To Destroy a Marriage; I Need to Find a Good Man for My Wife - Cover

To Destroy a Marriage; I Need to Find a Good Man for My Wife

Copyright© 2021 by storyace

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - It's not easy to end a marriage after 25 years of living and working together. Nick just needs to find his sexy but needy wife a new husband. He might find a lover or two for himself along the way. The score on this story is artificially low due to some "spoiler votes" by someone who probably didn't actually read it.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Cuckold   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex  

To end a marriage, I help my wife get the big black cock she always wanted, and she helps me in her own way.

Monica came in for her usual appointment on Tuesday. We were alone for the first twenty minutes.

“I’m refusing to let you do my hair unless you let me pay again.” She insisted.

“That would be weird.” I said.

“Weird? Darling, after the things we’ve done to each other, there is no weird anymore.” she said, taking her chair. “I went to see Heidi, Tara’s mother; it was good to see her again. Tara told her about you, she was so pissed off, she told Tara not to see you again or she’d call the police on you.”

“Police?” I said, “I didn’t think it was illegal. She’s sixteen. Anyway, a girl like that deserves more than I can offer.”

“What? Listen to me, Nick. Ok, you’re broke and you have a tiny little cock. The important thing is that you’re a nice man. Stop looking so skeptical! You’re a sensual and gentle lover, you have good touch.”

“You’re dumping me, aren’t you?” I asked.

“Well; yes. But I’m also telling you the truth. I wish I’d had a decent man like you are when I was her age.”

I spent most nights in the new apartment after that, spying on my wife and her diminutive lover. He came over almost every night; they ate, talked, and laughed, together. They watched movies and cuddled before getting down to it. They talked as much as they fucked; Luisa would actually listen to Sam instead of always interrupting and contradicting. But that cut both ways; he listened to her too, answering with a comment, a question, or a joke.

Luisa seemed to like it when Sam went down on her, which I found really irritating; she never used to let me do that. I really enjoyed watching them do it as I jerked off, but at the same time I needed to get on with my life.

Confession; I learned a lot from Sam. He had empathy, he engaged. He listened. And when she interrupted him he just let it pass instead of starting an argument like I did.

One evening, I was upstairs doing the accounting with the spy monitor on, when a woman came into the shop and asked for me.

“Nick’s not here.” Luisa said, “Oh, I know you. You’re Tara’s mother. Can I help you with something?”

I could only see she was a small woman with really thin shoulders.

“No, I just need to talk to Nick.” Heidi said guardedly.

“Is this about him and Tara?” Luisa asked, jumping into other people’s business as usual.

It didn’t take my busybody wife long to pry the lid off the other woman and get her talking.

“Tara is pestering me, she wants to see him again.” Heidi said, “I’m just afraid it’s all about sex. She’s so young you know, I don’t want her to get infatuated by an old guy with a big dick.”

Luisa laughed; “Oh, you don’t have to worry about that at all. Nick has a cock as big as your thumb, and he comes within seconds. He’s the nicest guy in the world, Heidi; but believe me, sex isn’t his forte. Nick is a strong, gentle man, but if your daughter likes him it’s not about sex. You have MS, right?”


“So you’ll need help. And you have that empty shop below your apartment where he can work; Nick is perfect for you.”

“For me maybe, but what about Tara? She’s only 16!”

“Nick is a great guy, Heidi; he’s reliable. No bad habits, always there when you need him. If Tara is happy with what he lacks, then you’ll all do great together. At her age Tara isn’t looking for the love of her life, and Nick is harmless.”

“So you’re really trying to get rid of your husband.” Heidi concluded.

“To tell you the truth, we’ve been over for a long time. He’s just so dependent in me, I don’t know how to leave him. We’re still best friends, even though we’re seeing other people.”

They talked for ten or twenty minutes; I listened as my wife simultaneously denigrated and praised me, until she’d convinced the other woman I was just what her teenage daughter needed.

Sam came in, and Heidi left.

I thought about her weird conversation with Heidi while Sam and my wife hung out for a while, and then got it on together.

I masturbated as I watched them; I felt an odd elation, my pleasure was almost free of jealousy. Luisa had helped me with Tara; and I was glad to see her happy. I hoped I would get to see Sam do it to her in the ass again.

I kept myself on the edge of orgasm while I watched her make love with the small man, kissing, sucking, touching each other with the sensuality of real affection. The way they smiled at each other, the deepening affection; Luisa and Sam were making love.

No anal this time, Luisa lay on her back with her knees up, Sam humping her face to face, looking into each other’s eyes. They were beautiful together, their emotions driving their pleasure now that they’d known each other for a while.

And finally, as my wife and the midget came together, I came too. A beautiful, powerful, secret orgasm, my lonely dick pulsing strongly and pleasurably in my hand.

After it was over, my monitor was still on. Sam was sitting back against Luisa in bed, his head between her small pert breasts as they talked.

“What are we doing Luisa?” he asked, “How long do you want to go on like this?”

“What do you mean? I thought we were having fun.” She said.

“We are.” He said, “But it’s not enough. We’ve been seeing each other for two months now; I know what I am, Luisa. I understand you don’t want to be seen with me, but now it’s time to get over it. If you have any respect for me at all, then let’s go out together.”

“Out? Out where?” Luisa asked.

“Out to dinner, out for a walk, out.” Sam said, “Outside this room, where people will see us, together. You and me, Luisa and Sam, a woman and a midget. I might be short, but I’m still a man Luisa. I have the same feelings and needs as other men, as normal height men.”

For the first time, her voice rose in that way I knew so well; but focused on someone else. I recognized what it was; fear and uncertainly, covered by anger.

She was nasty to him; she berated him for his arrogance, his stature, and his pride. He shouted back, the argument escalated. She told him it was over. He dressed and left, slamming the front door behind him. I felt ashamed for her, by the way she’d treated him; it was cruel and unnecessary.

I got dressed and went downstairs.

“Is everything all right?” I asked through the bedroom door. “I heard shouting.” She told me about the fight; of course I had to feign ignorance.

“But he’s right.” I told her, “If you’re ashamed to be with him, stop. If you’re not ashamed, then be proud of your relationship.”

“I’m not looking for a relationship or anything, I just need a good fuck once or twice a week.” She said flippantly.

I knew that she was just trying to put on a brave face, she’d become very fond of Sam.

Later, I switched on my lower bedroom spy camera and saw her sobbing to herself quietly. I felt sorry for her and a little bit guilty, as if somehow I had something to do with her pain. I guess I did, really.

I went out with Tara; a first date. After dinner I walked her home and we kissed briefly. It was nice.

Luisa started perusing a couple of different dating sites. I had to help her avoid a couple of Nigerian scammers.

“I need some new pictures to put up.” She said, “How can I get a date without pictures?”

“So what do you want from me exactly?” I asked.

“Do my hair, and then take some nice pictures of me ... on the bed maybe.” She said.

A full perm and dye job took an hour and a half. As I worked, I thought about our situation; could we really just be this way, stay married but have sex only with other people?

After her hair was done, Luisa did her makeup carefully, then put on a nice tight dress. She knew how to seduce a camera, and she was still a fine looking woman.

After we finished her normal shots, she wanted some racy stuff “In case I want to reel in a hot guy.” she said. So she put on her transparent powder blue negligee, which contrasted well with her new red hair. I shot about a hundred pictures of her in various poses, from demure [legs crossed and an arm over her breasts] to very rude [legs wide and her fingers in her vagina].

I helped her upload a couple of nice [decent] shots onto the dating site she’d been looking at. She had results within hours, and was busy online for a day or two.

Meanwhile, I took Tara out for another date. I listened to her schoolgirl problems, and her adult ones too, mesmerized by her sexy mouth, big eyes, and gorgeous hair. We held hands as we walked, and kissed a little longer at her door.

I knew the kid wanted more sex; so did I, I just wasn’t sure it was right. The truth was that I was afraid. Afraid of the emotions, of being in love with someone so unsuitable. I didn’t have time for a meaningless affair, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to take on the teenager and her sick mother.

The next afternoon Luisa was at her computer.

“How was your date?” she asked, “Get any action?”

“No.” I said, “She wants to, it’s just that she has needs I don’t think I can fill.”

“You have to try, Nick.” Luisa said kindly, “Use your fingers or something.”

“I don’t mean sex, I mean her whole situation. Her mother is dying, soon she’ll need a wheelchair, and then full time help.”

“Yes, and she has an unused shop downstairs.” Luisa pointed out. “I don’t know if you can satisfy that girl for long, Nick; but you’re just what they need, and they have what you need too.”

How odd; I was trying to find a guy for Luisa, and instead she was setting me up.

“I’ve been mailing this guy, and now he sent me this!” she said, waving me over.

On her screen was a picture of a standing naked black man; he was stunning. Long muscular legs, a six-pack stomach, wide powerful shoulders, a handsome smiling face, and a cock that hung casually halfway to his knee.

“Oh my god! I want him!” she declared. “Help me send one of those naked pictures.”

An hour later, she was pulling me away from my work again. “I need you to type for me.” She said, “John wants to chat but I’m too slow.”

“Why don’t you skype him?” I grumbled.

“I don’t want to do all that complicated nonsense.” she said.

John; “Hey, ur rlly hot”

Luisa; “So are you. What are you doing right now?”

John “hding home, on bus. Wht R U up to?”

Luisa “I’m sitting around at home, feeling lonely. Maybe we could meet?”

John “id rilly like to, maybe in an hour or 2?”

“What do you think?” Louisa asked me.

“I’d say wait a day.” I said; “Take some time to think about it first. And I have an appointment coming in soon.”

“I’m afraid, Nick. I want it, but it’s really frightening to be with a new guy. I’d be happier if you’re paying attention when I see him. I feel much better knowing you’re watching; and after all, you’re my husband, you’re supposed to take care of me and make sure I’m safe.”

And I was happier lying in bed upstairs playing with my dick while I watched her get laid; but I couldn’t tell her that.

“Type in our address.” She said.

“Are you sure?” I asked hesitantly.

“Just do as I say!” she said. “It’s almost closing time, I just want to do it.”

As a typed it in, she went to pee.

“Hey cool.” The response came back, “what r u wering rite nu?”

Luisa was still in the toilet, so I just carried on without her.

“Short skirt, white blouse, high heels.” I wrote. “What about you?”

“My pnts r 2 tight, riting 2 you is making my dk hrd.”

An hour later, I had a customer in the chair when a tall handsome black man walked in, with thick tight curls to his ears.

“I’m looking for Luisa.” He said.

“Have a seat, she’ll be with you in a few minutes.” I said, as if he were just another appointment.

He looked a bit nervous I thought as I watched him through the mirror. He seemed ok though; well dressed, nice shoes. I didn’t like this quicky fuck thing much.

I mean, I liked jerking off and watching as much as Luisa liked getting reamed by a new guy, but it wasn’t really healthy or advantageous to us.

He fidgeted as I brushed off my customer, who then paid and finally left. I locked the door and put the “closed” sign on it. My wife would soon decide whether she wanted to fuck this guy.

Luisa came out from the back; she’d changed into a long tight dress with a wide belt around her slim hips.

She stopped short and stared, as if she had no idea what he was doing there.

“This is John.” I said, straight faced, “John, this is Luisa.”

He stood up and offered his hand, Luisa took it in hers and shook it. He was big, black, and frightening. Yet as unsure of all this as we were.

“So have you done this sort of thing before?” Luisa asked.

“A few times.” He said. He had a deep sexy voice.

“Are you married?” she pressed.

“Separated.” He said.

My wife stood and looked at him. She took a step back.

“How old are you?” she asked.

“Thirty five.” He said.

“I’m forty four. Was that picture photoshopped?” she asked.

He smiled sheepishly and shook his head. “No. you can get your tape measure, I’m ten inches.”

Luisa looked at me and raised her eyebrows.

“What do you think, Nick?”

“Hey, this is just you and me, right?” John said to her, “I’m not into anything weird you know.”

“Go on.” I said, “It’s what you always wanted, right?”

“Where will you be?” Luisa asked.

“Upstairs.” I said.

“Ten inches?” she asked the black stranger.

“That’s right.” He said, “Are you sure you can handle that?”

“I can damn well try!” Luisa said, looking excited.

I felt a sense of loss, shame, and fear as the two of them went into the bedroom and slid the door shut behind them. As I went upstairs to switch on my cameras, I realized it was Sam I felt bad for. I didn’t want Luisa myself anymore. I still liked watching her fuck other guys, but this was getting nowhere. If she just went with guys for sex, I’d never get rid of her.

I put on headphones to listen in. I had no more influence over the matter; my wife wanted to fuck the big cock stranger. So I unbuckled my pants and pulled my own cock out while I enjoyed the show.

“Take your clothes off John.” Luisa said, sitting down on the bed, still in her long tight skirt.

He hesitated; as if he suddenly had doubt.

“Go on.” Luisa prompted him. “Show me, I want to see it.”

The black man stripped off; holey shit, I thought ... he really does have a massive cock. It was slightly swollen already, arching out in front of him like a third leg, hanging downwards. He was pornstar size.

“Wow; well, that’s really something.” Luisa said happily, standing up and stepping over to him. She looked at his face as she took it in her hand. “I think we’re both going to have fun with this.”

“Well that’s the general idea.” John laughed, clearly enjoying the feeling of the small white hands on his rapidly inflating organ.

She stood close, slim and vulnerable, an inch shorter than him in four inch heels. Both of her hands were sliding over his huge penis, which stiffened without growing much. She stepped away from him to take her own clothes off.

I wondered about myself; why was I still so into watching my wife get laid? I couldn’t figure it out, but it turned me on like crazy. I stroked my small penis as I reflected on my own weird perversions.

“Don’t women get afraid when they see that huge cock?” Luisa asked, slipping the bra down her arms so her little white tits stood free.

“Yeah, sometimes.” John admitted. “That’s why the internet thing works for me. Sometimes I dated a girl, got all involved, and when she seen it she just left and never wanted to see me again.”

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