Holly the Housemistress - Cover

Holly the Housemistress

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2021 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: A young woman takes her new job title very literally to the complete delight of a single father and three teenage sons. That's just the start.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Sharing   Gang Bang   Polygamy/Polyamory   First   Pregnancy   .

“It’s been quite a week,” I thought as I lay in bed Sunday morning. I was being fellated by the short haired brunette I’d hired just the Sunday before. Her trim twenty-year-old body was quite delightful as I had discovered to my surprise and complete satisfaction last night.

Achieving the desired reaction, she nimbly got astride the object of her attention and began posting like a horseback rider. She grinned at me as I reached for her bobbing boobs and captured them. I hadn’t held such lovely manifestations of femininity for a long time ... since my ex-wife was young and had yet to give birth to our three boys.

Speaking of which, I was concerned they’d burst in on this carnal scene. She read my mind, “I’ve fixed them breakfast and given them tasks.” We coupled leisurely, having burned off my unrequited lust in the darkness of last night, twice even.

Holly had apparently taken her new job title, “housemistress”, to its full definition. I needed domestic help as the single father of three late-teen boys and having a busy career. She was the most capable applicant although not the prettiest. Some were too attractive to have around the horny teens, I had thought.

Her first days were quite full tackling the effects of four men living only semi-supervised. We all commented at supper about the improved appearance and sanitary conditions we lived in. She smiled knowingly.

Friday afternoon she drove me to the airport for an overnight trip to see an important client. Long after dinner the next day I returned to my diligent chauffeur. My serving of food was quickly on the table with a glass of wine and she joined me for dessert. Two of the boys were out doing something and the youngest on his computer.

I showered and took a book to bed, my only companion during the last year. A light knock on the door got a “Come in!” and Holly entered in a light robe. I had a sheet over my nude body so just put my book in my lap. It was an erotic novel, my only sex life for a while, and covered my reaction to a steamy sex scene. “What is it,” I asked?

In response she simply dropped her robe in the floor and got under my sheet, quite uninvited but with no protest from me! Her hand quickly found my erection and an unmistakable sound of approval wafted to my ears. She bent down to give it a quick open-mouthed kiss and kissed her way up my chest to lay a big one on my opened lips. Detecting not the least bit of objection, she quickly impaled herself on me and began moving as I groped for her firm c-cup chest ornaments. Her eyes were closed as she took what she wanted from my passive form. Her orgasm was unmistakable and she slumped on my chest so I put my arms around her.

When she opened her eyes I asked, “What brought that on?”

“I’ve been wanting to do this all week. As you have seen in many ways, I am diligent in my new job. My title includes ‘mistress’ and I wanted to have that role too. I love sex and this last week was the longest I’d been celibate since I don’t know when. I was working in the yard with the boys this morning and I was wearing only a t-shirt and some running shorts to be comfortable. I noticed them staring and it got me hot. Long story short, if any of your boys were a virgin when they got up this morning, they aren’t now!”

I pushed her up and looked her in the face, “You FUCKED my boys?

She stood her ground, “They were of legal age and it was completely consensual. I believe they all enjoyed it greatly. To make my day complete I couldn’t leave you out in the cold since you weren’t getting any.”

My cock betrayed my indignation and she knew it, moving and squeezing as I struggled with what to do about this surprising revelation. “I’ve never had a whole family of four men so close together but I think it went pretty well. I sure liked it and would be happy to see that you all get enough pussy. It’s supposed to be good for your physical and mental health. Maybe it’s even my duty?” She started moving on my re-solidified meat. Tough to argue with pussy power. She stayed in my bed as we fell asleep.

It’s a safe bet that we talked a lot the next day. She was quite unabashed to give direct answers to my questions. When I asked an obvious one, she replied, “I’ve had birth-control ever since my abortion as a naïve 14-year-old. The three guys responsible paid a big price for a few months of my pussy. I was hooked, though, and have been mostly non-monogamous since then. As I said, I feel like it’s important for my mental health to get laid but I am pretty selective about who does it.”

The elephant in the room was what follow-up would there be to her seductions of yesterday. I hadn’t had such a delightful piece of ass in a very long time nor a woman that young since I was near her age. I’d be delighted to have her all to myself but the genie was out of the bottle. My teenage boys were, I’m sure, as horny as I was at that age. If she did it once, it was likely Holly would bang all of us again on a regular basis. As a parent, I was completely unsure if that would be a good or bad thing for our family.

This quite experienced young woman came to the rescue, “I think this has to be gotten out in the open. By now, the boys have probably figured out that I fucked all of them and then I woke up in your bed too. I think everybody needs to express their feelings and there be no secrets to cause disharmony in the family later.” That made sense to me so we planned for a family meeting after supper.

As I helped her with the dishes, she explained that she had dropped out of school because she was not paying enough attention to studies, just her hornies. One of her boyfriends liked to put his hand on her pussy and say it was the “busiest beaver” he’d ever met. She wanted to turn her life around and be better directed, hoping that I would give her the guidance that she needed.

Before the family meeting I went for a long walk to think about the whole situation as objectively as I could. Holly had told me she’d go along with whatever I decided. I came up with a simple agenda. First, we have to bring out what happened yesterday so everybody understood the situation the same. Next Holly would explain her motivations pretty much as she had to me. Then I would announce her intentions and explain that there would be some rules, especially keeping in mind that Holly was a person and not just something like a car that you used whenever you needed to. She would then lay out a plan with guidelines. She commented as we were ending our meeting that it felt funny “planning” her sex life. It had always been more or less spontaneous.

The boys suffered through my introduction. They were eager to find out how they were going to get more of that “good stuff”.

Although she knew that the teenagers could probably fuck her every other hour, that was a bit much. Even all of them once a day was maybe more than she could keep up long term. She decided that they would alternate days, that is she’d do two of them one day, and one the next, etc. The paired-day guys would rotate monthly. That way there would be some makeup time if she just wasn’t feeling okay or she was menstruating or something. The rotation would go through Saturday and Sunday was just for me. I appreciated that consideration even though she would almost always spend nights in my bed although I might not nail her every time.

She did advise the boys that they would have to affectionately check with her before bedtime because sometimes she just might not be in the right mood. If she was, she would go to their bed when they retired and they’d have their fun before she came back to mine. At first, of course, I’d hop on her every chance I got, but like in a marriage, things settled down after the honeymoon.

I’d been thinking how much our family owed to this young woman and recalled what she had said about her life goals. One Sunday in the summer we were lounging after a nice post-dinner “afternooner”. The boys were getting very good at cleaning up after meals without even being prodded. They were better about helping Holly than I was.

I brought up her interrupted college, “Do you think you’d be an applied student if you went back now?”

“Oh, definitely. Being here has been a life saver in a figurative way. I’ve been saving what money I can and maybe in six months I’ll have tuition.”

I smiled, “Terry [the oldest at 19] is starting community college this fall. I’d be pleased to pay your costs if you would help him make the transition and reinforce good study habits. Might help yours too! Let’s go over there tomorrow and get the application started.” She was obviously so happy and commented that we treated her better than even her parents.

Most of her previous coursework transferred and she studied the course schedule with questions for me. There was no doubt that she was excited.

The summer was fun with trips to the beach and mountain hikes and camping made even more delightful by our “sex kitten”. That was not demeaning because she gave the name to herself. She privately reveled in her sexuality and its manifestations with four caring men. It was good.

College was exciting for both our attendees until one time after a night class. Holly was followed to the car by a man in one of her classes who had asked several times for a date. She had politely declined but he kept getting more aggressive. This time he pushed her up against a car in the corner of the lot, ripped her panties off and raped her. She resisted at first but he was too strong and angry and she didn’t want to get hurt.

When he left her on the ground she found her phone and called Terry who rushed to their car. He called me and I asked if they had called 911. He wanted to but Holly stopped him with, “If they do a rape kit on me right now they will find the semen from several of you along with his. That could make me look like a hooker. Just take me home.”

She showered and douched and came to my bed shivering. I called Terry in and we sandwiched her all in pajamas, rather unusual. We just held and comforted her until she slept. Then Terry and I went to the living room to talk.

“What can we do to this shithead?” Terry said angrily. I thought for a bit and answered, “If we do anything physical than we are in trouble. It will have to be psychological. Let’s think on it till tomorrow.” I went back to snuggle Holly against me.

The other boys were filled in on the incident and Drew, the sixteen-year-old, came up with the best plan of action, “Let’s label the bastard. We know who he is so we can put ‘rapist’ all over his stuff and shame him.”

A bit of detective work identified his vehicle and apartment. Some red spray cans were purchased and carefully cleaned of prints. Dark anonymous clothing with hoods and gloves would be worn too. Scenarios were developed and the team took shape.

The perp’s residence and truck were studied as well as the locations of any video surveillance where he lived or where he usually parked in the college lot. He was watched and when he parked in a secluded location during class, the team sprang into action. One of them painted the word “rapist” on the front door of his apartment while the other two, one serving as a lookout, painted that same word repeatedly on his white pickup truck. Slipping away on foot from both places and taking paths where they could not be tracked by video camera, the team resembled at their car. All were quiet on the way home, wondering if this would get any publicity.

Nothing showed up in the media and the front door was quickly repainted. His truck did not show up at school for his usual classes, though. They hoped that meant that he was worried. Holly kept her usual schedule but one of the boys was always clandestinely nearby.

It had taken her a couple of days to unwind from the attack but she told me that she subscribed to the “get back on the horse that’s just thrown you off” philosophy as she resumed her sex life with her family. We were all extra tender and expressing our care and affection for her, to the point that, after a while, she told us, “Hey guys. You’ve been nice but now I want you to fuck me like you mean it!” It was a Saturday and she didn’t get any of her planned tasks done, having one loving man after another in her bed until we couldn’t do it to her anymore. She was in tears, partly because of all the attention and partly because her pussy got sore.

When Holly inquired in class, she was told that the man who raped her had withdrawn from the college. Good! She’d pass the word on to her protectors.

It’s two years later and Holly had gotten her associate degree in general studies, still not sure what direction she wants her life to take. Terry went on to a full university focusing on artificial intelligence. The next boy, Peter, was starting at the community college now.

After working hard to get to this point, Holly decided to kick back and take a little time to reflect on where she was and where she wanted to go. The boys are beginning to date and ask her about issues relating to dealing with young women. They know it’s protocol to wear a condom if they dip their dicks in any of these other pussies.

I’m still delighted with the way things are going in our family. Holly is showing a lot of maturity in dealing with our assorted personalities and the issues that always come with sex. I’ve told her how much I admire her. That gets me kind of a funny look which I’ve not pursued.

One Sunday, after we’d had our usual private and intimate times together, she told me about a man her age who she had been having coffee with for much of the last year in college. He seemed like a friend, not pushy and respectful, but she sensed a developing connection between them. They’d shared some classes and had pretty deep discussions about some common interests. He was on the shy side and she wondered if she should ask him to do something with her.

It was important to reassure her that she was still her own person with no binding commitments to anyone in this household. I could tell that she was working on this and a week later she told me she would have a date with Ronnie. She came home bubbling and seemed to be a bit distracted when she got the fucking that she expected.

On the traditional third date, she told me afterward that she had gone to his apartment and consummated the relationship. While not nearly as sexually skilled as me, or even her well-trained charges, the emotional bonding was very good. Her biggest concern was how to let him know about the hidden parts of her life. I suggested she just go with it for a while to see if this really was going to amount to anything worth taking the risk.

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