The X-factor - Cover

The X-factor

Copyright© 2021 by Mushroom

Chapter 1

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 1 - This is a short, stand-alone story that is part of the Night of Madness series. Angel works at a special club, a club that hires only mutants, and caters to those that like to see mutants dancing on stage for their enjoyment. But then one evening, she meets a guy, and they seem to feel a mutual attraction for each other.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Reluctant   Superhero   Science Fiction   Furry   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Safe Sex   Sex Toys   Big Breasts   Transformation  

“Alright gentlemen, put your hands together and give a round of applause for Angel! And coming on stage now, get ready for Tiger!”

I gave a few more bows and blew some kisses as I collected the money on the stage, and made my way through the curtain. Tiger blew me a kiss and went out to start her dancing. I went to the dressing room and took a count. Not bad, just over $40. Wednesday nights were never as good as weekends, but it also was not as crazy. And that suited me just fine. I put the clothes I had picked up off of the stage and put them in my locker, then looked for what to wear next.

Hmmm, yes. I pulled out the white thigh-length camisole top and matching lace panties. And after putting it on and brushing my hair out again I picked up the money and headed to the bar. Mitch smiled and took the money, and put it in my can.

One nice thing about working here at X-Factor is that the staff was all honest. And they even had a “no holding” policy, to keep us from getting ripped off. We got money and gave it to the bartender. They then held it until the end of our shift and gave it all back. Every single dollar.

Of course, we also tipped them for this, as well as the DJ, manager, and security guard. But as there were normally 10 girls per shift, just $10 from each of us and they were more than happy. Which even after the house took it’s cut, was plenty good to live off of for us dancers.

Mitch poured me a ginger ale, and I took a long drink and sighed. Then I took a look around the place. X-Factor had been open for about a year and a half now and was doing good for a new strip club. Situated right outside of Garden Village, we got both college kids and some of the workers from the furniture factory in town. Plus those that were horny, voyeurs, or just curious.

After all, we were the only club of our kind in this part of the state. Oh, not because we showed bare kitty, but because we were all of a new minority. Like Tiger. She was a cutie, of Chinese descent, and a tight little body. She also was covered in a light orange fur and had a tail that reached down to her knees. But not now, as she was crawling along the stage, and it was standing straight out, and twitching.

And after her first song, the DJ announced that Ginger was next. I waved at her as she left the lap of the guy she was with, and saw her adjust her top as she headed backstage to change. Ginger was special, and we all loved her. And the guys loved her because she had 4 nice titties. One pair right below the other.

I picked up my drink and stared to circulate. I saw a few customers who were obvious mutants like us, but most seemed to be norms. That’s “Normals”, which is the majority of people who do not have any kind of mutation. I saw one of them wave at me, so I headed on over and stood in front of his table and gave my best smile.

“So, you are Angel, right?”

“Yes sir, that’s what they call me.” He invited me to sit, so I did. He worked at the furniture factory as a driver, and he admitted he had never seen anything like me before.

“First time here?”

“First time to anything like this. Oh, been to strip clubs before, but I am new to Gemstone. One of the guys said I should check it out, so here I am. Are all of the girls like you?”

“Mutants? Yep, every single one of us.”

“Thought so, although on some it is more obvious than on others. Like the girl on the stage now.”

I chuckled and said that Tiger was a sweetie. I saw him looking me up and down, and arched my back a bit so he could get a better look. “Yes, mine should be obvious. The white hair, the white skin, and these babies, which are not affected by gravity in any meaningful way.”

And it was true. I had been a dancer even before that night. But then, my titties had bags of saltwater inside of them, and I went by the handle of “Ebony”. I saw him looking, and I grinned. “And yes, before you ask, I was black before that night.”

“Well, honestly I suspected, but it is hard to tell. Your lips just a touch, and your voice mostly.”

“Does it matter?”

“Nope, not in the slightest. No, I have always appreciated a lady for who she is, not her color. And I will be honest, I like what I see in you. Your smile seems honest, and your features are very pleasing.”

“As well as my figure?”

“Well, it does not displease me. But it is not as important as the rest of you is, to be honest.”

He told me his name was Tom, and when he asked me if I wanted another drink I thanked him. “We don’t do drink hustles here. She will bring me another ginger ale, and it’s at no cost. But if you can just nod and tip her more, it would be appreciated.” This seemed to surprise him, and he tipped her $10 so I knew she would be happy.

By this time Ginger was taking the stage, and Tom seemed amazed. “Are those real?” he said.

“Yep, and functional. Let’s just say she is a mother, and all four of them are fully functional biologically speaking. She never did porn, but she did do a fetish video about two years ago, squeezing some milk out by hand from each of them.”

“So some of you do porn?”

“Oh no, Tom. Maybe some did before starting here, but as part of our contract, no porn is allowed. We are a classy place, we are not hookers. The owner has us sign a contract, and part of it is agreeing that we will never do porn. Oh, fetish like nude is allowed, even softcore. But they have to approve the script first for that. We are simply a Gentleman’s Club, for a gentleman with specific tastes.”

He grinned and raised his glass to me. We clinked them, and I asked him if this was a kink of his, and he just grinned. “Well, I would not say yes, but not no either. And yes, I have been with mutants in the past. But it is not a fetish or anything with me, as I said I simply like women and do not care much about things like that. Like hair color, I appreciate them all, the shade does not matter at all.”

And the thing is, it did not sound like a line with him. He seemed to honestly just not care, and I found that refreshing. I was telling him about some of the ones I had dealt with in the past, and notice he was staring at Ginger as her top was finally on the stage.

“Dayum! If I did not see it with my own eyes, I would not believe it!” I giggled and agreed. Ginger’s nipples were fucking huge, and seemed to take up the front half of each D cup breast. Topped off with nipples as big and long as a thimble.

But when her first song ended, the DJ announced what I had known was coming. I smiled at Tom and apologized as I stood up. “Time for the promenade. We all have to appear on stage, and then it’s two for one dance time. But if you are still here when I am done, I will join you.” I kissed his cheek and moved backstage.

There were 5 other girls back there, and we were all soon changing outfits. As I had just put this one on not long ago, I remained as we all got into line.

Finally, Ginger was finished and collecting her money as the DJ explained the rules. We would all go out as he called us by name, and walk the stage. Then on the floor, the guys could ask us for a dance, and we would give them their second dance for free after the first ends. And then we headed for the curtain and walked on one at a time.

“OK Gentlemen, here are the ladies of X-Factor! We have Tiger! Angel! Tiffany! Alicia! And finally, Sweet Sue! Don’t be shy, feel free to ask any of these ladies and they will give you a special dance, just for you and you alone!”

He continued on as we moved off of the stage, and rushed to get out onto the floor again. Tiger was grabbed right away, and soon it was just me and Tiffany. Then I saw Tom smile at me and nod, so I went up and asked him, and he said he would be delighted to.

I took his hand and led him back to what was my favorite place in the back. The chairs there were oversized, and soon I was sitting on his lap and grinding away. He started to reach for me, then stopped. I grinned and took his hands, and placed them on my hips. “Here touching here is fine, go ahead, Tom.”

After a few seconds, I slowly pulled my camisole off and set it on the arm of the chair. And he smiled and licked his lower lip as he watched. And to give him points, he did look at my breasts, but he mostly started into my eyes. Points for that.

Then on the second song, I stood and slipped out of my panties, and showed him that the rug did match the curtains. I moved to straddle his hips and mashed my boobs into his chest. Nice and firm, a bit wider than me but not excessively large. And hmm, felt like a nice package. I rubbed my cheek against his but was a bit surprised when he reached up and pulled lightly on my shoulders, so I moved back away.

He again gently moved my body, so my breasts were against his chest, but our faces were a few inches apart. And he was smiling and looking into my eyes. His hands moved back to my hips, the fingers resting on the cheeks of my ass, without groping them. I smiled at him, this was actually rather nice.

Finally. the song ended, and he shook his head when I asked if he wanted another one. I softly kissed his lips and thanked him, then stood up and picked my panties off of the floor and stepped into them. And smiled again when he handed me my cami and watched as I slipped it back on.

I took him to the bar and told him it would be $25. He handed me $40 and said to keep the rest. I kissed him again softly, and he said he had to go. I got another drink and talked with Tiger at the bar, and even compared the guys we had just been with.

She complained that her guy had been all hands, kept trying to feel her up until she told him to stop or the dance was over. Then at the end did not even tip. And I felt bad for her. Tiger was such a sweetie, she was just like many of us and found it hard to get a regular job.

We each had one more turn on stage, and with a final $67 to my total, I got dressed, then went to the bar to get my can. Once in the break room, I totaled it all up. $10 each for the bartender, two waitresses, and the guard. $25 for the DJ, $50 for the manager. Another $125 for the house, and I still had over $270 for me. Not bad for a quiet evening of work.

I did not think much of it, and it was two weeks later when on Sunday I stopped in at the local doughnut shop to pick up a dozen. The girl had already boxed my dozen, and I was waiting for a fresh pot of coffee before heading back to my apartment. And as I waited, I had to admit that being a mutant had its good and bad points.

On the bad, I barely fit in anywhere. I was a black girl, in the ultimate white of white bodies. And when I say white, I mean white like paper. And thankfully not albino, the sun did not affect me at all. And instead of red, my once brown eyes turned into this amazing shade of light green. Thankfully Gemstone did not have much of a hood, as back home in Oakland before I moved I did not fit in at all anymore.

But on the good side, doughnuts! Prior to the change, dancing as Ebony I had been “Full-Figured”. Not fat, but with 38DD jigglies enhanced to DDD, and a caboose that would quiver if I did not work hard to keep it tight. A few extra pounds around the middle, but not fat, yet. Lots of dancing and dieting kept that under control.

Now? Jennifer Garner, with bigger bullet boobs. But the upside, I could eat all the doughnuts I wanted, and not gain weight. I had been tested and did have increased strength and stamina. But nothing even close to that of a Paladin. More like, that of a normal man. Which is an advantage, as many men are weaker than that, and do not expect me to be able to lift 200 pounds if needed.

And I even was part of a group before I moved, saying they could help us unlock secret abilities. Well, the only thing I discovered is that I was $500 poorer after that. I did not have super thinking. Throwing me in water did not make me grow gills, just wet. I could handle cold better than average, but only to the point that 30 degrees felt like say 60. Stepping out of the 0-degree freezer after 5 minutes and my teeth were still chattering.

So no, I discovered a few things about myself, but I was still not a Paladin. Which kinda sucked, the 10 grand a month they get would have had me set for life. The gal behind the counter poured my coffee, and I moved to the counter to the side to add some sugar. Yea, the new me loved sugar, no more of that blue stuff for me!

And the voice that asked for a half dozen devils food was sure familiar. I picked up my coffee and box and turned around, and I knew him. It only took a second to remember his name eve. I walked up and smiled, softly saying “Hello Tom, nice seeing you again.”

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