To Destroy a Marriage; I Need to Find a Good Man for My Wife - Cover

To Destroy a Marriage; I Need to Find a Good Man for My Wife

Copyright© 2021 by storyace

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - It's not easy to end a marriage after 25 years of living and working together. Nick just needs to find his sexy but needy wife a new husband. He might find a lover or two for himself along the way. The score on this story is artificially low due to some "spoiler votes" by someone who probably didn't actually read it.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Cuckold   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex  

To end a marriage, I have an affair with an old older lover, as my wife finds satisfaction with her young gun.

My wife and I didn’t speak a word to each other that day; customers came and we worked. When it got late, we went to bed, sharing one mattress but maintaining a definite gap between our bodies.

“So how was it?” I asked in the darkness, finally breaching the silence.

“Are you sure you want to know?” She replied haughtily.

“Yes.” I said, feigning ignorance. I didn’t want her to know I’d watched.

“The sex was fantastic.” She said. “What about you? How did it make you feel knowing I was in here with that boy?”

“I was only hoping you’d get what you needed.” I said.

“Well, I guess I did.” She said, and scooted over to cuddle with me. “It was great, but I feel bad about it now. I don’t want you to be hurt.”

It felt nice to have her body against me, but I didn’t want it to. I wanted to be free again, free of the pain of loving her. But I couldn’t reject her now; not yet. I put my arm around her and fondled her small pert breast, as my unruly cock swelled against her ass. We slept.

The following night, Luisa and I were invited to dinner with friends. We went out as usual, the perfect couple.

“I’m not sorry.” She said, breaking the silence as we drove across town to meet them. “I needed it, I feel great. You don’t want to do it with me, so why should I feel bad about doing it with someone else?”

“Ok.” I agreed. I didn’t want to argue, but I knew she did.

“I know you were watching us through that hole in the wall you never got around to fixing.” She continued, “I could tell you were there.”

Yeah, that’s Luisa. Her intuition was amazing, I just hoped she wouldn’t guess that I wasn’t alone in there.

I stayed silent.

“Did you like it?” she asked quietly. “Did it turn you on?”

“A little.” I admitted. “I just wanted to know you were ok.”

“I liked knowing you were there.” She said, “Otherwise I couldn’t have done it, I’d be too afraid. Even when I’m with another man, I’m dependent on you. How fucked up is that?”

If she did it a few more times she’d become more confident. The bonds between us would loosen, and finally dissolve. We’d both be free. That was what I wanted ... wasn’t it?

After dinner at a downtown restaurant with our friends, we were walking back to our car when two men and a young woman came stumbling out of a bar, the two men supporting the very drunk young woman between them.

Luisa slowed down, so we didn’t overtake them. One of the men unlocked a car and opened the door, then the two of them started to push the drunken girl in.

She had good hair; long, thick, and chestnut brown, but a bit unkempt. Her skirt was so short, it looked more like a belt; her big breasts were attempting to break out of her inadequate blouse, and seemed to be about to succeed too.

“Hold it!” Luisa’s voice rang out. The two men froze and looked up at us.

At first, they were afraid. But then seeing that we weren’t cops, just two ordinary people, they carried on.

“I said hold it!” Luisa repeated, closing in on them.

Here we go again, I thought to myself, she was getting mixed up in someone else’s business and dragging me in with her.

“Who are you? How do you know this girl?” she demanded, “Do you know these men?” she asked the girl.

“She’s my girlfriend.” One of them claimed. Shit, he was bigger than me ... and there were two of them. I positioned myself to try to take them individually.

The girl gurgled something unintelligible.

“I have your registration number.” Luisa told them, “Nick, take a couple of pictures and call the police.”

My phone was already in my hand.

“I was just going to drive her home.” The other guy said, getting defensive.

“Sure you were.” Luisa said sarcastically.

Luisa pulled the girl away from them. They got in and drove off quickly.

We put her in our car and drove a few miles, then we stopped while Luisa searched the girl’s bag and found her phone. It didn’t take long to get the girl’s mother on the line and arrange to take her home.

It was all no big deal really, just the kind of trouble Luisa and I got into all the time. We were both pretty exhausted by the time we got back to our place.

“We just saved that girl.” She said as we undressed. “Only sixteen her mother said!”

“You saved her.” I said, “I was just backup.”

“We’re a hell of a team.” She said.

“That’s true.” I said.

I couldn’t sleep; my mind wouldn’t shut off. Luisa was amazing; I’d never met another woman like her. Would Monica have stepped into that situation? No way. Would I have? I wouldn’t admit it out loud, but I knew I wouldn’t.

But I didn’t want to love her anymore, it was too hard, too painful. I had to get her out of my head and move on. I would never hate her, I could never stop respecting her crazy courage.

On the other side of the bed, Luisa rolled over.

“Want a blowjob?” she asked.

“No thanks.” I said. I didn’t want to go there.

I knew she was making a peace offering, and that she was going to be pissed off at me for rejecting it. She’d been in a great mood since the extramarital sex, and I was loathe to break the spell, but I really didn’t want one of her quickies.

Darien came in the next day; Luisa was in back cleaning up.

“Hey man, how did your interview go?” I asked him.

“Fucking great!” he said, “I got hired. I still can’t quite get it into my head, I’ve just jumped into another world. Is Luisa around?”

“She’s in the back. Hang on, I’ll find her for you.” I said.

“Honey, your lover is here.” I told my wife, without a hint of irony in my voice.

She jumped as if I’d hit her.

“You mean Darien?” she asked.

“Do you have more than one?” I queried.

“No no, of course not.” She said defensively, looking into the mirror. “I’m a mess! Could you tell him to come back in a couple of hours?”

I hesitated; I wanted her to do it with someone who could be more than just a toy boy. But I figured it was good for her to do it with the kid, they’d had great sex the first time, he made her feel good. There was no real urgency; the important thing was to get her used to being with someone else, to pry the two of us apart. We’d find the right guy for her eventually. Luisa had been as sweet as pie ever since the kid had fucked the shit out of her.

“Sure.” I said.

I went back out into the salon.

“She’s got a few things to finish up.” I told him, “Could you come back in a couple of hours? Wait a second, let me check the appointment book to be sure she didn’t forget anyone ... actually, she has a client then ... could you come back in three hours?”

“Uh ... yeah.” He said.

“Ok, I’ll keep her afternoon open for you.” I told him, marking the appointment book.

“And Darien, bring some flowers. It’s what you’re supposed to do.”

“Oh, shit, thanks!” He said. “I’m new at all this, I need all the help I can get. What kind does she like?”

“For romance, red roses.” I told him. “If you just want to thank her for last time, something more yellow.”

“Wow, thanks man, you’re a fucking cool dude.” He said, bobbing his head with a huge toothy grin, offering his hand. I shook it and he left.

I felt odd; I liked him, but I knew I shouldn’t.

Luisa came out from the back room; “I told Darien to come at three.” I told her, “We both have clients at two.”

“Why didn’t you just do as I told you?” she said angrily, “Now I won’t have any excuse.”

“Excuse for what?” I asked.

“I was going to tell him I was too busy; don’t you realize he wants to have sex with me?”

“Yes.” I said patiently, since I could hear her argumentative voice starting up.

“Darien and I had great sex, Nick!” she said, as if I didn’t know. “He can really fuck, not like you. He just does it, I came five times! Now what am I going to do? What will I tell him? He’s coming at three, you made an appointment for me with my lover!”

“Sorry.” I said, feeling defensive, “I thought you wanted to see him again.”

“How can you make a decision like that for me?” she said shrilly, “I’ll see who I want, not who you arrange for me! What kind of a man are you anyway, arranging a rendezvous between your wife and her boyfriend? Do you like watching me fuck another man better than fucking me yourself?”

That was a disturbing question, because the answer was yes. I waited until she finished her tirade, which took another ten minutes.

“I want you out before he gets here this time.” She told me.

“Where am I supposed to go?” I said, irritated. I’d been looking forward to watching her get fucked again.

“I don’t care, just fuck off. I don’t want you lurking around while I’m trying to ... do it.”

I called Monica after I’d finished my appointments. “Can I come over?” I asked.

“You most definitely can.” She said, “I’ll be home in about a half hour.”

I really needed to talk to someone; Monica was the only person who knew about everything. Alright, I also wanted to have another orgasm in her mouth.

She was just unlocking her front door as I got there; she was looking sharp in a knee length skirt over dark stockings, soft brown suede boots, a light blouse, and a dark jacket. As usual, she wore gold and pearl earrings, a matching pearl necklace, and her gold watch. In her high boots, she was just about my height. She grinned at me and motioned me in ahead of her.

It was the smile, I realized; that was what made Monica sexy. That smile of acceptance, her flirtatious display of joy.

Her figure wasn’t bad for her age, although she was hefty compared to my skinny wife. Her breasts were bigger though, and she looked great in those office clothes. Sophisticated, expensive, classy.

“Take your clothes off.” She told me happily, “My house, my rules, just like always! It’s been a long time Nick, so many years since we did it together, but I always wanted to. Even when I was married, a part of me missed your cute eager little thing.”

“I thought we could just talk.” I suggested.

“Well of course we can, dear. Now go on, get those clothes off! No need to be shy, we know each other already, don’t we?”

That was true; and besides, I might get another blowjob I thought to myself. So I just went ahead and stripped down. I was surprised to notice I hardly felt embarrassed at all; it was fun, like being a kid again.

All those years ago, she sometimes had me do the same thing. Just be naked in her house, while she stayed dressed. Other times, it was the other way around, or she wore sexy underwear. Monica knew how to have fun.

“That’s better.” Monica said as I pulled the last of my dignity off. “You’ve put on weight, you’ve got a bit of a belly now. Come along.”

She grabbed me by my cock and pulled me into her living room. My dick swelled with unwelcome excitement in her lusty grip.

“I have to warn you, I’ve gotten a bit more kinky over the years.” She told me, “But obviously so have you! Wife-watching, I never would have guessed. Now sit on the sofa, spread your legs, and tell me everything.”

She listened attentively, playing with my balls as I talked. She always did have a thing for testicles, but it was kind of embarrassing to have a hard on during my confession. Embarrassing, but pleasant.

Monica stood and took off her jacket, then motioned for me to stand and come into her arms.

My arms went around her waist; her body welcomed me, her mouth opened and we kissed.

What the hell was I doing, I wondered to myself; was I so desperate for love, for a little human touch?

Yes, I was.

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