Seduced by My Pretty Step-sister - Cover

Seduced by My Pretty Step-sister

by Curbstonesetter

Copyright© 2023 by Curbstonesetter

Romantic Sex Story: Description: She was asked by her Mother if she ever contacted and visited her “Step-Brother”. When they got together he was seduced by his pretty “Step-Sister” and they continued to make love. They both learned something about themselves after they began making love.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   .

Author’s Note: This story is a complete work of fiction from the get go and is intended solely for the readers to enjoy. My thanks to EasySpeak for the work of editing this story so that it makes sense and makes it easier to read and understand.

I was told that my Mother died not long after I was born. I never knew what the cause of my Mother’s death was until much later in my life when I found out what had really happened to her.

The only loving Mother I had ever really known was my Aunt Sharon, my Dad’s Sister. I knew that my Aunt Sharon was not my Mother but, I sure thought she was for a very long time as sweetly as she had always treated me and cared so lovingly for me.

My Aunt Sharon was always the sweetest, most tender, most caring woman that I had ever known. I know that she loved me very much and I in turn loved her just as much as though she was my own Mother. I never knew that a woman could love her nephew like he was her own son but, she sure did treat and love me that way.

I guess maybe I truly thought that my Aunt Sharon was my own Mother. She would hold me on her lap and kiss me and talk to me as most Mothers would do for their own Son or Daughter and I truly loved her for that.

I loved to have her come into my bedroom each night with me, tuck me in and kiss me goodnight. She would say, “Goodnight, Mark, I love you, Honey.” That always prevented me from objecting to going to bed each night when I was just a very little boy.

I really didn’t know when my Aunt Sharon moved in with us but, I was told it was not long after my Mother had died. Since Aunt Sharon and my Dad have always been very close to one another as children they had agreed to live together. Aunt Sharon and my Dad still seemed to be close to one another like they were husband and wife.

She and her daughter had been living alone in a small one bedroom apartment and they were having a rough time of getting by because her husband had been killed in a military plane crash.

She was the sole provider for herself and her daughter, Sherry, and they really needed help from my Dad. I knew that my Dad was not going to stand idly by and let Aunt Sharon struggle without stepping up to help her and Sherry.

Aunt Sharon’s daughter, Sherry, is about the same age that I am or maybe just a little younger. So, my Dad asked them to move in with us and he could help her look after Sherry and me, too. My Dad found out that Aunt Sharon had been having a tough time making ends meet on the meager money she earned from the low paying job that she had been working.

Dad said he found out that they were having trouble making ends meet and covering their living expenses and they really needed his help. He said that he couldn’t continue to let Aunt Sharon and her daughter, Sherry, live a poverty existence when he was making enough money to support us and them, too. Of course, Aunt Sharon did not give up her job as she wanted to continue to help contribute to the finances of our new combined family.

I never knew just what the arrangement between my Dad and Aunt Sharon was but, in our two bedroom home Sherry and I slept in one bedroom in separate beds and Dad and Aunt Sharon slept in the other bedroom.

There was only one double bed in their bedroom. It was not difficult for an adult to figure out what the arrangements really were. But, for children like me and Sherry we didn’t know enough to even question it let alone ask those questions.

After I reached my teenage years it became clear that Dad and Aunt Sharon were probably taking care of each other’s needs in more ways than one. And who could blame him. Aunt Sharon was and still is a very fine looking, shapely woman and they both had to have been deprived of conjugal love for some time. Had I been in Dad’s place I would probably have done the same thing as he did.

Looking back on it, at Sherry’s and my age neither one of us knew enough to question those arrangements. Later in life I really had to question if Sherry and I were not half Sister and half Brother rather than cousins.

However, when Sherry and I were about ten years old Aunt Sharon found and married a guy that she met while she was at work and she and Sherry moved out to live with Aunt Sharon’s new husband. I guess that Dad then had to take care of himself from then on, for a while at least.

At the wise old age of ten I cried to see the only mother I had ever really known leave our house. Aunt Sharon lovingly took me into her arms, kissed me, held me tightly and softly told me, “Don’t worry, Mark, Sherry and I are not going to go very far away and you’ll still be able to see us very often, Ok, Honey?” She hugged me and kissed me and asked me to give her a kiss, too.

And I’m still going to love you just as much as I do now, Honey. I’ll come over here to pick you up and take you and Sherry out to the park or to DQ or even to a movie from time to time just like I have done all the time we have lived here with you and your Daddy.”

Before Aunt Sharon and Sherry left the house that day she had me smiling and happy and loving her more than I had ever loved her before. But, I still missed her and Sherry when they left our house.

About six months after Aunt Sharon had moved out of our home Dad brought a new lady into the house to meet us. Her name is Judy and she had a daughter named, Marie. I thought that Judy was just as pretty as my Aunt Sharon and Judy was just as loving as my Aunt Sharon, too.

I very quickly grew to love Judy just as much or maybe even more than I loved my Aunt Sharon. I think that Aunt Sharon probably introduced Dad and Judy to each other but, I was never told how they met.

I guess it really didn’t matter all that much. I never gave a lot of thought to it. I was just happy to have Judy in our house with us. I kind of liked Marie but, I wasn’t sure that Marie liked me all that much.

Judy was very pretty standing about 5 Ft.- 6 in. tall and maybe 120 pounds with her shoulder length light brown hair and her sparkling brown eyes. Judy had a nice shape, too, with a nice pair of boobs which I couldn’t begin to know or even guess what size they were. Of course, for all I knew at that time boobs were boobs and it was kind of nice to lay my head on them when Judy or Aunt Sharon hugged me.

I just knew that her boobs were big and soft and I loved it when she hugged me and held me close to those big soft boobs of hers. At that time in my life who really cared how big her boobs were as it was so nice to have them pressed into me when she hugged me and I could lay my head on when she was showing me her affection.

Marie was just as pretty as her mother was and she hadn’t grown quite as tall as her mother yet. But, her height and shape were beginning to develop enough to eventually match her mother’s shape most notably her boobs.

Judy kept Marie’s light brown hair styled in the same manner as she had kept her own hair which complemented her sparkling brown eyes. Of course, her boobs were just little bumps in her blouse at that time. I don’t know if she was even wearing a bra then.

Some of my friends used to tell me that Marie’s hair and eye color as well as our complexion were so close they thought we could almost be Sister and Brother. I just thought that was just them talking not knowing what they were talking about.

I never gave it any further serious thought either. I never thought that it required serious consideration anyway. Marie was Judy’s Daughter and they were living with us and that was all there was to it.

However, Marie was kind of standoffish with me. She wasn’t hostile toward me but, I think that she really thought that since she was about to start high school that she really didn’t want to have much to do with me since I was still in elementary school.

I would really have loved to have been able to have some kind of loving sibling relationship with Marie. But, she just acted like I wasn’t there most of the time, that is, she was pretty much indifferent to me at best.

A couple of months after we met Judy and Marie, Dad and Judy got married and they moved into our little two bedroom home with us. We were still cramped for bedroom space with only two bedrooms in our house.

Of course, Dad and Judy had one bedroom and that meant that Marie had to sleep in my bedroom with each of us sleeping in a separate bed like Sherry and I had always done.

It was no secret that Marie was somewhat less than happy with having to sleep in the same bedroom as her little Step-Brother. Some years later it occurred to me that Marie may have been upset because she no longer was the only child in the household and she had to compete with me to share Judy’s attention and affection. But, hey, what the hell could I do about that? Just why the hell was she taking it out on me?

While Marie was in high school I did notice that she had begun to take on a much more womanly form with a gorgeous pair of boobs, a small waist and her beautifully rounded hips.

I never really knew what size her boobs got to be but, they had to be as big as or maybe even a little bigger than Judy’s boobs. And occasionally I would see one of Judy’s bras in the bathroom with a tag in it that read 36C. I really didn’t know what that 36C meant.

Maybe that is why Dad decided to marry Judy for those luscious boobs of hers and I couldn’t blame him if that was the case. I never objected to her pressing her big boobs into my chest when she hugged me.

Marie had really developed into a knockout with her light brown eyes and her light brown shoulder length hair that perfectly framed her pretty face. By the time I started high school Marie had started college at the state university located in another city a couple of hundred miles away.

I didn’t see much of Marie while she was in college and afterward when she graduated. I only saw her on holidays, spring breaks and summers while she was in college. At the end of high school I started college at the state university and Marie had finished college with her degree and she had graduated and left campus to take a job.

I didn’t see much of Marie during my years of college when she had found a job in a nearby big city. After she graduated from college, Marie became a little more friendly toward me when we were at home with our parents on holidays and such but; she still wasn’t all that friendly. She just seemed to tolerate me a little more than she did in the past.

I guess she figured that maybe I was a grown man now who had some intelligence and wasn’t so bad after all. I guess that she finally realized that I had grown up. She still wasn’t all that friendly but, at least she didn’t have that stone cold indifferent attitude that she had always displayed toward me in the past. At least she acted like she knew my name, anyway and that I was her Step-Brother. Well, I guess that was some progress anyway.

After she got out of college Marie got her own apartment but, I had no idea where her apartment was located. I just knew that it was in the city where she worked. In view of our past relationship I was in no big hurry to find out where her apartment was either. I figured that if she wanted me to know where her apartment was she would take the time to let me know. Yeah, Right.

I didn’t know much about her life after she graduated from college. I thought that she might have found a guy, got married and settled down to start having babies but, that really didn’t happen for reasons that I never knew and really didn’t care to pursue or question at that time. Again, I figured that if she wanted me to know anything she would take the time to let me know.

That sure wasn’t any of my business and I sure as hell wasn’t going to meddle in her personal business thinking that she would tell me to butt out of her business anyway. For all I knew she had a boyfriend or boyfriends and they may have lived with one another.

It didn’t make shit to me. I had my own life to live since she never really seemed to care for me or gave much of a shit about me anyway. I guess indifference breeds indifference, doesn’t it?

When I graduated from college, coincidentally, I found a job in the same city that Marie lived and worked in. I, too, found and rented a small two bedroom apartment mostly because I could afford to do so and also because I thought that if Dad and Judy came up to visit me they would have a place to stay rather than having to stay in a hotel room.

Occasionally, I would hear from Marie as she would call me and ask how I was and maybe tell me some news about family business and other small talk. I don’t know how she got my phone number. I guess Judy must have given it to her.

I never called her because I didn’t have her phone number and I figured that she really didn’t want to hear from me or what I was doing judging from how she had always treated me in the past.

Then it became more frequent and she would call me before I left work and offer to meet me for a drink after work. Primarily to keep peace in the family, I would agree to meet her on a Friday evening for a drink during happy hour. I didn’t want to piss her or Judy off by not seeing her. I knew that Dad really wouldn’t give much of a shit one way or another as long as there was peace in the family.

Because of our past relationship, I never really wanted to contact her and ask her to meet me after work. I never asked her for her phone number to record it on my cell. I figured that I didn’t have any burned bridges to repair or rebuild.

I sure as hell never mistreated her and I had nothing to apologize to her for. I just decided to continue to treat her with respect and try to get along with her if for no other reason than for the sake of Judy and Dad.

Of course, with the frequency of her requests to meet, it was evident that she may have been trying to make up for her past relationship with me and I was somewhat open to her becoming more friendly with me but, I was still wary of what her motives were.

Burn me once, your fault; burn me twice my fault, as the old saying goes. As far as I was concerned she was going to have to earn my friendship with actions greater than happy hour drinks.

I just wasn’t going to be antagonistic toward her. I often wondered if she didn’t have a boyfriend that took up most of her time anyway but, I never questioned her personal life beyond family matters and events.

I thought that maybe she may have been using me as an excuse to fill in some of her alone time when her boyfriend wasn’t around. As good looking as she was there wasn’t any way she could not have a boyfriend.

One Thursday afternoon Marie called me at work and said, “Mark, how would you like to meet me for supper at a nice but moderate cost restaurant not far from your office. And would you like to go to a movie with me after we have had our supper?”

I liked the restaurant since I had been there several times in the past and enjoyed their food. So I told her, “Sure, Marie that sounds like a nice evening and that is a really good restaurant, too. We can pick out a movie to go to after we have eaten our meal.”

Marie clearly sounded genuinely excited that I had accepted her invitation and she said, “That’s great, Mark. I’ll meet you at the restaurant Friday evening at 7 o’clock. Is that time Ok with you?”

“Ok, Marie, I’m looking forward to meeting you there Friday evening. See ya then.” trying to appear congenial and polite to her. After we hung up the phone my doubting mind kept saying, ‘What is this girl up to?

She sure is going out of her way big time to be nice to me when all through high school she wouldn’t hardly give me the time of day and I wasn’t sure that she even knew my name. Even in college she didn’t seem to be very interested in me or what I ever did. But, it had improved from when I was in high school.’

Then I thought, ‘Hell, as good looking and shapely as she is, why not play along with her and maybe she has really changed her attitude toward me.’ I certainly wasn’t going to be mean or nasty to her.

Dad and Judy would banish me from the family if I gave her a hard time in any way. She was too damn good looking for me to do something so stupid like that to her. I guess Aunt Sharon and Judy didn’t raise a dummy after all.

Friday evening arrived and I went home to my apartment after work, showered, shaved and put on some better looking clothes than what I normally wore to work. I drove to the restaurant and thought that I would be early.

When I walked into the restaurant there sat Marie patiently waiting for me and damn did she look fine. On my entry into the restaurant Marie immediately saw me and she got up off of the waiting bench and stepped over to me.

When she stepped close to me she put her arms around me and kissed me on the cheek saying, “Hi, Mark. It’s really good to see you again. They have a table reserved and ready for us.”

I immediately thought, ‘Either this girl has really had a change of heart or she is one hell of a good actor. And it was really nice to have those big boobs of hers pressed tightly into my chest. My dick thought the same thing, standing at attention for her.’

When the hostess saw that I had arrived, she motioned for us to follow her to our table. Marie took my arm and she walked side by side with me to our table like I was her date for the evening or her fiancé. We sat down at the table and we looked at the menu and we ordered our meal. I asked the waitress to bring us a bottle of the house wine to go with our meal and Marie’s eyes and face lit up with her unspoken approval.

We made small talk over a glass of wine about our jobs and our parents until our meals arrived. I looked at her pretty face and her very beautiful expressive eyes that were full of laughter, showing her apparent joy of being there with me. I began to ask myself, ‘Have I been avoiding Marie unnecessarily? Maybe the word is not avoiding maybe it’s better said not pursuing.’

All during our meal we continued to make small talk but, her eyes and face took on a much more serious expression. It was like she had something really important on her mind she wanted to discuss with me.

When we had finished our meal we still had wine remaining in the bottle and we lingered over the remaining glasses of wine. I poured each of us a final glass of wine from the bottle and Marie reached across the table and took my hand in both of hers.

Then she said, “Mark, the last time I was home to visit with Mom and Dad, Mom and I had a long serious talk. Mom asked me how often you and I see each other. I told her, it’s only occasionally and not all that often, Mom. Then she asked me does he call you? And I responded, No I always have to call him and it’s only for a drink after work for an hour or so but, not anything more than that.

Have you ever been to see him in his apartment or invited him to visit you in your apartment, Honey? I replied to her, No, Mom, neither. Then she said, Well honey that doesn’t surprise me. When we first moved in here with Mark and his Dad I noticed that you seemed to treat him like he was damaged goods or like he had the plague or something like that.

That lasted all through high school and it didn’t get much better when you went to college either. I thought once you got out of high school that would change but, I never saw much of any indication that it did. Can you really blame him for being very cool toward you, Marie?

She asked, has he ever been mean or nasty in the way he treats you? I told her, No, Mom, he has always been nice and respectful toward me. Then she suggested that I give you a call and invite you to have supper out with me and go to a movie afterward. I told her, Mom, you’re right I know that I really haven’t been all that friendly with Mark in the past.

I need to see what I can do to make it up to him. She just hugged me and said I’m really happy to hear you say that, Honey. Mark is a good boy and you really need to make up with him. After all he is your Brother and he has turned out to be as handsome and good looking as your Dad is.

Mark, with that having been said, I want to make it up to you and be a real Sister to you if you’ll let me? Will you let me be more than just a passing acquaintance to you, more than someone you just tolerate and let me be your loving Sister?

You have never been mean or nasty to me and I’m truly sorry that I have treated you the way I have in the past, Mark. You didn’t deserve my indifference and condescension toward you all of those years and I truly apologize to you and want you to know just how sorry I am for the way I have treated you in the past Mark.

“Marie, I don’t now and never have had any animosity toward you and if you are truly sorry for the way you have behaved I’m more than willing to accept your apology. I’m happy to have you as my Sister, Honey. It just really hurt me that you were so indifferent to me since I knew that I had not done anything to elicit such treatment from you.

It is just not easy to get over such indifference and unspoken condescension and rejection.” I could see tears begin to form in the corners of her eyes as I squeezed her hand.

Since I wanted to kind of lighten up the mood I asked, “Are we still going to go to a movie tonight?” I regarded my conciliatory manner as a minimal signal that I wanted to forgive her for her past behavior and become a real Brother to her.

“Sure, Mark, I chose this restaurant because the movie theaters are just down the block and are within easy walking distance.” As soon as we finished our glass of wine I paid the check for our meal and we started to walk to the movie theaters with Marie holding onto my arm very tightly. I really enjoyed our new found fondness for one another and I think Marie did too.

Before we got to the theater, Marie had let go of my arm and she grabbed my hand and continued to squeeze it very firmly which I returned to her hand as well. At the theaters we looked at the movie choices and Marie said she would like to see the “R” rated romantic comedy that was playing. Without hesitation or objection, I obtained tickets for the both of us and we went into the movie to find our seats.

Marie led us part way down the aisle and she chose seats not far from the back of the theater. There weren’t many people in the theater and as soon as we got seated Marie pulled me down to her and kissed me on my cheek again saying, “Thank you, for our supper tonight, Mark, and thank you for bringing me to the movie with you, too.” Marie then snuggled up to me as though we had been dating and have been lovers for a very long time.

With Marie snuggled up so close to me I could smell the sweetness of her hair, the beautiful alluring fragrance of her perfume and I could feel the warmth and softness of her tender body so close beside me as she snuggled up next to me.

When the movie started Marie snuggled up even closer to me and I thought that I was out on a date with a beautiful 18 year old college girl of 26. I had really begun to think that she had changed her attitude toward me after all.

Since she was snuggled up so close to me I lifted my arm and put it around her shoulders and I squeezed her upper arm opposite to me. She just wiggled in her seat then turned her head and whispered my name.

When I turned my head to look at her she tilted her head up to me and kissed me on my lips. I had already gotten half a hard-on when she snuggled up to me but, when she kissed me, that immediately raised my dick to a full standing salute hard-on condition.

I knew it was not unusual for a Sister or Brother to kiss each other on the lips occasionally. I didn’t think that it was out of the ordinary for a Step-Sister to kiss her Step-Brother on the lips either. It is normally done to show sibling affection and not necessarily passionate love.

I just figured she was showing the affection for me that she had not shown me during our earlier adolescent years. Maybe that was just her way of making amends to me for our past relationship.

After she kissed me, she just softly giggled and turned her head back to watch the movie. Marie really enjoyed the movie as she giggled during the comedic scenes and during the intimate scenes she wiggled in her seat almost like I had my hand on her pussy.

It was almost like I was sticking my finger inside her pussy lips occasionally gently stroking her clitoris. She sure was attentive and affectionate to me and I had to wonder how wet her pussy was really getting her panties during the intimate scenes of the movie.

Not to be outdone by my pretty Step-Sister, when she turned her head toward me I lowered my head and kissed her on her lips. Rather than think that I got one up on her she just kissed me right back and then purred very affectionately to me. That sure didn’t do anything to help reduce the hardness of my dick for a while. I guess it was good she couldn’t see the bulge in my trousers since it was so dark in the theater between the seats.

Marie quickly said with a broad smile on her face with laughter in her pretty eyes, “I’ll give you 48 hours to quit that, Mark.” and then she just giggled and kissed me again. Her eyes were sparkling as brightly as LED flashlights and I thought that they were going to melt my heart and make my dick bust out of my trousers. Of course, having such a good looking young woman with me could make my dick bust out of my trousers at any time.

That didn’t do anything to help my hard-on and to reduce the bulge in my trousers. After she kissed me she whispered in my ear, “Damn, Mark, why didn’t I make up with you back when you were in high school or college?

As the movie was ending Marie turned as much in her seat toward me as she could, she put her arms around my neck and kissed me very passionately. Then she said, “Thank you for our supper and for bringing me to the movies with you tonight, Baby.”

We got out of our seats and left the theater. As we walked out of the theater I said, “Marie, my car is just down the block can I walk you to your car or drop you off at your apartment or whatever you like?”

“My car’s at my apartment so if you will, please, take me home to my apartment, Mark. I rode to work with a friend and left my car at home today.” We walked about a block to my car and I helped her get into the passenger seat. As her skirt hiked up, I couldn’t help but to see her beautiful muscular legs when she got into my car. Then I drove with her instructions toward her apartment.

However, her instructions described the same way I have always gone to get home to my own apartment. I thought, ‘Shit, is she giving me instructions to drive home to my own apartment?’ I didn’t know that she knew where my apartment was located but, Judy could very well have given her my address if Judy had given her my phone number.

As we got nearer to my apartment I asked her, “Are you taking me to my apartment, Marie?”

“Mark, I don’t know where your apartment is.” she quickly replied. “A couple of blocks further and we’ll be at my apartment.” Ironically we lived within two blocks of each other. I pulled my car into the parking lot of her apartment complex as she directed me and I got out with her to walk her to her door.

When we got to her door she asked me, “Come on in with me, Mark? I have a bottle of wine in the fridge and we can have a glass of wine and relax for a while and watch a late movie on TV.” It occurred to me that she had this all pre-planned before this evening and I really should appear, at least on the surface, to go along with it.

“I better not, Marie. Your boyfriend won’t understand and he won’t like it.”

“That’s not a problem, Mark. I don’t have a boyfriend. So come on in with me as neither one of us has to work tomorrow since tomorrow is Saturday.”

“It’s hard for me to believe that you aren’t involved with someone, Marie. How could such a gorgeous girl as you are, with a great hour glass shape not have a whole bunch of guys wanting to have a relationship with you?” She just wiggled her cute butt, took my hand and led me to her apartment door.

We went into her apartment and she walked directly into the kitchen, opened the fridge and pulled out an unopened bottle of wine. She handed me the bottle with a corkscrew, got two glasses out of the cabinet and asked, “Here, Mark, will you open the wine while I go change out of these work clothes, please?” I started to open the wine bottle and she left to go change her clothes.

I had just gotten the wine bottle opened and poured each of us a glass of the chilled wine and she reappeared dressed in a satin pull over blouse and a pair of tight walking shorts. Holy shit, I thought that she looked so fine in her business outfit but, when she got changed she looked like an angel in her satin blouse.

I always seemed to have a thing for a woman in a satin blouse but, when she added her tight shorts that really did it for me. I thought I was about to shoot my wad in my briefs then and there.

On top of that she didn’t appear to have a bra on under her blouse either. I could clearly see her nipples on top of her luscious bulbous titties standing proud under her clingy satin blouse. I wondered if she was even wearing a pair of panties either because I thought I could see a hint of her camel toe through her tight shorts.

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