To Destroy a Marriage; I Need to Find a Good Man for My Wife - Cover

To Destroy a Marriage; I Need to Find a Good Man for My Wife

Copyright© 2021 by storyace

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - It's not easy to end a marriage after 25 years of living and working together. Nick just needs to find his sexy but needy wife a new husband. He might find a lover or two for himself along the way. The score on this story is artificially low due to some "spoiler votes" by someone who probably didn't actually read it.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Cuckold   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex  

to destroy a marriage, I watch my wife have anal sex with a midget

As Tara pedaled off, Luisa arrived.

“Who was that?” she asked.

“Tara, the girl we took home from the bar a few weeks ago.” I said. “I thought you were going to stay out late.”

“It was an outdoor thing and it’s starting to rain. Shit, you stink like old socks, take a shower!”

When I came out, there was a small plate on our little kitchen counter, with a used condom on it.

“You bastard!” Luisa said with deep subdued rage. “You fucked that girl, didn’t you?”

“And what if I did?” I said defensively.

Our argument went into the night, filled with recriminations and bitterness. These things aren’t about logic, but about emotion. And Luisa sure had lots of that.

“I’ve never been so disgusted with you, and that’s really saying something.” She screamed, “Bloody sheets and condoms all over the place, an old man fucking a schoolgirl ... how could you do such a thing, a girl like that deserves to enjoy her first time, she should have had a good lover instead of a needle dick ejaculator like you!”

Blah blah blah ... I put the stained sheets in the washing machine, then Luisa and I got into opposite sides of the downstairs bed as usual.

“She’ll never come back.” Luisa said, “I feel so sorry for her, she must have thought an old guy would know how to do it, and she ended up with YOU. She must have been so disappointed! What a terrible thing to do to an innocent girl.”

I kept silent; frankly, I didn’t care, she could say whatever she wanted. At that moment, I was invulnerable to her barbs. I closed my eyes and thought of Tara ... her big eyes, her bit tits, and the way she’d looked at me when she came in my arms.

The next day was business as usual. We worked side by side, cutting, conditioning, shampooing. I kept looking for Tara every time the door opened, but it was always someone else.

After a few days, Luisa was starting to get to me; what if she was right? Maybe Tara would never come back. Maybe one time with me was enough for her.

I thought about her a lot, her passion, her orgasms, her desire to please. I was a little bit in love with her, which I knew was totally stupid.

Luisa started talking to me again; it was only practical.

“So what about Monica, are you going to see her again?” she asked as we cleaned up in the evening.

“It depends what you mean by ‘see’”. I said.

“I mean have sex.” She clarified. “That girl isn’t coming back, Nick. You have to face facts; now Monica, she’s ... let’s say mature. She’s a mature woman who’s willing to overlook your problem. You get your rocks off and I assume she gets her housework done or something.”

I really didn’t want to start the sex argument again; I knew if I contradicted Luisa on the subject, she’d raise her voice and go into a long and even more annoying monologue about my inadequacy.

“You’d better keep your Wednesday appointment with her.” Luisa droned on, “It’s good for you to have sex, and Monica is right for you, she has the patience and experience. You’re going to see Monica on Wednesday as usual, right?”

“Uh huh.” I agreed as I washed the dishes.

“What do you mean ‘uh huh’? Say YES.” Luisa insisted.

“YES, I’ll go over and have sex with Monica on Wednesday!” I barked; and like a bark, it was submission pretending to be a threat.

I didn’t know if Marty was coming over or not; I didn’t want to ask.

I got to Monica’s place to find her wearing a very soft and quite see through pink negligee. She grinned at me and stepped aside as I entered her web.

I didn’t really want to be there; how could I be with her after Tara? But Tara hadn’t come back, and I had to spend Wednesday night somewhere.

“I’ve been very bad!” she giggled. “We’re going to have to have some role reversal today, because I really should be spanked for this.”

“Why, what did you do?” I asked casually.

“You’ll find out soon enough.” She said, skipping into the bedroom. “Turn the monitor on! I wish you’d give me the password so I could do it myself.”

“In your dreams.” I said as I put on our entertainment. It was just Luisa in the salon finishing up some guy’s hair.

Monica threw herself face down on the bed, I got on and sat back against the headboard, still dressed. I reached out and slipped my hand under her gauzy skirt to pet her generous ass.

“I don’t know if Marty’s coming tonight, they had a fight.” I said.

“Oh, he’s coming alright, but not in Luisa.” Monica said, “He’s with a little oriental tart from his office this evening.”

“So we’re waiting for someone else.” I observed.

“And here he is, right on time.” Monica said as someone walked through the front door of the salon. I recognized Sam immediately.

“That’s just Sam.” I said, “He’s a regular.”

“Yes, I met him over at your place last year. We had a little fling.”

“You’re joking!”

“Not at all, he’s very sweet. And short.”

“But he’s...”

“A midget. You can say it, Sam isn’t ashamed so why should we be? Sam is a midget, a dwarf, vertically challenged. He still has a bigger cock than you do Nick, so don’t be too proud. It’s VERY kinky to do it with a midget. Sort of like a child, yet not. Sam does quite well, you’d be surprised, lots of women have a secret little longing.”

“But you don’t really think Luisa is going to ... do you?” I asked, fascinated by the idea.

“Quiet, listen.” Monica said as Sam clambered up into a chair.

“I want you to shave my head.” He said.

There was a long silence; Luisa’s hands froze with the cape in mid-flight just before wrapping it around his throat. There was no breathing in Monica’s bed either as we waited for Luisa’s reaction.

“Why do you want that?” she asked suspiciously.

“I got a casting call, they want three bald midgets for some commercial. Well I think there are only three of us registered with agencies in town, so I’ve pretty much got an easy paid week ahead of me.” He said, so smoothly I almost believed him myself.

Monica laughed; “Spank me, daddy! I’m BAD!”

I whacked her ass hard as Luisa tied the cape around Sam and got out her scissors and razor.


“Ooh ... that hurts. Do it harder.” Monica purred, lifting her ass high into the air so her inadequate skirt fell away.

My hand came down again, harder. WHACK!

“Ahhh!” groaned Monica, “That’s what I deserve.”

I stroked her fleshy bottom gently for a few seconds. It was already reddening. WHACK! I hit her again just for good measure.

It was true, she did deserve it. I was angry with her, but really it was because I was just afraid. Afraid that this was going to be my life, that Luisa was right about me.

On the monitor, Sam was chattering away with Luisa as my wife commenced taking all the hair off his head. It was kind of a shame, because his hair was Sam’s only good looking feature. That I knew about. So far.

WHACK! It was nasty of Monica to do this; it was nasty of me to be watching it with her.

“Oh yes.” The lusty old woman sighed happily, “It hurts so good.”

She got up to make tea as Luisa did her work. I watched carefully; yes, there was an extra stroke of the scalp, a superfluous touch here and there. Luisa’s breasts were so close to the midget’s ear ... was she brushing against him? No, not yet.

Meanwhile Sam was chatting away, telling midget jokes that had Luisa in stitches.

Monica brought our tea and we watched together as the unlikely seduction went ahead. Sam was flirting; he managed to work casual compliments into his conversation. He mentioned he was recently single, but how it was difficult for a guy like him to find a date; he wasn’t attracted to woman of his own height.

Luisa smiled and ran her fingers across his naked scalp.

“What did you tell him?” I asked.

“Just the truth.” Luisa said, opening her blouse so her nipples stood up in the cool quiet room. “Luisa was alone this evening, and she has a little head shaving fetish. I told him to get in there and try his luck.”

I rolled her nipple between my thumb and forefinger, then pinched cruelly.

“Ow!” Monica complained, “Now you have to pinch the other one or I’ll feel all lopsided.”

“Would you like some coffee?” Luisa asked.

“Sure!” Sam said.

“Hang on while I lock the front door.” Luisa said.

“Does Sam know about the cameras?” I asked Monica.

“Oh God no.” she said, “That would be too weird, even for him.”

Sam smiled up at my wife; she looked down and smiled back at him. He took her hand, and she led him through to the back room.

Monica hooted in glee; “She’s going for it!” she laughed, “Luisa wants to do it with Sam!”

“Get on your hands and knees.” I said, your punishment isn’t over yet.”

“Well I should hope not.” She said, “Get a condom from that drawer over there. You’ll find KY jelly in there too.”

“What’s the magic word?” I demanded.

“PLEASE fuck me in the ass!” she laughed.

WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, I gave her three more spanks first, thinking of the sweet agony she’d administered to me the week before. I didn’t want to fuck her kinky old ass, I wanted Tara. Sweet, sweet Tara.

Back at my place, the coffee seemed to have been forgotten. Sam was sitting on my bed and my wife was standing against him. She held his head in her hands and bent down to kiss him. I saw his tongue slip into her mouth as his pudgy little hands wrapped around her perfect rear.

They didn’t waste much time; their clothes were soon thrown to the floor as the odd pair grappled naked on the bed. He was the size of a ten year old; but as Monica had said, his penis was adult sized, and somewhat bigger than mine. The little guy’s short legs waved in the air, he looked like a beetle stuck on his back as Luisa went down on him.

I grabbed Monica by the hips and put my stiff cock against her anus. Her head was up, she was watching Sam and Luisa as I pushed against her, forcing her sphincter to open for me. Fuck it, fuck her; here she was, willing and open. No use waiting for a fantasy when good old Monica had a warm meal and a friendly bed for me, all in return for a good reaming.

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