthly delight, on account of them having a tail, and all that. Nymphs on the other hand...”

“Well aren’t you an eloquent one.”

“Haha, touché!”

“And I bet you want to do more of that, but without the ‘e’ hmmm?”

“I wouldn’t say no. No man with eyes would say no when faced with such beauty.” He paused and glanced towards the edge of the pool where the two men were. The two men had now moved on from the kissing and were industriously sixty-nining each other. “Okay, well most heterosexual ones anyway.”

“You should have asked them to join you,” Siobhan teased “You could all play touch the torpedo together. On would that be sink the torpedo... ?”

“What, and disturb that thing they have obviously got going on there?”

“Or maybe it is too homoerotic for you? Not ‘manly’ enough...”

“Not at all. Trevor asked if he could sample my goods and I graciously allowed him to do so just last night.”

“Really? I didn’t have you pegged for that...”

“Well, we didn’t go as far as pegging.”

“How far did you go?” Siobhan asked, curious.

“He sucked on my lollipop, I rewarded him with an eruption of my inner-self, and then we parted ways.”

“Did you not reciprocate the gesture? You surely didn’t leave the poor man unsatisfied?”

“Alas! I am but an evil person ... Though by the sounds a few minutes later, he did not stay unsatisfied long...”

“Which one is Trevor?”

“The one on the bottom. Charles is above.”

“And what is your name, oh great taker but not returner... ?”

“I am the mighty Evan!”

“You don’t sound very Welsh.” Siobhan remarked.

“And you don’t sound very Irish.”

“Well God darn it.”

They flirted for a bit, slowly circling each other in the pool. Eventually, Evan made his move, swimming up close, making a move to ‘catch’ her. She let him, then pretended to flee from his clutches, though there was no strength in her strokes. He wrapped his arms round her, holding her tight as his body pressed against her back. His hands accidentally brushed her breasts, then they didn’t, his fingers running over her nipples. Siobhan let herself drift in the water as his hands grew more daring in their intimate travels, sliding over the elastane Lycra mix of her bikini bottoms. Siobhan let her legs drift apart, allowing the hand to roam where it wanted. He kissed her neck as he rubbed her bikini covered mons.

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